9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 2 - October 2013

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • November
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Symphony


BLUE PAGES 2013/14On Sunday April 27, Paul Stott leads a discussionand celebration of the work of Saskatchewanhymn writer Walter Farquharson at Trinity-St. Paul’s●●St. Andrew’s PresbyterianChurchSt. Andrew’s Church is a dynamic historic congregationlocated at 73 Simcoe St., across from RoyThomson Hall. Founded in 1830, this Presbyterianchurch has a rich history of musical innovationand excellence. A professional eight-voice choirperforms most Sundays at the 10:30am worshipservice, accompanied on a Karl Wilhelm trackerorgan. The magnificent Bösendorfer Imperialgrand piano further enhances worship services,along with the congregational choir. Thepiano also benefits the wider downtown community,inspiring the 2011 launch of “Life & Musicat St. Andrew’s,” which offers exceptional musicalperformances for minimal or no cost. Performershave included pianist Jamie Parker, Canadianopera stars Russell Braun and MonicaWhicher, Canadian jazz pianist Oliver Jones androots music icon Ken Whiteley, who led a joyousaudience participation Mardi Gras Gospel Sing.Watch also for free Friday Noontime Recitals(Fall 2013 program starts October 18) by Universityof Toronto music students and other performers.Its superb acoustics, downtown location andlarge capacity seating make St. Andrew’s the perfectsetting for a wide range of musical events.Daniel Bickle, director of music416-593-5600●●St. Anne’s Anglican ChurchSt. Anne’s Anglican Church is a welcoming community,worshipping God richly through liturgy,music and the arts. We are committed to openness,justice and outreach, striving to embodyChrist’s healing purpose for the world. Establishedin 1862, this national historic site containsthe only religious artwork by the Group of Seven.Renowned for its music and acoustics, St. Anne’sis the performance and recording venue for specialmusical events by our own choir as well asby many other organizations. Director of musicMatthew Otto welcomes new members to joinour vibrant choir!Each year, the St. Anne’s Music and DramaSociety (MADS) presents one of the operettas ofGilbert and Sullivan in the 300-seat parish auditorium.Founded in 1964, MADS has a fall seasonof rehearsals leading up to January and Februaryperformances. In 2009, MADS performed tocritical acclaim at the International Gilbert andSullivan Festival in Buxton, England. This pastsummer, MADS again attended Buxton to presentits 50th anniversary production of The Gondoliers.This season, MADS presents Princess Ida.Matthew Otto, interim director of●●St. James Town Children’s ChoirThe St. James Town Children’s Choir has beenproviding a choral singing experience and itsrelated social benefits to children aged 7 to 13in Toronto’s ethnically diverse community of St.James Town since 2007. The choir is directed byDiane Jamieson and Sanela Konjhodzic, both ofwhom are music educators with years of experienceworking with children’s choirs.The St. James Town Children’s Choir is part ofReaching Out Through Music, a non-profit organizationwhich also offers individual lessons invoice, piano, guitar, violin and clarinet. ReachingOut Through Music believes in the power of themusical experience for both its intrinsic benefitsand as a tool for fostering cooperation anda sense of community. The choir is central tothis vision.Last year’s highlights included the presentationof a musical play, Compose Yourself, producedand directed by Deborah Griffin, and a year-endconcert at which the choir performed with Toronto’snewchoir. Details of this season are availableon the Reaching Out Through Music●●St. Jude’s Celebration of the ArtsPicture yourself in the atmosphere of a landmarkheritage building surrounded by warm light andbeautiful music! Whether you are on a date night,marking a significant milestone or simply seekingfine music, the Celebration of the Arts series ofmusical performances at St. Jude’s Church, Oakville,will delight your senses.Supported by a generous group of patrons andsponsors, Celebration of the Arts brings worldclassmusical performances to Oakville at affordableprices. Established in 1999, Celebration ofthe Arts presents the finest music in the intimatesurroundings of the church. The splendid acousticsenhance the performances of outstandingmusicians chosen specifically for this venue.The 23rd season begins with the NathanielDett Chorale on October 26. The Montreal GuitarTrio follows on March 1, 2014, and the seasonwraps up with a resounding crescendo of organand brass in “Fugues and Fanfares” on May 10.All performances take place Saturdays at 8pm,at 160 William St., Oakville.For more information or to purchase ticketsplease see our website and follow us on Twitter:@COTAOakville!Ross Connell,●●St. Michael’s Choir SchoolFounded in 1937 by Monsignor J. E. Ronan, St.Michael’s Choir School has provided liturgicalmusic at St. Michael’s Cathedral in the heart ofdowntown Toronto for more than 75 years. Inaddition to singing at the 5pm Mass on Saturdaysand 10am and noon Masses on Sundaysduring the school year, the Choir School also presentsa series of annual concerts. To mark the75th anniversary of this remarkable institution,a commemorative book of history, images andstories will be published soon.The Choir School invites you to come andhear our 275 boys sing in any concert throughoutthe year. For more information please seeour●●St. Olave’s Anglican ChurchSt. Olave’s, Swansea, is an Anglican church in thePrayer Book tradition, with Communion or MorningPrayer services (sung Sundays at 10:30am),Evensong (for festivals) and extras at Christmasand Easter. It’s noted for a fine organ and excellentacoustics, making it home for performinggroups like the Windermere String Quartet.Choral Evensongs (on certain Sundays at 4pm)are followed by afternoon tea and a music event,as listed in The WholeNote: visiting choirs leadingthe service, illustrated music talks or recitalsby guest singers, solo musicians, instrumentalensembles or our Arts Guild. Sung Evensongs(various weekdays at 6pm) are followed by supperand talks on travel, history, applied religion, etc.We’ve recently hired a new director of music,John Stephenson, who is continuing last year’scampaign to expand our choir. Anglican servicesinclude much singing (hymns, canticles, psalms,anthems), so we need a strong choir to lead thecongregation. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 7:30pmto 9pm, with a warm-up Sundays at 10am. Call toask about paid positions, or come to a rehearsalto see what it’s all about. Singers are also welcometo join us at sung Evensongs.Judy Beal, administratorJohn Stephenson, director of●●St. Philip’s Anglican ChurchThe Church of St. Philip in Etobicoke (25 St. PhillipsRd.) is one of the oldest Anglican churches inToronto. Established in 1828, St. Philip’s welcomesall people to vibrant celebrations on Sunday morningsat 8:30am and 10:30am and to an eclecticseries of Sunday afternoon concerts (4pm) thatinclude jazz, blues, polka, fado, mariachi, klezmerand Latin music. Performances feature some ofB24 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES

Toronto’s finest musicians. Come and celebratewith us in our beautiful and historic church!Rev. Canon Allan●●Syrinx Concerts TorontoSyrinx Concerts Toronto was established in1986 as a series of chamber music concerts toencourage and promote Canadian musicians.Each concert will feature the works of Canadiancomposers integrated within a more traditionalrepertoire. The performers, some of Canada’s finestmusicians, have been requested to program aCanadian work they especially enjoy playing or anew work they haven’t had the opportunity to performbefore. We have extended our format nowto include, where possible, international performerswilling to add the required Canadian compositionto their repertoire.The featured composers this year will be: HarrySomers, Kelly Marie Murphy, Walter Buczynski,Jean Papineau-Couture, Anita Sleeman andJacques Hétu.Our season this year consists of six concerts;however, this year we will have an added concert(a Syrinx/Buczynski presentation), a celebrationof Walter Buczynski’s 80th birthday.Dorothy Glick, tickets and●Tafelmusik●Music of the 17th and 18th centuries, performedon period instruments with Tafelmusik’srenowned “passion and refinement.” (The Globeand Mail)Join Tafelmusik in 2013/14 for a year celebratingJeanne Lamon’s remarkable tenure as musicdirector and looking to the future with a revitalizedvenue at Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, JeanneLamon Hall!Celebrated guest artists join Tafelmusik thisseason, including fortepianist and guest directorKristian Bezuidenhout (“Mozart reincarnated”according to De Telegraaf), soprano Isabel Bayrakdarianand conductor Bruno Weil. ArunaNarayan Kalle (sarangi), Wen Zhao (pipa) andInuit throat singers Aqsarniit join the orchestrafor a remount of Alison Mackay’s popular “TheFour Seasons: A Cycle of the Sun,” including a sectionscored by Academy-Award-winning composerMychael Danna.Choral highlights include two Handel masterpieces:the always-popular Messiah and Sing-Along Messiah and the epic oratorio Saul withthe Tafelmusik Chamber Choir led by choir directorIvars Taurins. A musical tribute by orchestramembers celebrating Jeanne Lamon’s 33seasons at the helm of Tafelmusik wraps up theToronto concert season.Jeanne Lamon, music directorTricia Baldwin, managing directorTORONTO CONCERT ORCHESTRABox Office: 416-964-6337Administrative Office: (for the newestTafelmusik Media recordings)●Talisker ● PlayersTalisker Players is a unique ensemble of instrumentalistsdedicated to working with singers. Ledby a core string quartet, the ensemble presentsone of the most interesting and innovative concertseries in Toronto and also performs throughoutsouthern Ontario and across the country.The roots of the group are in the choraltradition and it maintains a busy schedule ofengagements with choirs of all sizes in musicranging from baroque to contemporary, sacredand secular.The ensemble’s own concert series, at Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, takes its collaborative skills intothe intimate realm of chamber music. Core membersof the group are joined by leading vocal soloistsand actors, exploring the interaction of wordsand music in four adventurous programs.“City of the Mind” (October 29 and 30, 2013)evokes the vibrant energy of cities, in music rangingfrom the 15th to the 21st centuries. “AnythingGoes” (January 12 and 14, 2014) samples the bestof the Cole Porter songbook. “Creature to Creature”(March 16 and 18, 2014) offers a moderndayversion of the medieval bestiary, in words andmusic. “A Poet’s Love” ends the season with twogreat Romantic song cycles, Schumann’s Dichterliebeand Fauré’s La bonne chanson.“Good for the ears, and good for the soul”—Toronto StarMary McGeer, artistic directorElizabeth Shannon,administrative●●Tallis ChoirThe Tallis Choir is a chamber ensemble of 36voices that has earned a reputation for innovativeprogramming and polished performancesacross Southern Ontario. Works from Gregorianchant to contemporary choral music arerepresented, but the choir is best known as oneof the few Canadian ensembles specializing in themusic of the Renaissance, particularly 16th-centuryItaly and England. The choir consists primarilyof auditioned amateur singers, built around asmall core of professional musicians.Founded in 1977, the choir presents an annualfour-concert subscription series, including acappella programs, small chamber ensembles,organ works and, on several occasions, largerscale productions featuring choir, professionalsoloists and chamber orchestra. The Tallis Choirhas earned particular acclaim from audiences forits presentation of themed concert programs andhistorical recreations, placing both well-knownand rarely heard choral masterpieces in theirbroader historical context.The Tallis Choir can also be engaged for specialperformances outside their regular concertseries. Customized programs featuring both currentrepertoire and new music can be developedto suit individual needs and●Thin ● Edge New Music CollectiveThin Edge New Music Collective believes that contemporarymusic is a powerful medium whichhas the ability to comment and reflect on modernsociety in a unique and poignant way. Foundedin 2011 by co-artistic directors pianist CherylDuvall and violinist Ilana Waniuk, TENMC hasgrown to include 11 of Canada’s brightest emergingperformers and is dedicated to supportingtheWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B25

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)