Barrie. 705-726-1181. Free.● 7:30: The Plumbing Factory Brass Band.In Concert. Byron United Covenant Church,420 Boler Rd, London. 519-471-1250. ;(st).● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Anniversaries. C.P.E. Bach: Symphony No.2in E-flat; Leclair: Violin Concerto in a; Britten:Sinfonietta; Poulenc: Suite Française;Rameau: Suite from Les Boréades. JimMason, oboe; Julie Baumgartel, violin; JosephLanza, conductor. First United Church,16 William St. W., Waterloo. 519-745-4711or 888-745-4717. . Also Apr 11(Guelph),Apr 12(Cambridge).Friday April 11● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Enso Quartet. Beethoven:Op.18 No.4 in c; Britten: String Quartet No.2;Verdi: String Quartet. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ;(sr); (st).● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Anniversaries. Harcourt Memorial UnitedChurch, 87 Dean St., Guelph. 519-745-4711 or888-745-4717. . See Apr 9(Waterloo); AlsoApr 12(Cambridge).● 8:00: Theatre Ancaster. Back to the 80s.See Apr 4; Also Apr 12.● Saturday April 12● 10:00am: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Tunes and Tarantellas: Music and Dance forTots. Waterloo Region Museum, 10 Huron Rd.,Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. –. Also 11:00; Apr 5(Conrad Centre for thePerforming Arts).● 11:00am: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Tunes and Tarantellas: Music and Dance forTots. Waterloo Region Museum, 10 Huron Rd.,Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. –. Also 10:00; Apr 5(Conrad Centre for thePerforming Arts).● 1:00: Karen Schuessler Singers. Singathon.The choir sings audience favouritesfrom past concerts with special guest conductors.Cherryhill Mall, 301 Oxford St., London.519-455-8895. Free. Choir will be singingbetween 1:00pm and 5:00pm.B. Concerts Beyond the GTA● 2:00: Nota Bene Baroque Players. MessiahSing-Along Fundraiser. Agnes Szigovics,soprano; Daniel Taylor, countertenor; MichaelSchade, tenor; Sean Watson, bass-baritone;John Thiessen, baroque trumpet; HowardDyck, conductor; Julie Baumgartel, concertmaster. Guest: Jan Overduin, harpsichord.First United Church, 16 William St. W., Waterloo.226-808-9567. ; (sr); (st). AlsoApr 13 (performance only).● 2:30: Bravo Niagara! International MusicFestival. Spring into Music @ Stratus: IntimatelyClassical. Works by Liszt, Chopin, Schumannand Caravassilis (world premiere).Grigorios Zamparas and Nadia Azzi, pianos.Stratus Vineyards, 2059 Niagara Stone Road,Niagara-on-the-Lake. 289-686-3835. .Includes guided tasting of wines.● 7:30: Bravo Niagara! International MusicFestival. Spring into Music @ Stratus: JazzUp Close. Molly Johnson, vocals; Robi Botos,piano; Mike Downes, bass. Stratus Vineyards,2059 Niagara Stone Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake. 289-686-3835. . Includes guidedtasting of wines with cheeses.● 7:30: Mohawk College Community Choir/Redeemer University Sinfonia. StabatMater. Jenkins: Stabat Mater; Brahms: Nänie;Finzi: Eclogue. Guests: Fanshawe Chorus London;Jennifer Enns-Modolo, mezzo; Paul Thorlakson,piano; David Holler, conductor. WestHighland Baptist Church, 1605 Garth St,,Hamilton. 905-526-7938. ; (sr/st).● 8:00: Aeolian/Acoustic Muse Concerts.Jesse Winchester. Stories of everydaypeople. Folk, country, bluegrass, bluesand gospel instrumentation. Aeolian Hall,795 Dundas St. E., London. 519-672-7950.; (adv).● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Anniversaries. Central Presbyterian Church(Cambridge), 7 Queens Sq., Cambridge.519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. . SeeApr 9(Waterloo).● 8:00: Theatre Ancaster. Back to the 80s.See Apr 4.Sunday April 13● 2:00: Nota Bene Baroque Players.Messiah. Agnes Szigovics, soprano; DanielTaylor, countertenor; Michael Schade, tenor;Sean Watson, bass-baritone; John Thiessen,baroque trumpet; Howard Dyck, conductor;Julie Baumgartel, concertmaster. Guest: JanOverduin, harpsichord. First United Church,16 William St. W., Waterloo. 226-808-9567.; (sr); (st). Also Apr 12 (sing-alongfundraiser).● 2:30: Kingston Symphony. Brahms, Schumannand Tchaikovsky. Brahms: HungarianDance; Schumann: Cello Concerto; Tchaikovsky:Symphony No.5. Desmond Hoebig,cello; Glen Fast, conductor. Grand Theatre,218 Princess St., Kingston. 613-530-2050.-.● 7:30: Arcady. Handel’s Messiah. CambridgeKiwanis Boys’ Choir; Cambridge Girls’Choir; Ronald Beckett, conductor. CentralPresbyterian Church (Cambridge), 7 QueensSq., Cambridge. 519-623-1080. ; (st).In support of the Cambridge Self-Help FoodBank.Wednesday April 16● 12:00 noon: Music at St. Andrews.Andrew Ager, Organ and Julia Morson, Soprano.Ager: Italian Songs (2012); and worksby Bach and Hindemith. St. Andrew’s PresbyterianChurch (Barrie), 47 Owen St., Barrie.705-726-1181. ; free(st).● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. David Jalbert, piano. Bach:Goldberg Variations. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); (st).Friday April 18● 7:30: Grand Philharmonic Choir. St. JohnPassion. Bach. Kitchener Waterloo Symphony;Colin Ainsworth(Evangelist); GeoffreySirett(Christus); Melanie Russell, soprano;Lauren Segal, mezzo; Daniel Lichti, bass. Centrein the Square, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener.519-578-1570. –.Wednesday April 23● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. New Orford Quartet.Beethoven: Quartet in Eb Op.74 “Harp”; Vivier:String Quartet; Ravel: Quartet in F. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Friday April 25● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. RayCharles — A Tribute. Georgia on My Mind;Your Song; You Don’t Know Me; and otherselections. Joni NehRita, voice; StephenMoretti, drums; Matt Catingub, piano/saxophone/voice/conductor.Centre in the Square,101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or888-745-4717. $19–. Also Apr 26.Saturday April 26● 2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra.Chris McKhool’s FiddleFire! World musicfor younger audiences. Laura Thomas, conductor.Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, Centre forthe Arts, Brock University, 500 GlenridgeAve., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550x3257or 1-866-617-3257. –; (eyeGO);(PSSTnso).● 7:30: Dufferin Concert Singers. GloriousSpring. Vivaldi: Gloria; and works by Morley,Thompson, Ridout and Rachmaninov.Chamber Orchestra; New Tecumseth Singers;Dufferin Brass; Tanya Fenton, piano;John Wervers, conductor. Covenant AllianceChurch, 3 Zina St., Orangeville. 519-925-6149.; free(under 16).● 7:30: Guelph Symphony Orchestra. FourLast Songs. Verdi: La Forza del Destino Overture;Mozart: Symphony No.25; Elgar: Serenadefor Strings; R. Strauss: Four Last Songs.Guest: Cheryl Hickman, soprano. RiverRun Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000. ; (under 30); (child);(eyeGO).● 7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.Pastorale. Richardson-Schulte: A Canadianin Paris (première); Beethoven: SymphonyNo.6 “Pastorale”; Saint-Saëns: Violin ConcertoNo.3. Martin Beaver, violin; GemmaNew, conductor. Hamilton Place, 10 MacnabSt. S., Hamilton. 905-526-7756. –;(under 35).● 7:30: Kingston Symphony. Broadway, MyWay. David Rogers, vocals; Michael Vanhevel,vocals; Janelle Murray, vocals; Glen Fast,conductor. Grand Theatre, 218 Princess St.,Kingston. 613-530-2050. -.● 7:30: Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine andPerforming Arts, Brock University. VivaVoce Choral Series: How Sweet and Fair.Dvořák: Songs of Nature; and other works.Avanti Chamber Singers; Harris Loewen,conductor. St. Barnabas Anglican Church,31 Queenston St., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3817. ; (sr/st); (13 and under/eyeGo).● 7:30: Pax Christi Chorale. Passion andPeace: Radiant Music, Ancient Wisdom.Fauré: Messe Basse; Langlais: Missa SalveRegina; Randall Thompson: The PeaceableKingdom; Martin: Now The Queen of Seasons(premiere). Guests: True North Brass; StephanieMartin, conductor. St. Peter’s LutheranChurch, 49 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 416-491-8542. ; (sr); (st); (child). AlsoApr. 27 (Toronto).● 7:30: St. James Cathedral. Silent MovieImprovisation Concert. DeMille: King ofKings. David Briggs, organ. St. James AnglicanChurch, 137 Melville St., Dundas. 416-364-7865. Free. Donations welcome.● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. RayCharles — A Tribute. See Apr 25.Sunday April 27● 2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra.52 | April 1 – May 7, 2014
Sultans of String. Bradley Thachuk, conductor.Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, Centre forthe Arts, Brock University, 500 GlenridgeAve., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550x3257or 1-866-617-3257. –; (eyeGO);(PSSTnso).● 2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra.Pops: Sultans of String. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre,Centre for the Arts, Brock University,500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550x3257. .50–.● 7:30: Achill Choral Society. Broadway!Knox Presbyterian Church (Alliston), 160 KingSt. S., Alliston. 519-939-0020. ; (13–18); free(under 12). Also May 4 (Bolton).● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Christopher Atzinger, piano.Hummel: Fantasia on Le nozze di Figaro;Brahms: 8 Klavierstücke Op.7; Jalbert: Toccata;Danielpour: Enchanted Garden; Scriabin:Fantasie in b. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ;(sr); (st).Friday May 2● 7:30: Bobcaygeon Music Council. Krechkovsky/LoucksDuo. Violin and piano duo.Trinity United Church (Bobcaygeon),42 William St., Bobcaygeon. 705-731-9661.; free(st/child).● 8:00: Folk Under the Clock. A QuebecKitchen Party. Le Vent du Nord. Market HallTheatre, 140 Charlotte St., Peterborough.705-749-1146. ; (st).● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Billy the Kid and West Side Story. Copland:Suite from Billy the Kid; Bernstein: ChichesterPsalms for Chorus and Orchestra; Bernstein:Symphonic Dances from West Side Story.Grand Philharmonic Choir; Edwin Outwater,conductor. Centre in the Square, 101 QueenSt. N., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. $19–. Also May 3, 4(2:30).Saturday May 3● 2:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Youth Orchestra Program. Centre in theSquare, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. –.● 7:00: Cobourg Highland Games Society.2nd Annual Concert Series. 78th Fraser HighlandersPipe Band. Cobourg Trinity UnitedChurch, 284 Division St., Cobourg. 905-372-8237. . For pipe and drum workshop onthe same day, see Section D: Workshops.● 7:30: Barrie Concerts. A Night in Vienna.Works by Strauss and Lehar. Toronto ConcertOrchestra; Allison Arends, soprano; MatthewZadow, baritone; Kerry Stratton, conductor.Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50 Anne St.N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; 0(subscription);(st subscription); free(newsubscribers).● 7:30: Chorus Niagara. Dvořák: Requiem.Sidgwick Scholar Alumni Quartet; OrpheusChoir of Toronto; Robert Cooper, conductor.Cathedral of St. Catherine the Great of Alexandria,3 Lyman St, St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 ext 3257. ; (sr); (st);(under 30); (eyeGO).● 7:30: Serenata Community Choir. SerenataGoes to the Movies. A selection of sacredand secular music from popular films. GeorgianBay Strings; Gary Heard, conductor. St.Paul’s United Church (Midland), 308 King St.,Midland. 705-526-4724. ; (st).● 8:00: Kawartha Concerts. Peter Longworth,piano, and Sheila Jaffé, violin. TrinityUnited Church (Peterborough), 360 Reid St.,Peterborough. 705-878-5625. /(adv);(st).● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. Billythe Kid and West Side Story. See May 2; AlsoMay 4(2:30).Sunday May 4● 2:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. Billythe Kid and West Side Story. See May 2; AlsoMay 4(2:30).● 2:30: Orchestra Kingston/KingstonChoral Society. In Concert. Mozart: TheMagic Flute (Overture); and other works.Salvation Army Citadel, 816 Centennial Dr.,Kingston. 613-634-9312. -.● 3:30: Melos Choir and Chamber Orchestra.Soli Deo Gloria: Music of J.S. Bach andG.P. Telemann. Bach: Cantatas 21 (part 1) and196; Harpsichord Concerto in F; Singet demHerrn BWV 225, and other works; Telemann:Quartet in d TWV 43. St. George’s Cathedral,270 King St. E., Kingston. 613-542-4329. ;(sr); (st); (under 13).● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Stephan Zurakowsky, guitar.Zurakowsky: Barretta and other works;Korchmar: White Nights Serenades; Rudnev:Russian Rhapsody. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); (st).Wednesday May 7● 12:00 noon: Midday Music with Shigeru.Outstanding Participants of the BarrieKiwanis Music Festival. Hi-Way PentecostalChurch, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181.; free(st).● 8:00: Guelph Chamber Choir. Vices & Virtues.Works by Carl Orff, Claudio Monteverdi,Henry Purcell, Stephen Sondheim andothers. Gerald Neufeld, conductor; AlisonMacneill, piano. Harcourt Memorial UnitedChurch, 87 Dean St., Guelph. 519-763-3000./(4 or more); (st); (eyeGO).● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Glorious Gran Partita. Gabrieli: Canzonaper Sonare No.1, La Spiritata; Canzona perSonare No.2; Haydn: Divertimento No.5 in G;Mozart: Serenade No.10 in B-flat. Allene Chomyn,violin; Evan Mitchell, conductor. FirstUnited Church, 16 William St. W., Waterloo.519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. . AlsoMay 9(Guelph), May 10(Cambridge).Beat by Beat | In the ClubsLingeringLegaciesORI DAGANGary BensonThe jazz community mourns the loss of guitarist Gary Benson,who last month peacefully succumbed to Creutzfeldt-Jacobdisease, a rare and incurable degenerative neurological disorder.In his accomplished 75 years, Benson was deeply respected as a musician,composer and educator, as well as for his amiable personalityand sense of humour. Over 300 mourners attended the funeral,including many members of Toronto’s jazz community. In recent yearsBenson performed regularly with the Canadian Jazz Quartet, a grouphe formed in the late 1980s.Speaking at Benson’s memorial service on March 19, his cherishedfriend and musical associate for over a half-century, Don Vickery, said:“Gary started the original Canadian Jazz Quartet in 1987 with GerryHoelke on bass, Gordie Fleming on accordion and me on drums.The great Bob Price later became our bass player, and Frank Wrightjoined the group to establish our current sound over 20 years ago.Duncan Hopkins has been our bass player since B.P. passed away in2002. In 2006, we found a home at Quotes, where we were the residentband for nearly seven years, backing up international jazz playersduring the Toronto Jazz Festival every year – and every week, featuringall the best musicians in Toronto.”“That’s where the CJQ really came to prominence, and during thattime recorded two more successful CDs and were featured in twoglobal live-to-air broadcasts on JAZZ.FM91. Gary loved the gig andeveryone loved Gary. When Quotes was sold, we moved to KAMAwhere we are to this day. And we were lucky enough to have Garywith us there until the last few months. We miss him as our friend, asour leader and as a wonderful talent. We will never forget him and Iknow we are all better people, and better musicians, for having him inour lives.”The Canadian Jazz Quartet continues to perform every Thursdayfrom 5 to 8pm at KAMA on King St. W., featuring guest guitarists andas always, a featured weekly guest horn player. Consult our In theClubs jazz listings for further details.Walk With Jordan: On the evening of Thursday, April 24, I hopethere will be a full house at the intimate Musideum (401 RichmondStreet West) for what promises to be a night of heartfelt music fora worthy cause. Starting at 7pm, vocalist Vivia Kay and her bandBlacksparrow will present “Send Love South: A Fundraiser for April 1 – May 7, 2014 | 53