9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 2 - October 2013

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • November
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Symphony


BLUE PAGES 2013/14garnered acclaim for its performances at homeas well as in the United States, Europe and Asia.Based in Toronto, Opera Atelier performs atthe historic Elgin Theatre in the heart of downtown.The 2013/14 season features the return oftwo of Opera Atelier’s most-loved productions:Mozart’s hilarious confection Abduction from theSeraglio (October 26 to November 2, 2013) andLully’s supreme masterpiece Persée (April 26 toMay 3, 2014), which will also tour to the Palace ofVersailles! Both productions feature a spectaculararray of Canadian and international singers,the Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra and the artistsof Atelier Ballet.Marshall Pynkoski and JeannetteLajeunesse Zingg, co-artistic directors416-703-3767operaatelier.comBox Office: 1-855-622-ARTS(2787)●●Opera YorkIn our 17th season and continuing our residencyas the professional opera company at the RichmondHill Centre for the Arts, Opera York offerstwo exciting productions for our main stage withthe Opera York Chorus and Orchestra. Celebratingthe 200th anniversary of Verdi’s birth, theseason opens with Il Trovatore under artistic directorSabatino Vacca. Stage director Gabe Grazianojoins with production designer Frank Pasianto create a magnificent set.Opera York’s second half of the season is led byartistic director Geoffrey Butler, as Figaro comesforward to solve all the problems of the world inthe full production of Rossini’s classic The Barberof Seville. Stage director Renee Salweski returnswith Frank Pasian, production designer, to completethe presentation.Opera York continues to provide affordable andaccessible lectures, operatic concerts for seniorsand educational programming.November 7 and 9, 2013: Verdi’s Il Trovatore,Richmond Hill Centre for the Arts. February 27and March 1, 2014: Rossini’s The Barber of Seville.905-763-7853info@operayork.comoperayork.comBox●●Orchestra TorontoOrchestra Toronto, Toronto’s premier communitysymphony orchestra, offers vibrant programmingin five Sunday afternoon concerts.This 2013/14 season marks the orchestra’s 60thanniversary “Diamond Season” and we start ourfirst concert with guest conductor Shalom Bard.We will perform eclectic and powerful masterpiecesas well as new works and a light classicsconcert. Each concert is preceded by a preconcerttalk and takes place at George WestonRecital Hall at the Toronto Centre for the Arts.Most thrilling this season will be the announcementof a new music director. We also have anexciting roster of soloists; Nadina Mackie Jackson,bassoon, and Guy Few, trumpet, will premierea new composition by Mathieu Lussier.Jonathan Crow, violin, finishes our season withthe Brahms Violin Concerto in D Op.77. OurDecember “Holiday Jewels” concert will featureSijing Ye, piano, our concerto competition winneras well as some holiday treats and our ever popularInstrument Petting Zoo. New this year is oursmall ensemble coaching program, where youngmusicians receive instruction from our professionalprincipal players.Samantha Little, executive●●ORGANIX Concerts Inc.ORGANIX Concerts Inc., a wholly owned subsidiaryof Glionna Mansell Corporation, is the producerof important musical events specific toorgan performance and education. The musicalhighlight of the year is the annual internationalORGANIX music series showcasing Toronto’s finestpipe organs. This series offers the public anopportunity to hear and experience rarely performedrepertoire brilliantly executed on magnificentinstruments by passionate Canadian andinternational artists.ORGANIX 14 will present international artists,including Kerry Beaumont (UK), Witold Zalewski(Poland), Elisabeth Ulmann (Austria) withcellist Samuel Bisson and the ORGANIX StringEnsemble, Rhonda Sider Edgington (USA) andShawn Potter (Nova Scotia). Mr. Potter is a superbCanadian talent and is the winner of the prestigious2013 RCCO National Organ Competition inOttawa. As is our tradition, all who are 18 years ofage and younger attend every concert free.ORGANIX is a music series unlike any other!Gordon Mansell,president and artistic director416-769-5224;●●ORIANA Women’s ChoirORIANA has been a fixture in Toronto’s choralcommunity for over 40 years, bringing beautifulmusic for female voices to its audiences throughlive concerts and CDs. ORIANA is particularlyknown for its history of commissions, including 57brand-new Canadian compositions and arrangementssince 2000 alone. The choir is also proudof its musical excellence, its welcoming and supportiveatmosphere and its artistic collaborations.In the upcoming season, programmed by artisticdirector Mitchell Pady, ORIANA will performmany of its favourite commissions alongwith many classic works written or arranged forfemale voices. Each concert will include a delightfulmix of traditional and modern music, plannedaround a central theme. These concerts will beheld Sunday November 24, 2013, 3pm; SundayMarch 23, 2014, 3pm; and Saturday May 31, 2014,8pm, at Grace Church on-the-Hill. Subscriptionsare available.Auditions are held each term. Contact us toattend a rehearsal or book an audition. Rehearsalsare held Tuesdays from 7:30pm to 10pm.General information: Julia Leeinfo@orianachoir.comAuditions: Mitchell Pady416-424-1694●●Orpheus Choir of Toronto50 years of Innovation!The Orpheus vision is “to celebrate the transformationalpower of choral music as an agent ofsocial change and a passionate medium of artisticexpression.”Celebrating its 50th season of innovativemusic-making, the Orpheus Choir, under thecharismatic direction of artistic director RobertCooper, champions the different and rare inchoral performance, both pioneering new treasuresand performing neglected gems.Our anniversary season includes the Canadianpremieres of Benjamin Britten’s World ofthe Spirit and Granados’ Cant de les Estrelles;Tango Dances, an Orpheus commission forchoir and accordion virtuoso; festive Christmasfavourites with the Hannaford Street Silver Band;and a gala performance of Dvořák’s Requiem inKoerner Hall.2013/14 also marks the 25th anniversary ofour unique Sidgwick Scholars Program, throughwhich Orpheus has played a formative role inlaunching the careers of many of today’s remarkableyoung singers.The Orpheus Choir is a vital and inclusivechoral community meeting Tuesday evenings atYorkminster Park Baptist Church. Rehearsals areopen and we welcome enthusiastic singers for an“expect something different” experience!Helen●●Pax Christi ChoraleKnown for presenting rarely heard choralmasterpieces, Pax Christi Chorale has a reputationfor passionate singing and performance ofdramatic masterworks with professional soloistsand orchestra. Their concerts bring peopletogether in a musical community without borders,in an artistic experience that deeply touches performersand audience alike.Under the artistic direction of StephanieMartin since 1997, the choir has performedambitious works including Handel’s Solomon,Britten’s Saint Nicolas and Elgar’s The Kingdomin Koerner Hall. In addition to their annual communityconcert, “The Children’s Messiah,” PaxB20 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES

Christi Chorale will present three concerts in2013/14: “The Great Canadian Hymn CompetitionII,” “A Frosty Christmas Eve” (Finzi’s In TerraPax; Willan’s The Mystery of Bethlehem) and “Passionand Peace” (Fauré’s Messe Basse; Langlas’Missa Salve Regina; Randall Thompson’s ThePeaceable Kingdom).The choir has a chamber choir and choralscholarship program and an active school outreachprogram. The choir rehearses on Mondaynights in North York. Auditions are held in Mayand August.Jennifer Collins, general managerjennifer.collins@paxchristichorale.orgDaniel Norman,assistant conductor and●●Penthelia SingersA vibrant ensemble of women, Penthelia Singersis committed to excellence in performing aculturally diverse and musically sophisticatedrepertoire spanning the renaissance to the 21stcentury. Founded in 1997, the group is namedafter the ancient Egyptian priestess-musician,Penthelia. Entering its 17th season, the choirhas earned a reputation for presenting innovativeconcerts of four- to eight-part choral repertoirein a multitude of languages. Guest artists,dance, creative themes and unique programmingmake attending a Penthelia performance an originaland engaging concert experience. The choiraims to demonstrate the diversity of choral musicand to cross ethnic and cultural boundaries byreaching out to and connecting with its communitythrough music.Our major concerts for the 2013/14 seasonwill include “Dancing Day” (Sunday November 24,2013, 3pm) and “A Tribute to Canadian Folk” (Wednesday,June 4, 2014, 8pm).Penthelia Singers rehearse Wednesdays from7:30pm to 9:30pm at Rosedale PresbyterianChurch (129 Mt. Pleasant Rd).Alice Malach, artistic●●Peterborough SingersThe Peterborough Singers is an auditioned 100-voice choir of all ages that attracts audiencesfrom Peterborough, the Kawarthas, Northumberlandand locations along the lakeshore. Theannual five-concert season includes a diversemusical repertoire, from gospel to sacred topop to oratorio. Classical highlights have includedSt. Matthew Passion, Elijah, the annual Messiah,Carmina Burana, and Bach’s B Minor Mass. ThePeterborough Singers regularly feature emergingsolo artists and have commissioned worksby Canadian composers Mark Sirett, StephenChatman and Len Ballantine.SCARAMELLALast season the choir celebrated its 20th anniversaryunder founding conductor Syd Birrell.The 2013/14 season includes an exhilarating “Carolswith Brass” (November 30), the annual Handel’sMessiah (December 15 and 16), a toe-tapping“Celtic Celebration” (February 15) and the powerfulThe Armed Man: A Mass for Peace (May 10).The Peterborough Singers rehearse Wednesdaysfrom 7:30pm to 9:30pm at Murray St. BaptistChurch (175 Murray St.).Peg McCracken, business●●RCCO TorontoAt the national level, the RCCO (Royal CanadianCollege of Organists) offers opportunities for professionalcertification, publishes the magazineOrgan Canada/Orgue Canada, publishes newcompositions for organ and/or choir and organizesannual conventions.RCCO Toronto is a community in the GTA forprofessional and amateur organists, churchand synagogue musicians, choral conductorsand others who value the “King of Instruments.”In October, RCCO Toronto will co-sponsor aworkshop by American conductor Alice Parkeron “Creative Use of Hymns in Worship.” Ourannual free Halloween concert, “Phantoms ofthe Organ,” takes place on October 25 at 10pm,at Metropolitan United Church. In February, distinguishedToronto organist David Briggs will givea lecture and demonstration on improvisationtechniques. Visiting organ masters such as TomTrenney, David Briggs, Ken Cowan and GerardBrooks will present recitals and masterclassesthroughout the year. The month of May will bringthe Toronto Organ Competition, a chance tohear tomorrow’s top organists. Events are usuallyopen to any and all interested persons, notjust members.For details of all events, please visit our website.Elisa Mangina, president416-766-0320Hazel Ogilvie, membership●●Real World Artist ManagementWelcome to the Real World of Artist Management.It’s a collaborative world where challenges andopportunities are met by our team of partnerswho share our professional values and integrity.Real World Artist Management Inc. is based onthe 360-degree management model, meaningthat we support our artists according to theirindividual needs, rather than slotting them intoinflexible and out-of-date formulas that don’tapply in the new and exciting global musical landscape.You won’t find artist categories and genreshere. Our passionate artists come from diversemusical backgrounds that allow us to nurture artisticand cultural interplay that ignites new ideasand solutions. We won’t pretend to know what wedon’t know and are eager to learn along with ourartists as the goal posts continuously shift andevolve. With lots of moving parts in play, we canadapt by leaning on what stands still — our cultivatedand reliable long term relationships. If youare ready to move to the next level of your hardearnedmusical career, we would like to shareour world with you.Faye Perkins is the President of RWAMI andPaula Sinton is the head of Communication Strategyand Business Liaisons. Faye builds the plansand Paula develops the relationships. Our artistroster includes: Glenn Gould Limited/Glenn GouldEstate, Daniela Nardi’s Espresso Manifesto, RonDavis, Michael Ciufo, Charles Cozens, Eve Egoyanand Jurij Konje.realworldartists.comtheWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B21

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Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)