Sick of doing surveys? Welltough! We’ve got another onefor you. But this one’s realshort. It’s not about what youthink of The WholeNote either,or asking sneaky questionsabout where you fit in theoverall demographic schemeof things. It’s for those of youwho have a hankering to learnmore about music — whetherthat be to appreciate it betteror to to make use of that oldinstrument gathering dust, orto take what you already knowto be one of life’s imperativesto the next level. What are youlooking for in a music teacher?is the basic question. Help ushelp you find one. There’s anexplanation of all this on page61 in the magazine; the surveyitself is at on your head forgiving freely of your time!Back To FrontOctober 28 2013Ichecked The Wholenote’s snailmailreally late tonight — deep in the throes ofputting the November issue to bed, andhave to walk down four flights of stairs toget it. But I needed a break before divinginto what has become a serious love/hateritual for me over the nearly two decadesof doing this: namely the task of closingthe issue by writing this Opener.There were a few cheques in the mail, a “thankyou”card from a printer rep I can’t remember talkingto on the phone and — here’s the point — yet anotherreader survey, clipped from the September magazine,completed by hand, stamped and placed in a handaddressedenvelope and put into the mail. The floodof survey responses has dried to a trickle at this point,so as I opened it I found myself thinking “What if thiswere the last one? If so, what would the ‘last word’from our readers be?”“Thank you for printing WholeNote” she wrote. “Ithas introduced me to so many venues in Toronto.Toronto is such a vibrant musical city but I did notknow it until I found your magazine about 7 yearsago and I lived in Toronto most of my life. Pleasecontinue this magazine, I get it every month. Itwould be such a loss to me if I didn’t get it.”FOR OPENERS | DAVID PERLMANAside from the fact that it’s always nice to brag,the profound point I get from this lovely affirmationis that we had nothing to do with creatingthe vibrancy — it’s the city that has that. All we didwas open someone’s ears to the pulse of what isalready going on.Stretching the point still further, it seems to methat what The WholeNote has done for that individual’ssense of the vibrancy of our city’s musicallife, so music itself does to tune us, individuallyand collectively, to the inextinguishable roaringvibrancy of life.Increasingly, looking around, people have takenmusic and commoditized it, made it entirelypersonal — shoving little earbuds in their ears,bopping to their own individualized rhythms in ahelter of other people, all slightly out of sync in theiraloneness.I happen to think the tide is turning, though.Precisely because the digitized world gives us thecapacity to be completely alone, the messy meatmonkey that is the human self gets hungry to escapea world that is suddenly, alarmingly, back to front.And seeks out a world of community, of congregation.It may not be to concert halls as we know them, butit will be rooms full of people engaged in listeningThe WholeNote VOLUME 19 NO 2 | OCTOBER 1 – NOVEMBER 7, 2013Centre for Social Innovation720 Bathurst St., Suite 503, Toronto ON M5S 2R4PHONE 416-323-2232 | FAX 416-603-4791Publisher/Editor In Chief | David Perlmanpublisher@thewholenote.comChairman of the Board | Allan Pulkerdirectors@thewholenote.comEDITORIALManaging Editor | Paul Enniseditorial@thewholenote.comRecordings Editor | David Oldsdiscoveries@thewholenote.comSocial Media Editor | Sara Constanteditorial@thewholenote.comListings Editor | David Perlman (acting)listings@thewholenote.comClub Listings Editor | Ori Daganjazz@thewholenote.comSALES, MARKETING & MEMBERSHIPConcerts & Events/Membership | Karen Agesmembers@thewholenote.comRetail Sales/Marketing | Garry Pagemarketing@thewholenote.comDirectories | Adam Weinmanneducation@thewholenote.comAdvertising/Production Support/OperationsJack Buell | adart@thewholenote.comClassified Ads | classad@thewholenote.comWebsite/Systems | Bryson Winchestersystems@thewholenote.comCirculation/Subscriptions | Chris Malcolmcirculation@thewholenote.comSUBSCRIPTIONS per year + HST (9 issues)THANKS TO THIS MONTH’S CONTRIBUTORSBeat ColumnistsHans de Groot, Jack MacQuarrie, Benjamin Stein,Paul Ennis, David Olds, Dave Podgorski,Ori Dagan, Wendalyn Bartley, Jim Galloway,mJ buell, Christopher Hoile, Andrew TimarFeaturesDavid Perlman, Paul Ennis, Rebecca Chua,Allan Pulker, Ken WaxmanCD ReviewersAlex Baran, Larry Beckwith, Stuart Broomer,Hans de Groot, Daniel Foley, Jim Galloway,Richard Haskell, Tiina Kiik, Alison Melville,Lesley Mitchell-Clarke,Christina Petrowska Quilico, Cathy Riches,Terry Robbins, Bruce Surtees, Robert Tomas,Ken Waxman, Dianne WellsProofreadingJohn Sharpe, Paul Ennis, Sara ConstantListingsDavid Perlman, Ori Dagan,Adam Weinmann, Tilly Kooyman,JennieLea McLeish, Ruth AtwoodFelix Deak, Bryson WinchesterCirculation TeamAbram Bergen, Asa Perlman, Beth Bartley,Bob Jerome, Dagmar Sullivan, Dave Taylor,Gero Hajek, Jack Buell, Jack Suttaby, Jeff Hogben,Joan Andrews, John Dodington, Lorna Nevison,Micah Herzog, Niamh Malcolm, Patrick Slimmon,Paul Ennis, Randy Weir, Rebecca Carpenter,Robert Faulkner, Sharon Clark, The Giang Nguyen,Tom Sepp, Vicki Stainton, Wende BartleyLayout & DesignUno RamatTHE ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL IS ANAGENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIOUpcoming Dates & DeadlinesFree Event Listings Deadline6pm Friday November 8Display Ad Reservations Deadline6pm Friday November 15Classifieds Deadline6pm Friday November 2Advertising Materials Due6pm Monday November 18Publication DateFriday November 29DOUBLE ISSUE, Volume 19 No 4 coversDecember 1, 2013 to January 7, 2014WholeNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibility orliability for claims made for any product or servicereported on or advertised in this issue.Printed in CanadaCouto Printing & Publishing ServicesCirculation StatementNovember 2013: 30,000 printed & distributedCanadian Publication Product Sales Agreement1263846ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTEPublications Mail Agreement #40026682Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:WholeNote Media Inc.Centre for Social Innovation503–720 Bathurst StreetToronto ON M5S 2R4COPYRIGHT © 2013 WHOLENOTE MEDIA INCthewholenote.com6 | November 1 – December 7, 2013
to the same live roaring hum of music in the ears.“Teach me to listen, teach me to sing, teach me toplay, teach me how to learn” comes the gathering cry.And music says: “I can do that.”Here are some interesting snippets of all this fromthe writings you will find in this issue:Hans de Groot in Art of Song: “Last summer mydaughter Saskia turned twelve [and] chose ... tomove to the Downtown Vocal Music Academy onDenison Avenue, ... the brainchild of Mark Bell, aman known in musical circles for his leadership ofCanada Sings, a community Sing-along that meetsevery second Tuesday of the month somewhere inEast Toronto.”Jack MacQuarrie, our Bandstand columnist,digging into studies supporting the benefits of musicand quoting the lead scientist on one such study:“Everyone can benefit from music training. A wealthof empirical, neuroscientific evidence supports thepositive influence of music training on numerousnon-musical brain functions, such as language,reading and attention ... across the lifespan into olderadulthood.”Richard Herriott, interviewed by Rebecca Chua,talking movingly about the music series he andWinona Zelenka will launch at St Stephen in-the-Fields Anglican Church this month, not only to raiseawareness of and funds for autism spectrum research,but just as importantly to create a context for peoplewith autism spectrum disorders to attend live musicand have the particularities of their individualismembraced as part of the concert experience.Ben Stein, in Choral Scene, describing a concertby the Orpheus Choir of Toronto which will featureBenjamin Britten’s 1938 cantata World of the Spirit:“Britten was a life-long pacifist who lived brieflyin America during the beginning of WWII, in partbecause his pacifist leanings were not well receivedin pre-war Britain.” A concert like this requires morethan passive spectatorship — it combines “choralmusic and visual imagery, in the kind of multimediapresentation that has become an OrpheusChoir specialty.” and demands engagement of headand heart.And here’s Allan Pulker in Seeing Orange ourongoing commitment to the cause of music education,usually nestled deep in the magazine butbrought by occasions such as this from the backto the front.“In March this year we published ourfirst Orange Pages directory” he writes, “a collectionof profiles written by private music teachers,community music schools and summer musicprograms of various kinds. Their goals and ourswere, and remain the same — to put music teacherswith something to offer in touch with prospectivestudents wanting to learn.” Namely with you, “thereader who is looking for opportunities to deepenthe place of music in your life or the life of someoneclose to you.”As the nights lengthen may the gathering dark findyou, vibrantly, among the friends you find throughmusic. That’s what we’re here for.—publisher@thewholenote.comINDEX OF ADVERTISERSAcademy Concert Series 35Adam Sherkin 38Adelphi Vocal Ensemble 41Amadeus Choir 22, 35Amici Chamber Ensemble 47Annex Singers 50Aradia 20, 38Arts & Letters Club 57Associates of the TSO 15ATMA 5Attila Glatz ConcertProductions 18, 44Bach Children’s Chorus 49Barbara Fris/DeannaHendricks 44Canadian Opera Company 27Cantemus Singers 42Cathedral Bluffs SymphonyOrchestra 30, 35Cathedral Church ofSt. James 37Chamber Music Societyof Mississauga 35Christ Church Deer ParkJazz Vespers 29Church of the Ascension32, 37Civic Light-Opera Company 27Continuum ContemporaryMusic 48Cosmo Music 31Eglinton St. George’sUnited Church 50Elmer Iseler Singers 23, 49Esprit Orchestra 25, 39Etobicoke Centennial Choir49Exultate Chamber Singers 49Heliconian Hall 56International TouringProductions 31IRCPA/Lula Lounge 48James Campbell/AfiaraString Quartet 34Jubilate Singers 41Kawartha Concerts 52Kitchener WaterlooChamber Society 51Koffler Centre for the Arts 43Larkin Singers 42Lawrence Park CommunityChurch 47Liz Parker 59Long & McQuade 16, 65Markham Concert Band 46Mississauga Symphony 42Moeller Organs 58Music at Metropolian –Noon at Met 34, 37Music Mondays CBC Radio 2/NEXT! 39Music Toronto 9, 41, 44, 48Musicians in Ordinary 38Nagata Shachu 18, 41Nancy Sicsic 59Nathaniel Dett Chorale 21, 48New Music Concerts 32Nine Sparrows ArtsFoundation 34Norm Pulker 58Oakham House Choir 46Off Centre Music Salon 39Oleg Samokhin 31Ontario Philharmonic 12Opera York 35Oriana Women’s Choir 60Orpheus Choir 79Pasquale Bros 57Pax Christi Chorale 45Peter Mahon 21Promise Productions 40Remenyi House of Music 13Romulo Delgado 44Rose Theatre 80Roy Thomson Hall4, 15, 38, 45Royal Canadian College ofOrganists 44Royal Conservatory 11Sheila McCoy 58, 60Silverthorn Symphonic Winds37Sinfonia Toronto 50Soundstreams 36St. Michael’s Choir School 24St. Olave’s Church 47St. Philip’s Anglican Church29Steinway Piano Gallery 7Stephen Burnie 45Steve Jackson Pianos 26Syrinx Concerts Toronto 50Tafelmusik 2, 3, 33Tallis Choir 46The Sound Post 29Thin Edge New MusicCollective 41Toronto Classical Singers 47Toronto Concert Orchestra33Toronto Consort 19, 79Toronto Mendelssohn Choir22, 40Toronto Sinfonietta 57Toronto Symphony 34, 77TorQ Percussion Ensemble28, 40Trio Arkel 38U of T Faculty of Music 17Victoria Ballet Company 51Village Voices 46Voca Chorus 49Vocem Resurgentis 50Voicebox/Opera in Concert43Windermere String Quartet43Wychwood Clarinet Choir 38Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch 23, November 1 – December 7, 2013 | 7
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