9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 8 - May 2014

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Concerts
  • Theatre
  • Musical
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Festival
Includes the 2014 Canary Pages directory of choirs.


CANARY PAGESstructure that includes sight singing, theory training,master classes and workshops with expert clinicianswhile offering exceptional performance opportunitiesand collaborations with other ensembles such as theToronto Symphony Orchestra. The choir’s vast repertoireembraces diverse cultures and traditions andcovers an extensive range of musical genres.NICHOLAS ANDERSON-FREY416-932-8666 x228nicholas@torontochildrenschorus.comtorontochildrenschorus.comTORONTO O BEACHCHORALE...he better the voyce is, the meeter it is to honour and serve God there-with...and puts on a spring celebration concert – “Sing Out!”TEMC Choir School has received gold awards at theKiwanis Music Festival five times since 2011 and wasinvited to compete at the Provincial level in 2014. Ournew season begins September 10, 2014 with an informationsession and first rehearsal open to all interested– come join us!ELAINE CHOI416-925-8494 x227elainechoi@temc.catemc.caAnna Madgett, Gaynor Jones and Michael Gomiegaround off the artistic staff teaching the four divisionsof choir to kids ages 4 to 16. We perform at leastthree of our own concerts each year, including afully staged production every spring. Our ChamberChoir is excited to be attending the Crossroads ChoralFestival in Nashville, Tennessee this July!BRONWEN LOW416-698-9864torontobeacheschildrenschorus@sympatico.catorontobeacheschildrenschorus.comToronto Choral SocietyThe Toronto Choral Society is Toronto’s oldestcommunity choir. It was founded in 1845 to presentconcerts and foster the development of the localmusical community. Today the 130-voice TCS choircontinues to present great works of the choral repertoireas well as innovative concerts celebrating thiscity’s history and diversity. It produces at least twomajor concerts each season, collaborates in otherartistic productions and participates in specialcommunity events. Artistic director GeoffreyButler, accompanist William O’Meara and assistantconductor Jenny Crober provide musical leadership.ERIN SMITH416-270-5466info@torontochoralsociety.orgtorontochoralsociety.orgToronto Choral SocietyChildren’s ChoirtheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORYToronto Beach ChoraleToronto Beach Chorale is an auditioned SATB choirof approximately 50 voices, under artistic directorMervin William Fick. With a passion for great choralmusic, the choir focuses on repertoire from the renaissanceto the 20th century (with occasional forays intoBroadway, jazz or pop music), presents four concertsper season and participates in community and fundraisingevents. TBC is a registered charitable organizationand was awarded a Choirs Ontario ProfessionalDevelopment Grant in 2012. Rehearsals are Wednesdays,7pm to 9:30pm, September to May, at KingstonRoad United Church (975 Kingston Rd., Toronto).Auditions are held in September and January for allvoice parts; ability to read music and previous choralexperience are definite assets.NANCY SILLS416-694-9772torontobeachchorale@gmail.comtorontobeachchorale.comToronto Beaches Children’s ChorusDo you love to sing? Do you enjoy drama? Thenthe Toronto Beaches Children’s Chorus is for you!The TBCC was founded by music director andsinger Bronwen Low in 2006. The choir providesvocal and dramatic training, in a fun and supportiveenvironment. The children learn a variety of musicfrom all different genres and enjoy bi-weekly dramaclasses with actor Joanne Mitchell. Jessica Riley,Toronto Chamber ChoirToronto Chamber Choir holds a place of prominencein Canada’s early music scene, specializing inrenaissance and baroque music as well as works fromother eras related to our programming. In our fourconcert2014/15 season we offer an investigation ofthe “humours” in renaissance thought, a celebrationof Marian masterpieces from many centuries, aselection of powerful compositions intended for thepassiontide season and a taste of rare masterpiecesfrom baroque Naples. Concerts are held at Churchof the Redeemer and Grace Church on-the-Hill – seeour website for details. Rehearsals are at St. Patrick’sParish on Wednesday evenings. We are auditioningfor all voices in early June.DON BARBER416-763-1695info@torontochamberchoir.catorontochamberchoir.caToronto Children’s ChorusThe Toronto Children’s Chorus, founded in 1978, isentering its eighth year under the baton of artisticdirector Elise Bradley, a passionate musician, careereducator, award-winning conductor and internationallyrespected clinician and adjudicator. The TCCoffers artistic excellence, character-building experiencesand leadership opportunities while nurturingmusical academic and individual achievement.Over 36 years, the TCC has built a musical educationThe Toronto Choral Society Children’s Choir is anon-auditioned community choir for children, underthe artistic direction of Sarah Parker. Launched inJanuary 2013, the choir offers a safe, challenging andfun environment in which children sing, learn aboutmusic and contribute to the community. RehearsingThursday nights from 6:30pm to 8pm in the Carlawand Danforth area, we perform in a minimum ofthree events per season. The TCS Children’s Choirprovides a supportive environment in which singersdevelop their musical abilities by learning andperforming choral classics, music from a variety ofcultures and music that celebrates the heritage ofthe City of Toronto. Follow us on Twitter (@tcs_cc)!SARAH PARKER, artistic directortcscc@torontochoralsociety.orgtorontochoralsociety.orgERIN SMITH416-270-5466info@torontochoralsociety.orgtorontochoralsociety.orgToronto ChoristersThe Toronto Choristers, under the direction of RalphPeters, is a non-auditioned mixed choir made up ofretired teachers or those who worked in the fieldof education. Our membership numbers 100+ andwomen wishing to join may be placed on a waitinglist. Vacancies exist for male voices. We love to makemusic together! Our repertoire is varied (classical,spirituals, folksongs and Broadway hits, to name a44

few). Rehearsals are Thursday afternoons, from mid-September through May. We perform one concert inDecember and two concerts in May. Please join us atthis year’s Spring Concert, May 21, 2014 at 7:30pm atSir John A. MacDonald Collegiate, 2300 PharmacyAvenue (between Sheppard and Finch).KATHY FRECKER416-488-8003kathrynfrecker@hotmail.comToronto Classical SingersUnder the direction of Jurgen Petrenko, the TorontoClassical Singers produce three performances eachyear, enthralling audiences with their versatility andtenacity. Mark your calendars for December 14,March 1 and May 31 as we celebrate our 2014/15season. Concerts are held at 4pm Christ ChurchDeer Park, 1570 Yonge St. Auditions are held inSeptember. Season tickets are (adult) or (senior/student), with single tickets for (adult)or (senior/student).416-443-1490info@torontoclassicalsingers.catorontoclassicalsingers.caToronto Mendelssohn ChoirGrand symphonic sound has been the TorontoMendelssohn Choir’s trademark for 120 years.Under artistic director Noel Edison, the TMC offersaudiences authentic interpretation of some of thegreatest sacred and secular music ever composed.The 120-voice choir includes a professional core,auditioned volunteers and apprentices (aged 17 to22). The TMC performs over 20 concerts annually,including “Festival of Carols” at Yorkminster ParkBaptist Church, “Sacred Music for a Sacred Space”on Good Friday at St. Paul’s Basilica and concerts ofmajor choral works with orchestra at Koerner Hall,in addition to performances of Messiah and otherworks with the TSO. Rehearsals are held Mondaysat Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, with auditionsin May and September.KIMBER JONAH416-598-0422 x221admin@tmchoir.orgtmchoir.orgToronto “Volungė” Lithuanian ChoirFounded in 1975, “Volunge,” a women’s octet,was formed under the direction of Dalia Skrinskas-Viskontas.By 1980, the small women’s groupexpanded into a full 45-member mixed choir.Throughout the years Volunge has performed a varietyof music, including Lithuanian folk, classical, liturgicaland contemporary works. Rehearsals are heldon Fridays from 7pm to 9:30pm in the music roomof the Church of the Resurrection.DALIA…and the voyce of man is chiefely to bee imployed to that ende…Toronto “Volungė” Women’sChamber Choir15 years ago, under the direction of Dalia Viskontas,a small chamber group of 14 ladies was formed withthe intention of performing a repertoire of more challengingmusic. Since then, the group has performedat the annual church Christmas concert as well as inNorth American Lithuanian communities. The repertoirehas included such major works as Conrad Susa’sSouthwest Carols and Lullabies, Benjamin Britten’sA Ceremony of Carols, Nancy Telfer’s Missa Brevisand Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater. Jazz, traditional folksongs and contemporary music round out the challengingrepertoire.DALIA VISKONTAS647-244-5055dalia.viskontas@sympatico.caToronto Welsh Male Voice ChoirThe Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir enters anotherexciting performance season under artistic directorWilliam Woloschuk and accompanist MatthewCoons. Founded in 1995 by Gwyn Roberts, TWMVCperforms within choral traditions that have enrichedthe human experience through the ages. The vibrantblend of traditional music from the “Land of Song”and contemporary works from around the globe isexhibited in unique, Welsh, four-part harmony. Weperform more than ten concerts per season, includingtours to numerous US and Canadian destinations. Anexciting series of performances and trips are beingplanned for our 20th-anniversary year celebration in2015. TWMVC welcomes new members. “Welshness”is optional! Rehearsals take place Wednesdays,7:30pm to 10pm, 33 Melrose Ave., Toronto.416-410-22541-877-410-2254 (905/705 only)GEORGE MENZEL416-695-4378georgemenzel@gmail.comwelshchoir.caUnivox Choir TorontoUnivox is a mixed-voice community choir for youngadults, with singers in their 20s and 30s. In addition,there is an inaugural women’s choir startingSeptember 2014 under conductor Fran Farrell. Theorganization holds relationship building, social responsibilityand musical excellence as its core principles.Most choristers have previous choral experience orticket selling are expected. Selected repertoire spansworks and popular music, ranging from Gabriel Fauréto Daft Punk. Potential choristers are invited to observea rehearsal after initial contact. SATB choir rehearsalstake place Tuesdays, 5:45pm to 8pm, at New Horizons/Dovercourt Baptist, 1140 Bloor St. W. Women’s Choirrehearsals will be Monday evenings. Our season runsSeptember to June.DALLAS BERGEN416-697-9561membership@univoxchoir.orgunivoxchoir.orgUpper Canada ChoristersThe Upper Canada Choristers is a non-auditioned,mixed-voice choir with a history of musical excellenceand community service. The program featurescollaborations with international choirs, local children’schoirs and professional guest artists. Cantemosis the auditioned Latin ensemble under the umbrellaof UCC. Under the artistic direction of LaurieEvan Fraser, the choirs perform three diverse choralprograms annually. Weekly rehearsals for the largerchoir are Monday evenings from 7:30pm to 9:30pmat Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd.Cantemos rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7pmto 9:30 pm at 2 Romar Cres. The choir sings up to 20concerts annually in a variety of community venues.LAURIE EVAN FRASER, conductor/artistic director416-256-0510lef@uppercanadachoristers.orguppercanadachoristers.orgUNIVOX CHOIRTORONTOONTOtheWholeNote 2014/15 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY45

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)