9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 2 - October 2013

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • November
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Symphony


BLUE PAGES 2013/14their peers through commissioning and performance,bringing innovative and eclectic 20th and21st century music to audiences both existing andas yet untapped. Since its inception, TENMC hasbeen responsible for commissioning and premieringnumerous compositions by emergingcomposers from Canada and abroad with tenmore in the works for their upcoming 2013/2014season. In addition to presenting a Toronto basedconcert series, TENMC has participated in residenciesat the Banff centre and performed onconcert stages across Canada. Most recently“Keys, Wind and Strings,” a touring concert projectof TENMC, was featured as ensemble in residenceat the soundSCAPE festival of new musicin Maccagno,●Toronto ● Brass QuintetDescribed as “exciting, versatile performers,” themembers of the Toronto Brass Quintet are committedto presenting unique and illuminating performanceexperiences. The Toronto Brass Quintetis dedicated to the commissioning of new worksand collaboration with other musicians and artists.Their high level of creativity, communityengagement and commitment to the arts shinesin every performance setting. The Toronto BrassQuintet also places a strong emphasis on educationalprograms for every age.The TBQ has swiftly distinguished itself amongToronto’s top chamber groups. Following on theheels of two seasons of much-lauded recitals andperformances, the 2013/14 season promises to beeven more exciting, with recitals and performancesthat capture the imagination presentedthroughout Toronto and across●Toronto ● Centre for the ArtsThe Toronto Centre for the Arts is a vibrant andexciting destination where Toronto comes tocelebrate the art and culture of this great anddiverse city, and where artists of all backgroundsfind an exquisite platform for their artistic expression.With classical and popular concerts, plays,musicals, comedy, spoken word and danceevents filling out the calendar in our Main Stage,George Weston Recital Hall and Studio Theatre,there is always something for everyone and wehope to have you back again and again. Welcometo Your Centre!416-733-9388Box Office: 1-855-985-ARTS (2787);ticketmaster.ca416-733-0545 (subscriptions only)●Toronto ● Chamber ChoirNow in its fifth decade, the Toronto ChamberChoir distinguishes itself in the early music sceneby its presentation of large-scale, often littleknownworks of renaissance and baroque repertoire,performed in authentic style. This 40-voiceSATB choir also sponsors a mentoring partnershipwith Rosedale Heights Secondary School ofthe Arts.Our 2013/14 season titled “Songs for Soul andSpirit” opens on October 27 with “Spooks andSaints” and features poignant and plaintive worksof the renaissance. On December 14, we presentworks for the liturgical seasons of Advent andChristmas in “Christmas with J.S. Bach.” Join uson March 14 as we explore the rich chromaticismand the masterful control of dissonance betweenPärt and Purcell in choral gems such as Hear MyPrayer, O Lord. Finally on May 10, we present aselection of Handel’s beautiful and expressiveChandos Anthems.The October and March concerts are held atChurch of the Redeemer, 162 Bloor St. W. at AvenueRd. The December and May concerts are held atGrace Church-on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd.Don Barber,●Toronto ● Children’s ChorusThe Toronto Children’s Chorus is now markingits seventh year under internationally renownedconductor Elise Bradley. Founded in 1978 by JeanAshworth Bartle, the TCC has given thousands ofchildren exceptional opportunities to sing, perform,record, tour nationally and internationally,and make lifelong friends. Auditions are held Mayand early September for membership in one offive choral levels. Non-auditioned KinderNotesclasses for children aged 3 to 5 are also offered.This season, “Flights of Fancy” features performancesby all 330 choristers, aged 6 to 17.Collaborations with the New Zealand YouthChoir (November 27) and harpist Judy Loman(December 21), guest appearances with theToronto Symphony Orchestra (October 31 toNovember 2) and the Toronto MendelssohnChoir (November 20) and concerts in St. Anne’sAnglican Church (October 26), YorkminsterPark Baptist Church (February 22), MazzoleniHall (April 12) and Toronto Centre for the Arts(May 3) will delight audiences of all ages. In May,the Chamber Choir will perform in Halifax atCanada’s biennial choral conference, Podium,where it will premiere a new commission byCanadian composers Donald Patriquin andElise Letourneau.Elise Bradley, artistic diirectorCaroline Suri, managing directorBox Office: 416-932-8666●Toronto ● Chinese OrchestraToronto Chinese Orchestra is a non-profit organizationestablished in 1993 by a group of Chinesetraditional music enthusiasts. We are the largestChinese orchestra in Ontario and the longest runningin Canada. Our members include professionaland amateur musicians trained in Asia aswell as Canada. Our purpose is to promote anddevelop an appreciation of Chinese orchestralmusic and culture amongst Canadians. For 20years, TCO has continued to be a strong presencein this multicultural community. In additionto performing in many concerts, TCO holds educationalworkshops in schools and participatesin community fundraising events, cultural events,festivals and celebrations across Ontario.In 2014, TCO will hold its annual concert onMay 17, 2014 at the Toronto Centre for the Arts.Mission Statement:Make the best possible musicUnite lovers of Chinese orchestral musicSustain Chinese orchestral music in CanadaInspire a future generation in the performanceof Chinese orchestral musicCollaborate with international artists asambassadors of Chinese orchestral●Toronto ● Choral SocietyThe Toronto Choral Society was founded in 1845to present concerts and to foster the developmentof the local musical community. Today,under the leadership of artistic director GeoffreyButler, the 150-voice TCS choir presentsgreat works of the choral repertoire, producesinnovative concerts celebrating our city’s richhistory and diversity and participates in specialcommunity events. The 2013/14 season willinclude Handel’s Messiah on December 18; Fauré’sRequiem, a co-production with ScarboroughPhilharmonic Orchestra, on March 29; and “BothSides Now: The Music of the Yorkville Coffeehouses”on May 14.The Toronto Choral Society includes threesmaller choirs in addition to the main TCS choir.Street Haven Women’s Choir, drawn from clientsof Street Haven at the Crossroads, performs atconcerts and community events in downtownToronto. North 44˚ Ensemble, an auditionedchamber choir, performs by request on specialoccasions. We also feature the Toronto ChoralSociety Children’s Choir.Please call or visit our website for informationabout membership in●Toronto ● City OperaFirst started as an opera workshop in 1946,then reinvented as the Toronto Opera Repertoirein 1967, in 2013 we celebrate as TorontoCity Opera the appointment of a new artisticB26 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES

director, Beatrice Carpino. As before, we willoffer affordable productions of opera classicsand give students, choristers and trained singersthe opportunity to learn new roles and understandthe complexities and challenges of operastagecraft. Run in conjunction with the TorontoDistrict School Board’s Continuing EducationProgram, this community opera company presentstwo fully staged, professionally costumedoperas each year at the Bickford Centre Theatre,777 Bloor St. W. In February 2014, Toronto CityOpera will present Bizet’s Carmen (in French) andMozart’s Così fan tutte (in Italian).Chris●Toronto ● Classical SingersWe welcome you to Toronto Classical Singers’22nd season. Once again we will be bringing youthe finest music from the choral/orchestral repertoire.In 1992, the 22-member Toronto ClassicalSingers presented their first concert accompaniedby an orchestra and four soloists beforean enthusiastic crowd at Christ Church DeerPark. Since then, TCS has thrived and grown tobecome a well-respected Toronto musical institutionunder the capable and sensitive guidanceof its artistic founder, Jurgen Petrenko. Nowcomprising 100 dedicated singers, TCS producesthree concerts each season, in which theyoffer Toronto audiences some of the repertoire’sgreatest works. Come join us as we celebrate our22nd season with these timeless treasures: Highlightsfrom Handel’s Messiah on Dec. 1; Handel’sDettingen Te Deum and Haydn’s Mass in the Timeof War on March 2; and Dvořák’s Stabat Mater onJune 1. Concerts are held at 4pm in the relaxedand informal setting of Christ Church Deer Park(wheelchair accessible), 1570 Yonge St. SeasonTickets / Singles /●Toronto ● Concert OrchestraThe Toronto Concert Orchestra and its PalmCourt Orchestra, Grand Salon, anticipate anothergreat season with concerts in Toronto, Barrie,Orillia, Markham and Milton. Touring and runoutshave always been of primary importance toboth ensembles. This season we’ll be featuringartists such as Mather Zadow, Bruce Kelly, AllisonArends, Carlos Nuñez and Christopher Dawes.2013/14 will also see the production of Brundibar,an opera for children which was first heardat Terezin Camp in 1942.TCO has a master agreement in place with theToronto Musicians Association: scale per serviceplus pension. Artists and musicians wishing moreinformation about performing opportunities withTCO should contact Shaun Pilot.TORONTO●Toronto ● ConsortThe Toronto Consort is Canada’s leading ensemblespecializing in the music of the middle ages,renaissance and early baroque.Founded in 1972, the Consort presents anannual subscription series at the newly revitalizedTrinity-St. Paul’s Centre in Toronto. The Consorthas toured extensively and has recorded13 CDs as well as music for film and television,including the hit television series The Tudorsand The Borgias.Artistic director David Fallis has programmeda unique series of concerts for the 2013/14 season:“Swedish Folk Baroque” (October 18 and19); “La Istoria de Purim,” featuring guestsEnsemble Lucidarium (November 22 and 23);“Navidad: Christmas from Latin America andSpain” (December 13, 14 and 15); “Carnival Revels”(February 28 and March 1); and Giasone, anopera by Francesco Cavalli, performed in concert(April 4, 5 and 6).For tickets and information, visit our websiteand follow us on Facebook for updates. ticketsare available for ages 30 and under throughour Club Consort program.David Fallis, artistic directorTerry Raininger, managing director416-966-1045Box office:●Toronto ● Jewish Folk ChoirNow in its 88th season, the Toronto Jewish FolkChoir sings folksongs, classics and original worksin Yiddish and other languages, including Hebrew,Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), Russian and English.However, our main focus is preserving songsin Yiddish. Conducted by Alexander Veprinsky inhis 11th season, with Lina Zemelman in her 37thas accompanist, the historic SATB choir has twospecial concerts this fall. It joins the Temple SinaiEnsemble Choir and Upper Canada Choristers,conductors Charles Osborne and Laurie EvanFraser, and reader Barbara Blaser for “VoicesFrom the Whirlwind,” a Holocaust EducationWeek event, November 6 at Grace Church-onthe-Hilland November 15 at Temple Sinai. CantorsKatie Oringel and Charles Osborne arefeatured soloists in the program of songs fromthe Holocaust and about the destruction of war.The TJFC will also perform a Chanukah program,December 9 at the Bernard Betel Centre andDecember 11 at the Barbara Frum Library.We welcome new members who can readmusic or are prepared to put in the time to workon repertoire at home.Luba,●Toronto ● Masque TheatrePraised for high standards and an inclusiveatmosphere, Toronto Masque Theatre contemporizesthe centuries-old performing arts formof the masque for modern audiences. TMT presentsmulti-media performances that combinetheatre, music and dance, featuring work fromthe renaissance to the present. Past highlightsinclude commissions of six new works (by DeanBurry, Omar Daniel, Alice Ho, Abigail Richardsonand James Rolfe), a critically acclaimed cycle ofHenry Purcell’s major music theatre works anda Dora Mavor Moore Award for The Lesson of DaJi, by Alice Ho and Marjorie Chan.For our tenth anniversary season, we reimaginePatrick Garland’s now-classic play BriefLives, with song and music from 17th-centuryLondon. With Arlecchino Allegro, we reinvent onetheWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B27

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)