9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 2 - October 2013

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • November
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Symphony


BLUE PAGES 2013/14●●Grand Philharmonic ChoirThe Grand Philharmonic Choir, based in Kitchener,Ontario, includes four choirs in one organization:an adult choir, a chamber adult choir, ayouth choir and a children’s choir. We performin large concert halls with audiences of morethan 1,500 people, at free public gatherings andin small, intimate settings.Under the direction of Mark Vuorinen, it is ourmandate to present choral repertoire of the higheststandard, to share our love of music with thepublic through varied outreach programs andto provide music education to our members andenlightenment to our audiences. We are one ofa few large choirs in Canada, outside the majormetropolitan areas, with the resources and communitysupport to deliver a full choral season withprofessional musicians.In our 92nd year, the 2013/14 season marksBenjamin Britten’s 100th birthday with the onlyperformance in Canada of his War Requiem. Ourchamber choir will also showcase some of hissmaller works. We continue our tradition of Handel’sMessiah in December and Bach’s St. JohnPassion on Good●●Grand River Chorus of BrantfordThe Grand River Chorus of Brantford is a mixedvoicecommunity choir that presents an annualseries of concerts featuring both masterworksof the choral tradition and other varied choralrepertoire. We also feature guest soloists fromacross Canada. Occasionally the choir sings atcommunity events and joins in performancessponsored by other groups, including appearanceswith the Brantford Symphony Orchestraat the Sanderson Centre in Brantford. TheGrand River Chorus also seeks out opportunitiesto raise the profile of choral music in the Brantford,Brant and Norfolk areas. From its inception,the Grand River Chorus has performed to ahigh choral standard. It is a registered non-profitcorporation supported through patron and communitydonations. Its annual gala fundraiser, the“Grand Fête du Vin,” has been successful in eachof the past 14 years. Today, under artistic directorRichard Cunningham, the chorus exists as avital member of the performing arts communityin the greater Brantford area.Tim Marsden,●●group of twenty-seven (g27)group of twenty-seven (g27) is a chamber orchestracomprising some of Canada’s top musiciansand dedicated to exploring the classicalrepertoire in vibrant, world class performances.Their performances present fresh interpretationsof masterworks already known and challengelisteners with new music written in ourtime and commissioned for this unique orchestra.Our players include members of the TorontoSymphony and Canadian Opera Company, soloistsfrom across Canada and professional chambermusicians whose expertise combine for anelectrifying experience. Also an experimentalorchestra, g27 collaborates with a variety ofartists including theatre designers, new musiccomposers, visual artists, actors and even willingaudience members!In addition to our orchestral concerts, wepresent a monthly recital series entitled “g2-7 –Get To Know Your g27” that highlights the magnificentindividual talent of g27. The series takesplace every second Wednesday of the month atthe Heliconian Hall in Yorkville.We are also strongly committed to Toronto’s atriskyouth through our mentorship outreach collaborationwith the Regent Park School of Musicand Dixon Hall Music School.Emma Walker, managing●●Gryphon TrioSince coming together in Toronto in 1993, theGryphon Trio has firmly established itself as oneof the world’s leading piano trios. With a repertoireranging from traditional to contemporaryand from European classicism to New World jazzand popular song, the Gryphons are committedto redefining chamber music for the 21st century.The two-time JUNO Award winning trio toursextensively and its 16 celebrated recordings arean encyclopedia of works for the genre. The triohas commissioned over 75 new works, frequentlycollaborating on special projects with composers,actors, writers and dancers. Committed toeducating audiences and young performers alike,the Gryphons conduct masterclasses and workshopsat universities and conservatories acrossNorth America and are artists-in-residence atthe University of Toronto’s Faculty of Music andTrinity College.The recipients of the 2013 Walter CarsenAward for Excellence in the Performing Arts, theGryphon Trio will be celebrating its 2013/14 20thanniversary season with performances throughoutCanada and the US, premiering new worksby Canadian composers R. Murray Schafer andDinuk Wijeratne and producing their flagshipeducational project Listen Up! in Powell River,British Columbia.David●●Hannaford Street Silver BandThe Hannaford Street Silver Band is Canada’saward-winning professional brass band and residentcompany of Toronto’s St. Lawrence Centrefor the Arts. Its mission is to honour the traditionsof this art form and place it in a contemporarycontext with a unique, Canadian point ofview. To this end we actively facilitate innovativecreative projects and collaborate with the bestof Canada’s diverse artists.The 30th anniversary season is a celebrationof the best of the Hannaford Band:“Strike Up the Band,” on October 20, featuresGregson’s monumental piece Of Men and Mountainsand a cutting-edge commission by VivianFung. “Welcome Christmas” celebrates the seasonwith the Orpheus Choir on December 17, inthe beautiful acoustic of Yorkminster BaptistChurch. “The Bard in Brass,” on February 9, ismusic inspired by Shakespeare as we bring tragedyand comedy to life, Hannaford Style.The culmination of our season is the three-dayFestival of Brass, April 11 to 13, showcasing thejazz artistry of Wycliffe Gordon under the inspiredbaton of Patrick Sheridan.Get into Brass!David Archer, administrative director416-425-2874;●●Harmony Singers of EtobicokeThe Harmony Singers of Etobicoke is a 30-voicewomen’s chorus that has been in existence since1965. The group memorizes and stages songsranging from pop, folk and sacred to light classical.They have performed the national anthemat Blue Jays games and appeared in a musicvideo with the group Down With Webster. Eachyear the singers entertain at hospitals, retirementhomes and private gatherings. Their accompanistis the renowned pianist Bruce Harvey.This season they will present “ChristmasDreams” on Sunday, December 8, at Humber ValleyUnited Church. The following week they willentertain the U of T Womens’ Club at its Christmasparty.Rehearsals are Monday evenings at MartinGrove United Church (Martin Grove and Mercury)in Etobicoke. There are openings for newmembers; those interested should contactthe conductor.Harvey Patterson,●●Heliconian ClubThe Toronto Heliconian Club was founded in 1909to give women in the arts and letters an opportunityto meet socially and intellectually. It continuesB12 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES

to hold to its original purpose while respondingto the changes of contemporary life.The Club runs a series of concerts featuringprofessional singers, pianists and other instrumentalistswho reside across Canada, drawnfrom the club membership. Reflecting the multidisciplinarynature of the club, select concertshighlight visual and literary artists. Please contactthe club for details about the 2013/14 series. Concertdates are September 27, “Tangos & Tapas”;October 25, “Two Men, Two Worlds, Two Centuries”;February 22, “Ones, Twos & Threes” andApril 19, “Spring at Last.”Heliconian Hall, the club’s visual and acousticgem dating from 1875, is available to rent for recitals,parties and corporate events at reasonablerates. Recently the concert hall’s seven-foot Steinway“B” was completely rebuilt and new stateof-the-artstage and house lighting was installed.Emma●●I FURIOSI Baroque EnsembleI FURIOSI Baroque Ensemble is one of the world’smost innovative baroque ensembles, comprisingfour of Canada’s leading early music specialists:soprano Gabrielle McLaughlin, violinists AisslinnNosky and Julia Wedman and cellist/gambistFelix Deak. I FURIOSI’s Toronto concert serieshas been revitalising the face of early music inCanada for 15 years, inspired by the practice ofthe Baroque era while invoking the “bizarre andunnatural” aesthetic both cherished and despisedin its time. I FURIOSI’s debut CD Defiled is my(Middle) Name (2005) continues to gain internationalrecognition and acclaim. The group’sCD CRAZY (on the Dorian/Sono Luminus label)is now available in stores and online. I FURIOSI’sToronto concert series now takes place at WindermereUnited Church, 356 Windermere Ave.Gabrielle●Jazz ● BistroLocated in the building that once housed thelegendary Top O’ the Senator jazz club, Jazz Bistro,opened in March 2013, is one of the city’s finestvenues for live entertainment and fine dining.Although jazz is the musical focus, Jazz Bistrotakes a broad approach to its musical presentations,featuring cabaret and classical programmingthroughout the year. A centre stage,featuring a custom Steinway B Red Pops piano,offers perfect sight lines for performance. Mezzanineseating around the stage provides excellentviewing from above. From “Take the StageMISSISSAUGA FESTIVAL CHOIRTuesdays” (when the community is invited to programtheir own musical evenings) to “A Monthof Sundays” cabaret brunch and nights of jazz inbetween, Jazz Bistro features national and internationalartists six days a week. From emergingartists to the elder statesmen, Jazz Bistro offersa welcome stage for musical conversation.Jazz Bistro is located at 251 Victoria St. in thecentre of downtown Toronto, sharing a neighbourhoodwith the Ed Mirvish Theatre, theElgin/Winter Garden Theatres and the legendaryMassey Hall. Find us on Facebook and Twitter(JazzBistroTO)!Sybil●Jeunesses ●Musicales OntarioJeunesses Musicales Ontario (JMO) is a bilingual(EN–FR) non-profit arts organization thatfosters the careers of outstanding young professionalmusicians at home and abroad, and hasenjoyed a presence in Ontario since 1979. JMOpromotes the development of the arts in Ontarioby touring some of Ontario and Canada’s leadingemerging artists across the province. JMO alsotours an all-inclusive opera production completewith surtitles, sets, costumes and piano accompaniment.JMO performs in urban, rural andremote communities.JMO’s youth concerts feature professionallytrained musicians performing in schools andcommunity centres across Ontario. These concertsallow children and families the opportunityto discover the magic of live music. Allperformances are interpretive and theatrical innature and offer exceptional musical encountersbetween performers and audience, presentingmusic of various cultures and eras. Programs areoffered in English and French. JMO is affiliatedwith Jeunesses Musicales Canada and JeunessesMusicales International, recognized by UNESCOas the largest youth music NGO in the world!JMO concerts are available in Englishand French.Vanessa J. Goymour, general managerand artistic●John ● Laing SingersFounded in 1982 by John Laing, the JLS is a chamberchoir of musicians from the Halton and Hamiltonregions. Through memorable performancesand quality recordings, the choir has establisheda widespread reputation for musical excellence.Now under the direction of Dr. Roger Bergs, thechoir is quickly becoming known for its energeticperformances of diverse repertoire, includingworks by emerging composers and music withan international flavour.Composer, conductor, organist and teacherDr. Roger Bergs is an outstanding musician witha wide range of musical interests, awards andexperience. A graduate of the Juilliard School ofMusic and the University of Toronto, Dr. Bergsalso has 20 years of experience as a churchorganist and music director, currently servingin that capacity at Toronto’s Knox PresbyterianChurch.Our 2013/14 concert season includes HealeyWillan’s The Mystery of Bethlehem, DietrichBuxtehude’s Das Neugeborne Kindelein, RalphVaughan Williams’ Three Shakespeare Songs,Eric Whitacre’s Five Hebrew Love Songs, GabrielFauré’s Cantique de Jean Racine, Eriks Esenvald’sPassion and Resurrection and shorter works byBach, Beethoven, Mozart and Mendelssohn.Janice Courtemanche, president289-284-0803jcourtemanche@live.comjohnlaingsingers.comtheWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B13

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)