9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 8 - May 2014

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Concerts
  • Theatre
  • Musical
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Festival
Includes the 2014 Canary Pages directory of choirs.


FOR OPENERS | DAVID PERLMANThrough The CracksThis month’s cover:Composer/conductor StephanieMartin was photographedduring the making of Pax ChristiChorale’s new video Now theQueen of Seasons (a new workby Martin for choir, timpani andbrass) at Grace Church on-the-Hill this past February. For aWholeNote video interview withMartin about the work, on in the development of this magazinewe decided on a genre-based approach to ourregular beat columns to guide our readersthrough the vast range of “musics,” as columnistAndrew Timar likes to call them, regularly encompassedin these pages.In many ways it makes sense to do so – if youare on a forest walk and mycology or ornithologyare your particular thing, you’re going to gravitatetowards the guide with a mushroom or birdpin on their lapel. Similarly columns with namesthat include “New” or “Opera” or Early” or “Jazz”in them offer readers who already know what theylike the comfort of a regular “go to” guide.But it is an organizational device that evennow allows interesting content to fall through thecracks, and probably needs a bit of a rethink asthe sharply delineated features of the musical andsocial landscape continue to erode and change.For one thing, increasingly, we find that musicians,no matter how specialized their training, arechoosing not to be pinned down in terms of theirpractices – seeking partnerships and collaborationsall over the musical landscape.For another, in a digital universe where all musicis available to any higher order primate with appposablethumbs, it’s just possible that audiencesare also becoming less categorical in their likes anddislikes, daring boldly to go where a decade or twoago they wouldn’t have.As an individual whose life follows the volcanomethod of filing things, I am delighted to see thatthe world we live in is changing, breathtakinglyquickly. It was once ruled by people good at sortingand filing. It is morphing into a world in which theskillful searcher is king. In this new world order,the usefulness of categories and labels shifts fromthe way content is pre-sorted by the supplier to theway content gets tagged for individual users to dotheir own personalized arranging.Does this mean that genre-based “beat columns”in a publication such as this are destined to go theway of the dodo? I suspect not (or at least not yet).But the question needs to remain as regular foodfor thought for all us publishing types.Here at The WholeNote, for example, we shouldrecognize that notable events end up being overlookededitorially, because they fall through thecracks between our tidy genres. Sometimes theoversight takes the form of chronic flurries of “merementions” by several different writers; sometimes,sadly it takes the form of no mentions at all, witheach of our writers assuming that one of the otherswould give the event its due.But enough with the theory: here are some interestingexamples!The WholeNote VOLUME 19 NO 8 | MAY 1, 2014 – JUNE 7, 2014Centre for Social Innovation720 Bathurst St., Suite 503, Toronto ON M5S 2R4PHONE 416-323-2232 | FAX 416-603-4791Publisher/Editor In Chief | David Perlmanpublisher@thewholenote.comChairman of the Board | Allan Pulkerdirectors@thewholenote.comEDITORIALManaging Editor | Paul Enniseditorial@thewholenote.comRecordings Editor | David Oldsdiscoveries@thewholenote.comSocial Media Editor | Sara Constanteditorial@thewholenote.comListings Editor | David Perlman (acting)listings@thewholenote.comClub Listings Editor | Ori Daganjazz@thewholenote.comSALES, MARKETING & MEMBERSHIPConcerts & Events/Membership | Karen Agesmembers@thewholenote.comRetail Sales/Marketing | Garry Pagemarketing@thewholenote.comDirectories | Adam Weinmanneducation@thewholenote.comAdvertising/Production Support/OperationsJack Buell | adart@thewholenote.comClassified Ads | classad@thewholenote.comWebsite/Systems | Bryson Winchestersystems@thewholenote.comCirculation/Subscriptions | Chris Malcolmcirculation@thewholenote.comSUBSCRIPTIONS per year + HST (9 issues)THANKS TO THIS MONTH’S CONTRIBUTORSBeat ColumnistsHans de Groot, Jack MacQuarrie, Benjamin Stein,Paul Ennis, David Olds, Dave Podgorski,Ori Dagan, Wendalyn Bartley, mJ buell,Christopher Hoile, Andrew Timar, Allan PulkerFeaturesPaula CitronCD ReviewersDianne Wells, Alex Baran, Janos Gardonyi, TiinaKiik, Hans de Groot, Michael Schwartz, RichardHaskell, Ivana Popovic, Bruce Surtees, RogerKnox, Christina Petrowska Quilico, WallaceHalladay, Andrew Timar, Alison MelvilleProofreadingJohn Sharpe, Paul Ennis,Sara Constant, Karen AgesListingsDavid Perlman, Ori Dagan,Adam Weinmann, Tilly Kooyman,JennieLea McLeish, Ruth AtwoodBryson WinchesterCirculation TeamAbram Bergen, Asa Perlman, Beth Bartley,Bob Jerome, Dagmar Sullivan, Dave Taylor,Garry Page, Gero Hajek, Jack Buell, Jack Suttaby,Jeff Hogben,Joan Andrews, John Dodington,Lorna Nevison, Micah Herzog, Niamh Malcolm,Patrick Slimmon, Paul Ennis, Randy Weir, RebeccaCarpenter, Robert Faulkner, Sharon Clark,The Giang Nguyen, Tom Sepp, Vicki Stainton,Wende Bartley,Layout & DesignBryson WinchesterTHE ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL IS AN AGENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIOUpcoming Dates & DeadlinesFree Event Listings Deadline6pm Thursday May 8Display Ad Reservations Deadline6pm Thursday May 15Classifieds Deadline6pm Thursday May 22Advertising Materials Due6pm Monday May 19Publication DateWednesday June 4Volume 19 No 9 coversJune, July and August 2014WholeNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibility orliability for claims made for any product or servicereported on or advertised in this issue.Printed in CanadaCouto Printing & Publishing ServicesCirculation StatementApril 2014: 30,000 printed & distributedCanadian Publication Product Sales Agreement1263846ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTEPublications Mail Agreement #40026682Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:WholeNote Media Inc.Centre for Social Innovation503–720 Bathurst StreetToronto ON M5S 2R4COPYRIGHT © 2014 WHOLENOTE MEDIA INCthewholenote.com6 | May 1, 2014 – June 7, 2014

SING! This year’s third annual SING! Vocal ArtsFestival (May 30 to June 1) is a good example:devoted to a cappella music, it falls betweenbeing part of the mainstream choral scene, andcatching the attention of a public interested in theart of song.Its curator is Aaron Jensen, an accomplishedvocalist, arranger and choral conductor. Jensenfirst came to my attention as a member of a vocalensemble called Cadence, renowned not just fortight and tricky arrangements of repertoire, bothstandard and new, but also for laying down astonishing“instrumental” tracks for those arrangementsusing only voice for the instruments.The first two SING! festivals took place atHarbourfront Centre – a fantastic incubator for afledgling festival, because, like any federal agency,Harbourfront has all kinds of clear-cut operationaldo’s and don’ts which are a relief in the early years.But like any incubator, what was comforting in theswaddling years becomes suffocating when thefledgling tries to spread its wings: this year’s SING!has flown the coop, so to speak, to the Distillerydistrict – a move that allows for weekend andday passes and a more chaotic and varied mix ofticketed and unticketed events. Taking place whileschools are still in session, drawing on an extraordinaryrange of vocal ensembles and styles, andputting the unadorned collective human voice inthe spotlight, this is an event worth attending now,and supporting as it grows.The Kinsey Sicks headlines the SING! festival.Cantemus, Latin for “Let Us Sing” is a verypopular choir name. A quick internet search showsit in use on the north shore of Massachusetts, inCardiff, Lincolnshire, Canterbury, County Cork,Nyiregyhaza (Hungary), Sweden, Lithuania and onand on. But the 16-voice Toronto choir that bearsthe name, the Cantemus Singers, has its ownunique voice print. Originally based in the Beaches,the 16-voice ensemble, under the direction ofMichael Erdman now rehearses in the High Parkarea and performs mainly Renaissance and earlyBaroque repertoire, both secular and religious.Back on March 22, they presented a giant of theirchosen repertoire, a concert version of Purcell’ssemi-opera The Faerie Queen at the Church of theHoly Trinity (alongside the Eaton Centre). Choral?INDEX OF ADVERTISERSAcademy Concert Series 53Orchestra 59Off Centre Music Salon 23Toronto Chamber Choir 54Amadeus Choir 62,72Exultate Chamber Singers 61Orchestra Toronto 59Toronto Chinese OrchestraAnnex Improv 72Gallery 345 48Organix 5456Aradia Ensemble 19Gary Relyea 66Oriana Women’s Choir 63Toronto City Opera 72Art of Time Ensemble 19Harmony Singers 61Orpheus Choir 50,71Toronto Classical Singers 64Associates of the TSO 61Heliconian Hall 70Pasquale Bros 70Toronto Consort 3ATMA 5High Notes Gala 55Peter Mahon 25Toronto Mendelssohn 72Aurora Cultural Centre 61I FURIOSI 56Royal Conservatory – 21C 3Toronto Summer Music 11Bach Children’s Chorus 53Jazz Bistro 48,51,55,60, 62,71Schmidt Piano and Organ 27Toronto Symphony OrchestraCanadian Children’s OperaJubilate Singers 58Schola Magdalena 5955,65,85Company 25Kindred Spirits OrchestraSheila McCoy 73Toronto Welsh Male VoiceCanadian Friends of Finland55,66Show One 51Choir 5357Liz Parker 73Sinfonia Toronto 52,66TorQ Percussion Ensemble 52Canadian Opera Company 20Lulaworld 57,60,65SING! 62,64,88Union Events 28Cantemus Singers 23Luminato 17Sound in the Land 22Victoria Scholars 65Cathedral Bluffs SymphonyMateca Arts Festival 13Soundstreams 21VIVA! Youth Singers 64Orchestra 58MGS Marketing 25St. James’ Cathedral 24Voca Chorus 63Christ Church Deer Park JazzMississauga Symphony 52St. Philips’ Jazz Vespers 27We Are One Jazz Project 70Vespers 27Moeller Organs 73Steinway Piano Gallery 7Westben Arts SummerCivic Light Opera 21Music at Metropolitan 53,55Stephen Satory 61Festival Theatre 18Continuum ContemporaryMusic Toronto 9,87Syrinx 50Windermere String QuartetMusic 51Nagata Shachu 14Tafelmusik 2,51,60,63,6550Dim Sum Ensemble 57Nathaniel Dett Chorale 25,57Talisker Players 60Women’s Musical Club 16,50Elmer Iseler Singers 49New Music Concerts 12,56,57Tallis Choir 52Wychwood Clarinet Choir 59Esprit Orchestra 4,60Norm Pulker 73TD Toronto Jazz FestivalEtobicoke PhilharmonicNYCO 628,13,15,16,23, May 1, 2014 – June 7, 2014 | 7

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)