BLUE PAGES 2013/14IT’S PLAYTIME! 14th ANNUAL DIRECTORY OF MUSIC MAKERSWelcome to those of you seeingthis directory for the first time! Andto you, our regular readers, welcomeback! Your ongoing interest in livemusic is the third leg of the stool —the reason that this annual collaborationbetween us and the bringers ofthe music continues to be a worthwhileannual exercise.This year, 167 distinct “entities” havecontributed profiles — ranging fromour largest presenters to the smallest,longest established to most recentlyborn. You will find great concert halls,churches, rooms that hold a handfulpeople, some with ambitious concertprograms of their own, some servingthe needs of other presenters seekingplaces to play — choirs, ensembleslarge and small, clubs, societies,orchestras ... the list is quite literallyendless, as new dreams are born, andpreviously active organizations godormant.Every year dozens and dozens ofthem buy into this directory, scriptinginto these deceptively tiny profiles acapsule vision of the part they willplay in making the Southern Ontariolive music map the living wonderthat it is. One interesting change — thisyear three publicists have added theirvoices to the mix, so that throughthem we can extend the benefits ofWholeNote membership to artiststhey represent, some just starting out,some from other cities, who everyseason are a vital part of the livemusical mix.It all combines to make fascinatingreading! So enjoy!Finally, these BLUE PAGES live yearroundon our website! It’s never toolate to count yourself in.— Karen Agesmembers@thewholenote.comBLUE PAGES TEAM 2013/14PROJECT MANAGER Karen AgesPROJECT EDITOR Adam WeinmannPROOFREADERS Sara Constant, Sharna SearleLAYOUT & DESIGN Uno RamatWEBSITE Bryson WinchesterCOVER PHOTO iStock●Academy ● Concert SeriesEstablished in 1991, the Academy Concert Seriesoffers high quality, authentic and intimatechamber music programs on period instruments,spanning the baroque, classical and romanticeras. A vast breadth of repertoire is performed,highlighting historically informed performancepractices and interpretations, and detailed programnotes give the music historical context. Theprograms are thematic and deliberately craftedto highlight a specific time, place and/or composer.The performing artists include both establishedprofessionals here in Canada and on theinternational stage, and those in the developingstages of their careers.Our 2013/14 season features performancesranging from the baroque to the romantic periodswith a core group of Academy Concert Seriesmusicians. “Landscapes of the Late Romantics”(November 9, 2013) will highlight Parisian colleagues;“Mendelssohn: The Young and the Wise”(March 1, 2014) sees the return of an audiencefavourite, the Lumiere String Quartet; and “AnIntrospective Handel” (May 10, 2014) stars theluminescent soprano Nathalie Paulin.All concerts are held Saturdays at 8pm, in theoutstanding acoustics of Eastminster UnitedChurch (310 Danforth Ave., Toronto).Kerri McGonigle, artistic director416-629-3716WYCHWOOD CLARINET CHOIRB2 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES●All ● Saints’ KingswayAnglican ChurchAll Saints’ Choir provides musical leadership atweekly Sunday morning Eucharists, Festival Evensongs,community outreach projects and concertsyear-round. The choir has toured notableUK cathedrals, recorded two CDs and performedthroughout Toronto. Recent performancesinclude Howard Goodall’s Requiem: Eternal Light,a concert with the Amadeus Choir and a thrillingChristmas presentation, “Never a Brighter Star,”with chamber orchestra.We begin by welcoming the acclaimedMegaron Chamber Choir of Slovenia for Toronto’sCulture Days Festival. We also feature the ElmerIseler Singers’ concert, “Blessed Cecilia,” honouringthe patron saint of music, and the AmadeusChoir’s concert “The Writer’s War,” focusingon war correspondents. Our annual Christmasconcert, “All Bells in Paradise” with the TrilliumBrass, and Palm Sunday concert, “I saw Eternity,”featuring works by Enns, Halley, Rutter andChatman, are not to be missed.Finally, we celebrate community music makingwith “Musica Anima,” a collaboration withthe Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra, EtobicokeCentennial Choir, Kingsway Choral Societyand All Saints’ Choir.ASK welcomes new members to our musicalcommunity. Please join us for a fantastic mix ofchoir, passion and community.Shawn Grenke, director of●Amadeus ● ChoirFounded in 1975, the Amadeus Choir, under thedirection of conductor and artistic director LydiaAdams, is celebrating its 39th year. The choir performsa regular series of concerts, presentingwell-known artists in works by Canadian andinternational composers, including major workswith full orchestra as well as challenging a cappellaperformances.Celebrating music and life, the 2013/14 “ChoralLandscapes” season begins November 9 with amulti-media tribute to war correspondents, withguests Rick MacInnes-Rae, Joan Leishman andLaura Lynch (all former reporters in war-tornareas of the world), and music by Daley, VaughanWilliams, Chatman, Tilley and Glick. December 14,we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the OntarioArts Council as the Bach Children’s Chorus andharpist Erica Goodman, along with the AmadeusChoir, present seasonal favourites and highlightsof winning compositions from the choir’s 27thannual Seasonal Song-Writing Competition, openthis year to all ages. April 12 the Amadeus ChoirBROTT MUSIC FESTIVALjoins forces with the Elmer Iseler Singers, presentingBach’s monumental Mass in B Minor.May 31 brings an exquisite springtime concert,“Joy Sounds.”Lydia Adams,conductor and artistic directorShawn Grenke, accompanistOlena Jatsyshyn, general●Annex ● Singers of TorontoThe Annex Singers of Toronto is a vibrant communitychoir delivering an eclectic repertoirewith spirit and sophistication. Now in its 34th season,the 60-voice choir performs classical andcontemporary repertoire, including premieres ofCanadian works. The Annex Chamber Choir is a20-voice ensemble drawn from the larger choir,presenting works from the chamber repertoire.Director Maria Case’s dynamic leadership andprogramming continue to invigorate the choir,attracting new members and wider audiences.This year the full choir will present two concertsat Bloor Street United Church — on December 14,2013, and May 3, 2014 — and the chamber choirwill present a concert at St. Andrew’s UnitedChurch on February 22, 2014. Experienced singersshould contact our membership coordinatorthrough our website to arrange an audition.Richard●Aradia ● EnsembleThe JUNO-nominated Aradia Ensemble presentsan innovative series incorporating old-world artistryand modern-day relevance, performing aneclectic blend of orchestral and chamber musicon baroque instruments.Fresh from its summer residency in Italy,Aradia is delighted to launch the season with aconcert celebrating the 100th anniversary of thebirth of Benjamin Britten, entitled “Britten’s Baroque,”at the Music Gallery, 8pm on November 16(featuring the Kinsgway Conservatory Strings, agroup Aradia is happy to mentor). Back by popularrequest is our “Dublin Messiah,” at GlennGould Studio, 8pm on December 21. Aradia presentsan all-Vivaldi “Sacred Music” concert inone of Toronto’s most beautiful sacred spaces:St Anne’s, Gladstone Ave., on April 25 at 8pm. Theseason ends with a concert entitled “From Veniceto Versailles” at the Music Gallery, May 3 at 4pm,with a garden party at 5:30pm.Don’t miss Aradia’s annual baroque opera performancewith Voicebox: Opera in Concert. Thisyear we present Rameau’s Hippolyte et Aricie,2:30pm on February 2, at the St. Lawrence Centrefor the Arts.Kevin●Arraymusic●Arraymusic commissions and presents contemporarychamber music. Array nourishes theimagination by embracing new technologies,techniques and perspectives, and by committingto the highest levels of performance. Each season,Array presents its group, the Array Ensemble, andguests in a series of concerts and workshops inperformance of written and improvised music.Array provides an equipped, affordable rentalfacility, the Array Space, to artists in which torehearse, record, teach and present their art.Array brings to all its work a fierce spirit ofexploration, a profound respect for contemporarycomposers and a deep appreciation for theart of sound. Composers, musicians and studentsenjoy an environment that enables them to taketheWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B3
Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir
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Lasting LegacyLotfi MansouriPAMELA
Joan Sutherland.Louis Quilico.Mirel
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Elmer Iseler Singers.2013-2014Frida