9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 4 - December 2013

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  • December
  • Toronto
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  • Jazz
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  • Choir

The WholeNote listings

The WholeNote listings are arranged in four sections:A.GTA (Greater Toronto Area) covers all of Torontoplus Halton, Peel, York and Durham regions.B.Beyond the GTA covers many areas of SouthernOntario outside Toronto and the GTA. In the current issue,there are listings for events in Alliston, Ancaster, Barrie,Brantford, Cambridge, Cobourg, Collingwood, Dundas, Guelph,Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, Lindsay, London, Owen Sound,Peterborough, Picton, Port Colborne, St. Catharines, Vineland,Waterloo. Starts on page 58.C.In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)is organized alphabetically by club.Starts on page 61.D.The EtCeteras is for galas, fundraisers, competitions,screenings, lectures, symposia, masterclasses, workshops,singalongs and other music-related events (exceptperformances) which may be of interest to our readers.Starts on page 63.A general word of caution. A phone number is providedwith every listing in The WholeNote — in fact, we won’t publisha listing without one. Concerts are sometimes cancelled or postponed;artists or venues may change after listings are published.Please check before you go out to a concert.How to List. Listings in The WholeNote in the four sections aboveare a free service available, at our discretion, to eligible presenters.If you have an event, send us your information no later than the8th of the month prior to the issue or issues in which your listing iseligible to appear.LISTINGS DEADLINE. The next issue covers the period fromFebruary 1, 2014 to March 7, 2014. All listings must be received by6pm Wednesday January 8th.Listings can be sent by e-mail to orby fax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6.We do not receive listings by phone, but you can call 416-323-2232x27 for further information.listings zone map. Visit our website to see a detailed versionof this map: Erie3 42 1City of TorontoLISTINGS8Lake OntarioSunday December 1●●10:30am: Church of the Ascension.Advent Lessons & Carols. Bach: Cantata 140;“Wachet auf”. 33 Overland Dr. 416-444-8881.Free. Religious service.● ● 1:30: Kingston Road United Church.L’Histoire du Soldat. Stravinsky. Membersof the Toronto Symphony Orchestra; PeterDuschenes and Sebastian Sage, actors.975 Kingston Rd. 416-699-6091. .● ● 2:00: Flato Markham Theatre. MarkhamConcert Band: A Seasonal Celebration.Christmas and Chanukah classics. Guests:Unionville Theatre Company. 171 Town CentreBlvd., Markham. 905-305-7469 or 1-866-768-8801. ; (sr/st).● ● 2:00: Neighbourhood Unitarian UniversalistCongregation. NUUC Concert Series:Thomas Alexander, piano. Works byLiszt, Rachmaninoff, Chopin and others;improvisations on tunes from the audience.79 Hiawatha Rd. 416-686-6809. /(adv).● ● 2:00: Ross Petty Productions. The LittleMermaid: Ontario’s O-FISH-AL FamilyMusical! Reid Janisse, script; Chilina Kennedy(Little Mermaid); Dan Chameroy (DamePlumbum/Little Mermaid’s Aunt); MarcDevigne (Handsome Prince); Ross Petty (Ogopogothe Evil Sea Wizard); and others. ElginTheatre, 189 Yonge St. 1-855-599-9090. -; (under12); 5(family 4-pack).Nov 22 to Jan 4; no performance Mondays orDec 25 and Jan 1; start times vary.● ● 2:00: The Sound Post. Fall Salon Concert.Jonathan Crow, violin. 93 Grenville St. 416-971-6990 x244. Free. Limited seating, pleasecall to reserve. Reception to follow.● ● 2:00: Toronto Mandolin Orchestra. InConcert. Fantasy for Flute and Harp; Concertofor Domra and Mandolin Orchestra;classical and popular pieces by the TorontoMandolin Orchestra. Alexander Veprinsky,conductor; Andrew Chan, harp; Ira Erokhina,domra. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W.416-533-2725. .● ● 2:30: Bel Canto Choir. The Most WonderfulTime of Year. Watkins: Sweet Harmony(world premiere); and other Christmasmusic. Linda Meyer, conductor; JacquelineMokrzewski, piano. St. Dunstan of Canterbury,56 Lawson Road, Scarborough. 416-286-8260 or 416-284-3975. . Also 7:30.● ● 2:30: Lawrence Park Community Church.Christmas at Lawrence Park with MegaCityChorus. Seasonal favourites for men’s chorus.Dan Rutzen, conductor. 2180 Bayview Ave.416-489-1551. ; Free (children under 12).● ● 2:30: Recitals at Rosedale. A New VocalSeries: Opera Nella Chiesa. Handel: Theodora;Massenet: Manon; Menotti: Amahl andthe Night Visitors. Laura Albino, soprano;Laura Tucker, mezzo; Adam Luther, tenor;Timothy Wong, countertenor; Anthony Clevertonand Jason Howard, baritones; andothers. Rosedale Presbyterian Church,129 Mt. Pleasant Rd. 416-921-1931. .● ● 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Opera: Don Pasquale. Donizetti.U of T Opera Department; Sandra Horst, conductor;Michael Patrick Albano, director.MacMillan Theatre, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. ;A. Concerts in the GTAIN THIS ISSUE: Ajax, Aurora, Brampton, Brantford, Burlington,Leaskdale, Markham, Mississauga, Oakville, Oshawa, Richmond Hill,Thornhill, Whitby.(sr); (st). Also Nov 28, 29, 30 (eve).● ● 3:00: Amici Chamber Ensemble. Lara andthe Lyre . Bach: Sonata No. 3 in E, BWV 1016;Takemitsu: And then I knew ‘twas wind; Marquez:Zarabandeo; Turina: Piano Quartet in AMajor, Op. 67; Ravel: Introduction & Allegro.Lara St. John, violin; Heidi Van Hoesen Gorton,harp. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, Royal Conservatory,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208.; (sr); (under 30); (st).● ● 3:00: Hart House Singers. PAX. Choralworks on peace by Vivaldi, Mendelssohn, Chilcott,A.R. Rahman and others. Ravi Naimpally,tabla drums; Jeff Vidov, piano; David Arnot-Johnston, conductor. Great Hall, Hart House,7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452. Free. Fooddonations to UofT Foodbank welcome.● ● 3:00: Healey Willan Singers. Follow theStar. A Christmas musical journey with musicfor women’s choir. John Stephenson, piano;Ron Ka Ming Cheung, conductor. St. Martinin-the-FieldsAnglican Church, 151 GlenlakeAve. 416-519-0528. , (sr/st).● ● 3:00: Musikay. Silent Night. Carols, hymns,and the original versions of Silent Night andJingle Bells. Stéphane Potvin, conductor.Mary Mother of God Church, 2745 NorthRidge Tr., Oakville. 905-825-9740. ;(sr); (st); (family). Early bird tickets:; (sr); (st); (family). In supportof Grace Lutheran Church. Please bringnon-perishable food items.●●3:00: Pax Christi Chorale. A Frosty ChristmasEve. Finzi: In Terra Pax; Willan: The Mysteryof Bethlehem; Stephanie Martin: TheLegend of the Bird. Pax Christi Chorale; ShannonMercer, soprano; Trevor Bowes, baritone;vocal students from Fr. John RedmondSecondary School. Grace Church-on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-491-8542. ; (sr), (st), (child).●●3:00: VIVA! Youth Singers of Toronto.Brother Heinrich’s Christmas. A seasonalconcert and CD launch featuring VIVA!’s fivechoirs. Steve Ratzlaff, narrator; Dan Brielmaier,oboe; Jill Solomon, bassoon. Trinity-St.Paul’s Centre, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-788-8482.; (sr/st).● ● 3:00: York University Department ofMusic. York U Wind Symphony. WilliamThomas, conductor. Tribute CommunitiesHall, Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St.416-736-5888. ; (sr/st).● ● 4:00: St. Olave’s Anglican Church. Clarinetat Christmas. Choral Evensong forAdvent; other light classical works. AndrewBlack, baritone; Shannon Halliwell, mezzo;Helen Russell, clarinet; Karen Quinton, piano;St. Olave’s Choir. 360 Windermere Ave. 416-769-5686. Free, contributions appreciated.Religious service.● ● 4:00: St. Philip’s Anglican Church. JazzVespers. Peter Togni Trio. Guest: Mike Murley,saxophone. St. Philip’s Anglican Church,25 St. Phillips Rd., Etobicoke. 416-247-5181.➘ Search the listingsby genre online atthewholenote.com36 | December 1, 2013 – February 7, 2014

Free will offering.● ● 4:00: Toronto Classical Singers. Highlightsfrom Handel’s Messiah. Heather Kozak,soprano; Leigh-Anne Martin, mezzo; GrahamThomson, tenor; Bruce Kelly, baritone; TaliskerPlayers Orchestra; Jurgen Petrenko,conductor. Christ Church Deer Park,1570 Yonge St. 416-443-1490. ; (sr/st).● ● 5:00: Latvian National Opera Fund. TwentiethAnniversary Concert. Vilma IndraVitols, mezzo-soprano; Armands Silins, baritone;Elizabeth Sirante, piano. Heliconian Hall,35 Hazelton Ave. 416-654-3789. .● ● 5:00: Nocturnes in the City. Drew JureckaJazz Quartet. Prague Restaurant , Masaryktown,450 Scarborough Golf Club Rd. 416-481-7294. .● ● 7:00: Royal Conservatory/Small WorldMusic. Sultans of String with the CathedralBluffs Symphony Orchestra. Sultansof String release their new CD, Symphony!Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. and up.● ● 7:30: Bel Canto Choir. The Most WonderfulTime of Year. See 2:30.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Percussion Ensemble Concert. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’sPark. 416-978-3750. Free.● ● 8:00: Musideum. Martin Porter. Jazz.Suite 133 (main floor), 401 Richmond St. W.416-599-7323. .Monday December 2● ● 12:15: Next!/Music Mondays. Luri Lee, violinist.with Jeanie Chung, piano. Church of theHoly Trinity, 10 Trinity Sq. 416-598-4521 x304.PWYC (suggested donation ).● ● 12:30: York University Departmentof Music. Music at Midday: InstrumentalMasterclass Concert. Tribute CommunitiesHall, Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St.416-736-2100 x22926. Free.● ● 7:00: Musideum. Bill Bridges & Lew Mele(with Kelli Trottier). Celtic. Suite 133 (mainfloor), 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323..● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Brass Chamber Ensemble Concert.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Park. 416-978-3750. Free.● ● 7:30: VOICEBOX: Opera in Concert. Concertand Fundraiser for Ariaworks. First liveperformance of the new Canadian opera “Isisand Osiris” and jazz performance. Love Scenefrom the opera. Peter–Anthony Togni, composer.Sharon Singer, librettist. Jazz performancesby the Togni Trio. Andrea Ludwig,mezzo soprano; Togni Trio: Peter-AnthonyTogni, piano; Malcolm Gould, drums; GeorgeKoller, bass. Heliconian Hall, 35 HazeltonAve. 416.461.0750. (advance); (door).Refreshments included in ticket price. Cashbar.● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Concert Choir. Rossini: PetiteMesse solennelle. Lisette Canton, conductor.Tribute Communities Hall, Accolade EastBuilding, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888. ;(st).Tuesday December 3● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Power Chords: Inventions for ChamberOrchestra. New work by Scott Good, trombone(world premiere). Glenn Gould SchoolNew Music Ensemble; Brian Current, conductor.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Voice Performance Class. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park.416-978-3750. Free.● ● 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Weekly Organ Recital: Andrew Ager.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x224. Free.● ● 7:00: Downtown Vocal Music Academy ofToronto. The Four Elements: Earth, Air, Fireand Water in Song. A wide range of choralmusic. Students of the Downtown VocalMusic Academy of Toronto; Ori Carmona,Sarah Parker, Abby Pierce, Meghan Stock,conductors. Ryerson Community SchoolAuditorium, 96 Denison Ave. 416-393-1340.Free; donations accepted.● ● 7:00: Ross Petty Productions. The LittleMermaid: Ontario’s O-FISH-AL FamilyMusical! See Dec 1.● ● 7:30: Cathedral Church of St. James. Handel’sMessiah. Vicki St. Pierre, conductor;Cathedral Choir; Lesley Bouza, soprano;Christina Stelmacovich, mezzo; Aaron Ferguson,tenor; and James Westman, baritone;Talisker Players. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865x245. -.● ● 7:30: University of St Michael’s College.Musicians In Ordinary: Concert forAdvent. Vivaldi: Magnificat; Telemann: Cantata“Meine Seele erhebt den Herren”; andother baroque works. Christopher Verrette,violin; Hallie Fishel, soprano; choir and soloistsof St. Michael’s Schola Cantorum; Dr.Michael O’Connor, director. St. Basil’s Church,50 St. Joseph St. 416-926-7131. Free; donationswelcome.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Guitar Ensemble Concert. JeffreyMcFadden, director. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-978-3750. Free.● ● 8:00: Lula Lounge. Canadian DayRevisited. Featuring artists from2013 Canadian Day concert in Rome. Papineau-Couture:Aria; Poulenc: Intermezzo in Aflat; Eatock: Ashes of Soldiers; Schubert: TheShepherd on the Rock; and other works; jazzand world music by Dominic Mancuso Group.Jana Miller, soprano; Kornel Wolak, clarinet;Guillaume Tardif, violin; Younggun Kim, piano;Dominic Mancuso Group. 1585 Dundas St. W.416-588-0307. By donation; dinner by reservation.Proceeds to benefit the InternationalResource Centre for Performing Artists.● ● 8:00: Musideum. Monique Barry.Singer-songwriter. Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. ;(st).● ● 8:00: Starvox Entertainment. Evil Dead–The Musical. Book and lyrics by Reinblatt.Music by Cipolla and Bond. Ryan Ward, KentonBlythe, Evan Dowling, Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll,Brianna Love, and others. RandolphTheatre, 736 Bathurst St. 1-855-985-5000.$19.99–.99. Also Dec 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22.● ● 8:00: The Nathaniel Dett Chorale. AnIndigo Christmas. Songs to the Black Virgin.St. Timothy’s Anglican Church, 100 OldOrchard Grove Rd. 416-340-0550. ,(sr), (st).Wednesday December 4● ● 11:30am: Ross Petty Productions. The LittleMermaid: Ontario’s O-FISH-AL FamilyMusical! See Dec 1.●●12:00 noon: Hart House. Midday Mosaics:Ali Berkok, Piano. Hart House, East CommonRoom, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-7585.Free. Complimentary light refreshments.● ● 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. York University Men’s Choir. Worksby Mendelssohn, Poulenc, Schubert, Sullivanand others. Lisette Canton, conductor. TributeCommunities Hall, Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.● ● 12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Noonday Organ Recitals: Giles Bryant, organ.1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.● ● 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. Jazz Series:Rewind. Selections. Elizabeth Shepherd,vocals/piano; Scott Kemp, bass; Colin Kingsmore,drums. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 7:00: Arts and Events Programming atthe University of Toronto Scarborough.Materials of Music Recital. Arts and AdministrationBuilding, University of Scarborough,1265 Military Trail, Scarborough.416-208-2931. Free.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Vocal Jazz Ensemble and 11 O’ClockJazz Orchestra. Jim Lewis and Christine Duncan,directors. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208.Free.NEW MUSICPASSPORTTTORONTO NEW MUSIC ALLIANCEORONTO NEW MUSIC ALLIANCETORONTONEW MUSICPurchase a passportfor and seeSinging the Earthon Dec 5 for only !● ● 8:00: Continuum Contemporary Music.Nuyamł-ił Kulhulmx/Singing the Earth. Aninterdisciplinary work that explores the interconnectednessof the people of Bella Coola.Music by Anna Höstman. Continuum ensemble;Marion Newman, mezzo; Wallace Halladay,saxophone; Joseph Macerollo, accordion;Kristen Bruya, bass; Gregory Oh, conductor.Wychwood Theatre, 76 Wychwood Ave.416-924-4945. ; (sr/arts workers);(st). Also Dec 5.● ● 8:00: Musideum. Mike Gennaro. Experimental.Suite 133 (main floor), 401 RichmondSt. W. 416-599-7323. .● ● 8:00: Starvox Entertainment. Evil Dead–The Musical. See Dec 3● ● 8:00: Torontovka. Outstanding Musiciansof Contemporary Musical Culture. Dimov:Tango Forever; A. Shor: Schubertango; LastGloomy Sunday; N. Rota: Trio; Piazzolla: Seasonsof Buenos Aires; Oblivion; Soledad. JulianMilkis, clarinet; Roman Mekinulov, cello;Ellen Annor-Adjei, piano. Christ Church DeerPark, 1570 Yonge St. 416-721-4662 or 416-226-9151. -.● ● 8:00: ToyBox Productions. How I Lost OnePound, the Musical. Musical comedy writtenand performed by Lesley Carlberg. ElennaMosoff, director; Tony Smith and Stephen Targett,composition; Janet d’Eon Ebos, musicalconsultant; Sarina Condello, choreography.Tarragon Theatre Extra Space, 30 BridgmanAve. 416-531-1827 . ; (sr); (st). AlsoDec 5, 6, 7(mat and eve), 8(mat and eve).● ● 9:00 and 10:15: Mezzetta Restaurant. Jazzat Mezzetta. Rebecca Enkin, vocals; Rob Thaller,piano; Mark Enkin, electric bass. 681 St.Clair Ave. W. 416-658-5687. . Also at 10:15.Thursday December 5● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: French Impressions,piano quartet. Debussy: Violin Sonatain g; Fauré: Piano Quartet in c. Made in Canada.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts, December 1, 2013 – February 7, 2014 | 37

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)