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Volume 19 Issue 7 - April 2014

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FOR OPENERS | DAVID PERLMANEven withopportunities forunguided selfteachingproliferatingthrough the internet,music remains largelyan oral traditionhanded down directlyfrom teacher tostudent ... The fitbetween teacher andstudent thereforebecomes a moreimportant criterionthan anything else indetermining whetherlearning musicbecomes a rewardingexperience.SEEING ORANGE, page 61.One Hundred AndCountingIwent last week (March 17 and 19) to two musicalevents which neatly (and entirely coincidentally)balanced events 100 years apart around a centralpivotal point of reference.The first was a panel discussion/chamber concertinvolving players from the Vienna PhilharmonicOrchestra organized by the Chumir Foundation forEthics in Leadership at Glenn Gould Studio. BruceSurtees briefly describes the event on page 14 of thecurrent issue of the magazine.The second was the appearance of the LosAngeles Philharmonic at Roy Thomson Hall onWednesday March 19, which is described in somedetail by Paul Ennis in his Classical & Beyondcolumn which commences on page 17.In the case of the Glenn Gould Studio Chumirsponsoredevent, the 100-year interval was thatbetween the start of the so-called “War to End AllWars” in 1914 and today. 1914 and 2014 stand liketwo grim pillars on either side of the event thatwas the main reason for the Chumir event takingplace, namely the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra’sefforts, since 1998, to begin coming to terms withan inglorious chapter in its storied 156 year history,between 1938 and 1945. That a majority of Austrians(57 percent) today accept that Austria was at leastas complicit in the Anschluss as a victim of it is awelcome development. That in the same poll only 24percent agree with mosques being built in Austria isa grim reminder that memory and selective amnesiaare partners in a very grim dance.We will have lots more to say about that event inthe coming weeks, as Surtees explains.In the case of the Los Angeles PhilharmonicOrchestra’s Roy Thomson Hall appearance, the100-year interval is a much more benign one,simply between the dates of composition of thetwo symphonies that made up the two halves ofthe program: John Corigliano’s Symphony No.1composed in 1988, and Tchaikovsky’s SymphonyNo.5, composed exactly 100 years earlier. And inthis case the link between the two is not a momentof monumental infamy, but an entirely happyone, namely the triumphant return to Toronto ofThe WholeNote VOLUME 19 NO 7 | APRIL 1, 2014 – MAY 7, 2014Centre for Social Innovation720 Bathurst St., Suite 503, Toronto ON M5S 2R4PHONE 416-323-2232 | FAX 416-603-4791Publisher/Editor In Chief | David Perlmanpublisher@thewholenote.comChairman of the Board | Allan Pulkerdirectors@thewholenote.comEDITORIALManaging Editor | Paul Enniseditorial@thewholenote.comRecordings Editor | David Oldsdiscoveries@thewholenote.comSocial Media Editor | Sara Constanteditorial@thewholenote.comListings Editor | David Perlman (acting)listings@thewholenote.comClub Listings Editor | Ori Daganjazz@thewholenote.comSALES, MARKETING & MEMBERSHIPConcerts & Events/Membership | Karen Agesmembers@thewholenote.comRetail Sales/Marketing | Garry Pagemarketing@thewholenote.comDirectories | Adam Weinmanneducation@thewholenote.comAdvertising/Production Support/OperationsJack Buell | adart@thewholenote.comClassified Ads | classad@thewholenote.comWebsite/Systems | Bryson Winchestersystems@thewholenote.comCirculation/Subscriptions | Chris Malcolmcirculation@thewholenote.comSUBSCRIPTIONS per year + HST (9 issues)THANKS TO THIS MONTH’S CONTRIBUTORSBeat ColumnistsHans de Groot, Jack MacQuarrie, Benjamin Stein,Paul Ennis, David Olds, Dave Podgorski,Ori Dagan, Wendalyn Bartley, Jim Galloway,mJ buell, Christopher Hoile, Andrew Timar,Allan PulkerFeaturesPaula Citron, David PerlmanCD ReviewersStuart Broomer, Max Christie, Hans de Groot,Janos Gardonyi, Tiina Kiik, Roger Knox, LesleyMitchell-Clarke, Ivana Popovich, Allan Pulker,Terry Robbins, Michael Schwartz, Bruce Surtees,Robert Tomas, Ken Waxman, Dianne WellsProofreadingKaren Ages, John Sharpe, Paul Ennis,Sara ConstantListingsDavid Perlman, Ori Dagan,Adam Weinmann, Tilly Kooyman,JennieLea McLeish, Ruth AtwoodFelix Deak, Bryson WinchesterCirculation TeamAbram Bergen, Asa Perlman, Beth Bartley,Bob Jerome, Dagmar Sullivan, Dave Taylor,Gero Hajek, Jack Buell, Jack Suttaby, Jeff Hogben,Joan Andrews, John Dodington, Lorna Nevison,Micah Herzog, Niamh Malcolm, Patrick Slimmon,Paul Ennis, Randy Weir, Rebecca Carpenter,Robert Faulkner, Sharon Clark, The Giang Nguyen,Tom Sepp, Vicki Stainton, Wende BartleyLayout & DesignUno Ramat & Bryson WinchesterTHE ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL IS ANAGENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIOUpcoming Dates & DeadlinesFree Event Listings Deadline6pm Tuesday April 8Display Ad Reservations Deadline6pm Tuesday April 15Classifieds Deadline6pm Tuesday April 22Advertising Materials Due6pm Friday April 18Publication DateThursday May 1Volume 19 No 8 coversMay 1, 2014 to June 7, 2014WholeNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibility orliability for claims made for any product or servicereported on or advertised in this issue.Printed in CanadaCouto Printing & Publishing ServicesCirculation StatementApril 2014: 30,000 printed & distributedCanadian Publication Product Sales Agreement1263846ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTEPublications Mail Agreement #40026682Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:WholeNote Media Inc.Centre for Social Innovation503–720 Bathurst StreetToronto ON M5S 2R4COPYRIGHT © 2014 WHOLENOTE MEDIA INCthewholenote.com6 | April 1 – May 7, 2014

FOR OPENERS | DAVID PERLMANGustavo Dudamel, last here in October 2009 withVenezuela’s Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra, as itwas then known, on the occasion of Jose AntonioAbreu being awarded the Glenn Gould Prize.About this event I have a little more to say rightnow, because of the little affirmations that theconcert sent ringing to the rafters of my mind asresoundingly as the LA Phil under Dudamel sentthe music singing through the not always forgivingwhole of RTH.For me the event was not just about the music;rather it was not just about the sounds of themusic but also about music’s power to bring thingsinto being.How many people in RTH that evening knew,for example, that in the near-capacity crowd werea couple of hundred students of Sistema Toronto,which traces its origins to Abreu’s visit in 2009.Sistema Toronto, as some of you may recall waschosen by Glenn Gould prize laureate LeonardCohen for the City of Toronto Protégé prize, twoyears after Abreu’s award. Now here they were,full of hope and music, bringing their own passionfor music to a gala banquet before the concert,affirming the fact that Abreu’s vision, powered bythe state in his native Venezuela, could take root andflower in the soil of Ontario, where culture tends tobe privatized and parcelled out as grimly territoriallyas the shores of most lakes in cottage country.And I wonder how many people at RTH felt thesame little bump of pleasure as I did, reading inthe program that the Los Angeles Philharmonicis now the driving force behind something calledYOLA (Youth Orchestras of Los Angeles), bringingmusic’s motive power to over 600 youth in underservedL.A. neighbourhoods. Yet another sign ofSistema’s spread, one can say, having taken rootsince Dudamel arrived.Change for the better all sounds so simple whenit’s spelled out that way. There’s another examplein the issue – the “Hamilton Plan” that ChuckDaellenbach described to me in our interview (page14), that brought music to the schools of Hamiltonand its surrounds in the late 60s and early 70s withwhat sounds in the telling like astonishing ease.It’s tempting to think of the nascent power forusefulness of The WholeNote’s “Orange Pages”initiative as Allan Pulker describes it on page 61 asspreading with the same ease. Just think how easilyit would all come to pass if “I told two friends, andthey told two friends and they told two friends,” theway it did in the shampoo commercials back in thesame wonderful 70s that Daellenbach talks about inour interview.Enjoy this issue in all its diversity, dear readers.Music might not have had the power to dispel thiswinter’s polar vortex, but it continues to offer thehope of spring.publisher@thewholenote.comINDEX OF ADVERTISERSAll Saints KingswayAnglican Church 41Amadeus Choir 57Amadeus Choir / ElmerIseler Singers 21, 39Amici 50Annex Singers 50Aradia Ensemble 47Armour HeightsPresbyterian Church 43Associates of the TSO 48ATMA 5Aurora Cultural Centre38, 45, 49Bach Children’s Chorus, 21Canadian Children’s OperaCompany 58Canadian Opera Company31, 80Canadian Sinfonietta 47Cathedral BluffsSymphony Orchestra 39Chamber Music Society ofMississuaga 40Christ Church Deer ParkJazz Vespers 32Christina PetrowskaQuilico 44Church of the Ascension40CISMF 69Continuum ContemporaryMusic 35Cosmo Music 59Diana Mcintosh 42Ensemble Polaris 38Ensemble Vivant 44Essential Opera 36Etobicoke CentennialChoir 36Grace Church on-the-Hill37, 57Grand Philharmonic Choir52Group of 27 46Guitar Society of Toronto39Hannaford Street SilverBand 33Heliconian Hall 57High Notes 23Hymn Society, SouthernOntario Chapter 57Kindred Spirits Orchestra43Lawrence ParkCommunity Church 42Living Arts Centre 45Liz Parker 59Long & McQuade 29Markham Concert Band50Masterworks of Oakville39Mississuaga Festival Choir49Moeller Organs 59Mooredale Concerts 47Music at Metropolitan 43,35Music Gallery 39Music Toronto 9, 35, 38Musicians in Ordinary 34,46Nathaniel Dett Chorale 20New Music Concerts 28,43New York Chamber MusicFestival 42Nine Sparrows ArtsFoundation 43No Strings Theatre 58Norm Pulker 59Oakham House Choir 46ORGANIX 17Orpheus Choir 3Pasquale Bros 58Pax Christi 3, 48, 52Peter Mahon 20Remenyi House of Music24Rose Theatre 49Roy Thomson Hall 23, 38Royal Conservatory 13, 27Schmidt Piano and Organ58Sheila McCoy 59Show One 4Sine Nomine 44Sinfonia Toronto 39Soundstreams 42St. James’ Cathedral 19,46St. Philip’s AnglicanChurch 32St. Thomas’ Church 41Steinway Piano Gallery 7Syrinx 18, 37, 41Tafelmusik 2, 3851Tallis Choir 22The Jazz Bistro 34, 36, 38,45, 54, 56The Queensmen ofOntario 58The Sound Post 18Timothy Eaton MemorialChurch 40Toronto All Star Big Band53Toronto Choral Society 22Toronto Consort 25, 36Toronto Jazz Festival 15,31Toronto Masque Theatre45Toronto MendelssohnChoir 42Toronto Symphony 44, 48,79Toy Piano Collective 40Village Voices 49Windermere StringQuartet 50Women’s Musical Club 11,37, 51Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch 21, 41

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)