9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 7 - April 2014

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  • April
  • Toronto
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Baroque Orchestra and

Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir14 15DISCOVER OUR REMARKABLE 2014/15 SEASONSUBSCRIBE AND SAVE UP TO 25%!

Pax Christi ChoralePassionwith True North&BrassPeaceSaturday April 26, 7:30pmSt. Peter’s Lutheran Church, KitchenerSunday, April 27, 3:00pmGrace Church on-the-Hill, TorontoStephanie Martin, Artistic DirectorGabriel Fauré – Messe BasseJean Langlais – Missa Salve ReginaRandall Thompson – The Peaceable KingdomStephanie Martin – Now the Queen of 416-491-8542Robert Cooper, Artistic DirectorEdward Moroney, AccompanistConcert tickets only: , , Concert & Post-Concert GalaReception: www.performance.rcmusic.ca416 408 0208273 Bloor Street Westwww.orpheuschoirtoronto.comDVORAKREQUIEM3:00 p.m. Sunday, May 4, 2014Koerner Hall, TELUS Centre, 273 Bloor Street WestThe Orpheus Choir of Toronto’s 50 th Anniversary Season reaches a dramaticclimax with a rare opportunity to hear Dvořák’s richly expressive Requiem inKoerner Hall. By turns powerful and sublime, Dvořák has created an “especiallyeloquent and moving contemplation of the mystery of human existence.”A stellar solo quartet, the 160 voices of the Orpheus Choir and Chorus Niagaraand the Talisker Players orchestra, all under the direction of Robert Cooper, joinforces for this gala celebration.Johane AnsellsopranoAdam LuthertenorLauren Segalmezzo-sopranoGiles Tomkinsbass baritoneKoerner HallFinancial GroupOrpheus Choir’s season sponsorThe Jackman FoundationThe Vern And Frieda Heinrichs FoundationThe Goal Getters

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