9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 2 - October 2013

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • November
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Symphony


BLUE PAGES 2013/14●Jubilate ● SingersWe are a small, mixed-voice chamber choir of35 or so amateur singers. We sing choral worksfrom all periods and genres, often involving languagesother than English. Our artistic directoris Isabel Bernaus. Caroline Spearing will beconducting this year while Isabel is on sabbaticalleave. This year’s concerts include an eclectic mixof classic and contemporary choral works and acollaboration with the Shevchenko Choir. Concertdates are November 23, February 22 and May 23and 24. We will be premiering a new work by aCanadian composer in the May concerts.We are a friendly and welcoming group,expected to work hard towards the goal of makingbeautiful music. We rehearse on Tuesdays,7:30pm to 9:45pm, at St. Leonard’s AnglicanChurch, 25 Wanless Ave., just north of Lawrenceoff Yonge. Auditions are held upon request. Weinvite singers who want to find out more aboutus to sit in on a rehearsal.David Reddin, membership●●Kawartha ConcertsKawartha Concerts is the primary live performingarts presenter of classical chambermusic within the Kawartha Region. KawarthaConcerts is a division of Lindsay Concert Foundation,a registered charitable not-for-profit organizationin its 36th season.Join us for an exciting concert season presentingprofessional Canadian and internationalartists, both established and emerging,in performances of musical excellence at venuesthroughout the Kawartha Region, in the chambermusic series “Ovation” (Kawartha Lakes) and“Bravo” (Peterborough).Kawartha Concerts is committed to the educationof the next generation of audiences andperformers alike through audience developmentand outreach educational initiatives inthe Encore Series, a family and young audiencefriendly performing arts series; the Artist ConnectionSeries, a visiting artist residency creatingan opportunity for pre-concert chats, schoolconcerts/workshops and masterclasses; andCommunity Connections, providing local musiciansperformance opportunities, collaborationsand connections.Kawartha Concerts is dedicated to creatingmemorable musical experiences for the benefitof the youth and citizens of all ages in the ruralcommunities of the Kawartha Region.Kawartha Concerts is where...“Great MusicComes to Life!”Valerie McElravy,artistic director/●●Ken Page Memorial TrustThe Ken Page Memorial Trust is a non-profit charitablefund created to support jazz and the musicianswho create the music.The aims of the Trust are to encourage emergingtalent, foster an understanding of the evolutionof the music, promote jazz education throughworkshops, master classes and outreach programsconducted by established professionalsand provide financial aid to jazz musicians on anemergency basis.The KPMT holds annual fundraising galas featuringsome of the world’s leading jazz artistsand honours jazz professionals with its LifetimeAchievement Award. In 2012 the Trust providedgrants to the Faculty of Music at the University ofToronto, the Humber College Community MusicSchool, the Ron Collier Memorial Scholarship andthe TD Toronto Jazz Festival’s jazz tuition projects.Donations are our lifeline. Board members areunpaid and every dollar goes to further the aimsof the Trust. Contributions are gratefully receivedand if you are currently a donor, we extend oursincere appreciation. If you would like to donateplease visit our website.Anne●●Kindred Spirits OrchestraThe Kindred Spirits Orchestra has performed togreat acclaim, sold-out audiences and standingovations for four seasons at the renowned CBCGlenn Gould Studio in downtown Toronto. As ofthe 2011/12 season, the KSO has established a sixconcertsubscription series at the Flato MarkhamTheatre, in addition to three communityoutreach and two educational concerts. Led bythe charismatic maestro Kristian Alexander, theKindred Spirits Orchestra is enjoying an enormouspopularity among York Region’s residentsand continues to attract avid audiences acrossthe Greater Toronto Area.The 2013/14 concert season includes internationallyrenowned soloists: pianists AntonKuerti and James Parker and violinist JacquesIsraelievitch, among others, as well as risingCanadian star, violinist Nicole Li. The repertoireincludes symphonies by Brahms, Schumann andShostakovich, as well as masterworks by Handel,Wagner, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Saint-Saëns and others.Subscription packages and single tickets aresold through Flato Markham Theatre Box Office.Save up to 60% and subscribe for as few asthree concerts!Kristian Alexander, music directorAndrew Cheng, associate conductorMichael Berec and Matthew Poon,assistant conductorsJobert Sevilleno, chief executive officer905-604-8339info@KSOrchestra.caKSOrchestra.caBox Office:●●King Edward ChoirKing Edward Choir is a 75-voice SATB auditionedchoir, led by artistic director Floydd Ricketts andassociate conductor Lucie Veillette. The qualityof the music and fine leadership provide incentivefor some of the area’s best choristers andaccompanists to be part of the choir. Audiencesare entertained with a varied repertoire from differenttraditions around the world. The 2013/14season includes three performances.November 29, 2013: our Christmas concert willfeature Handel’s Messiah (including guest soloists,accompanied by organ, harp and percussion),Chichester Psalms by Leonard Bernstein,three settings of the Ave Maria text and a collectionof favourite Christmas carols.March 25, 2014: “Choral Festival Spectacular,”showcases King Edward Choir, Lyrica ChamberChoir, Bravado Show Choir, Barrie high schoolsingers and the Huronia Symphony Orchestra,all under the direction of Oliver Balaburski. Featuredmusic will include Fauré’s Requiem andDvořák’s Te Deum.May 2014: “Spring Sing: 100 Years Since theWar.” Works by Fauré, Holst, Nathaniel Dett,Adolphus Hailstork, Vaughan Williams andothers will be featured, depicting loss, spiritualityand renewal.Find us on Facebook and Twitter!Tyrell-Ann Williams, vice●●Kitchener-WaterlooChamber Music SocietyIn its 40th season, Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society is one of Canada’s busiest presentersof chamber music concerts with over 60concerts per year, ranging from solo recitals tosextets. Programs range from medieval to contemporary;most feature both classics and recentmusic. Concerts take place at our Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo, in a private homethat holds about 85 people. A superb Steinwaypiano, good acoustics, a supportive audience andan intimate but informal atmosphere make forgreat concert experiences. Notable performersthis year include Eric Himy, Janina Fialkowska,Till Fellner and many more pianists, in addition toensembles including the Penderecki, New Orfordand Alcan quartets. Specials this year include“Viennese Quartets – Old and New,” starting withthe Dali and Cecilia quartets, followed by the Avivquartet with the complete late Schubert quartetsand Quintet in C (February 15 and16), and finishingwith the complete “Second Viennese School,”played by the Lafayette and Molinari quartetsB14 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES

(February 25 to 27). See our continually updatedwebsite for details.Jan or Jean●●Koffler Centre of the ArtsKoffler Centre of the Arts is Canada’s only multidisciplinary,contemporary Jewish cultural institutionpresenting cutting-edge exhibitions of newCanadian and international art and diverse programsin music, dance, literature, film, spokenword and theatre open to everyone from everybackground. The Koffler engages local and visitingartists to teach students of all ages and stages.The Koffler is home to the Koffler ChamberOrchestra (KCO), comprising some of the Toronto’smost well regarded professional musiciansperforming with community members and musicstudents, under the direction of acclaimed violinistand former TSO concertmaster JacquesIsraelievitch. The KCO performs three publicperformances per season. Throughout the year,the Koffler also produces concerts and othermusic events featuring local, national and internationalmusicians.Tony Hewer,head of communications and marketing416-638-1881●●Larkin SingersThe Larkin Singers, a 16-voice chamber choir,has quickly established itself as one of the finestexamples of Canada’s strong choral heritage,dedicating itself primarily to renaissance andbaroque repertoire. Founded in 2008 under thedirection of Matthew Larkin, the choir is formedof professional choral singers from the Torontoarea. The Larkin Singers has had successfultours to Bristol, UK (as resident choir at BristolCathedral) and to New York City, and has alsopresented concerts in Ottawa, London and Kingston.In 2008, the Larkin Singers released its firstrecording, A New Work is Come on Hand, featuringmusic of the Christmas season by Bach,Vaughan Williams, Howells, Ord and others.Now in its sixth season, the Larkin Singerspresents a three-concert subscription series aswell as outreach and collaborative performancesthroughout Ontario.Robin McLean, general managerinfo@larkinsingers.comlarkinsingers.comNAGATA SHACHU●●Lawrence ParkCommunity ChurchLawrence Park Community Church has a longtradition of fine music, both in worship and inconcert. Sunday services are held at 10:30amin the recently renovated and air-conditionedsanctuary. Musical groups include the AdultChoir (volunteer and professional singers) andthe Lawrence Park Handbell Ringers. There is aweekly choral program for school-age childrenand monthly sessions for youth with saxophonistand percussionist Kenny Kirkwood. New membersare warmly welcomed in all of the groups.On October 6 the Brian Barlow Quartet will befeatured at the 10:30am Sunday morning worship.The MegaCity Men’s Chorus will presenta Christmas concert on Sunday, December 1 at2:30pm.Mark Toews416-489-1551●●Li Delun Music FoundationThe Li Delun Music Foundation was establishedin 2002 in Toronto as a non-profit organizationdedicated to the promotion of cultural exchangebetween the east and the west through musicalevents. Named after the renowned Chinese conductorLi Delun, who founded the first symphonyorchestra in the People’s Republic of China, thefoundation is now well known in the communityas a presenter of high quality musical eventssuch as the annual “East Meets West New Year’sConcert” at the Toronto Centre for the Arts. Asidefrom forming the Toronto Festival Orchestra,which gives talented young aspiring musiciansa chance to work alongside seasoned professionals,the foundation also provides a platformfor young up-and-coming soloists to play on theconcert hall stage accompanied by a professionalorchestra, in front of a live, appreciative audience.The Li Delun Music Foundation also holdsmasterclasses and workshops given by internationalacclaimed artists such as Lang Lang andChen Sa and consults other community groupssuch as the Confucius Institute on musical events.Find us on Facebook!Rosalind Zhang, contact416-490-7962;●●Linda Litwack PublicityHaving begun her career as a summer reporterwith the Winnipeg Tribune, arts publicist LindaLitwack is a long-practised matchmaker betweenartists and the media. Her services include variousforms of writing and editing — from mediareleases and bios to radio spots and CD booklets— working with designers, photographersand other professionals and above all, liaisingwith the media. In addition to media, music andother contact lists, she maintains a list of Friends,who receive notices of special events, often with adiscount offer. Since leaving CBC Publicity — after20 years in radio and three in TV — she has collaboratedwith a host of creative people on challengingendeavours, mostly in classical music butalso in theatre, books, TV documentaries and visualarts. Among her long-time clients have beenMooredale Concerts, the Musicians In Ordinary,One Little Goat Theatre Company, the TorontoJewish Folk Choir and pianist Christina PetrowskaQuilico. Linda is also a member of the InternationalResource Centre for Performing●●Living Arts CentreServing as an important resource for the arts,education and business, the Living Arts Centrefeatures over 225,000 square feet of multipletheWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B15

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)