CANARY PAGESthe opportunity to take on greater leadership within thechoir and to gain valuable experience and volunteer hours.The founder and director is Yonah Sienna.YONAH SIENNA416-924-6211harmonia@mnjcc.orgmnjcc.orgHarmony SingersGUELPH YOUTH SINGERStheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY…singular good remedie for a stutting and stamering in the speech…Guelph Community SingersNow in our fifth year, we are a non-auditioned, secularchoir that is open, accessible and diverse. We havea wonderful director, Rachel Cleland, and accompanist,Grace Peters. Our membership is anywherebetween 60 and 80 singers and ranges in age from 16to over 80. Everyone is friendly and focused on ourmandate, which is to have fun while making music.Some of our members have sung in choirs before;others have never sung in public and don’t read musicat all. Everyone is welcome! We usually have twoconcerts a year and try to get out more casually inthe community to share our music there too.BARB ANDERSON519-837-3177barb9@sympatico.caguelphcommunitysingers.caGuelph Youth SingersGuelph Youth Singers, founded in 1991, is enteringits 24th year under artistic director and conductorMarkus Howard. GYS has four treble choirs ofyouth and children aged 6 to 18. Choristers areplaced in each of the choirs based on age and skilllevel. Weekly rehearsals at Guelph Youth MusicCentre include vocal technique, theory and sightsinging. In January 2014, GYS introduced a newSATB choir for young men with changed or changingvoices and girls aged 15 and up. GYS performs upto three major concerts per season as well as workshop,festival, community and guest performances.Auditions are held in April and May for entry inSeptember and in November for a limited numberof positions in January.Administrator519-821-8574admin@guelphyouthsingers.comguelphyouthsingers.comHalton Jazz Choir SingersHJC Singers is an auditioned community adult vocaljazz group. We sing in four parts – soprano, alto, tenorand bass – with two to three on a part. Singers are musicianswho can sight read, play on a keyboard and singtheir parts from published divisi vocal charts. Muchof our music is performed a cappella (without accompaniment),with show trax or a rhythm section. Futuremusic collaboration is planned with big bands in thesurrounding GTA. We perform at private functionsand at local retirement homes for special occasions.DARCEA Harbourfront ChorusYou are invited to join Harbourfront Chorus, a nonauditionedchoir performing a diverse repertoire for adiverse city. Under the direction of Josh Priess, werehearse Tuesdays from 7:45pm to 9:15pm in ourspace in the Queens Quay W. and Bathurst St. area.Our season runs September through May. All levelsof experience are welcome. The 2014/15 seasonbegins Tuesday, September 16, 2014. For information,please contact us by telephone or email.DWIGHT Harmonia: the DowntownJewish Youth ChoirHarmonia: the Downtown Jewish Youth Choir is a fun,inclusive and safe space for youth aged 8 to 18 to exploredifferent styles of singing and to become plugged into theJewish community through song. The choir engages allits singers with repertoire that is simultaneously challengingand meaningful, as well as fun. Younger choristerswill benefit from having the older singers to look up toas role models, and the older choristers will benefit fromUnder conductor Harvey Patterson, this dynamic35-voice women’s chorus memorizes, stages andperforms a sparkling repertoire of pop, show, folk andlight classical pieces. Our accompanist is the renownedpianist Bruce Harvey. The Singers stage a yearlyChristmas concert and on May 30 and 31 will present“Accentuate The Positive!” with guest performeraward-winning vocalist Julia Vescio. The group hasperformed at a concert for the charity L’Arche, sungthe national anthems at a Blue Jays game and appearedin a music video with Down With Webster. There area few openings for new members who will receive awarm welcome! Rehearsals are Mondays, 7:30pm to9:45pm, at Martin Grove United Church.HARVEY PATTERSON416-239-5821theharmonysingers@ca.inter.netharmonysingers.caHart House ChorusThe Hart House Chorus is a 50-member SATB choircomprising students, faculty, alumni and members of thecommunity at the University of Toronto. Since its inceptionin 1972, the chorus has maintained a reputation forthe highest standard of performance locally, nationally,and abroad. The chorus is directed by David Bowser, anaward-winning conductor and doctoral student at theUniversity of Toronto. Rehearsals take place Mondayevenings and we perform two concerts in the Hart HouseGreat Hall each year. We also have special performancesthat occur throughout the year, upon hire. Auditionstake place in September and January. This November,the chorus is looking forward to being part of the 1000Voices for Peace festival in Belgium.ELIZABETH Willan SingersThe Healey Willan Singers is a women’s chamberensemble that promotes music by women composersand poets, in addition to the standard repertoire forupper voices. The choir also encourages collaborationwith school ensembles to take music educationoutside the classroom, as well as with instrumentalistsin the community, as part of our concert season.The Healey Willan Singers presents a two-concertseason at a beautiful acoustic venue in Toronto’s WestEnd. Auditions are available during the choir season.RON CHEUNG416-519-0528rkmcheung@yahoo.cahealeywillansingers.com36
Hillcrest Village ChoirSince 2003, this SATB non-auditioned teaching choirhas enabled amateur singers to improve their singingtechnique and performance skills in full choir, smallgroupand solo settings. In an open and engagingatmosphere, members enjoy an eclectic repertoirethat evolves with the interests of the membership. Thedirector/conductor, Ben D’Cunha, trains members invocal technique, sight-reading, theory and improvisation,and writes the arrangements for the choir. Choirrehearsals are held September to June on Tuesdays,7pm to 9pm, with sectionals on Mondays, 6:30pmto 8:30pm. Registration for the 2014/15 seasonstarts June 1. Each year the HVC does a composerstudy where members are invited to learn solos by aparticular composer. In the 2014/15 season we willbe studying the music of Richard Rodgers.BEN D’…t is the best means to procure a perfect pronounciation…KIR STEFAN THE SERBIslington United Church ChoirsThe extensive and active music program at Islington,under the direction of Dr. John Derksen and assistedby many talented and committed musicians, includesthe Junior (grades 1 to 6), Youth (grades 7 to 12),and Senior choirs, along with two handbell choirs,chimes, string and brass ensembles and an eveningworship band. Supported by a magnificent Schoensteinorgan and grand piano, music rings through theneo-Gothic sanctuary for two morning services eachSunday, monthly Taizé and evening contemporaryservices and numerous special services, events andconcerts. The accomplished Senior choir, with 25to 30 talented singers enriched by section leaders,is attentive to musical detail and expressiveness toenhance worship.JOHN DERKSEN416-239-1131 x26john@islingtonunited.orgislingtonunited.orgJLS (John Laing Singers)The JLS is a renowned Hamilton-based chamberchoir founded in 1982 by John Laing. Over thepast 32 years, the group has performed throughoutCanada, the USA and Europe. Since 2011, underthe artistic direction of Dr. Roger Bergs, the JLShas been developing a new vision for their subscriptionseries, which includes three concerts each year:Pre-Christmas, Mid-winter and Spring. This visionis both exciting and adventuresome, including notonly familiar choral repertoire but also works froma variety of musical traditions not often heard inHamilton. JLS concerts feature excellent instrumentalists,outstanding program notes and livelyconductor’s comments, all of which provide a concertexperience that is both educational and delightful.JENNIFER WRAY905-520-0665jennwray@cogeco.cajohnlaingsingers.comJubilate SingersThe Jubilate Singers is an ensemble choir of around30 voices, presenting an eclectic and often multilingualmix of international and Canadian choralworks. We have a three-concert season and performat least two community concerts per year. Under theleadership of Isabel Bernaus, the choir is exposed tochallenging repertoire not often heard by Canadianaudiences. Occasional collaborations with local musiciansand/or other choirs or singers add anotherdimension. Auditions are held twice yearly, in Juneand September, and as needed. Rehearsals areTuesday nights, 7:30pm to 9:45pm, at St. Leonard’sAnglican Church. Interested singers are encouragedto sit in on a rehearsal before deciding to audition. Awelcoming, friendly experience for committed singers!JEFF WISEMAN416-767-3265jeff.a.wiseman@sympatico.cajubilatesingers.caKingsway Children’s Choir &Drum Ensemble/KingswayChamber SingersVenturing outside the bounds of traditional choirtraining, the Kingsway Children’s Choir & DrumEnsemble is a unique, liberating choral experiencefor children aged 7 and up. Directed by a professionalmusic educator with extensive choral conductingexperience, the choir explores a vast repertoirespanning world music, folk songs and classic choralworks. Weekly rehearsals are an invigorating musicalworkout encompassing voice and body warm-ups,vocal technique, singing skills and drum circle(each chorister receives an African Djembé drum tokeep). For more experienced singers, the KingswayChamber Singers offers an enriched, multi-part, challengingchoral experience. Throughout a 30-weekseason, both choirs take their music to various stagesincluding adjudicated festivals, recitals and highprofilecorporate and community events.SHARON BURLACOFF416-234-0121info@kingswayconservatory.cakingswayconservatory.caKir Stefan the SerbThe “Kir Stefan the Serb” Choir was established inMay 2000, primarily to nurture and perform Serbianand Slavic sacred and traditional music. The choirresponds during Divine Liturgies at St. Sava Churchand was inaugurated as the Choir of the SerbianOrthodox Diocese of Canada in 2011. The Kir Stefanthe Serb Choir has performed throughout Ontarioand the United States, as well as in England, Serbia,Sweden and the Holy Land – Israel. The mastery ofsinging profoundly expressive Slavic sacred music acappella, under the artistic direction of conductorreputation as one of the best Serbian choirs in NorthAmerica. The Kir Stefan the Serb Choir also performssecular traditional repertoire usually with instrumentalaccompaniment.NADA DIMITRIJEVIC416-994-8336nada.r.dimitrijevic@gmail.comkirstefantheserb.caLa Jeunesse Youth ChoirsLa Jeunesse Youth Choirs in Cobourg has beenoffering professional, enriching musical training foryoung choristers aged 7 and up for over 25 years.Directed by Markus Howard with accompanistDebbie Fingas, our award-winning choir comprisesthree groups: the Children’s Choir (ages 7 to 12),which is a training group for the Senior Choir (ages 12to 18), and a Young Men’s Ensemble (ages 11 to 18).The choir has won five gold medals, recorded sevenCDs and travelled extensively. All groups rehearseweekly at Trinity United Church in Cobourg andperform at concerts, festivals and community events.In 2012 La Jeunesse added a Musical Theatre Intensiveprogram offering professional training for thetheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY37
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