9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 8 - May 2014

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Concerts
  • Theatre
  • Musical
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Festival
Includes the 2014 Canary Pages directory of choirs.


CANARY PAGESDurham Girls’ ChoirCHORUS NIAGARAARA…to preserve the health of Man. It doth strengthen…The Durham Girls’ Choir is a dynamic group ofyoung women, ages 7 to 18, based in the DurhamRegion of Ontario. This vibrant choral organizationhas been educating and inspiring young women forover 40 years. Through practices and performances,community outreach, international touring and lifelongfriendships, a love of music and a penchantfor serving others are formed. Our choir year runsfrom September through to June. Choristers willdevelop vocal technique and musicianship skills whilelearning a variety of genres of repertoire. Our juniorchoir focuses on building a good foundation of vocalskills and support, and our senior auditioned choircontinues with the same principles, also developingsight reading and choral techniques with more challengingrepertoire.LYNN905-435-2596info@durhamgirlschoir.orgdurhamgirlschoir.orgCummer Avenue UnitedChurch ChoirCummer Avenue United Church Chancel Choirconsists of a group of volunteer singers supportedby a number of professional section leaders. Thechoir sings classical and contemporary repertoireand provides strong musical leadership for Sundayworship services. In addition to full choir anthems,various ensembles and solos are presented bymembers of the chancel choir. On selected Sundaysthe choir presents extra choral music such as traditionalcarols at Christmas and a cantata at Easter.Choral music from all parts of the globe is also regularlyfeatured in the choir’s offerings. Rehearsals areheld Thursday evenings from early fall to early springand on Sunday mornings all year.TAYLOR SULLIVAN, director416-222-5417taylorsullivan@yahoo.comcummeravenueuc.caDCAT ChorusThe DCAT Chorus, under the direction of Wyatt Gill,is an amateur vocal ensemble of more than 40 menand women singing a cappella in six- and eight-partharmony. Our repertoire ranges from Broadway tofolk, pop to traditional, patriotic to devotional. Musicis performed with showmanship and a passion forentertaining. We perform without music books anduse no programmed accompaniments to tie us downand no set musical forms. We sometimes use livebrass, percussion, choreography or dance elements.We rehearse Wednesdays from 7:30pm to 10pm atthe Estonian House, 958 Broadview Ave. in Toronto.We are currently accepting new members and you arewelcome to join us.JOHN PARKINSON, membership chair416-354-2022bh72@sympatico.caRhonda Marks-Would, business manager905-731-3394ECHO Women’s ChoirECHO is an 80-voice community choir open towomen from all walks of life. ECHO sings eachTuesday night at Holy Trinity (beside the EatonCentre), performs at city-wide grassroots events andholds December and May concerts. ECHO, a nonauditionedchoir co-led by Becca Whitla and AlanGasser, aims to build a strong, varied and vibrantculture and community through song. Repertoireincludes music from village singing traditions aroundthe world and newly-commissioned music. ECHOaims to keep membership fees and concert ticketsaccessible to all. While membership is open, there is asix month waiting list. Spring Concert 2014: “Singing!Here! Now!,” May 11, 3pm at Holy Trinity. ECHOcelebrates its 23rd season!ALAN GASSER416-779-5554info.echo@gmail.comechowomenschoir.catheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORYDaCapo Chamber ChoirThe 24-voice DaCapo Chamber Choir was foundedin 1998 in Kitchener-Waterloo under the directionof Leonard Enns. The mission of the choir isto identify, study, rehearse and present outstandingchoral chamber works of the past 100 years and tochampion music of Canadian and local composers.In 2010, DaCapo received the ACCC national choralrecording of the year award for ShadowLand; in 2011it received first and second prizes in the NationalCompetition for Canadian Amateur Choirs. DaCapoalso annually offers NewWorks, a national choralcomposition competition. Like us on Facebook orfollow us on Twitter @DaCapoChoir!SARA MARTIN, manager519-725-7549info@dacapochamberchoir.cadacapochamberchoir.caDowntown Vocal MusicAcademy of TorontoWe are the Toronto District School Board’s fullday school program for grades 4 to 8, deliveringthe Ontario curriculum with a focus on integratedvocal music! The school opened in September 2012.Numerous performance opportunities are offered inthe school and in the community. Glee clubs, largeand small singing groups, choirs, musical theatre,chamber ensembles and solo performances are alsoavailable. No audition is required. Please visit ourwebsite for more information and our performanceschedule.LORRIE St. George’s United ChurchThis non-auditioned 45-voice choir meets Thursdayevenings for two hours and Sunday mornings forworship, preparing music ranging from renaissancemotets to jazz songs and from chant to oratorio. Priorexperience in choral singing is a requirement. Hymnsings, outreach and benefit concerts are regular fare.We work regularly with artists such as Brian Barlowand Guido Basso, in addition to featuring our eightpaid lead singers.FRED

Elmer Iseler SingersElmer Iseler Singers is a 20-voice professional chamberchoir based in Toronto and founded in 1979 by Dr.Elmer Iseler. Directed by the acclaimed Lydia Adams,the Singers are known for tonal beauty and interpretiverange, and valued for their contributions to masterclassesand workshops by schools and community choirs. Theunique “Get Music! Educational Outreach Initiative”mentors conductors, music educators and students. Insalute to the Canadian composer, EIS has recorded12 CDs in ten years with Lydia Adams, one of 50Canadian Music Centre ambassadors! Annual auditionsare in May/June. Weekly rehearsals, a Torontoconcert series, touring and recording put the Elmer IselerSingers among Canada’s illustrious choral ensembles.JESSIE ISELER, general…l l parts of the brest, & doth open the pipes. It is a…DACAPO CHAMBER CHOIREtobicoke Centennial ChoirFounded for Canada’s centennial celebration in1967, the Etobicoke Centennial Choir is an auditionedSATB choir with a long tradition of choralexcellence. The choir offers a warm and welcomingcommunity for singers. Under music director HenryRenglich, the choir is committed to fostering musicalgrowth, innovative programming and collaborationwith other artists. Our three-concert season encompassesa varied repertoire of classical and contemporaryworks, both sacred and secular. The 2014/15season will feature Part 1 of Handel’s Messiah andseasonal carols in December, Rossini’s Stabat Materand the Fauré Requiem in March and “Songs ofHope and Inspiration” in June. Rehearsals are heldTuesdays from 7:30pm to 10pm at Humber ValleyUnited Church, Etobicoke. Interested singers areinvited to attend an open rehearsal in early September.SHARI ELLIS, president416-622-6923info@etobicokecentennialchoir.caetobicokecentennialchoir.caEtobicoke Youth ChoirMusic director Louise Jardine provides excellent tutelageand artistic inspiration. Choristers aged 7 to 17 enjoysinging, gaining life skills, sharing talents and developingmusical abilities. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings atHumbervale United Church, 1447 Royal York Rd.,September through May. Auditions are simple andfees are reasonable, all inclusive and payable by instalments.Repertoire includes contemporary, theatre, classicaland sacred music. Our season features two concerts,community performances, a cabaret featuring individualchoristers and fall and spring workshop weekends. Highlightevents for the choir have included participationin a sold-out 2009 concert at Carnegie Hall, the 2011Festival of the Aegean in Greece and the 2013 InternationalChildren’s Choir Festival in England.GEORGE JARDINE416-231-9120eyc.secretary@sympatico.caetobicokeyouthchoir.caExultate Chamber SingersFor more than 30 years, Exultate has garnered praiseas a precise, passionate ensemble with a wide-rangingrepertoire. Established by conductor John Tuttleand now under the guidance of Dr. Hilary Apfelstadt,Exultate is enriched by the musicianship andvaried backgrounds of its members. Exultate typicallypresents a four-concert subscription series in Torontoand contributes to the development of the choralcommunity through outreach initiatives. Auditionsare held as required to fill vacancies. Rehearsals aretypically on Tuesday nights from 5:30pm to 7pm.ELANA HARTE416-917-5987exultate@exultate.netexultate.netGeorgetown Bach ChoraleSince its inception in 2000, the Georgetown BachChorale has wooed audiences in the Halton Hills areawith great concerts. The 20-member Chorale revels increating an authentic baroque sound, blended withthe crafted playing of period instruments. Conductedfrom the harpsichord by director Ron Greidanus,the GBC is committed to musical excellence andrecognized by Toronto musicians as a discerninggroup. By reaching out to and educating the localcommunity, GBC has fostered devoted audiences,who are treated to many interesting venues andenjoy being an intimate part of concerts. The positiveenergy audiences experience is supported by aunique level of friendship among the members.RONALD GREIDANUS905-873-9909ronaldgreidanus@hotmail.comgeorgetownbachchorale.comGrace Church on-the-HillThe choirs at Grace Church on-the-Hill sing at a highlevel of excellence. We have choirs for both adultsand children, and we sing from September to June.The Boys and Girls Choirs provide the ideal learningenvironment for young musicians. We encouragethem to explore their own creativity, work togetherand achieve excellence through hard work and discipline.Choristers develop self-esteem and lifelongfriendships, and receive a strong musical education.Confidential funding is also available to subsidize thecost of music lessons for child choristers. Our adultchoirs work towards many of the same aims as ourchildren’s choirs, and we are always looking to auditionnew singers who have the ability to read musicand previous choral experience.STEPHEN FRKETIC, organist and choirmaster416-488-7884music@gracechurchonthehill.cagracechurchonthehill.caGrand Philharmonic ChoirThe Grand Philharmonic Choir, based in Kitchener,Ontario, includes four choirs in one organization:an adult choir, a chamber adult choir, a youth choirand a children’s choir. We perform in large concerthalls, at free public gatherings and in small, intimatesettings. Under the direction of Mark Vuorinen, itis our mandate to present choral repertoire of thehighest standard, to share our love of music withthe public through varied outreach programs andto provide music education to our members andenlightenment to our audiences. We are one of afew large choirs in Canada, outside the major metropolitanareas, with the resources and communitysupport to deliver a full choral season with professionalmusicians.AMY DALE519-578-6885info@grandphilchoir.comgrandphilchoir.comtheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY35

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)