ORANGE PAGES● MNjcc Suzuki Music CampJuly 7 to 11, 9:00am – 4:00pm (Extended care 8:00– 9:00am, 4:00 – 6:00pm)Miles Nadal Jewish CommunityCentre, 750 Spadina Ave, TorontoOur 2014 MNjcc Suzuki Summer Music Camp isopen to all violin, viola, cello and piano studentswho study by the Suzuki method. We offer all levels,from those who have learned Twinkles withfingers to beyond Suzuki Book 8. Along with abasic daily foundation of semi-private lessons andSuzuki group repertoire lessons, campers will alsoparticipate in three enrichment classes. All campactivities will take place within the MNjcc facility.If you would like more information about ourcamp, and/or would like to be mailed a brochurewith registration forms, please contact camp director,Gretchen Paxson-Abberger. Registration canalso be done in person at the MNjcc info desk.416-924-6211● National Music Camp (NMC)Junior division: August 18 to 24Senior division: August 25 to September 1Lake Couchiching, Orillia, ONFor students of all levels, Grades 3 to 12.Application deadline: based on availabilityin desired program/instrumentNational Music Camp has been operating atCamp Wahanowin on the shores of Lake Couchichingfor 50 years and draws professional musiciansand students from across Canada. Campersat National Music Camp will have an overnightcamp experience, which includes all lodging andmeals for seven or eight days, music instructionby professional faculty (approximately four hoursdaily), recreational activities, daily faculty concertsand evening programs. Two tickets to our OpenHouse Concert for parents or friends are includedwith each registration. The concert takes place onthe final day of the camp session.416-482-2475;● The National Youth Orchestra of CanadaFor more than 50 years, the National YouthOrchestra of Canada has enjoyed a reputation asCanada’s orchestral finishing school, providingthe most comprehensive and in-depth trainingprogram available to our country’s best youngclassical musicians. More performers in Canada’sprofessional orchestras are alumni of the NYOCthan any other institute or university. Approximatelyone third of Canadian professional orchestralmusicians are alumni of the NYOC.Each year, the NYOC auditions about 500 studentsbetween the ages of 16 and 28. From thoseauditions, we select 90 to 100 of Canada’s mostpromising orchestral musicians to participatein our tuition-free summer training institute andnational concert tour. For more information onthe NYOC, please visit our● No Strings TheatreMusic theatre and pit orchestratraining and performance.Toronto, ONWorking with industry professionals, No StringsTheatre offers music theatre classes, audition preparationfor arts high schools, colleges, universitiesand companies, march break and summermusic theatre performance and training intensives,and a new pop and pit orchestra trainingprogram. Our signature summer intensive programoffers, for performing artists (actors, singers,dancers, and instrumentalists ages 12-21), dailytechnique classes, song and script creation, musiccomposition, masterclasses and seminars, as wellas rehearsals for the featured show. This programculminates in a mini-run of fully staged performancesat the Toronto Centre for the Arts. Past showshave included Anne of Green Gables, a Toronto premiereof Curtains, Sweeney Todd, Les Miserablesand others.416-588-5845● North Bay SymphonyOrchestra String RetreatAugust 10 to 16Canadian Ecology Centre, near Mattawa, ONFor string players of all levels of abilityApplication deadline: June 23The NBSO Summer String Retreat is a fun andchallenging program for adult violin, viola, celloand double bass players of all levels of ability. Itwill take place August 10 to 16, 2014, at the CanadianEcology Centre near Mattawa, Ontario. Itis led by the expert coaching of the Silver BirchString Quartet and double bassist Thomas Jones.The focus will be on ensemble playing with anemphasis on technique and sound productionand includes a special intensive Double Bass Program.The schedule includes string orchestra, dailywellness exercises, performance experience withina chamber group, informal evening social events,outdoor recreational opportunities and access toa professional luthier. Please call or visit our websitefor more● Oakville Suzuki AssociationPerforming Arts CampSingle week or both weeks! July 7 to 11, 14 to 18St. Mildred’s Lightbourn School, Oakville, ONExperience a new instrument or enhance yourcurrent music education! Daily private lessons incello, double bass, drum set, flute, guitar, piano,violin, viola or voice are offered. Experience a customschedule with options including music theatre,drama, dance, art, ukulele, drum line, fiddle,orchestra and chamber music, composition, computermusic writing and more! A highly qualifiedinternational staff guarantees an exciting experiencefor students 6 months to 18 years of age. Programsrange from one hour to six hours daily.Please consult our website for● Picton Singing Retreat and Rita di GhentSummer: Picton, ONSeptember to April: Toronto, ONWhy Come to a Picton Singing Retreat?Because expert instruction and a supportive,non-judgmental environment will inspire you toget to the next level in your singing/creative goals.Because you get to fully unhook from your busylife and embrace time and opportunity to focuson YOU.Because whatever your level, you are welcometo get the musical experience and inspirationyou deserve.Because you will be empowered with co-creatinga program that fits you.Because it’s affordable.Retreats are run throughout the summerand fall.“This was my third consecutive year attendingthis fabulous retreat...Rita is a sensitive and perceptiveteacher who appreciates that peopleapproach music differently...”For more info please see my● Southwestern Ontario SuzukiInstitute, Inc. (SOSI)Teachers: August 9 to 17; Students: August 10 to 15Wilfrid Laurier University, 75 University AvenueWest, Waterloo, ONApplication deadlines: Early Bird Deadline(enter draw for half of one tuition), Young ArtistProgram application and bursary application:May 1; Early Bird Deadline with payment ofhalf tuition for Teacher Development: May 31SOSI is an annual six-day learning holiday forjunior to advanced students, their parents andteachers. Programs include private lessons, groupactivities, enrichment classes, our Baby and ToddlerClass, exciting optional courses, play-ins, Alex-66 theWholeNote 2014/15 ORANGE PAGES DIRECTORY
ander Technique lessons, an operetta and concerts.We again offer our special one-day Viola Fest. OurMini-Institute provides a taste of the institute toour younger first-time registrants who would likea half-day schedule. SOSI’s Young Artist Programfor violin, cello and piano provides instruction ina setting that moves towards traditional musiccollege/university instruction while maintainingroots in Suzuki philosophy and pedagogy. Extracurricularactivities include a barn dance, soccer,crafts, set design and parent discussions. Forteachers, we offer inspiring courses in violin/viola,cello and● Tafelmusik Baroque Summer InstituteMay 26 to June 8The Tafelmusik Baroque Summer Institute is ledby some of the world’s finest musicians in the fieldof baroque performance. The institute is held atthe Faculty of Music, University of Toronto. Thiscomprehensive training program includes orchestraand choir rehearsals, masterclasses, operascene study for singers, chamber ensembles, privatelessons, lectures and workshops, classes inbaroque dance and concerts by both participantsand faculty. We invite advanced students, pre-professionaland professional musicians to apply.416-964-9562● Thornhill Chamber Music InstituteFor youth ages 8 to 17 and apprentices ages 18to 24Thornhill, ONThornhill Chamber Music Institute has beentraining developing young musicians in a nurturing,family-like setting since 1991. Duos, trios,quartets and renaissance and baroque ensemblesare professionally coached. Choral singing, composing,sports and fiddling bring special elementsto the daily activities. Individualized approachesinclude early to advanced musicians (ages 8 to 17)and apprentices (18 to 24). There will be a final concert,a nursing home concert and a faculty concert.Gretchen Anner:● Westben Arts Festival TheatreCampbellford, ONWestben Arts Festival Theatre is deeply committedto fostering education in its community.Westben has hosted violin, cello, voice and pianomasterclasses; presented school concerts, originalmusicals and Opera Talks; and currently has fiveyouth and adult choirs and two multi-generationalconcert bands. In collaboration with thelocal municipality Westben is opening a CulturalNo Strings TheatreCentre in Campbellford. The new three part LifeLong Learning Series, called “Tick Talks Under theClock,” begins with “String Quartessence,” FridayApril 25, at 7pm, with Barb Hobart. On SundayMay 4, at 3pm, Robert Longo and Friends presents“The Music and Life of Andrew Lloyd Webber,” andFriday May 23, at 7pm, Larry Beckwith discussesPurcell’s Dido and Aeneas in “Love and Laments.”● WorldSongs Vocal CampAugust 4 to 10Midland, ONApplication deadline: March 31WorldSongs offers community singing immersion–likeheaven, but with human, earthly foodTHANKSOrange Pages Directory TeamProject Editor | Adam WeinmannProject Manager | Allan PulkerLayout and Design |Bryson Winchester/Uno RamatAll inquiries |education@thewholenote.comAnd also from The WholeNotedirectory division:A Rainbow’s Worth of MusicalPromise!and cooperative kitchen work by campers. Welearn from different teachers every summer andmeet at a yoga retreat near Midland, far from ourbusy lives elsewhere. 2014 features Sephardic singingwith David Harris and Colombian folk musicwith Ana Alvarez, along with WorldSongs founderAlan Gasser, teaching shapenote, Georgian songand Woody Guthrie, besides old gospel songs.Camper testimony:“When I go to WorldSongs, I go to a place where Iam respected, loved and accepted for what I am, nomatter what I do. That’s a big difference ... You canjust drop your troubles and just be with people.”416• COMING NEXT! CANARY PAGESPublished every May and updatedyear-round at guide to choral opportunitiesat every age. Print deadline April 112014.• GREEN PAGESUpdated every May online, and everyJune in print. Your guide to summermusic across Ontario, Canada andbeyond.• BLUE PAGESIn print and online every October.Our directory of Southern Ontarioconcert presenters.theWholeNote 2014/15 ORANGE PAGES DIRECTORY 67
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