9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 3 - November 2013

  • Text
  • November
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • December
  • Theatre
  • Symphony
  • Orchestra
  • Concerts
  • Arts
  • Bloor

All the privateteachers

All the privateteachers andcommunity-basedmusic schools whoparticipated in ourMarch 2013 Orangepages are representedby a single “brick” inthe wall that linesthese three pages. Ifyou imagine this wallgrowing, brick by brick,into the “grand edifice”I alluded to earlier, it’snot hard to see howoverwhelming that wall of information would become. So somewherein the not too distant future, as the wall grows, brick by brick,we need to figure out exactly how to arrange things so that if you“click a brick” it becomes a window into what some individual teacheror school has to offer; and that you have ways of sorting out whichbricks to click in the search for that one teacher who is right for you.Meanwhile, in the midst of all these realizations and revelations,we recognized that so far we have left out of the equation the mostimportant player in the quest for the right teacher or school — you,the reader who is looking for opportunities to deepen the place ofmusic in your life or the life of someone close to you. Maybe the wayto the “right questions” for teachers is via the questions that you, theprospective student, would like the answers to.So, please, go to our website ( participate. You will be able to rank the importance of the questionswe have already thought of. You will be able to add questionsof your own that you think teachers and prospective students shouldask of each other and themselves. And most important of all you willbe able simply to say what you think of all this; how you think we canbest be of help to you in finding the right teacher or teachers for yourpersonal musical needs and desires.Allan Pulker is chairman of the board of The WholeNote.MUSICA Music Schoolmusicamusicschooltoronto.commusica88@rogers.comNew School of ClassicalVocal Studiesnscvs.comNorth Toronto Instituteof Musicntimusic.comWHAT AREYOUR GOALS?North York Suzuki Schoolof Musicnorthyork-suzuki.comRoyal ConservatorySchoolrcmusic.caconservatoryschool@rcmusic.caHow muchtime perday canyou spendpractising?Regent Park Schoolof Musicrpmusic.orgToronto Flute Schoolvicki@torontofluteschool.comtorontofluteschool.comToronto School for Stringsand Pianoinfo@torontoschoolforstrings.com62 | Novemberr 1 – December 7, 2013

University SettlementMusic and Arts Schooluniversitysettlement.caVoices of Colour Musicvoicesofcolourmusic@gmail.comvoicesofcolourmusic.comOntario Registered MusicTeachers’ Associationormta.orgPRIVATEINSTRUCTIONBruce Redstonesaxophonebredstone@rogers.comClaim Your Voice StudiosSue Crowe Connollycyvstudios.caWill youarrive ata lessonhavingdone nopractising?Eve EgoyanPersonalized piano instructioneveegoyan.comGretchen Annerviolinthornhillchambermusic.comJoel Katz Voice Studiovoiceandoperatraining.comvoiceandopera.blogspot.comDo you wantto takeconservatoryexams?Joy Piano Studiojoypianostudio.cominfo@joypianostudio.comJulia McGrawviolin/violajmcgraw@rogers.comDo you wanta teacherwho pushesyou?Linda CaplanDai Shihanlindacaplan.comMarjorie SparksVoice Studiomheitshu@sympatico.caMichele Jacotclarinet/saxophone/flutemichelejacot.comDO YOUWANTTO PLAYONLY FORYOURSELF?Nightingale Piano Studionightingalepianostudio@sympatico.caPatricia Parrpianopatriciaparr.comDo youwant toperform?Paula ShearVocal Coachingpaulashear.comSamantha Changflutesamanthaflute.comAdam Weinmannoboe/ November 1 – December 7, 2013 | 63

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