BLUE PAGES 2013/14●●Music TorontoThe world’s best play here!Music Toronto’s 42nd season includes theAcademy of St. Martin in the Fields ChamberEnsemble, in its first concert in Toronto in 20years. You also won’t want to miss the Jerusalem,Miró and Alcan Quartets, and New MusicConcerts joins us to invite the renowned ArdittiQuartet to the city. Our perennial favourites the St.Lawrence Quartet and the Gryphon Trio return,and the Parker Quartet makes its debut, with formerTokyo Quartet violinist Kikuei Ikeda.Featured pianists include the masterfulArnaldo Cohen, the always-intriguing Eve Egoyan,the great Marc-André Hamelin, the brilliantyoung Benjamin Grosvenor making his Torontodebut and David Jalbert playing his acclaimedinterpretation of Bach’s Goldberg Variations.Our Discovery Series (tickets just .50) comprisesthree concerts of younger Canadian artists:baritone Phillip Addis, pianist Stephanie Chuaand violinist Alexandre Da Costa.Join the best audience in the city to hear thesewonderful artists up close and personal in a perfectsmall concert theatre. Serious music — butwe’re not solemn about it. You can’t afford to missmusic this good!Jennifer Taylor, artistic producer416-214-1660Box Office: 416-366-7723;1-800-708-6754;●●Musicians in OrdinaryNamed after the singers and lutenists who performedin the most intimate quarters of the Stuartmonarchs’ palace, the Musicians In Ordinaryfor the Lutes and Voices dedicate themselves tothe performance of early solo song and vocalchamber music. Led by Hallie Fishel, soprano, andJohn Edwards, lutenist, the ensemble has been afixture in the Toronto early music scene for overten years, performs across North America at universitiesand museums and is ensemble-in-residenceat St. Michael’s College. Audiences delightin the liveliness of their innovative concerts andthe infectious passion of the performers for puttingtheir repertoire in cultural context.This year, MIO presents two series. Their HeliconianHall series includes a celebration of theDowland anniversary, their annual “New Year’sDay Baroque” concert, consort songs by Byrd andothers, and solo Italian music of the cinquecento.Their performances of Biber’s complete cycle ofRosary Sonatas with Christopher Verrette, baroqueviolin, take place at St. Michael’s College andbegin this month. See The WholeNote for other St.Michael’s events with orchestra and choir!●●Nagata ShachuIn celebration of its 15th anniversary, NagataShachu, Canada’s premiere Japanese taiko andmusic ensemble, will present three highly anticipatedconcerts at the Harbourfront Centre aspart of its 2013/14 season. The ensemble will alsobe releasing its sixth studio recording at its inauguralconcerts on November 22 and 23.Since its formation in 1998, Nagata Shachuhas enthralled audiences with its mesmerizingand heart-pounding performances of theJapanese drum (taiko). The group has touredwidely throughout Canada, the US and Europe,performing in theatres, concert halls and majormusic festivals.While rooted in the folk drumming traditions ofJapan, the ensemble’s principal aim is to rejuvenatethis ancient art form by producing innovativeand exciting music that seeks to create anew voice for the taiko. Taking its name fromfounder Kiyoshi Nagata and the Japanese word“shachu,” meaning “group,” Nagata Shachu hasbecome renowned for its exacting yet physicallydemanding performances, as well as for itsdiverse repertoire. Their playing is the combinationof unbounded spirit and passion with thehighest levels of musicianship and discipline.Kiyoshi Nagata,●●Nathaniel Dett ChoraleThe Nathaniel Dett Chorale is an SATB professionalchoir of more than 20 voices based inToronto and dedicated to performing Afrocentricmusic of all genres, including classical, spiritual,gospel, jazz, folk and blues. Founded by artisticdirector Dr. Brainerd Blyden-Taylor in 1998 andnamed after internationally renowned African-Canadian composer R. Nathaniel Dett, the choraleis Canada’s premier performer of Afrocentriccomposers and a touchstone for the educationof audiences and communities regarding the fullspectrum of Afrocentric choral music. The missionof the chorale is to build bridges of understanding,appreciation and acceptance betweencommunities of people through the medium ofmusic. The chorale has a three-concert subscriptionseries, tours extensively each season and hasreleased several CDs and DVDs. Membership isby audition.Karen Scovell,●●New Music ConcertsNew Music Concerts’ 43rd season opens onOctober 6 with “Stefan meets Anton and Mortymeets John,” featuring 20th-century mastersWolpe, Webern, Feldman and Cage. It continuesNovember 1 with “David Eagle and theArt of Interactive Electronics,” including stateof the art works by Eagle, Anna Pidgorna, JimmieLeblanc, Anthony Tan and Hans Tutschku. OnDecember 14 French master percussionist Jean-Pierre Drouet performs seminal solo works fromthe 70s and 80s by Kagel, Aperghis, Globokar etal. “From Atlantic Shores” (January 19) showcasesMotion Ensemble and works written forthem by East Coast Canadian composers. “AnEvening with the Arditti Quartet” (March 20), copresentedwith Music Toronto, features works byCarter, Ferneyhough, Lachenmann and Paredescomposed for this renowned ensemble. April 18 isa “Portrait Concert” of star composer/conductor/clarinettist Jörg Widmann.Pipa virtuoso Wei-wei Lan gives a solo recitalto benefit New Music Concerts on May 17 and isfeatured in NMC’s contribution to the inaugural21C Music Festival on May 21, with new works bythree Beijing composers.Robert Aitken, artistic directorDavid Olds, general●●newchoirnewchoir, directed by Scott Pietrangelo, is adynamic and joyous SATB adult rock/pop choirof 160 singers with a repertoire ranging fromclassic rock to alternative to today’s chart toppers.newchoir will present two main shows inits ninth season. Our Saturday February 1 showat the St. Michael’s College School Centre for theArts will feature favourite numbers from Bon Jovi,Queen, Radiohead and others. newchoir is excitedto make its TELUS Centre’s Koerner Hall debut onSaturday May 31 with a show featuring Canadianrock and pop favourites from the ’70s throughto today. newchoir will also be performing in a“Reaching Out Through Music” benefit concerton February 8 at St. Clement’s Anglican Churchin Toronto. It’s choir like you’ve never heard itbefore! Tickets available soon on our website!●●Nine Sparrows Arts FoundationNine Sparrows Arts Foundation marks its 20thanniversary under artistic director Eric Robertson.Since the inaugural performance of “Hastento Come Before Winter,” Nine Sparrows ArtsFoundation has presented a rich variety of concertsfor Toronto audiences. In addition to itspopular weekly recital series, Nine Sparrows haspresented international groups such as King’sCollege Cambridge Choir, Clare College Singersand St. John’s College Choir, and has featuredCanadian artists including John Neville, EricaGoodman, Colin Fox, the True North Brass, theB18 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES
Gryphon Trio, Christine Duncan’s Element Choirand percussion ensemble NEXUS. Nine Sparrowsis pleased to be involved in the City Carol Sing, alarge annual charity event raising money for foodbanks across Canada.Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation is a not-forprofitorganization dedicated to bringing the bestin inspirational arts programming, governed byan elected volunteer board of directors and operatingwith the assistance of advisors from a varietyof backgrounds.Nine Sparrows, in co-operation with ChristChurch Deer Park, will begin its 2013/14 seasonon September 26 with the first recital in its weeklyThursday “Lunchtime Chamber Music” series.E. Burns,●●Nocturnes in the CityNocturnes in the City started 13 years ago as asmall series in the Czech Community Centre inScarborough restaurant Praha.The first season was a great success and thismini-series has continued for several years,usually with five classical concerts and one jazzconcert or musical talk. Five years ago the classicalconcerts moved to the acoustically superbSt.Wenceslaus Church on Bloor St. at GladstoneAve. Jazz concerts are still held at the Czech CommunityCentre at Masaryktown in Scarborough.Over 12 years, we have presented the Kocian,Zemlinsky, Panocha and Martinů quartets; singersEva Urbanova, Zdenek Plech, Gustáv Belaček,Bozena Ferancova and Eva Blahova; pianistsAntonín Kubálek, Jan Novotný, Carrolina Kubálekand Martin Karliček; and jazzmen George Grosmanand Drew Jurecka, clarinetist Peter Stoll,mandolinist Radim Zenkl and opera experts IainScott and Cathryn Belyea.This season features two jazzmen — GeorgeGrosman and Drew Jurecka — in Scarborough,and in the city, singer Shawn Mlynek from Cincinnati,pianists Jan Novotný and Boris Krajný andDuo Ventapane from Montreal. Concerts are ofthe highest quality and refreshments are alwaysa surprise!●●NYCO Symphony OrchestraThe NYCO Symphony Orchestra is dedicated tothe performance of classical music in a range ofstyles, encouraging participation and developmentwithin our membership and the appreciationand enrichment of classical music for awide public.The orchestra, under the baton of David Bowser,music director and conductor, offers anaffordable four-concert subscription series, allheld at St Michael’s College School Centre for theArts. The orchestra also performs to a diverseaudience through outreach and communityPETERBOROUGH SINGERSprograms and the NYCO Chamber Players,drawn from members of the orchestra, performchamber music programs in seniors’ residencesand long-term care facilities, as well as an educationconcert series in schools.The NYCO Mozart Vocal Competition is anannual event for young singers to win an opportunityto perform in concert with the NYCOSymphony Orchestra, to be held this season onFebruary 8 and 9, 2014. Finalists will perform withus at our March 31 concert.We believe that music is for everyone. Pleasevisit our website for this year’s programming.nyco.on.ca416-628-9195●●Off Centre Music SalonWelcome to Off Centre Music Salon’s 19th season,a year of revisiting old favourites while dancinginto our third decade! We’ve filled up our “dancecard” this season with some of our favourites,beginning with our beloved Schubert in a programdevoted to his relationship to the poetryof Goethe and Heine. Our next dancing partneris the world renowned Carol Wincenc (backto Off Centre after a 15 year hiatus), who takesthe lead in an homage to all things flute in “TuttiFlutti!” We’ve saved the “divertissement” for theincomparable Jeannette Zingg of Opera Atelier,who returns to choreograph a dance in ourfirst ever salon devoted entirely to the music ofdance. In the coda of the season, we pay a visit tothe most misunderstood musical figures of Russia— composers born in the wrong century.To make sure our concerts are more accessibleto all, we’ve introduced new student and childrates! Please visit our website for details andinformation. All concerts take place Sundays at2pm at Glenn Gould Studio. Subscriptions: 5(adults); 5 (seniors). Prices include HST.Inna Perkis and Boris Zarankin,founders and artistic●●Ontario PhilharmonicOur 2013/14 season marks the continuation of ourGreat Soloists Series at Toronto’s Koerner Hall,where we are thrilled to be showcasing some ofthe world’s most renowned soloists.The Ontario Philharmonic has become a notableplayer in the landscape of classical music inOntario. It has evolved as one of the most excitingorchestras in the Toronto/GTA areas and it hasearned its place among the leading performingarts organizations of the province. The orchestracomprises players from amongst the finestprofessional musicians in the GTA and it is led byone of Canada’s most distinguished conductorson the international scene, Marco Parisotto.Highlights in the 2013/14 season include soloistsMatt Haimovitz (cellist), Richard Margison(tenor) and Haiou Zhang (pianist), as well as theinspiring music of Mozart and Liszt.Hayley Preziosi, Durham Region contact905-579-6711; contact@ontariophil.caBonnie Booth, Toronto contact416-443-9737; bbooth@ontariophil.caBox Office: 416-408-0208 (KoernerHall); 905-721-3399 x2 (Regent Theatre)●●Opera AtelierOpera Atelier is Canada’s premier baroque opera/ballet company, specializing in producing opera,ballet and drama from the 17th and 18th centuries.While drawing upon the aesthetics and idealsof the period, Opera Atelier goes beyond “reconstruction”and infuses each production with aninventive theatricality that resonates with modernaudiences. Over the past 28 years, led byfounding artistic directors Marshall Pynkoski andJeannette Lajeunesse Zingg, Opera Atelier hastheWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B19
Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir
Last month’s“Priceless” pitch
koerner hall is celebrating its fif
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Lasting LegacyLotfi MansouriPAMELA
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Beat by Beat | Art of SongBritten,
Beat by Beat | Classical & BeyondLe
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Elmer Iseler Singers.2013-2014Frida
ERIC PARKERBeat by Beat | Early Mus
the somewhat sacrosanct territory o
COC’s World Music Series presents
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Beat by Beat | On OperaLarge ScaleL
The WholeNote listings are arranged
Berland, violin; Joe Nadurata, viol
0(all-access pass).● ● 8:00: