THE PRIESTSspecial guest Patricia O'CallaghanSaturday, November 16 8pmRoy Thomson HallGlorious Hymns. Classical Arias. Traditional Irish songs.YO-YO MA, celloKATHRYN STOTT, pianoFriday, November 22 8pmRoy Thomson HallSponsored byCOMPAÑIA MARIA SERRANOCARM€NFriday, November 29 8pmMassey Hall“ARTE FLAMENCO”Based on the novel written by Prosper Mérimée andthe opera by Georges Bizet.PLAN NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS!JAZZ AT LINCOLN CENTER ORCHESTRA WITH WYNTON MARSALISBig Band HolidaysMonday, December 9, 2013 8PM- MHA BARRA MACNEILS CHRISTMASwith special guests Bette MacDonald & Maynard Morrison and Jenn GrantThursday, December 12, 2013 8pm- RTHCall I roythomson.comTORONTO CHILDREN’S CHORUSA CHORUS CHRISTMAS: Fanciful FantasiesSaturday, December 21, 2013 2pm-RTHPRESERVATION HALL JAZZ BANDCreole ChristmasThursday, December 19, 2013 8pm-RTHMedia Partner
Volume 19 No 3 | November 1 – December 7, 2013FOR OPENERS6. Back to Front | DAVID PERLMANFEATURES8. Pockets of Time–Suzie LeBlanc | DAVID PERLMAN9. Seeking Haydn – Narveson’s Chamber | PAUL ENNIS60. Music for Autism – Herriott & Zelenka | REBECCA CHUABEAT BY BEAT14. Art of Song | HANS DE GROOT16. World View | ANDREW TIMAR19. Early Music | DAVID PODGORSKI21. Choral Scene | BENJAMIN STEIN24. In With the New | WENDALYN BARTLEY26. On Opera | CHRISTOPHER HOILE28. Jazz Notes | JIM GALLOWAY30. Bandstand | JACK MacQUARRIE54. In the Clubs | ORI DAGANLISTINGS32. A | Concerts in the GTA51. B | Concerts Beyond the GTA53. C | In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)57. D | The ETCeterasMUSICAL LIFE61. Seeing Orange | ALLAN PULKER64. We Are All Music’s Children | MJ BUELL65. Bookshelf | KEN WAXMANDISCOVERIES: RECORDINGS REVIEWED66. Editor’s Corner | DAVID OLDS67. Vocal68. Early Music & Period Performance69. Classical & Beyond70. Strings Attached | TERRY ROBBINS71. Jazz & Improvised73. Jazz, Eh? | STUART BROOMER74. Something in the Air | KEN WAXMAN75. Pot Pourri76. Old Wine, New Bottles | BRUCE SURTEESMORE6. Contact Information & Deadlines7. Index of Advertisers59. Classified AdsACD2 2688FRANCIS POULENC1899 • 1963Complete works for voice and pianoA 5 CD set featuring the first-everrecording of three unpublished songsby Poulenc.“An event of prime importance inthis year’s commemorations of the50th anniversaryof the death of Francis Poulenc.Pascale Beaudin SOPRANOJulie Fuchs SOPRANOHélène Guilmette SOPRANOJulie Boulianne MEZZO-SOPRANOMarc Boucher BARITONEFrançois Le Roux BARITONEOlivier Godin PIANO“Cover Photograph BERNARD FOUGÈRESIN THIS ISSUEAVAILABLE IN HD ATATMACLASSIQUE.COMMP3STUDIOQUALITYCDQUALITYSelect ATMA titles now on saleEL DIA DELOS MUERTOS 16JEFF JONESIN THE CLUBS 29WHO IS NOVEMBER’SMYSTERY CHILD 64
Tribute w/ James Keelaghan, Ariel R
Four. Nov 12 7:30pm Aurochs; 10pm S
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University SettlementMusic and Arts
KEN WAXMANArrivals/Departures - New
song cycle he commissioned from Jac
Bach - Keyboard WorksHank KnoxEMCCD
the disc, as is Jalbert, a top solo
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