BLUE PAGES 2013/14risks, challenge themselves and push the boundariesof musical expression.Array is a charitable organization that is supportedby the Toronto Arts Council, Ontario ArtsCouncil, Canada Council for the Arts, SOCANFoundation, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Businessfor the Arts, the Arts Mentor FoundationLucerne, Yamaha Canada, Roger D. Moore andby generous individuals.Sandra Bell, general managerRick Sacks, artistic●Art ● of Time EnsembleArt of Time explores the intersection of highart and popular culture through music, theatre,dance, film and the spoken word. Under artisticdirector Andrew Burashko, the company hascreated such landmark performance events asthe smash-hit stage productions of War of theWorlds and I Send You This Cadmium Red, soldoutconcerts including “Sgt. Pepper’s LonelyHearts Club Band” and “Songbook 7: MadeleinePeyroux” and such wide-ranging music eventsas “The Big Band Show” and “Branford Marsalis& Andrew Burashko.”“We’re lucky to have them; good musicians,that is. The Art Of Time Ensemble, that is. Andwe shouldn’t miss the opportunity to listen tothem having so much fun.” —David Macfarlane,Toronto Star.“I can’t remember the last time I saw a play ora film in which the inevitable apartheid betweenform and content, style and substance, was soelegantly obliterated. (I Send You This CadmiumRed) is what you always wanted from your liberalarts education, distilled into a sublime 40-minuteelixir of revelation.” —Brian D. Johnson,●Associates ●of the TorontoSymphony OrchestraMembers of the Associates of the Toronto SymphonyOrchestra (ATSO), a registered charitableorganization, share a love of classical music andorganize musical events featuring members ofthe Toronto Symphony Orchestra and the TorontoSymphony Youth Orchestra. Our “Five Small Concerts”series presents first-class, affordablechamber music and our “Grass Roots Concerts”series brings free chamber music concerts tosenior citizens’ residences. We also fund twoFeldbrill Scholarships annually for Toronto SymphonyYouth Orchestra members.ATSO volunteers work on engaging musicians,publicizing concerts, ensuring that concertsrun smoothly and fundraising to makeconcerts possible. Dates for the 2014 “Five SmallConcerts” are Mondays at 7:30pm: January 20,February 10, March 3, April 28 and May 26, atTrinity-St. Paul’s Centre.If you would enjoy working with people whowork to promote an interest in classical music,please join the●Attila ● Glatz Concert ProductionsAttila Glatz Concert Productions’ signature eventis “Salute to Vienna.” Modeled after Vienna’s“Neujahrskonzert,” “Salute to Vienna” answersthe question, “What should we do to celebratethe New Year?” for over 40,000 people acrossNorth America every year. With waltzes andoperetta hits performed by world-renownedsingers and dancers backed by full orchestra,“Salute to Vienna” will round off the holidays thisJanuary 1 for the 19th consecutive season at RoyThomson Hall.Also in partnership with Roy Thomson Hall is“Bravissimo! Opera’s Greatest Hits.” Kick off yourNew Year’s celebrations enjoying excerpts fromLa Traviata, Rigoletto and Aida, as well as worksby Puccini, Rossini, Offenbach and more. Theinternational cast includes Erika Sunnegårdh (followingher acclaimed performance as Salomewith the COC), Wallis Giunta and others, as wellas a 100-voice choir and full orchestra.Looking for something different this November?Presented with Roy Thomson Hall, the HungarianState Folk Ensemble, direct from Budapest,performs a concert of folk music and dances. Fortickets to all of these events, visit: Warren416-323-1403●Aurora ● Cultural CentreThe Aurora Cultural Centre welcomes you to ourbeautifully converted 1886 schoolhouse locatedin the heart of the town, just one block east ofYonge St. Established as a centre for arts, cultureand heritage, the centre is home to the beautifulBrevik Hall performance venue and its residentYamaha C7 piano. With a performance hall,art gallery spaces and multi-purpose rooms, thecentre hosts concerts, arts classes, workshops,heritage lectures and displays, gallery exhibitions,art sales and more. Fully accessible throughout,the facility was recognized as part of the Princeof Wales Heritage Prize awarded to the Town ofAurora in 2008. Contact us today to inquire aboutrental space and to discover our vibrant calendarof events!Jane Taylor, program, event andcommunications●●Bach Chamber Youth ChoirThe Bach Chamber Youth Choir (BCYC) is the seniorlevel of the Bach Children’s Chorus organization.This youth choir, formed in 1996, is for boyswith changed voices and girls age 16 years and up.BCYC rehearses Sunday evenings at St. BarnabasAnglican Church, Danforth Ave. at Chester. Musicsung by the choir ranges from classical to pop,jazz and Broadway. New members are encouragedto sit in on a rehearsal.Under artistic director Linda Beaupré, BCYChas earned first place awards at the local, provincialand national levels of the Canadian Federationof Music Festivals, and has earned theElmer Iseler Award for Best Choir at the TorontoKiwanis Festival. This season Jordan Travis joinsMs. Beaupré as associate conductor. Jordanbrings his love of both classical and popularmusic to the organization.Performances this season by BCYC will includemajor concerts at the Toronto Centre for the Artson December 7, 2013 and May 10, 2014, and a coffeehouse at St. Barnabas Anglican Church onSunday, November 3, 2013. Find us on Facebook!Jane●●Bach Children’s ChorusBach Children’s Chorus is an auditioned choir of200 singers founded in 1987 by artistic directorLinda Beaupré, an award-winning Toronto conductorand clinician. BCC has four choirs: threetreble choirs for ages 6 to 16 and an SATB choirfor boys with changed voices and girls aged 16and up. All treble choirs rehearse weekly in eastScarborough, perform as a company-in-residenceat the Toronto Centre for the Arts andappear regularly at Toronto events. Each choirparticipates in weekend festivals, workshopsand concerts with other youth choirs and worldrenownedclinicians. BCC has released six CDsand has won provincial and national awards.BCC is widely known and highly respected asan organization for its innovative programmingfor young singers, its education system and theclear, lovely sound of its singers. The awards thatthe organization has received in both the TorontoKiwanis Festival and the Canadian Federationof Music Festivals have given it a high profile.Through its education practices, BCC is settinga standard of musical literacy and education forcommunity choirs.Jane●●Bel Canto SingersThe Bel Canto Singers are a 40-voice communitybasedSATB choir that provides good music, funand fellowship. Auditions are required for newB4 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES
members, to determine vocal range. We performtwo concerts per year, in the fall and spring. Wealso sing for seniors’ residences and in fundraisersfor other organizations. Repertoire is variedand includes folk, movies, swing, spirituals,Broadway and classical selections. Rehearsalsare 7:30pm to 10pm on Tuesdays, at St. NicholasAnglican Church, Birchcliff.Linda Meyer, directorElaine,●●Bell’Arte SingersFounded in 1988, Bell’Arte Singers recently celebratedits 25th anniversary with a concert thatfeatured choir members both past and present.The Bell’Arte Singers has a reputation for excellencein choral music and continues to delightaudiences under the direction of Brenda Uchimaru.The choir is a community-based ensembleof accomplished amateur singers, many ofwhom are music educators, who want to sharetheir love of music with others. The choir performsa mix of global and traditional choral repertoire,both classical and contemporary.The choir presents three concerts per season,with rehearsals on Saturday mornings at TorontoUnited Mennonite Church, 1772 Queen St. E. Membershipis by audition and is open year-round. Ifyou are interested in joining us, please for more details.Lorna Godin,●●Brott Music FestivalNow in its 27th season, the Brott Music Festival isthe largest non-profit orchestral music festival inCanada, the only festival with a full-time, professionalorchestra-in-residence.Founded by conductor Boris Brott in 1988, theBMF features classical, jazz, recital, pops and educationconcerts in the greater Hamilton area. Ithas been lauded throughout music circles for itsinnovative approaches to music making.Its orchestra-in-residence is the NationalAcademy Orchestra, Canada’s only professionaltraining orchestra, made up of young musicgraduates who are paired with professionals,both on and off stage. The Brott Music Festivalis renowned for its extremely high artisticstandard, world-class soloists and exuberantyoung orchestra.905-525-SONG; 1-888-475-9377info@brottmusic.combrottmusic.comCONTINUUM CONTEMPORARY MUSIC●●Canadian Children’sOpera CompanyThe Canadian Children’s Opera Company is oneof only a few in the world in its category. It commissions,produces, records and tours newoperas and choral music, with children as boththe principal performers and main audience. Thecompany also regularly collaborates with otherleading arts organizations and prominent individualperformers, conductors and directors. Thecompany comprises six divisions, with 200 childrenand youth ages 3 to 19.The 2013/14 main opera production is a newcommission. East o’ the Sun and West o’ the Moon,by Norbert Palej and K.T. Bryski, is a new retellingof a classic Norwegian folktale (May 29 to June 1,2014). Other highlights of this season include our“Winter Celebrations” on November 23, 2013, aschool concert tour of A Dickens of a Christmasand appearances with the Toronto SymphonyOrchestra and the Canadian Opera Company. Ifyou are interested in auditioning for the CCOC,call us or download an application form fromour website.Ann Cooper Gay,executive artistic●●Canadian Chopin SocietyThe Canadian Chopin Society (CCS) is a not-forprofit organization dedicated to celebratingthe legacy of Fryderyk Chopin and promotinghis music.The CCS began as a committee that organizedthe first, second and third Canadian Chopin PianoCompetitions (in 1999, 2004 and 2010 respectively)at the John Paul II Polish Cultural Centrein Mississauga. Prizes in all three competitionsincluded the top winners’ travel to participate inthe International F. Chopin Piano Competition.Led by Dr. Janet Lopinski, artistic director, thecompetition was expanded to include the CanadianChopin Festival 2010, celebrating the 200thanniversary of the birth of Chopin. The 2010 festivalpresented inspiring and informative workshops,lectures and masterclasses, culminatingwith a sold-out winners’ concert in the Royal Conservatory’sspectacular Koerner Hall.Building on the success of these events, theCanadian Chopin Society was formed in 2012.The CCS is now launching fundraising and membershipdrives, in preparation for the fourth CanadianChopin Competition and Festival in●●Canadian Men’s ChorusAfter three highly successful seasons, the CanadianMen’s Chorus and artistic director GregRainville will present three concerts at theGlenn Gould Studio this year. The first, “Honour:True Patriot Love,” is a fresh look at remembrancethrough song and dramatic monologue,a reminder of the sacrifices made in the questfor liberty in a complicated world, SaturdayNovember 9, 2013 at 8pm, featuring the premiereof a song cycle by Toronto’s Laura Silberberg. “EnHiver,” Saturday December 14, 2013 at 8pm, offersa different take on the traditional Christmas concert,with songs commemorating celebrationsassociated with the winter solstice, featuring apremiere by Norman Reintamm. “The True North:A Canadian Celebration,” May 24, 2014 at 8pm,will be an exciting concert of Canadian musicfor men’s voices, showcasing several premieres.Tickets are available online for or at thedoor for . For season tickets (), contactgeneral manager Arlene Jillard.The CMC performs traditional and contemporaryclassical repertoire and premieres a newCanadian composition at every concert. Men withchoral experience and vocal training are invitedto audition.theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B5
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