CANARY PAGESCantores Celestes Women’s ChoirCANTABILE ABILECHAMBERSINGERS…where there is a good Master, and an apt Scholler…Cantores Celestes is an auditioned women’s choircelebrating its 26th season. Perform with the bestinstrumental musicians in Toronto! Repertoireincludes medieval, baroque, romantic, classicalcontemporary,Celtic, gospel, bluegrass and EasternEuropean music. The choir has released six CDs,has performed live on CBC Radio, has donated overhas toured New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Ontarioand New York City. Season concerts include June 7,2014 (Perth On), December 6, 2014 and April 18,2015. Auditions are held in May, June and August.KELLY GALBRAITH, Children’sOpera CompanyIn its 46th season, the CCOC consists of six chorusesfor ages 3 to 19 and is the only permanentchildren’s opera company in Canada to regularlycommission and produce operas for children. Led byrenowned educator, conductor and opera singer AnnCooper Gay, the company prepares young peoplefor the vibrant world of opera by offering musicaland dramatic training and professional experience.Members regularly perform with the Canadian OperaCompany and other major professional organizations.Rehearsals are weekdays after school in the downtownarea. Auditions are held May to June. A nonauditionedin- and after-school workshop programwas launched in 2008 as part of the OPERAtionKIDS outreach arm of the CCOC.KEN HALL416-366-0467info@canadianchildrensopera.comcanadianchildrensopera.comCantabile Choirs of KingstonSince 1996, the Cantabile Choirs of Kingston, underthe leadership of Dr. Mark Sirett, have thrilledlocal and regional audiences in performances ofa diverse range of choral repertoire from Canadaand around the world at an unrivalled standard ofperformance. Over the years, Cantabile has grownto include seven choirs and over 250 voices. Cantabileprovides musical education for choristers andaudiences through this high standard of performanceand quality choral literature. Cantabile’s choralseason of five themed concerts, which often includeinvited guests of national and international acclaim,attracts a sold-out audience. In the fall of 2014, Cantabilelaunches its 19th season, “Postcards” – musicalletters and notes from family, friends and loved ones,from home and far away. Join us!DR. MARK SIRETT613-549-0099msirett@cantabilechoirs.netcantabilechoirs.caCaribbean Chorale of TorontoThe Caribbean Chorale of Toronto, a registered,non-profit group established in 1993, has a membershipof 40 representing several Caribbean islands.Our repertoire covers a range of musical styles. Wehave performed at a number of venues in the GTA,including at benefits for charitable organizationsand fundraising events. We sponsor the CaribbeanChildren’s Foundation and the Sickle Cell Associationof Ontario, as well as the Rosetta BatsonBursary, which assists students of Caribbean descentin pursuing tertiary education. We will be celebratingour September 2013 20th anniversary with a serviceand a gala in May, 2014. The Chorale welcomes newmembers, as well as sponsors of its work and ministry.VELMA Celebration ChoirtheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORYCantabile Chamber SingersCantabile Chamber Singers is a choir of 16 to 20voices founded in 2006 by artistic director CheryllJ. Chung. The choir performs eclectic and challengingrepertoire spanning six centuries. We supportliving composers through new commissions and theperformance of contemporary choral works. Lastyear the choir was featured in Chorus America’sVoices magazine. We have participated at the MondialChoral-Loto Festival in Laval, Quebec, where wewere warmly received by audiences, the festival,participating choirs and clinicians. In July 2013, weperformed at the bi-annual international Festival 500in Newfoundland! Contact us for an audition as asinger, a soloist or to submit a newly written choralwork. Find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter@CantabileTO.CHERYLL CHUNGcantabilechambersingers@gmail.comcantabilechambersingers.comCantemus SingersCantemus Singers, conducted by Michael Erdman,perform mainly renaissance and early baroque repertoire.Our 16-voice group gives equal time to secularand religious compositions of the period in a varietyof languages. We present three programs a year, inlate fall, mid-winter and spring. Although we areprimarily an a cappella ensemble, we occasionallyjoin forces with ensembles/players of period instruments.Our choristers are a mix of enthusiastic, welltrainedamateurs and semi-professionals, all sharinga common interest in early music. Rehearsals areWednesday evenings through the season at Morningside-HighPark Presbyterian Church in the West End.Membership is by audition.MICHAEL ERDMAN, you a senior and looking for a fun, energeticand eclectic choir? The Celebration Choir is one youshould consider! Founded in 2007 within the TorontoSinging Studio and directed by Linda Eyman, thischoir of 60 voices features songs to suit every musicaltaste. Repertoire spans popular to classical to folkwith appealing musical arrangements. The CelebrationChoir rehearses from September through Mayon Thursday afternoons, 2pm to 4pm, in the gymnasiumat Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church, 427 BloorSt W., Toronto. Two formal concerts are presentedeach season along with community outreach concertswhen possible. Rehearsals are very sociable and noaudition is necessary. A season membership is paid.LINDA EYMAN, music director416-455-9238linda@thetorontosingingstudio.cathetorontosingingstudio.ca32
Cellar SingersThe Cellar Singers is an auditioned, amateur choirof about 60 singers, mostly from Simcoe-Muskoka.It performs traditional and contemporary repertoire,and supports Canadian music by commissioningand performing new works. The choir was foundedin 1968 in Dr. William Monk’s basement in Bracebridge,hence the name, the Cellar Singers. The choirhas been under the artistic direction of MitchellPady since the retirement of conductor, tenor andOrder of Canada recipient Albert Greer in 2012,who conducted the Cellar Singers for 35 years. Thechoir has performed at festivals across Ontario – mostrecently at the Brookside Music Festival in Midlandin March 2014 – has toured internationally and wasa finalist in the CBC choral competition.MITCHELL PADY, artistic…he exercise of singing is delightfull to Nature, & good…CHOIRS SOFSTST. JUDE’SANGLICAN CHURCH, OAKVILLEChoir of Christ Church Deer ParkChoir of Christ Church Deer Park is an auditionedmixed-voice choir that rehearses Thursday eveningsand sings on Sunday mornings and special occasionsfrom September through June. Repertoire is medievalthrough 21st century. The Christ Church SummerSingers is a non-auditioned mixed-voice choir thatrehearses and sings on Sunday mornings throughJuly and August. If you would like to join us, pleasecontact our music director.ERIC N. ROBERTSON416-920-5211 x25erobertson@thereslifehere.orgthereslifehere.orgChoirs of St. Jude’s AnglicanChurch, OakvilleThe Gloria Choir sings at the 9:30am Eucharist everySunday and is open to people of all ages includingchildren. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings(6:45pm to 8pm) and Sunday morning (8:50am). Noauditions required; repertoire is varied and enjoyable.The Senior Choir sings at the 11am Eucharist everySunday and at Choral Evensong at 4pm monthly.Admission by informal audition. The choir rehearsesThursday evenings (7:30pm to 9:30pm) and 10:20amSunday morning. Repertoire is drawn from the finestmusic in the Anglican choral tradition. Choral Scholarshipsare available for promising young singers. Achoir tour to the UK is planned for 2015.SIMON WALKER905-844-3972choir@stjudeschurch.netstjudeschurch.netChoralairs ChoirThe Choralairs choir is a charitable, non-profit, volunteer,45-member adult choir. We rehearse weekly andperform monthly at a variety of long-term care andretirement residences in Toronto. We sing a varietyof popular songs and Broadway show tunes. Noauditions are required, just a love of singing! Wealso present a free annual Sunday afternoon concertfor the community at Earl Bales Park (this year onSunday, June 8, 2014 at 1:30pm).MARTHA FORGE905-884-8370Sally Levy416-636-8247choralairs@gmail.comchoralairschoir.comChorus NiagaraWorth the drive to Niagara! Chorus Niagara, thePower of 100, is a passionate group of singersof diverse ages and walks of life. As the Niagararegion’s premiere symphonic chorus, CN performsclassic choral masterpieces as well as new, modernand seldom-heard works, provides a showcase foremerging Canadian talent and attracts singers of allages through its Chorus Niagara Children’s Choir(CNCC) and Side by Side High School Chorale(SXS). The spectacular 2014/15 season featuresa diverse and truly unique program, including anemotional WWI Centennial commemoration, Niagara’sjoyful holiday tradition, Handel’s Messiah, theinspiring and powerful Bach Mass in B minor, andinnovative and vibrant choral jazz.DIANA MCADOREY, managing director905-934-5575cnadmin@becon.orgchorusniagara.caChurch of St. Mary MagdaleneSteeped in musical heritage and assisted by a generousacoustic, the Church of St. Mary Magdalene offers amusic program strongly rooted in the musical traditionestablished by Healey Willan. Every Sundayat the 11am Solemn Mass, the Gallery Choir sings amass and motet from the west gallery while the RitualChoir sings the Gregorian propers from the east end.Both choirs rehearse on Thursdays. At the 9:30amSung Mass, the SMM Singers sing a motet and leadcongregational singing. Membership is informal:rehearsals are at 9am every Sunday. One Sunday permonth at 4:30pm the meditative Solemn Evensongand Benediction is sung, preceded by an organ recitalat 4pm. For information, please contact AndrewAdair, director of music.ANDREW ADAIR, director of music647-201-3739andrew.timothy.adair@gmail.comstmarymagdalene.caCounty Town SingersWe are a 60-member mixed adult choral group inDurham Region (GTA), started in 1967. Our mottois “We Sing For the Love of It.” We sing a wide rangeof musical styles, though not classical. We practiceevery Wednesday evening from January to May andagain from September to December, presenting fullconcerts in early May and early December. We alsodo community concerts for local groups, charities,etc. Over the years we have travelled extensively. Lastyear we sang at the United Nations in New York City.Auditions take place in early January and Septemberbut are informal and easygoing. Fees are reasonable.JOHN VAN HOOF647-981-2205javh1947@gmail.comcountytownsingers.comtheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY33
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