BLUE PAGES 2013/14Greg Rainville, artistic directorgrainville@canadianmenschorus.caArlene Jillard, general●●Canadian Music CentreThe Canadian Music Centre holds Canada’s largestcollection of Canadian concert music. TheCMC exists to promote the works of its AssociateComposers in Canada and around the world.The Centre makes available on loan over 22,000scores and works of Canadian contemporarycomposers through its public lending library.The CMC has its own label, Centrediscs, andsells more than 1500 CD titles featuring musicof its over 800 Associate Composers and otherCanadian independent recording producers. TheCentre is an on-demand publisher of its AssociateComposers’ music and provides professionalrepertoire consultations. Our national office inToronto includes an intimate venue perfect formeetings, workshops, rehearsals and chamberperformances. Come visit this hub for Canadianmusic!Andrea Ayotte416-961-6601●●Canadian Opera CompanyBased in Toronto, the Canadian Opera Company(COC) is the largest producer of opera in Canadaand one of the largest in North America, andmaintains an international reputation for artisticexcellence and creative innovation.The COC’s 2013/14 main stage season is: LaBohème, Peter Grimes, Così fan tutte, Un balloin maschera, Roberto Devereux, Hercules andDon Quichotte.The COC performs in its own opera house, theFour Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,hailed internationally as one of the finest in theworld. The company enjoys a loyal audience support-baseand one of the highest attendance andsubscription rates in North America.The COC is an active participant in the culturalcommunity by presenting an annual seriesof free concerts and a wide array of educationand outreach events, encouraging the creationof operatic works and fostering the training anddevelopment of young Canadian artists throughits renowned Ensemble Studio program.A not-for-profit organization since 1950, theCOC relies on charitable giving, ticket revenue,sponsorship and special events to offset all costs.Alexander Neef, general directorAdministration: 416-363-6671Box Office:●●Canadian SinfoniettaThe Canadian Sinfonietta is a professional chamberorchestra led by father-daughter duo Tak-NgLai (artistic director and founder) and Joyce Lai(concertmaster). The 2013/14 season consistsof three concerts at the Glenn Gould Studio andthree “Wine and Cheese” concerts at the HeliconianHall.The orchestra’s mission is to bring live chambermusic to the GTA, focusing on multi-culturaland youth outreach. To engage a new generationof concert-goers, programming is “traditionalwith a twist.” Programs consist of ethnic music,interdisciplinary arts, intimate chamber musicand new Canadian works, all interspersed withtraditional repertoire.Highlights this season include a young artists’concert featuring three young musicians (clarinetistJoshua Zung and pianists Anson Hui andBjon Li), a concert to celebrate Chinese New Yearfeaturing guest cellist Li-Ke Chang and an allstringsconcert featuring violinist Moshe Hammer.The “Wine and Cheese” concerts will featureboth CS members and harpist Kristen Theriault.Jennifer Mak,●●Cantemus SingersThe Cantemus Singers, conducted by MichaelErdman, perform mainly renaissance and earlybaroque repertoire. Our 16-voice group givesequal time to religious and secular compositionsin a variety of languages and highlights the rich,complex five to eight-part repertoire. Our choristersare a mix of well-trained amateurs and semiprofessionals,all sharing a common interest inearly music. Membership is by audition.Our 2013/14 season begins November 23and 24, as we perform Marc-Antoine Charpentier’sMesse de Minuit pour Noël, plus seasonalmadrigals and motets. On March 22 and 23,we present a concert version of Henry Purcell’sdelightful masque The Faerie Queen, featuringIris Krizmanic, soprano, and ChristopherMayell, tenor. Our final program of the season onJune 7 and 8 will focus on the early Flemish masters,including Josquin des Prez and his contemporariesMouton, Compère and de la Rue. Expectat least a few naughty madrigals by Janequin!Performances take place at the Church of theHoly Trinity (10 Trinity Square, Eaton Centre) andSt. Aidan’s Anglican Church (70 Silver Birch Queen St. E.). Check our website for times.Michael Erdman,●●Cathedral BluffsSymphony OrchestraCathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra (CBSO)has been one of Toronto’s premier communityorchestras since 1985. CBSO concerts take placein the state-of-the-art P.C. Ho Theatre in the ChineseCultural Centre of Greater Toronto, 5183Sheppard Ave. E.Under the baton of maestro NormanReintamm, the CBSO will present a thrilling andunique nine-concert season including five subscriptionseries concerts. This season, guest artistsinclude acclaimed pianist Arthur Ozolins. TheCBSO is also pleased to present collaborationswith Tryptych Concert and Opera, the Universityof Toronto Campus Concert Choir, and YOUdance artists from the National Ballet of Canada.A chamber music concert in September willfeature Trio Estonia. The CBSO will also be performingwith the Sultans of String at Koerner Hallon December 1, 2013. Please visit our website fordetails about our season.The orchestra is noted for facilitating performanceopportunities for young musiciansand always welcomes new members. If you’reinterested in joining the CBSO, please contact usby email.Norman Reintamm,artistic director/principal conductorInes Pagliari, concertmasterPeggy Wong, orchestra managerBox Office:●●Cathedral Church of St. JamesThe Cathedral Church of St. James has two choirs,which enhance worship every week. The ParishChoir, a group of volunteers assisted by foursection leaders, sings weekly at the 9am SungEucharist. Its repertoire consists of a wide rangeof lighter music, is accessible to the volunteerchoir and compliments the modern liturgy. TheParish Choir rehearses on Thursdays and beforethe service on Sundays. Singers interested in volunteeringtheir time are invited to contact VickiSt. Pierre.The Cathedral Choir is a fully professionalensemble that sings the 11am Choral Eucharistand the 4:30pm Choral Evensong every Sundaythroughout the year. Its repertoire mainly consistsof music from the core of the Anglican traditionas well as a wide range of other Europeanand North American music.Half-hour organ recitals can be heard everyTuesday at 1pm and Sunday at 4pm throughoutthe year. The internationally renowned concertorganist David Briggs continues to contributeto the music program as the artist-in-residence.Vicki St. Pierre,associate director of musicDavid Briggs, artist-in-residenceB6 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES●●Cellar SingersNow under the artistic direction of Mitchell Pady,this 60-voice choir has enriched the life of SimcoeCounty and the District of Muskoka for 45 years.The Cellar Singers perform traditional and contemporaryrepertoire, setting a high musicalstandard that is unique in the area. The choircontinues to support Canadian music by regularlycommissioning and performing new works.“The Singers” were founded in 1968 in the basementof Dr. William Monk’s home in Bracebridge,Ontario. In 1977, choral conductor, teacher andtenor soloist Albert Greer was hired as artisticdirector, a position he held until 2012.A regional choir, the Cellar Singers have beenfinalists in the CBC choral competition, performingat the Elora Festival, the Toronto InternationalChoral Festival, the Guelph SpringFestival and the Muskoka Lakes Festival.The Cellar Singers have distinguished themselvesin two international tours, performing inEngland, Scotland, Wales, the Czech Republic,Slovakia, Hungary and Austria. Two dedicatedChristmas CDs and one compilation CD, SayIt With Music, document the choir’s virtuosityand musicianship.Michael●●Chamber Music Societyof MississaugaThe Chamber Music Society of Mississauga(CMSM) was established in 1997 by its currentartistic director, Peggy Hills. It was created toprovide opportunities and venues for the professionalperforming arts community in andaround the Mississauga area, to develop audiencesfor the future and to enhance audienceappreciation for high-quality, live performances.“Saturday Evening Concerts,” a series for familiesfeaturing small professional chamber ensembleperformances, was the initial series of performancesoffered. Over the years CMSM introduced“Concert Theatre for Kids,” “Tales and Tunes forToonies” (designed to use music as a vehicle forlearning and to integrate performance contentinto the school curriculum) and “Out and About”(free admission concerts throughout the Mississaugacommunity where professional chamberensembles perform in local grocery stores, hospitals,libraries, seniors’ residences, galleries, corporateoffices and Celebration Square).The CMSM CD recordings of the JUNO-AwardnominatedPeggy’s Violin: A Butterfly in Time/LeViolon de Peggy: Une Histoire de Papillon (inFrench and English), The Storyteller’s Bag, TheSnow Queen and The Little Mermaid reach aworldwide audience.ETOBICOKE PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRAPeggy Hills, artistic●●Chorus NiagaraAs Chorus Niagara begins its sixth decade ofchoral music, it celebrates 25 years under thedirection of artistic director Robert Cooper!Chorus Niagara, the Power of 100, is a passionategroup of singers of diverse ages and walks oflife. As the Niagara region’s premier symphonicchorus, CN performs classic choral masterpiecesas well as new, modern and seldom-heard works,provides a showcase for emerging Canadian talentand attracts singers of all ages through itsChorus Niagara Children’s Choir (CNCC) and Sideby Side High School Chorale (SXS).The spectacular 2013/14 season featuresa diverse program including “Handel: Grandand Glorious!” festive hits of Handel; CN Cinema“The Passion of Joan of Arc,” the silentfilm silver screen classic accompanied by a livechoral “soundtrack”; “A Canadian ChristmasCarol,” a seasonal array of Canadian poetry,prose and carols; and a rare opportunity to hearDvořák’s Requiem, a richly expressive and passionatechoral masterpiece. Please join us inour celebrations!Diana McAdorey, managing●●Christ Church Deer ParkMusic plays a very important part at this busyAnglican parish church. Music for services is ledby organist and director of music Eric Robertson.The Choir of Christ Church Deer Park is an auditionedmixed-voice choir that rehearses Thursdayevenings and sings Sunday mornings and onspecial occasions from September to June. Repertoireis medieval to 21st century.The Christ Church Summer Singers is a nonauditioned,mixed-voice choir that rehearsesand sings on Sunday mornings through July andAugust. Christ Church has also hosted its “JazzVespers” for over ten years. At 4:30pm everysecond Sunday from September to June, thisservice offers a chance for reflection, prayersfor our community and music by Toronto’s finestjazz musicians.With its Yonge St. location (at Heath St. nearthe St. Clair TTC station), fine acoustics, full modernfacilities, flexible staging, Steinway grandpiano, three-manual tracker organ and seatingfor 500, Christ Church is an increasingly popularvenue for outdoor concert presenters duringthe year.Eric N. Robertson,organist and director of music416-920-5211●●Church of St. Mary MagdaleneSteeped in musical heritage and assisted by generousacoustics, St. Mary Magdalene’s offers amusic program strongly rooted in the traditionestablished by Healey Willan. Every Sunday atthe 11am Solemn Mass the Gallery Choir sings amass and motet from the west gallery while theRitual Choir sings the Gregorian propers fromthe east end.At the 9:30am Sung Mass the SMM Singerssing a motet and lead congregational singing.Membership is informal.One Sunday per month at 4:30pm the meditativeSolemn Evensong and Benediction is sung,preceded by an organ recital at 4pm. Additionally,the organ can also be heard in recital oncea month in the Organ Music by Candlelight series.Please check listings for details.For information, please contact Andrew Adair.theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B7
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