9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 2 - October 2013

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • November
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Symphony


BLUE PAGES 2013/14performance venues, studio spaces and exhibitiondisplay areas. The two main performingarts venues — Hammerson Hall and the RBC Theatre— are the site for a range of arts, cultural andentertainment events presented by both the LivingArts Centre and community partners. TheCentre’s seven craft/arts studios are the home ofprofessional resident artists and also feature dozensof recreational classes for all ages. LaidlawHall features constantly changing art exhibitions.The meeting and conference rooms are utilizedby community organizations and businesses fora variety of events, from church services to luncheonmeetings or international videoconferencebusiness meetings. The Living Arts Centre wasbuilt with generous contributions from hundredsof corporations, community organizations andindividuals, as well as support from the City ofMississauga and the federal government.General inquiries:●●Luminato FestivalLuminato Festival is Toronto’s international multiartsfestival for people open to having art changetheir outlook on the world. For ten days each June,Luminato transforms Toronto’s theatres, parksand public spaces with hundreds of events celebratingtheatre, dance, music, literature, food, visualarts, magic, film and more.Luminato Festival is a charitable, not-for-profit,cultural organization whose vision is to commissionand present significant local, national andinternational programming that reflects Torontoas a crossroads of ideas, cultures and traditions.Now in its eighth year, Luminato has become oneof North America’s leading arts festivals. TheLuminato Festival runs June 6 to 15,●●Markham Concert BandThe Markham Concert Band was formed in 1978and with over 65 members, it is one of the largestcommunity bands in Canada! Band membersinclude young and old from many fields ofendeavour, all brought together with one purposein mind: to serve the community with the best inconcert band music. The band performs its concertseries in the beautiful Flato Markham Theatreand can also be seen at many Markham andYork Region festivals and events, including theMarkham Village Music Festival, Unionville Festivaland the Markham Fair.Clare Hillier●●Massey HallThe 2013/14 season welcomes a diverse line-upof internationally renowned musicians, comediansand more. The ever-popular Jazz at MasseyHall series kicks off with the Wayne Shorter Quartetand ACS (Allen, Carrington and Spalding), followedby performances from the Jazz at LincolnCenter Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis, the BradMehldau Trio and the Spring Quartet featuringJack DeJohnette, Joe Lovano, Esperanza Spaldingand Leo Genovese. Matt Andersen makes hisheadliner debut at Massey Hall and we welcomethe return of Classic Albums Live (performingCrime of the Century, Abbey Road, Hotel Californiaand Led Zeppelin II), Buddy Guy, B.B. King, RonWhite and George Thorogood. Massey Hall presentsconcerts at Enwave Theatre (HarbourfrontCentre), Winter Garden Theatre and the Rivoli,including Amanda Martinez, Royal Wood, CowboyJunkies, Dala, Emm Gryner, Jimmy Rankin,The Once and The Bad Plus. The Corporation ofMassey Hall and Roy Thomson Hall is a registeredcharitable not-for-profit organization. Follow uson Twitter and Facebook!Stephen McGrath416-593-4822 x318stephen.mcgrath@rth-mh.comBox Office:●●MCS ChorusLed by artistic director Mervin William Fick, MCSChorus is a vibrant part of the performing artscommunity. Founded in 1975, the chorus performsa wide variety of choral works, rangingfrom the classical core repertoire to contemporaryclassic and popular works. MCS Chorusstrongly supports Canadian repertoire and newlycommissioned works, and provides performanceopportunities for emerging artists.The 2013/14 season includes collaborationswith community, arts and charitable organizations,such as a community-based concert insupport of the Mississauga Compass Food Bankand the TSO’s “Messiah for the City” benefit concertfor the Toronto United Way. The chorus participatesin National Culture Days and has beeninvited once again to be guest chorus for Mississauga’sannual “Caroling in the Park” event.MCS Chorus also offers two youth-based artseducation programs: a live in-school performancefor grades 3 to 8 and a Choral Scholarsprogram for high-school aged students. MCSChorus provides many opportunities for singersto enhance their vocal skills through in-rehearsalcoaching, concert performances and participationin community events.Linda●●Miles Nadal JewishCommunity CentreThe MNjcc is a vibrant community centre at Bloorand Spadina that is open to all. We provide social,cultural, educational, fitness, aquatic and recreationalprogramming for every age and stageof life.Our arts include concerts, theatre, film screeningsand studies, gallery exhibitions, literaryevents, pottery and music. Over 400 people studymusic in our building every week! Our vibrantchoral program includes the Community Choir,Women’s Chorus, Adult Daytime Choir and JewishChanting Circle. Instrumentalists enjoy ourAdult Klezmer Ensemble and children’s Suzukimusic program and summer camp. The Institutefor Choral Wellness presents music workshopssuch as rhythmic training, song writing and performance.The 2014 Summer Institute for CreativeAdults: Singers Edition presents a full-weekcamp to build vocal and choral skills with some ofToronto’s best instructors. Home to the Al GreenTheatre, a state-of-the-art venue with a grandpiano, full stage and film screen, the MNjcc is perfectfor arts and corporate events. We host manyfestivals and seasons, including the Toronto JewishFilm Society subscription series.Harriet Wichin416-924-6211●●Mississauga Children’s ChoirRaising our Spirit through Song! The MississaugaChildren’s Choir is a treble choir of 130children aged 6 to 16 years and includes fivegraded ensembles: Training, Junior, Main, Concertand Boys Choir. The choirs rehearse weeklyand major performances take place at the MississaugaLiving Arts Centre in December and June.The MCC welcomes Dr. Caron Daley as their newartistic director. Caron recently completed herD.M.A. in choral conducting and holds previousdegrees in choral conducting, vocal pedagogyand music education.For over 30 years the Mississauga Children’sChoir has been providing young singers withexceptional musical experiences through excellencein performance, music education, recording,touring and service to the community.Dr. Caron Daley, artistic directorDenise Heggart, executive●●Mississauga Festival ChoirMississauga Festival Choir is a 100-voice, adult,non-auditioned community choir dedicated toexcellence in choral performance with variedrepertoire for all ages. MFC performs eachB16 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES

season at the Living Arts Centre and other venuesin Mississauga. A small auditioned chamber choir(MFCC) performs separately. David Ambrose hasbeen artistic director since 2005.MFC’s 30th anniversary season will consistof four exciting celebratory concerts: “Rutter’sGloria,” featuring brass instruments, in December;a massed choir “Festival of Friends” in February;the MFC Chamber Choir’s “Transformation”(March), with multi-media performances; and“Celebration! 30th Anniversary Gala Concert”in May.Our Christmas CD Gloria! will be released atthe December concert. MFC will also performthe first winning entry from the newly establishedannual MFC Choral Competition Contest at theMay 2014 concert. This year’s special event willbe a tour of Germany and Austria, in the summerof 2014.Rehearsals are Monday evenings at CawthraSeniors’ Centre. For more information about thechoir, please visit our website!●●Mississauga Symphony OrchestraJoin us for the inaugural season of music directorDenis Mastromonaco with the MississaugaSymphony Orchestra! With guest artists PeterLongworth, Valerie Tryon, Guy Few, the HaltonMississauga Youth Orchestra and the Band ofthe Royal Regiment of Canada, the renewed andrefreshed Mississauga Symphony brings you aseason of old favourites and new delights.The season will also feature the first annualMSO Youth Concerto Competition, with the winnershowcased in the February concert.October 12: “Russian Treasures,” with ValerieTryon, piano.November 23: “Heroic Brass,” with Guy Few,trumpet.December 14 (at the special family time of 4pm):“Holiday Spectacular” — a one-hour family concertwith the Halton Mississauga Youth Orchestra,including the Long & McQuade InstrumentPetting Zoo in the Atrium.February 8: “Young at Heart,” a casual concertfeaturing the winner of the first annual MSOYouth Concerto Competition.March 22: “Classical Origins,” with Peter Longworth,piano.May 10: “The Royal Treatment” with the Bandof the Royal Regiment of Canada.MSO performances are held on Saturday eveningsin the wonderfully warm acoustics of HammersonHall in Mississauga’s Living Arts Centre.Susan Grohmann, administrator905-615-4405Box Office: 905-306-6000info@mississaugasymphony.camississaugasymphony.caOPERA ATELIER●●Mooredale ConcertsMooredale Concerts celebrates its 25th season!Two of Canada’s musical gems, the Cecilia andAfiara String Quartets, join forces in Mendelssohn’sOctet. European orchestra Il Giardinod’Amore marks its Canadian debut performinginstrumental and vocal works by Vivaldi andHandel. We return to Koerner Hall with cellistMatt Haimovitz and the Ontario PhilharmonicOrchestra conducted by Marco Parisotto to performBloch’s Schelomo and Mahler’s SymphonyNo.1. Violinist Emmanuel Vukovich and his Montreal-basedParcival Strings will perform thethrilling Brahms Clarinet Quintet. Our secondCanadian debut features celebrated Spanishpianist Guillermo Gonzalez, whose program willinclude the complete demanding and virtuosicIberia. Last, but not least, the Canadian Brass performsan all-classical program.2013/14 six-concert subscriptions for “Toronto’sBest Bargain for Great Music!” are only 0,0 for seniors and for those under 30.Concerts at U of T take place at 3:15pm unlessindicated otherwise.Five of the featured concerts above are presentedas a one-hour, interactive “Music and Truffles”performances for young people aged 6 to15,Sundays from 1:15pm to 2:15pm. Adults are welcome!Subscriptions are and include a chocolatetruffle for everyone.mooredaleconcerts.com416-922-3714 x103●●Music at MetropolitanMusic at Metropolitan presents a variety ofconcerts at Metropolitan United Church, featuringMetropolitan’s choir, soloists and guestartists. This season features a series of four concerts:“Music by Beethoven and Schubert” featuringArnold Tirzits and Janet Obermeyer onNovember 16, Canadian organist Ken Cowan onMarch 28, J. S. Bach’s St. John Passion on GoodFriday, April 18, and “Musicians on the Edge” featuringBenjamin Stein and others on May 10. Theannual “Hallowe’en Phantoms of the Organ” is onOctober 25. Noon at Met concerts — free recitalsfeaturing the organ and other instrumentalists/vocalists — are held every Thursday at 12:15pm.Our special Christmas events include the “CarolsUnited” carol sing with the Metropolitan SilverBand and organ on December 8 and our “CandlelightCarol Service” on December 22. Metropolitanhouses the largest pipe organ in Canadaand the oldest tuned carillon in North America.Metropolitan also has a variety of children’s,youth and handbell choirs which are open to all.Please contact us for a concert brochure or formore information.Patricia Wright, artistic director416-363-0331●●Music GalleryThe Music Gallery is Toronto’s centre for creativemusic, founded in 1976 by Peter Anson and AlMattes of the legendary free-improvising collective,CCMC. Led by artistic director David Dacks,the Music Gallery is a centre for promoting andpresenting innovation and experimentation in allforms of music, and for encouraging cross-pollinationbetween genres, disciplines and audiences.Since 2001, the Music Gallery has founda home at St. George the Martyr Church (197John St. at Stephanie St.), at the southern edgeof Grange Park.David Dacks416-204-1080david@musicgallery.orgmusicgallery.orgtheWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B17

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)