9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 8 - May 2014

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
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  • Concerts
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  • Musical
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Festival
Includes the 2014 Canary Pages directory of choirs.


CANARY PAGESLyrica Chamber ChoirLES VOIXDU CŒURPhoto: o: Jean-François Champagne…& to make a good Orator. It is the onely way to know where…Founded in 2000 by the late Natalyia Gurin andChamber Choir of Barrie strives to present eclecticand evocative programs of excellent choral chambermusic. The 34 singers of Lyrica demonstrate a strongdesire to present artistically varied choral programswith a high degree of musicianship to the communityof Barrie and surrounding area. Recent highlightsinclude performances of Randall Thompson’s FrostianaCycle and works by Josef Rheinberger. Professionalsoloists and instrumental musicians regularlyjoin Lyrica for performances. Our accompanist, BrentMayhew, enhances the choir’s performances withextraordinary skill and sensitivity.STEVE WINFIELD705-722-0271@sympatico.calyricachoir.orgtheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORYstage, screen and recording studio for ages 7 to19. Auditions are held every summer and againin December.DEBBIE FINGAS905-372-1114ljchoirs@eagle.calajeunessechoirs.caLachan Jewish ChamberChoir of TorontoThe Lachan Jewish Chamber Choir of Toronto wasfounded in 1993 by Cantor Benjamin Maissner. Themandate of Lachan – whose name is taken from oneof the Hebrew words for melody – is to perform asophisticated Jewish repertoire at the highest standardof excellence. Lachan performs Jewish musicfrom the 12th century to the 21st century in Hebrew,Yiddish, Ladino and English, with a special focuson works by Canadian-Jewish composers. Lachanhas performed in Canada, the United States, Europe,Israel and China. Lachan is seeking new singers. Ifyou are an experienced chorister with a passion forJewish music, and you are available to rehearse onTuesday evenings, please contact Susan Baskin foran audition.SUSAN BASKIN416-323-1512baskinova@rogers.comlachan.orgLawrence Park CommunityChurch ChoirLawrence Park Community Church Choir singsweekly at Sunday worship services from Septemberthrough June, with Thursday evening rehearsals.Consisting of more than 20 members, includinga professional quartet, the choir presents specialmusical offerings at Christmas and during Holy Week,and is featured annually in Lawrence Park’s Fridays@ 8 concert series. The choir has commissioned anumber of anthems from composers including BobChilcott, Ruth Watson Henderson and Paul Halley.Recent CD recordings have included Awake, my soul,& sing, Peace for a New Millennium and a ChristmasCD, Beauty, Peace and Joy, available through thechurch office. There is also a weekly children’s chorus,a monthly youth music program with Kenny Kirkwoodand a Friday morning Handbell Choir.MARK TOEWS, director of music416-489-1551 x28mark@lawrenceparkchurch.calawrenceparkchurch.caLeaside United ChurchChancel ChoirUnder the direction of Sharon L. Beckstead, theChancel Choir of Leaside United Church presents aneclectic mix of music for weekly services of worshipfrom September to June. The annual “Lessons andCarols” presentation is a highlight for the LeasideCommunity. Other special presentations duringthe year may include hymn festivals and/or secularpresentations.SHARON BECKSTEAD416-425-1253sharon.beckstead@sympatico.caleasideunited.orgLes voix du cœurLes voix du cœur est un ensemble à quatre voixmixtes comptant une trentaine de choristes amateursse consacrant principalement à la chanson populairefrancophone en provenance du Canada et d’Europe.Fondé en 1994 par Bernard Dionne, l’ensemble estdirigé depuis 18 ans par Manon Côté et accompagnéau piano par Mélisande Sinsoulier. Les répétitions ontlieu tous les mercredis soirs et un samedi après-midi parmois, de la mi-septembre à la fin mai. Chaque année,l’ensemble donne deux spectacles, alliant chant, théâtreet danse, un pour les fêtes de Noël et un en fin de saison.CARMEN BOURBONNAIS416-267-1880evlesvoixducoeur@gmail.comlesvoixducoeur.comMasterworks of OakvilleChorus and OrchestraWe are a community-based group, dedicated toperforming the great works of the Western classicaltradition, particularly sacred works for choir andorchestra. We have a strong commitment to artisticexcellence and are proud to preserve and continuea great musical tradition. Masterworks is an extraordinarycommunity group, with a chorus of over100 voices and a commitment to performing themost challenging choral works. Masterworks existswith the enthusiasm of its choristers and orchestraplayers, which is the hallmark of its performances.Please join us for a Masterworks concert! You willenjoy a concert experience of the highest qualitywith compositions seldom performed outside majormetropolitan centres.CHARLES DEMUYNCK, music director905-399-9732info@masterworksofoakville.camasterworksofoakville.caMCS ChorusThe award-winning MCS Chorus, founded in 1975,presents concerts of classical masterworks as wellas programs of contemporary classic and popularmusic. MCS partners with community, arts and charitablegroups and offers an innovative arts educationprogram for young listeners. The organizationpromotes the highest level of musical excellence inits choristers, supports emerging solo artists and regularlycommissions new Canadian works.LINDA COOKE647-293-1923ltcooke@rogers.commcschorus.ca38

Menno SingersFounded in 1955, Menno Singers is a 40-voice, auditionedcommunity choir based in Kitchener-Waterloo.While rooted in the thriving Mennonite communityof KW, membership is open to all interested singers.Four regular concerts are offered each season withrepertoire ranging from the Renaissance through thepresent day. Menno Singers also sponsors MennoniteMass Choir every two years. Mass choir alternatesperformances of Messiah at Centre in the Squarewith other monuments of the oratorio repertoire. Inthe fall of 2014, we will perform Brahms’ Requiemwith full orchestra. The choir is under the directionof award-winning conductor Dr. Peter Nikiforuk.PETER Metropolitan United Church Choir…Nature hath bestowed the benefit of a good voyce…MISSISSAUGA SSAUGA FESTIVAL CHOIRThe auditioned 35-member Metropolitan UnitedChurch Choir has eight lead singers, rehearsesThursday evenings and sings on Sunday morningsand special occasions, September through June.Repertoire is medieval through 21st century. Singersmust have sight-singing ability. A waiting list exists;contact our director in late spring or early fall to join.The Festival Choir adds 10 to 15 singers to the corechoir and rehearses Sunday afternoons for six weeksprior to Good Friday. Past concerts have featuredBach, Mozart, Fauré, Duruflé, Gilles and others.The Metropolitan Sparklers (ages 4 to 6), Choristers(7 to 11), Great Heart Ensemble (vocal and instrumental,ages 12 and up) and Metropolitan Handbellsare groups open to all.DR. PATRICIA WRIGHT416-363-0331 x26patriciaw@metunited.orgmetunited.orgMississauga Children’s ChoirRaising our Spirit through Song! The MississaugaChildren’s Choir is a treble choir of children aged6 to 16 including five graded ensembles: Training,Junior, Main, Concert and Boys Choir. The choirsrehearse weekly and major performances take placeat the Mississauga Living Arts Centre. Entering our34th season, MCC has been providing young singerswith exceptional musical experiences through excellencein performance, music education, recording,touring and service to the community. Our artisticdirector Dr. Caron Daley holds a D.M.A. in ChoralConducting from the University of Toronto and priordegrees in choral conducting, vocal pedagogy andmusic education. Come listen to a rehearsal or callto book an audition. We are delighted to meet withprospective choristers.DENISE HEGGART905-624-9704mississaugachildrenschoir@bellnet.camississaugachildrenschoir.comMississauga Festival ChoirMississauga Festival Choir (MFC) is a 115-voice,adult, non-auditioned community choir, whichincludes a small auditioned chamber choir (MFCC)that performs separately at the end of March. TheMississauga Festival Choir was founded in 1984 tohonour the City of Mississauga’s tenth anniversary.A true community choir, it is open to any who wishto sing, with no audition required. Led by artisticdirector David Ambrose since 2006, the choir hasbeen an integral part of the city’s arts scene, providingexemplary music education and performances to thepeople of Mississauga. Performances take place inDecember and May at the Living Arts Centre, and inFebruary, MFC hosts a benefit massed choir festival.Rehearsals are Monday nights from September toMay at the Cawthra Seniors CARLONE905-403-8415acarlone@sympatico.camfchoir.comMNjcc Adult Daytime ChoirLove to sing? Want to sing in a choir, but too tired ortoo busy at night? Join the MNjcc’s Adult DaytimeChoir. No experience or sight reading necessary.Join us and fill your life with the joy of singing inharmony! A fun-filled, relaxed environment. MeetsTuesday afternoons, 1pm to 2:30pm. Runs all yearlong. Join for the whole year. You can also “drop in”and pay as you go. Conductor: Gillian Stecyk. Generouslysupported by Karen, Lindy and Donna Green.Conveniently located near Spadina TTC station.HARRIET WICHIN416-924-6211music@mnjcc.orgmnjcc.orgMNjcc Community ChoirSing like you’ve never sung before! Tackle world, jazz,classical, Jewish, folk, Canadian, gospel and popmusic. Our 70-member, auditioned SATB choir meetsWednesday evenings, September to June. Rehearsalsare well structured and singers learn skills in differentmusical genres, expression, blend, vocal productionand reading. A wonderful community of dedicatedsingers. By audition only. Annual Spring Concerts inthe Al Green Theatre, with other informal performances.Conductor: Harriet Wichin. Convenientlylocated near Spadina TTC station.HARRIET WICHIN416-924-6211music@mnjcc.orgmnjcc.orgMNjcc Open Community ChoirLet the joy of music inspire you. No experience oraudition required. Enjoy diverse repertoire, vocaltechnique, and train your ear to harmony. Men andwomen welcome. Conductor: Gillian Stecyk. MeetsMonday evenings, 7:30pm to 9:30pm, September toJune. Conveniently located near Spadina TTC station.HARRIET WICHIN416-924-6211music@mnjcc.orgmnjcc.orgtheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY39

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)