9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 4 - December 2013

  • Text
  • December
  • Toronto
  • January
  • February
  • Jazz
  • Symphony
  • Theatre
  • Arts
  • Faculty
  • Choir

●●Jan 27 12:10:

●●Jan 27 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. New Music Festival: Lecture:Humour in 20th century music by guestItalian pianist Roberto Turrin. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park.416-408-0208. Free.●●Feb 3, 7:30: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Geiger-Torel Lecture: Sir ThomasAllen. Lecture by world-renowned baritone.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 QueensPark. 416-408-0208. Free.MASTERCLASSES●●Dec 15, 2:00-5:00: Singing Studio of DeborahStaiman. Masterclass. Musical theatre/auditionpreparation, using textualanalysis and other interpretive tools for thesung monologue. Yonge Eglinton area; callfor exact location. 416-483-9532.●●Jan 21, 7:00: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Stephanie Blythe Masterclass:Art Song. Students in voice and collaborativepiano are coached in French, English and Germanart songs. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBldg, 80 Queens Park. 416-408-0208. Free.●●Jan 23, 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Stephanie Blythe Masterclass:Opera Arias. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBldg, 80 Queens Park. 416-408-0208. Free.●●Feb 7, 2:00: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Riki Turofsky Masterclass in Voice:Coloratura Tracy Dahl. Geiger-Torel Room,Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queens Park. 416-408-0208. Free.WORKSHOPS●●Dec 1, 10am–5pm. New Adevntures inSound Art. Ardiuno for Beginners. Workshopby Ian Jarvis on the basics of buildingyour own DIY Digital Instrument using anArduino micro controller. NAISA Space, Suite252, 601 Christie St. 416-652-5115. 0. Fordetails:●●Dec 1, 1:30: Toronto Early Music PlayersOrganization. Early music workshopfor woodwinds and strings. Femke Bergsma,conductor. Bring your recorders, earlyinstruments and music stand; scores will beprovided. Armour Heights Community Centre,2140 Avenue Rd. 416-537-3733. ;free(members).●●Dec 5, 5:30: Sight-singing withSheila. Group sight-singing workshop: CarolsI. All levels welcome. 96 Barker Ave (nearWoodbine subway). 416-574-5250. .●●Dec 6, 7:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Renaissance and BaroqueChristmas Workshop. For recorders andother early instruments. János Ungváry,coach. Mount Pleasant Road Baptist Church,D. The ETCeteras ●●Feb 2, 4:00: Southern Ontario Chapter, Ave. 416-778-0796. Free; donations accepted.●527 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-480-1853. ; (members). Refreshments included.●●Dec 12, 5:30: Sight-singing withSheila. Group sight-singing workshop: CarolsII. All levels welcome. 96 Barker Ave (nearWoodbine subway). 416-574-5250. .●●Dec 19, 5:30: Sight-singing withSheila. Group sight-singing workshop: CarolsIII. All levels welcome. 96 Barker Ave (nearWoodbine subway). 416-574-5250. .●●Jan 5, 1:30: Toronto Early Music PlayersOrganization. Early music workshop forwoodwinds and strings. Matthias Maute, conductor.Bring your recorders, early instrumentsand music stand; scores will beprovided. Armour Heights Community Centre,2140 Avenue Rd. 416-537-3733. .●●Jan 10, 7:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Renaissance and Baroque Workshop.For recorders and other early instruments.Mount Pleasant Road Baptist Church,527 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-480-1853. ; (members). Refreshments included.●●Jan 18 10:30am–1:00pm: Toronto MendelssohnChoir. Singsation Saturday ChoralWorkshop. Sing with the choir. Duruflé:Requiem. Mitchell Pady, guest conductor.Cameron Hall, Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch, 1585 Yonge St. 416-598-0422 x221.. Refreshments included.●●Jan 19, 2:00: CAMMAC Toronto. Readingfor Singers and Instrumentalists. Macmillan:Celtic Mass for the Sea. Jenny Crober, conductor.Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 YongeSt. 905-877-0671. ; (members).●●Jan 21, 4:30: ASLAN Boys Choir. Workshopand Open Rehearsal. Guest: Lawrence Wiliford,tenor. Church of the Transfiguration,111 Manor Rd. E. 416-859-7464. Free.●●Jan 24, 7:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Renaissance and Baroque Workshop.For recorders and other early instruments.Mount Pleasant Road Baptist Church,527 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-480-1853. ; (members). Refreshments included.●●Jan 28–31, various times: Toronto MendelssohnChoir. TMC Choral Conductor’s Symposium.Noel Edison works with five emergingconductors in sessions with the Elora FestivalSingers and Toronto Mendelssohn Choir.Observers welcome. Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch, 1585 Yonge St. 416-598-0422x221. per session; per day.●●Feb 2, 1:30: Toronto Early Music PlayersOrganization. Early music workshop forwoodwinds and strings. Marie-Laurence Primeau,conductor. Bring your recorders, earlyinstruments and music stand; scores will beprovided. Armour Heights Community Centre,2140 Avenue Rd. 416-537-3733. .Hymn Society. Woven of Vibrant Strands: AHymn Festival of Emerging Song. Exploringnew horizons and new directions emerging inthe ecumenical world of congregational song.Hilary Seraph Donaldson, Director. Royal YorkRoad United Church, 851 Royal York Rd. 416-342-6034. Refreshments at 3:30●●Dec 8, 7:00: Shelter Valley Shape-noteSingers. Monthly Singing. All voices welcome,no experience required. Music fromthe Sacred Harp tradition. Grafton CommunityCentre, 718 Station Rd., Grafton. 905-349-2042. Freewill offering.●●Dec 8, 2:30: Peterborough CommunityCarol Sing. Carol Sing 2013. Hannah Abrahamse;Andrew Burditt; Tyler Calver; CarolSing Choir; Salvation Army Band; and others.St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, 120 MurraySt., Peterborough.705-745-1411. Donations togo to the Salvation Army Christmas HamperFund.●●Dec 10, 7:00: Canada Sings!/Chatons Canada!Toronto-Riverdale. NeighbourhoodSingalong. Canadian folk songs, rock, Broadwayand ballads. Mark Bell, song leader; MarjorieWiens, piano. St. Matthew’s AnglicanChurch, 135 First Ave. 416-778-0796. Free;donations accepted.●●Dec 15, 2:00: Canada Sings!/Chatons Canada!Toronto-Riverdale. Annual ChristmasCarol Singalong with Brass and Organ. Canadianfolk songs, rock, Broadway and ballads.Mark Bell, song leader; Claire Bresee, piano;Philip Jones, organ; Splendor Tubis BrassQuintet; guests: St. Ann’s Roman CatholicChurch Choir; R. Vengie Fabre, director; EricFahn, violin. St. Ann’s Parish Church, 120 First● Jan 12, 7:00: Shelter Valley Shape-noteSingers. Monthly Singing. All voices welcome,no experience required. Music fromthe Sacred Harp tradition. Grafton CommunityCentre, 718 Station Rd., Grafton. 905-349-2042. Freewill offering.INSTALLATIONS/EXHIBITIONS●●Nov 21–Jan 1, various times: New Adventuresin Sound Art. Tracings. Nataliya Petkova.Includes the works [x]Tensions andGeophonies. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdayand Friday from 10am–5pm; Thursday10:00am–8:00pm; Saturday and Sunday12:00pm–4:00pm. XIT Gallery, Art Galleryof Mississauga, 300 City Centre Dr., Mississauga.905-896-5088. Free.●●Jan 26–Feb 9, various times: Theatre Centre.Carbon 14: Climate is Culture PerformanceSeries. Cultural engagement addressingvarious aspects of climate change. Music,spoken word, poetry and performance artby Tanya Tagaq, Post-Normal, Alanna Mitchell,Sabrina Mahfouz, Cynthia Hopkins andothers. 1087 Queen St. W. 416-538-0988.For full performance schedule:●●Canadian Brass announces the releaseof its new CD Christmas Time is Here, featuringholiday favourites and arrangementsof music from the Charlie Brown Christmassoundtrack. Download●●Stephen Beneking announces the onlinerelease of Zita in Wonderland, 24 piano64 | December 1, 2013 – February 7, 2014

miniatures for piano for children and beginners.Available for download free, or in printed version fromAmazon. Recordings available on YouTube.●●Miles Nadal JCC announces the start of itsKlezmer Music Ensemble’s second term onJan 14, running until May 13, on Tuesday eveningsfrom 7:30–9:30. Eric Stein, conductor.750 Spadina Ave. 416-924-6211 x0. 0;0(members).●●Deadline to Apply: Dec 6: Toronto DowntownJazz. Special Projects 2014. For specialjazz projects in need of support. Successfulapplicants provided with marketing and publicrelations support, and a bursary. Eligibleproject must take place between Feb 1 andApr 30, 2014. 416-928-2033 x31. For;●●Deadline to Apply: Mar 1, 2014: Arraymusic.Young Composers’ Workshop. Fourapplicants to be selected to work with ArrayEnsemble over a four-week period in Mayto create works for small chamber ensembles,which will be performed at the endof the session. Application to include a letterof introduction, curriculum vitae, 2 to 3scores of previous compositions and accompanyingrecordings when possible, and application fee. 416-532-3019. For;●●Dec 8, 4:00 & 7:30: Toronto Jewish FilmSociety with Koffler Centre of the Arts.Tango, A Story with Jews SCREENED WITHRio Klezmer. Eric Stein; Guest Speaker, . AlGreen Theatre Miles Nadal JCC, 750 SpadinaAve. 416-924-6211 x606. ; (ages 18 -35). Tickets at the door 15 minutes beforescreen times.●●Dec 5, 7:00. Revue Cinema with Jane Bunnett.Embracing Voices: The Woman Behindthe Music of Jane Bunnett. Elisa Paloschi,filmmaker. With live performances byJane Bunnett, Cuban-Canadian pianist HilarioDuran and friends. 416-531-9950. ,includes food.ETCETERA: MISCELLANEOUS●●Dec 1 and 8, 10:30am: Canadian OperaCompany. Tour the Four Seasons Centre forthe Performing Arts. 90-minute tours includingbackstage access to wig rooms, dressingrooms, orchestra pit and more! Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.W. 416-306-2329. ; (sr/st).●●Dec 6 and 7, 8:00; Dec 8, 3:00: JanakKhendry Dance Company. Paradise Lost.Premiere of new dance production choreographedby Janak Khendry, based on thework by John Milton. Original music by EricCadesky, Ashit Desai and Alap Desai. ZhenyaCerneacov, Austin Fagan, Tyler Gledhill, AllenKaeja, Eddie Kastrau and others. Fleck DanceTheatre, Harbourfront Centre, 207 Queen’sQuay W. 416-973-4000. -.●●Dec 6–8; 13–15; 20–22, various times:Church of the Holy Trinity. The ChristmasStory. Nativity performance including livemusic, costumes and over 100 performers.19 Trinity Sq. 416-598-8979. Suggested donation:; (under 17). for performance times.●●Dec 7, 7:00: Poetry Salon. Harry Posnerand Drew McIvor. Harry Posner, poet; DrewMcIvor, guitar/vocals. 211 Elgin St. N., Durham.519-369-1129. Free.●●Jan 12, 12:30–4:30: School of Philosophy.Open House. Plato discussion and wisdomtexts, course overview and coffee.29 Madison Ave. 416-960-4833. Free.●●Jan 25–Feb 2, various time. University ofToronto Faculty of Music. U of T New MusicFestival. 18 events, including lectures andconcerts, headlined by composer and DJGabriel Prokofiev. Walter Buczynski and PaulChihara, composers; Roberto Turrin, pianist;and others. Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 QueensPark. 416-408-0208. Free. For schedule ofevents:ʼsPiano LessonsFriendly, approachable– and strict!Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@rogers.comQueen/BathurstMoellerPipe Organs Inc.New Instruments and AdditionsTunings and MaintenanceRestorations and RepairsMetal Pipes2393 Gareth Rd., Mississauga, L5B 1Z4www.moellerorgans.comTel/Fax(905) 277-2631NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal andbusiness tax returns including prioryears and adjustmentsHORIZON TAX SERVICES INC.1 -866-268-1319 •• free consultation • accurate work • pickup & deliverySight-Singing with“ LITTLE VOICES,DANCING FEET”with Jodie FriesenMusic &Movementfor Newbornto 8 YearsSheila McCoy416 574 Woodbine subway)Age specific, Interactive, Educational & FUN!Sharing the joy of discovering music for over 20 years.REGISTER NOW(3 Beach/Leslieville Locations)littlevoices@sympatico.ca416-461-9989Find us on WholeNote Marketplace!A MarketPlace ad is like handingout your business card to over30,000 music December 1, 2013 – February 7, 2014 | 65

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