9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 7 - April 2014

  • Text
  • April
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • Arts
  • Choir
  • Musical
  • Symphony
  • Ossington
  • Bloor

Wurlitzer Theatre Organ.

Wurlitzer Theatre Organ. Casa Loma, 1 AustinTerrace. 416-499-6262. .● Apr 8, 7:00: Toronto Silent Film Festival/RevueFilm Society. The Last Command(1928); Behind the Screen (1916). Musicby Jordan Klapman, piano. Revue Cinema,400 Roncesvalles Ave. 416-461-9287.● Apr 26 7:30 Cathedral Church of St.James. King of Kings (1927); Silent filmw. improvised organ accompaniment.David Briggs, organ. St. James Cathedral,65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Donationsaccepted. See ad page 46.● May 1–11, various times: Toronto JewishFilm Festival. Features including It Happenedin St. Tropez, The German Doctor andHunting Elephants as well as documentariesand more. Premiere of Naomi Jaye’s ThePin, the only Yiddish feature produced in Canada.Five-part lecture and film series entitledGolems, Dybbuks and the Jewish Fantastic,examining Jewish horror films. 416-324-9121./(mats); (sr/st); (opening night).For full details and schedule: REHEARSALS/SINGALONGS● Apr 8, 7:00: Canada Sings!/Chatons Canada!Toronto-Riverdale. Community Singalong.Canadian folk songs, rock, Broadwayand ballads. Mark Bell, song leader; MarjorieWiens, piano. St. John’s Presbyterian Church,415 Broadview Ave. 416-778-0796. Free; donationsaccepted.● Apr 29, May 1 and May 3: Canadian Children’sOpera Company. CCOC Open House.Observe and participate in a rehearsal of oneD. The ETCeterasof the six chorus division of the CCOC. Choralsinging and drama staging. Apr 29, 5:00–6:30pm: Ages 7 to 10; May 1, 4:30–6:00pm:Ages 3 to 6; May 3, 11:00am–1:00pm: Ages 10to 19. First Unitarian Congregation, 175 St.Clair Ave. W. 416-366-0467. Free.ETCETERA: MISCELLANEOUS● Apr 1–Apr 6, various times. Spotlight onIsrael. Festival celebrating Israeli theatre,visual arts, music, dance and film. For● Apr 4 and 5, 8:00: dance Immersion.ExpressionsŠNow. Showcase highlightingAzaguno and KasheDance. Enwave Theatre,Harbourfront Centre, 231 Queens Quay W.416-973-4000. -; -(sr/st). AlsoApr 5 at 1:00pm.● Apr 9, 12:00 noon–3:00pm; Apr 10,9:00am–12:00 noon: Tangled Art and Disability.Tangled Kids Fest. Performances by PropellerDance, pop signer Elizabeth Morris andLazylegz. Ada Slaight Hall, Daniels Spectrum,585 Dundas St. E. . For details and● Apr 11, 7:00: Soundstreams Salon 21.Improvisation vs. Composition. Discussionon composition, improvisation and the musicthat lies in between, with musical performancesexploring these concepts. GardinerMuseum, 111 Queen’s Park. 416-504-1282.Free; pwyc reserved seating available.● Apr 25, 6:00: Mississauga Arts Council’sLimelight Association of Young Artists.‘Sauga Stars Youth Talent Showcase. Receptionand art exhibit, followed by a concertfeaturing Trouble and Daughter, I Rock withthe One, Cawthra Park Secondary SchoolRepertory Dance Company, We Flip Tablesand other artists. Meadowvale Theatre,6315 Montevideo Rd., Mississauga. Free; reservationnecessary: 905-615-4446.● Apr 12, 4:30: Guitar Society of Toronto.Reception with Guitar Society of Toronto GuitarOrchestra. Open mic format; bring yourown guitar. Northrop Frye Hall, 73 Queen’sPark. 416-964-8298. Free.● May 2 and 3, 8:00: Tangled Art and Disability.Third Eye Looming. Multi-disciplinary theatrepiece delving into the mind of a man withmental illness. Ada Slaight Hall, Daniels Spectrum,585 Dundas St. E. ; (st/PWD).For details:● May 5 12:00 noon: Music Monday. 10thAnniversary. Live webcast linking simultaneousevents across the country, endingwith a synchronized, nationwide performanceof I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing) withChris Hadfield and led by Bramwell Tovey.Free. See● Apr 12 and 13, various times: Show ChoirCanada. Nationals. National show choircompetition for high school glee clubs andchoirs presented by Randolph Academyfor the Performing Arts and da Costa TalentManagement. Toronto Centre for theArts, 5040 Yonge St. .50(for all 3 shows);(st). For details:; QueensmenMale ChorusNO STRINGSTHEATREMUSIC THEATRE FOR TEENS +Announces Jason Howland’sPlus 2 New Programs this summer!Create, Stage and Performyour own MusicalPop and Pit Orchestra - playingin a contemporary band, studyarranging and improvisationSave with Early Bird rates in April.Check out our Free Workshopsin April and May!WWW.NOSTRINGSTHEATRE.COMEmail: DIRECTORS@NOSTRINGSTHEATRE.COM416-588-5845 EXT. 1WE NEED A NEW CHORUS DIRECTOR!Starting September 2014THE QUEENSMEN OF TORONTOMALE CHORUSEstablished over 60 years, encouraging choral singingamong youth, performing a wide repertoire of popular music.Rehearsals on Tuesdays from September through May in Etobicoke.Main concerts at Christmas and in May, collaborating with school choirsor other groups. Other concerts in community service throughout the year.Replies before end of April for interviews to be conductedin Etobicoke in June.Contact: Gord Jarvis 416.620.4446 or Einar Voldner 905.876.1477www.queensmen.net58 | April 1 – May 7, 2014

AUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIESAVAILABLE PRO BONO POSITIONSFOR MUSICIANS AT THE KINDREDSPIRITS ORCHESTRA: Principal Oboist,Principal Bassoonist, Associate (or2nd) Trumpeter, Principal Trombonist,Associate (or 2nd) Trombonist, 3rdTrombonist, as well as sectionalViolinists, Violists, Cellists andContrabassists. The KSO is an auditionedbasedcommunity orchestra thatrehearses once a week (Tuesday evenings)at the state-of-the-art Cornell RecitalHall in Markham (407 ETR and 9th Ln).Led by the charismatic Maestro KristianAlexander, the Orchestra is enjoying anenormous popularity among York Region’sresidents and continues to attract avidaudiences across the GTA. Guest soloistsfor the 2013.2014 concert season includepianists André Laplante and James Parker,violinists Jacques Israelievitch and NicoleLi. The repertoire features symphoniesby Brahms, Schumann and Shostakovichas well as masterworks by Wagner,Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky and Saint-Saëns. Interested musicians are invited toe-mail General Manager Jobert Sevillenoat and visit for more information.COUNTERPOINT COMMUNITYORCHESTRA ( volunteer musicians forMonday evening rehearsals, downtownToronto. We’re especially looking fortrombones and strings. Email STRINGS THEATRE seeks the followingfor our summer music theatre intensive,July 2-August 10, 2014 and possibleextension into the full 2014-15 season: StageDirector, Music Director, Choreographer.Stage Manager. Please send resumesto Moreinformation www.nostringstheatre.comFOR SALEWASTING AWAY IN A CLOSET? Yourlovely old violin / clarinet / tromboneis crying out to be played!. There’ssomeone out there who’d love to breathenew life into it. Sell, or donate your silentunused instruments! Contact to find out how.New Instruments and AdditionsTunings and MaintenanceRestorations and RepairsMetal Pipes2393 Gareth Rd., Mississauga, L5B 1Z4www.moellerorgans.comTel/Fax(905) 277-2631Classified Advertising | classad@thewholenote.comINSTRUCTIONCLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS: beginnerto advanced from one of Toronto’sfinest classical guitar instructors andnationally renowned author of manyguitar publications. Located in midtownToronto., YORK HOUSE OF THE ARTS: Flute,piano, guitar, theory lessons, RCM andaudition preparation. Contact 647-801-3456,, www.alhelipimienta.wix/eastyorkmusic.comFLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS, RCMEXAM PREPARATION: Samantha Chang,Royal Academy of Music PGDip, LRAM,ARCT. 416-293-1302, LESSONS: Beginners – advanced.All levels Royal Conservatory of Musicand beyond. Intensive course for adults.Lessons are given on a 9 foot Steinwayconcert grand. 416-449-1665PIANO LESSONS: personalizedinstruction by experienced teacher,concert pianist EVE EGOYAN (M. Mus.,L.R.A.M., F.R.S.C.). All ages and levels.Downtown location. eve.egoyan@bell.netor 416- 603-4640.MUSICIANS AVAILABLEARE YOU A PARTY ANIMAL? TheWholeNote gets inquiries from readersseeking musicians to provide live musicfor all kinds of occasions. We can’trecommend your ensemble, but YOU can!Contact byApril 24 and book your ad for the Mayedition!BARD – EARLY MUSIC DUO playingrecorder and virginal available to providebackground atmosphere for teas,receptions or other functions – greaterToronto area. For rates and info call 905-722-5618 or email us at CLASSIFIEDS and MarketPlace ads really deliver!Sing out and reach the right audience.Classifieds start at just , withdiscounts for multiple insertions.Book for the May issue by April 21:classad@thewholenote.comSUMMERTIME …AND THE LEARNING ISEASY – let our readers know if you offermusic lessons, or a special programmeduring the summer!education@thewholenote.comMarketPlace ads: like handing your business card to 30,000musically engaged people for one third of a cent each!Available in runs of 3, 5 or 10 insertions, for a little as per issue!Book for the May issue by April 15: 416-323-2232 ext 25.SERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAXSERVICE for small business andindividuals, to save you time and money,customized to meet your needs. NormPulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-251-0309 or905-830-2985.DO YOU HAVE PRECIOUS MEMORIESLOST ON OLD RECORDS, TAPES, PHOTOSetc.? Recitals-gigs-auditions-air checksfamilystuff. 78’s-cassettes-reels-35mmslides-etc. ArtsMediaProjects will restorethem on CD’s or DVD’s. Call George @416-910-1091.NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal andbusiness tax returns including prioryears and adjustmentsHORIZON TAX SERVICES INC.1 -866-268-1319 •• free consultation • accurate work • pickup & deliveryVENUES AVAILABLE / WANTEDARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT ORRECITAL? Looking for a venue? ConsiderBloor Street United Church. Phone: 416-924-7439 x22. Email: / REHEARSAL / STUDIO/ OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE. Greatacoustics, reasonable rates. College /Spadina. Phone 416-921-6350. E-mailststepheninthefields@gmail.comPiano Friendly, approachable– and Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@Sight-Singing with SheilaSheila McCoy416 574 Woodbine subway) April 1 – May 7, 2014 | 59

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