CANARY PAGESOakville Children’s ChoirOAKHAMHOUSECHOIROF RYERSON UNIVERSITY…which guift is so rare, as there is not one among a thousand, that hath it…The Oakville Children’s Choir is a welcoming, professionaland inclusive community that provides exceptionalmusic education, leadership development andperforming opportunities to a diverse group of childrenand youth. Developing leaders one voice at atime! The OCC provides world-class choral, musicaland performance training to young people in Haltonthrough its various choir programs. It is a comprehensivemusic education program where choristersdevelop creativity, self-esteem, self-confidence andleadership skills. A love and appreciation of choralmusic is instilled through participation and outreachin the community.KATHERINE Oakville Choral SocietytheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORYNathaniel Dett ChoraleThe Nathaniel Dett Chorale is a 24-voice SATB professionalchoir based in Toronto, dedicated to performingAfrocentric music of all genres, including classical,spiritual, gospel, jazz, folk and blues. Founded byartistic director Brainerd Blyden-Taylor in 1998, theNDC is Canada’s premier performer of Afrocentriccomposers and a touchstone for the education ofaudiences and communities regarding the full spectrumof Afrocentric choral music. The mission of thechorale is to build bridges of understanding, appreciationand acceptance between communities of peoplethrough the medium of music. The chorale has a threeconcertsubscription series in Toronto, tours extensivelyeach season and has released several CDs and DVDs.Membership is by audition.JOY BULLEN, general manager416-340-7000joyb@nathanieldettchorale.orgnathanieldettchorale.orgnewchoirLet your inner rock star out into the world! newchoir,directed by Scott Pietrangelo, is a dynamic SATB adultnon-professional rock/pop choir of over 150 singerswith a repertoire ranging from classic rock to alternativeto today’s chart toppers. With its five-piece professionalband, newchoir presents exciting concerts and participatesin musical events in the community and for bothprofessional and not-for-profit organizations. We will beperforming as part of a mass contemporary a cappellachoir at Carnegie Hall in New York City in March 2015under the leadership of Deke Sharon. We accept newmembers each year subject to a satisfactory vocal assessment.Currently we have available space for male singersonly. You can apply to join through our website or bycontacting membership director Natalie Kuz.MARGARET GROTTENTHALERNATALIE KUZ, membership director416-923-9005@gmail.comnewchoir.caNorth Metro ChorusNorth Metro Chorus is a women’s a cappella choralgroup that boasts about 150 active members at anyone time. The chorus was established in 1967 as amember of Sweet Adelines International and has beenconducted by master director June Dale since 1971.As an internationally successful competitive chorus,North Metro has been among the top four barbershopchoruses since 1994, and has been the internationalchampion four times. Combining both songand dance, with packages that tell a story, their spectacularperformances have been likened to Broadway.Experience this for yourself on November 15, 2014,with their production of “North Metro Presents.”Details about tickets and showtimes are availableon the website.Inquiries: membership@northmetrochorus.comCOLLEEN O’DWYER416-293-4660c.odwyer@sympatico.canorthmetrochorus.comOakham House Choir ofRyerson UniversityOakham House Choir of Ryerson University wasfounded in 1986. It is led by music director MatthewJaskiewicz and specializes in large oratorio andchoral masterworks. Oakham House Choir is oneof the few Toronto choirs in which amateur singersperform with a professional orchestra – the TorontoSinfonietta. The choir has more than 70 members,including students, alumni, Ryerson faculty and staff,and community members. Rehearsals begin in earlySeptember and take place on Monday evenings atOakham House, 63 Gould St. Concerts are plannedfor November 2014 and April 2015. Experiencedcommunity choristers are invited to contact us (emailpreferred) for more information.MATTHEW JASKIEWICZ416 763-8746choir@ryerson.caoakhamchoir.caThe Oakville Choral Society has been an integral partof the Oakville community since 1960. Directed byDavid Bowser, we are a community-based choir of 60to 80 members who love music, possess a true passionfor singing and enjoy contributing culturally to thecommunity. No auditions are required. However, alove of music and a willingness to learn are important.We perform a wide repertoire and are often joined byprofessional soloists and orchestra. Rehearsals areTuesdays, 7:45pm to 10pm, at St. Aidan’s AnglicanChurch, 318 Queen Mary Dr., Oakville, and registrationis held in September and January. We holdtwo performances annually, in late April/early Mayand early December.LYNDA STURGEOFF, president905-338-3823oakvillechoral@gmail.comoakvillechoral.comOasis Vocal JazzOasis Vocal Jazz, Toronto’s longest running closeharmony ensemble, has been making a unique contributionto the city’s artistic life since 1985. Influencedby pioneers Lambert, Hendricks and Ross,and inspired by modern day masters of the genresuch as New York Voice, Take 6 and Toronto’s ownCadence, we enjoy sharing our love of vocal jazzwith a wide range of audiences. Whether performingin community or corporate events and charitablefundraisers, or putting on our own concerts backedby some of the city’s top jazz instrumentalists, wehave always valued both the pursuit of musical excellenceand the joy of making music with each other.For more information, why not become a fan of ourFacebook page?ALAN
Oriana Singers (ofNorthumberland)The Oriana Singers, under the very capable andcreative direction of Markus Howard, have beentreated to the joys of singing musical theatre, pop,jazz, classical and other choral styles over the pasteight years. Rehearsals are educational and veryenjoyable, as are the final concerts, of which wetypically have three per year. We have approximately55 members but new voices are welcome,especially men!ANNE BURNHAM905-373-4578anne.burnham@sympatico.caorianasingers.comORIANA Women’s ChoirORIANA Women’s Choir is an auditioned, amateurensemble of about 35 female singers. Under artisticdirector Mitchell Pady, ORIANA promotes choralmusic in Canada by striving for excellence and versatilityin performing compositions for women’s voices.The choir works to expand the repertoire for women’svoices by commissioning new works by Canadiancomposers. The singers delight in supporting eachother and expressing their enjoyment of beautifulmusic, beautifully performed. ORIANA is now in its43rd season and is currently inviting new members.Rehearsals take place on Tuesdays, 7:30pm to 10pm,at North Toronto Collegiate Institute. ORIANApresents three subscription concerts every year,usually in November, March and May, at GraceChurch on-the-Hill.JULIA LEE416-461-7410info@orianachoir.comorianachoir.comOrpheus Choir of TorontoThe Orpheus Choir, under the direction of RobertCooper, offers something different by championingrare choral gems and pioneering new treasures –from less familiar classics to the new and recentlycomposed, from a cappella to full orchestral works.Our 51st season includes a WWI commemoration, afestive Christmas performance with Hannaford StreetSilver Band, ecological choral gems by Gjeilo andEnns plus Bach’s Mass in B minor performed alongsidea unique new film creation. The Orpheus Choirmeets Tuesday evenings at Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch and offers scholarships for young aspiringvocalists through its Sidgwick Scholars Program.Admission is by audition in May/June and periodicallythroughout the year. We welcome enthusiasticsingers for an “expect something different”experience!ROBERT COOPER, artisticdirector and conductorHELEN…here is not any Musicke of Instruments whatsoever…Pax Christi ChoraleEntering its 28th season, Pax Christi Chorale is a100-voice auditioned oratorio choir attracting singersfrom across the GTA. Artistic director Stephanie Martinis known for programming great works, reviving masterpiecesignored or forgotten by the mainstream of choralpractitioners. Concerts feature outstanding soloists andorchestra. Our 2014/15 season includes: “Blest Pair ofSirens, A Celebration of Poetry and Music”; “WinterNights,” featuring two Bach oratorios and StephanieMartin’s cantata Winter Nights; the Canadianpremiere of Hubert Parry’s forgotten masterpiece Judithin Koerner Hall; a “Children’s Messiah” communityconcert; and an active youth outreach program. Paidpositions exist for choral scholars. Rehearsals: Mondaynights, Yonge/Sheppard. Auditions in late summer.JENNIFER COLLINS, general manager416-786-2509jennifer.collins@paxchristichorale.orggm.paxchristichorale@gmail.comDANIEL NORMAN, assistant conductor/ Penthelia SingersA vibrant ensemble of 22 women, Penthelia Singersis committed to excellence in performing culturallydiverse and musically sophisticated repertoire spanningthe renaissance to the 21st century. Now in its17th season, the choir has earned a reputation forpresenting innovative concerts of four- to eight-partchoral repertoire in a multitude of languages. Thechoir aims to demonstrate the diversity of choralmusic and to cross ethnic and cultural boundaries byconnecting with its community through music. Thechoir works to promote contemporary choral musicby talented Canadian composers. Penthelia Singersis a welcoming and supportive group of womencommitted to high standards of music-making,diversity, community outreach, and enjoymentthrough the learning process. The choir adheres to theCity of Toronto Declaration of Non-Discrimination.ALICE MALACH647-248-5079alice_malach@hotmail.compenthelia.comPeterborough SingersThe Peterborough Singers, under the energetic andcreative leadership of founder and music directorSyd Birrell, perform a diverse musical repertoire fromgospel to sacred to pop to oratorio. Classical highlightshave included the St. Matthew Passion, Elijah,Carmina Burana, and Bach’s B Minor Mass. ThePeterborough Singers regularly feature emerging soloartists and have commissioned works by Canadiancomposers Mark Sirett, Stephen Chatman and LenBallantine. This award-winning group has a reputationfor surprising, delighting and challenging its audiences.The upcoming season will include the ever popularCarols with Brass, two performances of Handel’sMessiah, a special Soul concert and Haydn’s Creation.PEG MCCRACKEN705-745-1820singers@peterboroughsingers.comthepeterboroughsingers.comQueensmen Male ChorusThe “Queensmen” is a male chorus first establishedin Etobicoke in 1949. It has continued as astrong organization since then and practices everyTuesday evening at 7pm, September through May.The Queensmen’s repertoire can best be describedas “quality popular” – from past to present – plus avariety of choral music, some traditional and someinternational. Our outreach focuses on encouragingmusical development of young students and involvesus in refreshing concert performances with guestschool choirs, twice annually. Join us at our weeklyrehearsals and experience the teaching of our musicaldirector and enjoy our special camaraderie.416-239-1531thequeensmenmalechorus@gmail.comqueensmen.netPAX CHRISTI ICHORALCHORALEtheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY41