BLUE PAGES 2013/14Andrew Adair, director of●●Church of the AscensionThe Ascension Choir is a medium-size choirthat sings at the 10:30am Sunday service fromthe end of September through the end of June.Repertoire spans from Gregorian chant to the20th century. Special services include a FamilyRemembrance in November featuring the FauréRequiem as the music for the service, two Lessonsand Carols services (first and last Sundaysof Advent), our Christmas Pageant, a family-styleAsh Wednesday and all of Holy Week. The AscensionChoir rehearses on Tuesdays and Thursdaysat 7:30pm.The Contemporary Choir is a small group ofthe congregation that participates in the Sundayservice by performing some of the modernchurch music and sings in some of the other serviceswith the Ascension Choir. The ContemporaryChoir rehearses on Mondays at 7:30pm.This year the Ascension Choir will be performingthe Bach Cantata 140 at the Advent Lessonsand Carols service with soloist and ensemble.Anyone wishing to join either choir please contactthe church by phone or by email.Lawrence Green, director of●●Civic Light-Opera CompanyFounded in 1979, our much-heralded musical theatrecompany is now in its 34th season, makingits home at Toronto’s Fairview Library Theatre(to which we are pleased to return this year followingan extensive year-long renovation there)and still offering unique, professional entertainmentat affordable prices, with four productionseach season.Our 100+ shows range from well-loved Broadwayclassics to more obscure shows also deservingrecognition. We have presented the Canadianpremieres of Titanic: The Musical, Rodgers andHammerstein’s lost masterpiece Allegro, IrvingBerlin’s As Thousands Cheer, Kander and Ebb’sThe Rink and Cole Porter’s High Society, to namea few. Our world premiere new musical adaptationof The Wizard of Oz was staged in 2000,2002 and 2010 to incredible popular receptionand repeated demands for return engagements.This season, we proudly present a returnthe classic Broadway hit, Irving Berlin’s AnnieGet Your Gun, the perennial favourite Oliver!, acharming revue celebrating the songs of Rodgers& Hammerstein entitled Some EnchantedEvening and the Canadian premiere of Flahertyand Ahren’s musical comedy The Glorious Ones.Don’t miss out!Joe Cascone, artistic●●Continuum Contemporary MusicNow in its 29th season, Continuum ContemporaryMusic presents concerts featuring the coreensemble of flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano andpercussion, plus unusual instrumental combinations.Led by co-artistic directors Jennifer Waringand Ryan Scott, the organization is widelyacclaimed for its inspired and innovative programming.Continuum has performed acrossCanada and Europe; it has commissioned over150 new works, recorded CDs, generated interdisciplinaryprojects and amassed a growing listof videos posted to YouTube.The 2013/14 season features “Singing the Earth,”a multi-disciplinary response to the people,environment and spirit of Bella Coola (Anna Höstman,composer); “Gaudeamus: Deconstructedand Reconstruct,” a three-day co-presentationwith Arraymusic, the Music Gallery and ISCMCanadian Section bringing the artistic vision ofthe Netherlands’ famed Gaudeamus Muziekweekto Toronto, with a commission from Michael Oesterle;a presentation of Dutch Trio 7090; and “ByOther Means,” a concert of new musical devicesand new ways of getting sound from traditionalinstruments, with a commission from ColognebasedCanadian Thierry Tidrow.For more information and to purchase tickets,please visit our website.Jennifer Waring, co-artistic directorRyan Scott, co-artistic directorJosh Grossman,●●Counterpoint CommunityOrchestraCounterpoint Community Orchestra was formedin 1984 by gay and lesbian musicians. Togetherwe provide fine music and create a deeper senseof community and diversity in downtown Toronto.People from all walks of life play with us and wewelcome any person with a positive outlooktoward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered andtwo-spirited people. Our 30th season includesthree concert dates: November 30, 2013, March 1,2014 and May 31, 2014.Rehearsals are held Mondays at 8pm at the519 Church Street Community Centre. Concertperformances are at Saint Luke’s United Church,Sherbourne St. at Carlton, in Toronto. We welcomeplayers, committee volunteers and volunteersfor our board of directors. Player levelsrange from beginner to professional. We willhelp you grow musically. Come and join a fungroup of people and make great music! Our programsfor this year will feature symphonies bySibelius, Tchaikovsky and Beethoven plus manyother works.As a registered charity for tax purposes wewelcome donations.Holly;●●DaCapo Chamber ChoirThe DaCapo Chamber Choir was founded in 1998in Kitchener-Waterloo under the direction ofLeonard Enns. The mission of the DaCapo ChamberChoir is to perform outstanding choral chamberworks of the recent past and to championmusic of Canadian and local composers. The performanceseason consists of three annual concertsin Kitchener-Waterloo. The 2013/14 seasoncelebrates the choir’s 15th anniversary: “EveningSong” (November 9 and 10), “Journey intoNight” (March 8 and 9) and “Sun Light” (May 3and 4). Special guests will include Peter Shackleton(clarinet), Catherine Robertson (piano) andAndrew Pickett (countertenor).DaCapo was the 2011 winner of the NationalCompetition for Canadian Amateur Choirs inthe contemporary category (and second placefinalist in the chamber category). The choir alsoreceived the ACCC’s 2010 award for OutstandingChoral Recording for its ShadowLand CD, featuringthe JUNO-nominated Nocturne by LeonardEnns. For more information about the choir, itscurrent season, the NewWorks national choralcomposition competition or to purchase ticketsonline, please visit the choir’s website. Follow uson Facebook and Twitter!Leonard Enns, directorSara Martin,●●Dim Sum EnsembleDim Sum Ensemble is a brand new, project-basedchamber ensemble that nurtures and performsnew works for Chinese instruments. Dim Summeans “Touch the heart.”Projects for 2013/14 include the inaugural“Xpressions” concert, Erhu CompositionVirtual Workshop for Youths and Index of Music Scores for ChineseInstruments).Held at Array Space, the “Xpressions” concerton October 27, 2013, features harp soloist AndrewChan with an ensemble consisting of yangqin,zheng, percussion, piano, erhu, zhonghu andcello. World premieres of commissioned worksby Chan Ka Nin, Alice Ping Yee Ho, Matthew VanDriel, Lan-chee Lam and Tony K.T. Leung are ledby conductor Elaine Choi and composers.The Erhu Composition Virtual Workshop forYouths leverages the web to stimulate interest inerhu composition among youth in Canada and toteach them how to write for the erhu instrument.B8 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES (International Index of Music Scoresfor Chinese Instruments) is a web resourceto allow musicians to find scores that use Chineseinstruments.Dim Sum Ensemble is a not-for-profit organizationfunded by donations and grants.Tony K.T. Leung, artistic directorPatty Chan, executive●●Domoney Artists ManagementAs director of Domoney Artists Management,Kathy Domoney brings her wealth of knowledgeand expertise to this position after more than 20years as a lyric soprano.Established in 2008, Domoney Artists presentsan outstanding roster of emerging andestablished classical singers and orchestral/opera conductors, as well as stage directorsand composers, to audiences throughout Canadaand beyond.The current roster includes sopranos VirginiaHatfield, Charlotte Corwin and Ellen Wieser;mezzo sopranos Maude Brunet, Marion Newmanand Maria Soulis; countertenor Scott Belluz;tenors Adam Fisher and Joseph Schnurr; baritonesAnthony Cleverton, Benjamin Covey andDion Mazerolle; and bass-baritone Giles Tomkins.Conductors Leslie Dala and Matthias Maute,composer Christopher Donison and stage directorFrancois Racine complete this highly selectiveroster.Domoney Artists has collaborated with TrilliumBrass Quintet to produce oratorio favouritesMessiah and Elijah for soloists, choir, organ andbrass quintet, and recently presented “The Starof Robbie Burns,” a narrated storytelling showcelebrating Scotland’s beloved Robert Burnsplus highlights from Broadway’s Brigadoon, performedby soprano and baritone with●●Eglinton St. George’sChancel ChoirFor 50 years, excellence, eclecticism and EglintonSt. George’s have been synonymous. 45 singers,including eight professionals, gather twiceweekly to build a music team for Sunday worshipor concerts. In this anniversary year, aCD recording date is in place, a Christmas outreachconcert with brass ensemble is plannedfor December and a Lenten concert with stringensemble is planned for March 2014. In May andJune, Sunday worship will be enhanced by a varietyof ensembles, including an instrumental jazzquartet, a male chorus and a female chorus. Ourministry is characterized by hard work, regularattendance, joyful attitudes and social friendshipswithin the group. A warm welcome is alwaysextended to new singers, from youth to seniors.Fred Graham, director of musicKEN PAGE MEMORIAL TRUST416-481-1141●●Elmer Iseler SingersThe memorable 20-voice Elmer Iseler Singers,led by artistic director and conductor LydiaAdams, enters its 35th anniversary s eason in2013/14. This fully-professional choral ensemblehas built an enviable reputation through concerts,broadcasts and recordings throughout Canadaand the United States as well as internationally,performing repertoire that spans 500 years, witha special focus on Canadian composers.Touring is a major component of the ElmerIseler Singers’ activities. In addition, they selfpresenta five-concert series in Toronto and arefeatured frequently at various concerts, workshops,symposiums and festivals.Annual auditions are held each April or May.The innovative GET MUSIC! Educational Outreachand Leadership Initiative for secondary schoolstudents, community choirs and conductors providesworkshops and audio/video recording mentorshipculminating in shared performances.Lydia Adams is the artist recipient of the 2013Ontario Premier’s Award for Excellence in theArts and the 2012 winner of the Roy ThomsonHall Award of Recognition from the Toronto ArtsFoundation Arts Awards.Look for the release of the Elmer Iseler Singers’Greatest Hits CD in December 2013!Lydia Adams, conductorand artistic directorJessie Iseler, general●●Ensemble VivantFounded by pianist Catherine Wilson, EnsembleVivant, “Canada’s Chamber Music Treasure”(Toronto Star), has dazzled audiences worldwidewith innovative, genre-diverse programmingboth in concert and on their many recordings foralmost three decades. A pioneer among pianotrios and chamber ensembles, Ensemble Vivanthas garnered accolades internationally from theclassical and jazz worlds. Often expanding froma trio, including jazz legend Don Thompson, OC(vibes/bass), pianist Catherine Wilson and cellistSybil Shanahan, up to a septet with bassist DaveYoung, the musicians of Ensemble Vivant are ofthe highest calibre and are Opening Day recordingartists.Rave reviews:“(Homage to Astor Piazzolla)…a truly beautifulCD.” —Don Thompson, OC“…thoroughly enjoyable…”—Boston Herald, USA“…beautiful, poised performances...thesemusicians capture the passion as well as theverve…Wilson’s piano gives this music unerringdrive and plenty of sparkle.”—John Terauds, Toronto Star“To my heart, your rendition of Oblivion is themost touching I have ever heard: Bravo!”—François Paré, Montréal“…joyous and compelling…”—Music Magazine, Canada“…beautiful playing…” —Rick Wilkins,●●Esprit OrchestraFor 30 years, Esprit Orchestra has been at theforefront of presenting contemporary classicalmusic, educational programs and collaborativearts events. Commissioning, performing and promotingfine Canadian compositions, along withtheWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B9
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