BLUE PAGES 2013/14●●Rose Theatre BramptonThe Rose Theatre Brampton presents the 2013/14season! From intimate theatre to internationallyacclaimed stage spectacles, classical balletto stand-up comedy, concerts of all genresto family entertainment, there’s something tosuit all tastes. An eclectic blend of commercialand well-known acts complements a variety oflesser-known yet dynamic performances andthe bright stars of tomorrow. Highlight performancesinclude Rick Springfield, Jesse Cook, GinoVannelli, Kurt Elling, Blind Boys of Alabama, LionaBoyd, Tower of Power, Rosanne Cash, Kim Mitchell,Matt Andersen, the Peking Acrobats and theTen Tenors. The hugely popular Studio Two performancescontinue this year with jazz, comedy,theatre and world music performances in theintimate 100-capacity secondary hall. Subscriberscan save up to 25% on main stage performancesby purchasing three or more shows at onetime! There are over 52 shows to choose fromand parking is always free on show nights. Forfull season information and subscriptions, pleasevisit our website. Experience it live!Box Office:●●Roy Thomson Hall2013/14 welcomes a diverse line-up of internationallyrenowned orchestras, musicians,speakers and more at Roy Thomson Hall. TheMariinsky Orchestra returns with conductorValery Gergiev, the Los Angeles Philharmonictakes the stage under the baton of GustavoDudamel, and world-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Mareturns in recital with pianist Kathryn Stott. RoyThomson Hall opens its doors for the 17th seasonof free “Noon Hour Choir and Organ Concerts”and National Geographic Live, with a newseason of outstanding presentations by photographersand filmmakers for National Geographic.Other highlights include the Preservation HallJazz Band, Zakir Husain and the Masters of Percussion,the Priests and many more. To celebrateits 30th anniversary, a new book on the historyof the venue has been published: Roy ThomsonHall: A Portrait is available at the Music Store atRoy Thomson Hall and at fine book sellers everywhere.The Corporation of Massey Hall and RoyThomson Hall is a registered charitable not-forprofitorganization. Follow us on Facebook andTwitter (@SoundboardTO)!Stephen McGrath416-593-4822 x318stephen.mcgrath@rth-mh.comBox Office:●●Royal ConservatoryCelebrate Koerner Hall’s fifth anniversary concertseason with us! There are more than 70classical, jazz, world music, dance and pop concertsto choose from in the 2013/14 season. TheToronto Star has said “Koerner Hall is regardedas one of the world’s finest recital halls,” andcalled Koerner Hall “Toronto’s newest — andfinest — concert space” as well as “magnificentin its acoustics, as much as in its design.” TheGlobe and Mail called it “The Temple of Tone.” AtKoerner Hall, you’ll see some of the world’s bestclassical artists and ensembles, including YujaWang, András Schiff, Natalie Dessay, MarcelloGiordani and Midori, alongside artists such asblues legend Taj Mahal, mandolin genius ChrisThile, Broadway star Audra McDonald, the TDJazz series and so much more. Tickets start atonly . Performances by the Conservatory’sinternationally acclaimed faculty and gifted studentscan be heard in the intimate Mazzoleni ConcertHall in historic Ihnatowycz Hall, all located inthe TELUS Centre for Performance and Learningat Bloor and Avenue Rd.Heather Kelly416-408-2824●●ScaramellaScaramella presents chamber music concertson period instruments and its focus is explorationand revitalization. We believe people listenmore profoundly and experience the music morepersonally when they don’t know exactly what toexpect, so each of our presentations is carefullycrafted to surprise and delight, with a great dealof variety from one program to the next.For 2013/14, our theme is chamber musicfor unusual combinations of instruments. Thefirst program centres on music of the EnglishInterregnum and Restoration periods, a timewhen political upheavals and natural disasterscut off and redefined sources of patronage formusicians. Our second concert presents anunexpected muse — the Viennese double bass — incombination with natural horns, flute and viola.The third presentation introduces two youngvirtuosi from Montreal — Elinor Frey on celloand Daniel Zuluaga on chittarone and baroqueguitar — and pits two different forms of violoniagainst each other.Tickets are available at the door or for advancepurchase on our website.•November 30, 2013: “Musick for SeverallFriends”•February 1, 2014: “Musicalischer Spaß”•April 12, 2014: “Basso Obbligato”Joëlle Morton, artistic●●Scarborough PhilharmonicOrchestraThe Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra, in its34th season, continues to offer innovative, fulfillingand convenient live entertainment experiencesat affordable prices. We’re a communityorchestra with a professional core, dedicated tosupporting, encouraging and mentoring youngmusicians and enriching lives through high-qualitymusical performances.The SPO is led by music director Ronald Royer,who will be joined on the podium by guest conductorsHoward Cable, Geoffrey Butler, JohnLam and Elton Jones. Renowned composerJim McGrath joins SPO this season as our composer-in-residence.Concerts will showcasethe 120-voice Toronto Choral Society, CanadianStaff Band of the Salvation Army, St. Paul’s SteelOrchestra, emerging soloists from our Young ArtistMentoring Program, soprano soloist YipingChao and many other talented artists. Our firstconcert of the season will feature special guestsfrom the Toronto Symphony Orchestra Sarah Jeffreyand Gabriel Radford, performing a new workcomposed by Ronald Royer.It’s an exciting line-up for our 2013/14 season!Visit our new website for complete concertdetails and online●●Show One ProductionsThe Canadian media have called her “an icon inthe making” and a “Russian-born superwoman.”For nearly a decade, Svetlana Dvoretsky andShow One Productions have brought to Canadasome of the world’s biggest classical musicstars — among them operatic luminaries DmitriHvorostovsky and Sondra Radvanovsky, ValeryGergiev and the Mariinsky Orchestra, the RotterdamPhilharmonic and Yannick Nézet-Séguin,conductor/violinist Vladimir Spivakov, conductor/violist Yuri Bashmet, pianists Olga Kern and DenisMatsuev, the musical hilarity of Igudesman andJoo, and John Malkovich’s celebration of Casanovaand Mozart in The Giacomo Variations.After presenting Mischa Maisky’s 2012 Torontoperformance — his first in 32 years — Show Onebrings the cellist back (in partnership with theRoyal Conservatory), as well as Dmitri Hvorostovskyin recital and the Moscow Virtuosi with VladimirSpivakov, celebrating the orchestra’s 35thanniversary and the tenth anniversary of ShowOne Productions in May 2014.ShowOneProductions.caB22 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES
●●SINE NOMINE Ensemblefor Medieval MusicSINE NOMINE is an ensemble of talented, versatilesingers and instrumentalists passionate aboutthe music of the Middle Ages and about bringingit to life for modern audiences. The group has performedin Toronto and other Ontario centres, aswell as Alberta, Quebec, the Maritimes, the easternUSA and England.This year, SINE NOMINE continues its third decadeof inventive programming, combining vocaland instrumental music from medieval courtsand churches with readings, drama and liturgicalaction to provide insight into the fascinating artisticand intellectual culture of the Middle Ages.Concerts take place on Fridays: December 20(several Christmas plays with music), February 21(music of 15th-century England) and April 25(music by the 14th-century master Guillaumede Machaut), all at Saint Thomas’s Church, 383Huron St., at 8pm.SINE NOMINE has produced three recordings:an independent cassette, the CD-ROM The Art ofthe Chant (PBS/Jasmine) and the CD A GoldenTreasury of Mediaeval Music (Saydisc/AmonRa).SINE NOMINE is ensemble-in-residence at thePontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.Randall Rosenfeld and Andrea●●Sinfonia TorontoSinfonia Toronto is one of Canada’s finest chamberorchestras, with repertoire including all themajor works for string orchestra from baroqueto contemporary. It has also premiered manynew works and presents its concerts at the CBC’sGlenn Gould Studio, where many of its concertshave been recorded for national broadcast, andthe George Weston Recital Hall in North York. Theorchestra has recorded for its own label, MarquisClassics EMI, Cambria and Analekta on iTunes.Sinfonia Toronto comprises 13 virtuoso stringswho perform standing, blending each musician’ssoloistic energy into a brilliant ensembleunder Nurhan Arman’s inspired direction. Theorchestra has toured Europe twice, travels regularlyacross Ontario and performs many outreachconcerts.During the 2013/14 season Sinfonia Torontowill perform four Masterpiece Series concertsin Glenn Gould Studio and three concerts at theToronto Centre for the Arts. Since 2009 SinfoniaToronto has been the orchestra-in-residence ofBarrie’s Colours of Music Festival.Guest soloists for 2013/14 include pianists AlexanderGhindin, Angela Park and Shiran Wang, violinistLara St. John, cellist Karen Ouzounian andmany more.Nurhan Arman,music director and conductorMargaret Chasins,SINFONIA TORONTOdirector of●●Sony Centre for ThePerforming ArtsWelcome to the Sony Centre, Canada’s largestsoft seat theatre. The Sony Centre opened as theO’Keefe Centre on October 1, 1960, and has playedhost to a tremendous variety of internationalattractions and stars. The theatre, designateda historical site by the City of Toronto, recentlyunderwent extensive renovations that restoredthe elegance and grandeur of the original O’KeefeCentre. Iconic features such as the theatre’s marqueecanopy and York Wilson’s lobby mural TheSeven Lively Arts were preserved. Restoration ofthe wood, brass and marble that were hallmarksof the original facility were undertaken, alongwith audience seating and flooring upgrades,new washrooms and re-configured lobby spaces.Audiences are invited to celebrate the Centrein a revitalized and re-invigorated facility in downtownToronto — a nexus of arts, culture and technologieswhere everyone is welcome.1-855-872-SONY (7669)●●SoundstreamsLed by artistic director Lawrence Cherney andexecutive director Chris Lorway, Soundstreamsis a Toronto-based music presenter that commissions,develops and showcases the work ofcontemporary Canadian composers and theirinternational counterparts.These innovative collaborations are performedby the finest artists from Canada and around theworld, and are presented in an annual concertseries in national and international tours andthrough a variety of education and outreachactivities. To mark our 30th anniversary seasonin 2012/13, Soundstreams also launched Sound-Makers, an innovative website and iPad app thatinvites music lovers to explore and create withSoundstreams’ commissioned works.In 2013/14, celebrated Canadian artistsjoin forces with guests from Russia, Australia,Estonia, Latvia and more. Repertoire ranges fromunexpected takes on the ever-popular genre offlamenco to recent works by Arvo Pärt and worldpremieres by some of Canada’s brightest lights.The season concludes with a brilliant staging ofBrian Current’s Airline Icarus, a new opera setaboard a passenger jet.Lawrence Cherney, artistic directorChris Lorway, executive directorBox Office: 416-408-0208Administrative Office:●●Southern Ontario Chapterof the Hymn SocietySouthern Ontario Chapter of the Hymn Society(SOCHS) is a non-denominational organizationsupporting congregational song and offeringthree events each season in the Barrie, Kitchener-Waterlooand Pickering triangle. Anyoneinterested in hymns and congregational songmay join us or participate in our activities. JohnL. Bell and James Abbington have brought excitingsongs to our gatherings. Internationally recognizedhymn writers Mary Louise Bringle, CarlDaw, Michael Hawn and Brian Wren have alsobeen guests.On Friday and Saturday, October 25 and 26,we co-sponsor with RCCO, UofT Faculty of Musicand Yorkminster Park Baptist Church a freecommunity songfest with Alice Parker. On SundayFebruary 2, 2014, at Royal York Road UnitedChurch, Hilary Donaldson directs a hymn festivalon new church songs influenced by Vatican II.theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B23
Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir
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