● 8:00: Royal Conservatory. Bluebird North.Canadian songwriters, performance and discussion.Blair Packham, host. ConservatoryTheatre, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. .● 8:00: Scarborough Philharmonic. RussianShowpieces. Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.3;Waltz from “War and Peace; March from “TheLove for Three Oranges”; Shostakovich: SymphonyNo.9; Romance from “The Gadfly”;Khachaturian: Sabre Dance from “Gayane”.Salvation Army Scarborough Citadel,2021 Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough. 416-429-0007. ; (sr); (st); (under10). Silent auction.● 8:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. Cousinfrom Nowhere. See May 1; Also May 4(mat).● 8:00: Windmill Theatre. Come Rain orCome Shine. See May 2.● 9:00: Jazz Bistro. Rudy Smith Quartet.251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. .● 9:00: Small World Music. Gods Robotsand eccodek. El Mocambo, 464 Spadina Ave.416-536-5439. /(adv).Sunday May 4● 11:00am: Gallery 345. The Complete MozartViolin Sonatas; Session 1. All 28 sonatasperformed live on one day, divided into fourconcerts. Jacques Israelievitch, violin; ChristinaPetrowska Quilico, piano. 345 SoraurenAve. 416-822-9781. ; (st); all four concerts:/(st). Subsequent three concertsat: 1:00, 3:00, 5:00.● 11:00am and 1:00pm: Lower OssingtonTheatre. Dora the Explorer Live: Dora’s PirateAdventure. Randolph Theatre, 736 BathurstSt. 416-915-6747. .50–.50. Also May 3.● 11:00am and 2:00pm: Shoestring Opera.The Schoolyard Carmen. Opera for ages 4 to10; based on Bizet: Carmen. Solar Stage Children’sTheatre, Madison Centre, 100 UpperMadison Ave. 416-368-8031. . Also 2:00.● 12:30: Jazz Bistro. Young Artist BrunchSeries. Felix Wong, piano; Peter Cavanagh,on period instrumentsLucky NumberThirteenL. van Beethoven(Quartet #13) Op. 130Joseph Haydn(Quartet #13) Op. 9#3Sunday May 4, 3:00A. Concerts in the GTAsax. 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. No Cover.For Jazz Bistro listings at a glance, visit sectionC.● 1:00: Gallery 345. The Complete MozartViolin Sonatas: Session 2. See 11:00am; Also3:00 and 5:00.● 1:00: Vital Theatre Company. Pinkalicious.Book and lyrics by E. Kann and V. Kann. Music,lyrics and orchestrations by J. Gregor. LowerOssington Theatre, 100A Ossington Ave. 416-915-6747. .50–.50. Also May 11, 18, 25.● 1:30: Small World Music. Sultans of String.Guest: Anwar Khurshid, sitar. Kingston RoadUnited Church, 975 Kingston Rd. 416-691-6091. ; free(under 12).● 2:00: East York Concert Band. OnceUpon A Tune. Story-telling music from movies,Broadway, pop and light classical works.Joseph Resendes, conductor. St. Clement ofOhrid Cathedral, 76 Overlea Blvd. 416-485-8531. ; (youth 5 to 12); free(under 5).● 2:00: Markham Concert Band/PickeringCommunity Concert Band. The Final Frontier:Star Wars Day. Music from Star Trekand Star Wars; Holst: Jupiter; and otherworks. Doug Manning, conductor. Guest: IanMacLellan, bagpipes. Flato Markham Theatre,171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. ; (sr/st).● 2:00: Off Centre Music Salon. RussianSalon: Composers Born in the Wrong Century.Works by Rachmaninov, Medtner,Grechaninov and Rebikov. Elina Kelebeev,Inna Perkis, Boris Zarankin, pianos; PeterMcGillivray, baritone; Erica Iris Huang, mezzo;and others. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St.W. 416-466-1870. ; (sr/st); (13-25);(child).● 2:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. Cousinfrom Nowhere. See May 1.● 2:00: Visual and Performing Arts Newmarket.Twist Instrumental Quintet. NewmarketTheatre, 505 Pickering Cres.,Newmarket. 905-953-5122. ; (sr);(st).● 2:30: Bel Canto Singers. A Choral Bouquet.Bobrowitz: The Creation. Linda Meyer, conductor.St. Dunstan of Canterbury, 56 LawsonRd., Scarborough. 416-286-8260. ;free(under 12). Also 7:30.● 3:00: Amici Chamber Ensemble. AmericanBerserk. Adams: Gnarly Buttons; AllegedDances; Corigliano: Soliloquy; The Red Violin;Ives: Trio. Jonathan Crow, violin; Teng Li,viola; Barry Shiffman, violin. Mazzoleni Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416 408 0208. -.● 3:00: DaCapo Chamber Choir. Sun Light.Leonard Enns: Second Storey Sun; Jeff Enns:At Sunset; Schafer: Selections from Fall intoLight. Guest: Andrew Pickett, counter-tenor.Sharon Temple, 18974 Leslie St., East Gwillimbury.519-725-7549. ; (sr); (12 andunder/eyeGO).● 3:00: Gallery 345. The Complete MozartViolin Sonatas; Session 3. See 11:00am; Also1:00 and 5:00.● 3:00: Musideum. Poli’s Jazz Salon. Suite133 (main floor), 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. .● 3:00: Orpheus Choir of Toronto. Dvořák:Requiem. Talisker Players; Sidgwick ScholarAlumni Quartet; Chorus Niagara; RobertCooper, conductor. Koerner Hall, 273 BloorDVORAKREQUIEMSunday, May 4, 3:00 p.m.Koerner Hall, TELUS Centre273 Bloor Street Westwww.orpheuschoirtoronto.com416 408 0208St. W. 416-408-0208. -.● 3:00: Symphony on the Bay. Celebrationof Mychael Danna. Danna: Being Julia, Adorationand Vanity Fair (excerpts); Strauss:Der Rosenkavalier Suite. Corey Gemmell,violin. Burlington Performing Arts Centre,440 Locust St., Burlington. 905-681-6000..89; .85(sr); .07(st).● 3:00: Windermere String Quartet.Lucky Number Thirteen. Haydn: QuartetNo.13 in G Op.9 No.3; Beethoven: QuartetNo.13 in Bb Op.130. St. Olave’s AnglicanChurch, 360 Windermere Ave. 416-769-0952.; (sr); (st). Performed on periodinstruments.Women’s Musical Club of TorontoCareer Development AwardFund Raising ConcertSundayMay 4, 3 - 5 p.m.Integral House, TorontoShannon Mercer, sopranoSteven Philcox, pianowww.wmct.on.ca416-923-7052● 3:00: Women’s Musical Club of Toronto.Fundraising Concert. Shannon Mercer, soprano;Steven Philcox, piano. Integral House,194 Roxborough Ave. 416-923-7052. 0. Seesection D: Galas and Fundraisers.● 3:30: World Fiddle Fest. Benefit Concertfor World Fiddle Day. Swamperella; Métis FiddlerQuartet; Jon Pilatzke and Jake Charron;North Atlantic Drift; Shoeless; NUA. EmmanuelHoward Park United Church, 214 WrightAve. 647-217-4620. PWYC; suggested donation.● 4:00: ASLAN Boys Choir of Toronto. Pirates,Landlubbers and the High Seas. Traditionalshanties and contemporary art songsabout life on the ocean. Thomas Bell, conductor;Jialiang Zhu, piano; Liam McGlashon,fiddle. Church of the Transfiguration,111 Manor Rd. E. 416 859 7464. , (st/child). Reception and treasure hunt follow.● 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Weekly Organ Recital: David Briggs. St.James Cathedral, 65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x224. Free.● 4:00: Church of St. Mary Magdalene.Andrew Adair, organ. Works by Bach.477 Manning Ave. 416-531-7955. Free.● 4:00: Lower Ossington Theatre. AvenueQ. See May 1.● 4:00: Lower Ossington Theatre. Rent.See May 1.● 4:30: Church of the Incarnation AnglicanChurch. Jazz Vespers: Barry LivingstoneQuartet. Church of the Incarnation,15 Clairtrell Rd. 416-221-7516. Free will donation.Reception follows.● 5:00: Gallery 345. The Complete MozartViolin Sonatas; Session 4. See 11:00am; Also1:00 and 3:00.● 7:00: Jazz Bistro. Sunday Cabaret: Eins,Zwei, Drei, Boum! Mary Pitt, voice; David Warrack,piano. 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299.. For Jazz Bistro listings at a glance, visitsection C.● 7:00: Mississauga Big Band Jazz Ensemble/Octokats.Annual Spring Concert. WestCoast jazz and big band music. CooksvilleUnited Church, 2500 Mimosa Row, Mississauga.905-270-4757. ; (sr/child).● 7:00: Syrinx Concerts Toronto. PeterLongworth, piano, and Sheila Jaffé, violin.Schubert: Grand Duo in A (Allegro moderato;Scherzo: presto; Andantino; Allegro vivace);Dompierre: Les Diableries (Le DiableBoiteux; Le Diable Amoureux; Le Diable Grincheux);Beethoven: Sonata No.3 in E-flatOp.12 No.3 (Allegro con spirito; Adagio conmolta espressione; Rondo: allegro molto; Bartók:Sonata No.1 (Allegro appassionato; Adagio;Allegro). Peter Longworth, piano; SheilaJaffé, violin. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave.416-654-0877. ; (st). Post-concertmeet the artists.● 7:30: Achill Choral Society. Broadway!Christ Church Anglican (Bolton), 22 NancySt., Bolton. 519-939-0020. ; (13–18);free(under 12). Also Apr 27 (Alliston).● 7:30: Bel Canto Singers. A Choral Bouquet.50 | May 1, 2014 – June 7, 2014 thewholenote.com
See 2:30.● 7:30: Etobicoke Youth Choir. Spring Concert:Why We Sing. Louise Jardine, conductor;Marg Parsons, piano. The AssemblyHall, 1 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Dr., Etobicoke.416 231-9120. ; free(under 12).Refreshments included.● 8:00: Continuum. By other means. Concertof works exploring the the sonic possibilitiesof traditional instruments. Sciarrino:Esplorazione del bianco II; Lizée: Music forBody without Organs; Murguía: Trio for DisposableReeds and Tonewood; Griswold: Spill;Tidrow: new work. Music Gallery, 197 JohnSt. 416-924-4945. ; (sr/arts worker); (st).● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. La Passion:Roby Lakatos, violin. Blend of gypsy music,classical works and contemporary jazz.Lakatos; New Alliance; Monti: Czardas; Piazzola:Oblivion; Vecsey: Valse Triste; Rimsky-Korsakov: Flight of the Bumblebee; and otherworks. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham.905-305-7469. -.Monday May 5● 12:15: Music Mondays. Annie Zhou, piano.Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Sq. 416-598-4521 x223. Free, suggested donation.● 7:30: Elmer Iseler Singers. Get Music!Gala Concert. Canadian and internationalrepertoire. Lydia Adams, conductor; guests:participating secondary school conductorsand choirs from this year’s Get Music initiative.Metropolitan United Church, 56 QueenSt. E. 416-217-0537. (at door). Educationalinitiative in memory of John C. Bird.Tuesday May 6● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Vocal Series: Of Love and Longing. Works byBrahms and Britten. Allyson McHardy, mezzo;Andrew Haji, tenor; Liz Upchurch, piano; andothers. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● 1:30: Serenata Singers. Timeless Classics:Part 2. Joshua Tamayo, conductor. Guest:Michael Ciufo, tenor. Chinese Cultural Centreof Greater Toronto, 5183 Sheppard Ave. E.,Scarborough. 416-699-5798. /(adv).Also May 7(eve). Proceeds help support CanadianMusic Therapy Fund, War Child andEva’s Initiatives.● 6:00: Jazz Bistro. Young Artist Series.Emily Steinwall Duo. 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. No Cover. For Jazz Bistro listings at aglance, visit section C.● 8:00: Jazz Bistro. The Jazz Descendants:Red. CD Release. Joshua Goodman,piano; Brandi Disterheft, bass; Morgan Childs,drums. 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. ;(adv); (st). For Jazz Bistro listings at aglance, visit section C.Wednesday May 7● 12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Joanne Vollendorf Clark, organ. 1585 YongeSt. 416-922-1167. Free.● 7:30: Serenata Singers. Timeless Classics:Part 2. See May 6(mat).● 8:00: Gallery 345. The Art of the Piano:Roman Timofeev. Works by Chopin, Schumann,Debussy and Scriabin. 345 SoraurenAve. 416-822-9781. ; (sr); (st).● 8:00: Jazz Bistro. Latin Night. Elmer FerrerTrio. 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. .For Jazz Bistro listings at a glance, visit sectionC.● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Tchaikovsky Symphony 6 “Pathétique”. Rossini:Overture to La scala di seta; MacMillan:Piano Concerto No.3 “Mysteries of Light”(Canadian premiere). Jean-Yves Thibaudet,piano; Peter Oundjian, conductor. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375. –5. Also May 8. Post-concert chat withPeter Oundjian May 7 only.Thursday May 8● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: German Romanticism.Brahms: Piano Trio No.2 in C, Op.87;Schubert: Notturno in Eb, Op.148. MarieBérard, violin; Bryan Epperson, cello; DavidLouie, piano. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● 12:10: Nine Sparrows/Christ Church DeerPark. Lunchtime Chamber Music. Omar Ho,clarinet. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 YongeSt. 416-241-1298. Free. Donations welcome.● 12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon at Met.David Rosevear, organ. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26.Free.● 2:00: Northern District Public Library.Orchardviewers. Catherine Sulem StringQuartet. Room 224, 40 Orchard View Blvd.416-393-7610. Free.● 6:00: Jazz Bistro. Young Artist Series. PatrickHewan, piano. 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. No Cover.● 7:00: The Toronto Continuo Collective.Psyche: The Immortal Soul. Musical adaptationsof Molière’s Psyche. Works by Lully andLocke. Andréanne Brisson-Paquin and GhislaineDeschambault, sopranos; Luke Arnason,countertenor; Bud Roach, tenor; David Roth,bass; and others. McLean Performance Studio(Accolade Building East), 83 York Blvd.416-921-9203. ; .● 8:00: Evolution Dance Theatre. FollowYour Heart. Multi-media musical theatrebased on Middle Eastern dance and culture(world premiere). Fleck Dance Theatre,Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay W.416-973-4000. -; -(sr/st/arts).Also May 9, 10, 11(mat).● 8:00: Jazz Bistro. Fern Lindzon: Like aCircle in a Spiral. CD Release. Fern Lindzon(piano/vocals); David French (saxes); MichaelYoung Artist Series6-8pm NO COVERStudents from Humber,U of T, York and Mohawkperform on Tuesdays, Thursdays,Fridays and SaturdaysMention this WholeNote adand receive free dessert!Davidson (vibes); George Koller (bass); NickFraser (drums). 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. /(st). For Jazz Bistro listings at aglance, visit section C.● 8:00: Lower Ossington Theatre. AvenueQ. See May 1.● 8:00: Tafelmusik. A Celebration of JeanneLamon. Final concert as music director.Works by Monteverdi, Marini, Vivaldi, Handel,Bach, Rameau and others; newly composedworks by orchestra musicians writtenas “goodbye gifts”. Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre,427 Bloor St. W. 416-964-6337. -; -(over 65); -(under 35). Also May 9,10, 11, 13(George Weston Recital Hall), 14;start times vary.● 8:00: Thin Edge New Music Collective.Onomatopoeia. Works by Denburg, Kardonne,Kasemets, Monk, Steen-Andersen andothers. Guests: GREX, Jason Sharp and KaieKellough. Array Space, 155 Walnut Ave. 647-456-7597. , (sr/st/arts).● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Tchaikovsky Symphony 6 “Pathétique”. SeeMay 7.● 8:00: YGTwo. LazerSuzan Live @ Musideum.Improvisational music. Aron Slipicoff,electronics, vocals; Jon Campbell,drums, percussion; Jeff Koven, bass; PedroOrrego, guitar, vocals; Steve Koven, synths,piano; Kenny Kirkwood, sax, percussion,vocals. Musideum, Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. .Friday May 9● 12:10: Life and Music at St Andrew’s.Laura D’Angelo, violin and Emily Chiang,piano. St. Andrew’s Church, 73 Simcoe St.416-593-5600 x231. Free.● 1:10: Gordon Murray Presents. Piano Potpourri.Classics, opera, operetta, musicals,ragtime, pop, international and other genres.Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church, 427 Bloor St.W. 416-631-4300. PWYC. Also May 2, 16, 23,30. Lunch and snack friendly.● 6:00: Jazz Bistro. Young Artist Series. PatrickHewan, piano. 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. No Cover.● 7:30: Clarkson Music Theatre. Ya GottaDream. Works by Handel, Presley, O. Peterson,M. Jackson and others. Bob Hardinge,conductor. Eden United Church,3051 Battleford, Mississauga. 905-615-4720.. Also May 10(mat/eve).● 8:00: Evolution Dance Theatre. FollowYour Heart. See May 8; Also May 10, 11(mat).● 8:00: Lower Ossington Theatre. AvenueQ. See May 1.● 8:00: Music Gallery. New World Series:Jerusalem In My Heart plus Steve Kado. Neworiginal works. 197 John St. 416-204-1080./(adv).● 8:00: Show One Productions. VladimirSpivakov and the Moscow Virtuosi ChamberOrchestra. 35th Anniversary Tour. Works byMozart, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and Piazzolla.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. -5.● 8:00: Upper Canada Choristers/CantemosLatin Ensemble. Turn the WorldAround: Songs of Hope and Rebellion. Hatfield:Cantando Flores (Quiero ser tu voz)(premiere); Peterson: Hymn to Freedom;Morricone: Nella Fantasia (arr. Fraser);Verdi: Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves (Va, pensierofrom Nabucco); and other works. LaurieEvan Fraser, conductor. Guests: JuniorChoir of Allenby Public School (Alison Bannerman,conductor). St. Andrew’s Church,73 Simcoe St. 416-256-0510. ; free(highschool st/child).● 8:00: Sinfonia Toronto. Russian Serenade.Bach: Piano Concerto in d; Schnittke: Concertofor Piano and Strings; Borodin: Sinfoniathewholenote.com May 1, 2014 – June 7, 2014 | 51