Beth Torah Congregation, 47 Glenbrook Ave.416-638-4492. Free.●May 23, 10:00am: Jewish Music Weekin Toronto. Baroque and Beyond. Recordeddemonstrations and lecture on Jewish musicfrom the 12th to the 18th centuries. CantorBenjamin Maissner, lecturer. Barbara FrumLibrary, 20 Covington Rd. 416-638-4492. Free.MASTERCLASSES●May 11 and 25, 2:00: Singing Studio of DeborahStaiman. Masterclass. Musical theatre/audition preparation, using textual analysisand other interpretative tools. Yonge andEglinton area, call for exact location. 416-483-9532. (participant)/(auditor).●May 3, 9:00am–4:00pm: Cobourg HighlandGames Society. Piping and DrummingWorkshop. Instructors include GordonBrown, Drew Duthart, Ken Eller, DougMacRea, Reid Maxwell and others. CobourgTrinity United Church, 2874 Division St.905-373-1956. . to follow: see Section B:Listings Beyond the GTA.●May 4, 1:30: Toronto Early Music PlayersOrganization. Early music workshopfor strings and woodwinds. Joëlle Morton,conductor. Bring your recorders, earlyinstruments and music stand; scores will beprovided. Armour Heights Community Centre,2140 Avenue Rd. 416-537-3733. .●May 9 and 23, 7:30: CAMMAC RecorderPlayers’ Society. Renaissance and BaroqueWorkshop. For recorders and other earlyinstruments. Mount Pleasant Road BaptistChurch, 527 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-480-1853. ; free(members).●May 25, 2:00: CAMMAC Toronto Region.Reading for Singers and Instrumentalists.Lauridsen: Lux Aeterna. David Ambrose, conductor.Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 YongeSt. 416-521-7474. ; (members).●May 31, 4:45: SING! Toronto Vocal ArtsFestival. This Business of Music. Dancemakers,9 Trinity St., Distillery District. 416-866-8666. Included with festival pass ( singleday/ two days).●Jun 1, various times: SING! Toronto VocalArts Festival. Workshops. 11:00am: DavidSereda: A Desperate Road to Freedom.12:30pm: Workshop: Cadence: Instrumentsare for Surgeons. 2:15: Songwriters Associationof Canada Presents: Keys for EffectiveSongwriting with Alan Frew, Dan Hill andLorraine Segato. 5:30: Singing with the Boysand Girls Choir of Harlem Alumni Ensemble.Dancemakers, 9 Trinity St., Distillery District.416-866-8666. Included with festival pass( single day/ two days).●Jun 1, 5:30: SING! Toronto Vocal Arts Festival.Protect Your Product: Copyright andTrademarks. Burns Classroom, Young Centrefor the Performing Arts, 50 Tank House Lane,Distillery District. 416-866-8666. Includedwith festival pass.SCREENINGS●May 1–11, various times: Toronto JewishFilm Festival. Features including The OutrageousSophie Tucker, The Pleasures of BeingOut of Step, and Mamele (restored), andThe Amadeus Choir ofGreater Toronto, LydiaAdams , conductor, willbe holding May/Juneauditions for newmembers.Looking for ALL voices!To arrange an audition please contact Olena Jatsyshyn at 416-446-0188or by email at Amadeus Choir’ s 2014-2015 40th Anniversary Season –“Choral Connections, 40 Years of Song” – will include 2 worldpremieres ; Mozart performances with the TSO & Peter Oundjian;a 40th Anniversary Gala Concert ; and , of course , our annual CelticCelebration.Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings (7:30-10 pm) atChurch of the Ascension (Don Mills area, near Lawrence Ave . E.)more. 416-324-9121. /(mats); (sr/st); (opening night). For full details andschedule:●Jun 1, 4:00 and 7:30: Toronto Jewish FilmSociety/Toronto Silent Film Festival. BreakingHome Ties. Silent film from 1922 tacklingpoverty, guilt and family ties, made to protestto rise of racism and the Ku Klux Klan. Livemusical accompaniment by Jordan Klapman,piano, and Drew Jurecka, violin. Miles NadalJCC, 750 Spadina Ave. ; (ages 18-35).OPEN REHEARSALS/SINGALONGS●May 13, 7:00: Canada Sings!/Chatons Canada!Toronto-Riverdale. Community Singalong.Canadian folk songs, rock, Broadwayand ballads. Jane Lewis and Sam Turton,guest song leaders. Riverdale PresbyterianChurch, 662 Pape Ave. 416-778-0796. Free;donations accepted.●May 31, 6:00: SING! The Toronto VocalArts Festival. SING! Singalong. Open to bothamateur and professional singers. GarlandTheatre, Young Centre for the PerformingArts, 50 Tank House Lane, Distillery District.416-866-8666. Included with festival pass( single day/ two days).●May 31, 6:00: SING! The Toronto VocalArts Festival. Sit-in Rehearsal with theToronto Northern Lights. Dancemakers,9 Trinity St., Distillery District. 416-866-8666. Included with festival pass ( singleday/ two days).●Jun 1, 2:00: SING! The Toronto Vocal ArtsFestival. Tender Lovin’ Karaoke with Retrocity.Take the stage and sing your favouritehits with Retrocity. Lyrics provided. GarlandTheatre, Young Centre for the PerformingArts, 50 Tank House Lane, Distillery District.416-866-8666. Included with festival pass( single day/ two days).ANNOUNCEMENTS●Registration is now open for the MilesNadal JCC’s Suzuki Music Camp. Open to allviolin, viola, cello and piano students studyingLYDIA ADAMS, Conductor & Artistic DirectorFor more information, viewwww.amadeuschoir.comCALL FORAUDITIONS14/15 SEASONARTISTIC DIRECTORNOEL EDISONThe TMC is looking forexperienced singers in allsections to join Canada’spremier symphonic choir.Good sight-reading skillsnecessary, and ability tocommit to an excitingschedule of rehearsalsand performances.Auditions will be heldMay 20 & 21, 2014Audition package availableat www.tmchoir.orgFor more info, call Kimberat 416-598-0422, x221PHOTOGRAPHY: FRANK NAGY72 | May 1, 2014 – June 7, 2014
through the Suzuki method. All levels offered.July 7 to 11, 9am–4pm. 416-924-6211 x0.●Centre for the Arts, Brock Universityannounces its 2014/15 season sneak peak,with a concert on May 14 to kick off the season.For details: MISCELLANEOUS●May 5 12:00 noon: Coalition for MusicEducation’s Music Monday. 10th Anniversary.Live webcast linking simultaneousevents across the country, endingwith a synchronized, nationwide performanceof I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing) withChris Hadfield and led by Bramwell Tovey.Free. See for localperformances.●May 9 and 10, 8:00: Tangled Art and Disability.RUFF: A Peggy Shaw Solo Performance.Multi-disciplinary theatre pieceexposing the artist’s struggles to continueperforming after suffering a stroke. AdaSlaight Hall, Daniels Spectrum, 585 DundasSt. E. ; (st/PWD). For details:●May 10–Jun 14, various times. Pearl Company.Dave Gould’s Audiorium Sound/ArtShow. Collection of musical instruments/sound sculptures constructed from unconventionalobjects by David Gould. 16 StevenSt., Hamilton. 905-524-0606. Viewing byappointment.●May 23, 8:00: Tangled Art and Disability.Pharmakon. Multi-disciplinary theatre, danceand poetry exploring the use of medicationto control emotions. Ada Slaight Hall, DanielsSpectrum, 585 Dundas St. E. ; (st/PWD). For details:●May 24, 10:00am–5:00pm: Canadian MusicCentre. Doors Open Toronto. Live performancesand open house. 20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601 x201. Free.●May 28, 7:00: Toronto New Music Alliance.Bonus Session at Fort York Library Branch.Soundstreams/Spectrum reprise. Libraryvisitors can experience SoundMakers andInterface works in the new library building.190 Fort York Blvd. 416-961-6601 x207. Free.●Jun 1 10:30am: Canadian Opera Company.Tour the Four Seasons Centre. Guidedtours of Isadore and Rosalie Sharp City Room,Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, R. FraserElliott Hall and various backstage areas.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. ; (sr/st). Also June 8, 15, 22.●Jun 7, 8, various times: Mateca Arts Festival.Community Multi-Arts Celebration withmusicians, dancers and visual artists. LauraFernández, Eliana Cuevas, Rita di Ghenta andLuanda Jones; concert featuring Beatriz PichiMalen; and others. Burwash Quad Park, VictoriaCollege, 73 Queens Park. 416-596-0792.Free. For details: Instruments and AdditionsTunings and MaintenanceRestorations and RepairsMetal Pipes2393 Gareth Rd., Mississauga, L5B 1Z4www.moellerorgans.comTel/Fax(905) 277-2631AUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIESAVAILABLE PRO BONO POSITIONS FORMUSICIANS AT THE KINDRED SPIRITSORCHESTRA: Principal Bassoonist, Principaland Associate (or 2nd) Trumpeter, Associate(or 2nd) and 3rd (bass) Trombonist,as well as sectional Violinists, Violists,Cellists and Contrabassists. The KSO is anauditioned-based community orchestrathat rehearses once a week (Tuesdayevenings) at the state-of-the-art CornellRecital Hall in Markham (407 ETR and 9thLn). Led by the charismatic Maestro KristianAlexander, the Orchestra is enjoying anenormous popularity among York Region’sresidents and continues to attract avidaudiences across the GTA. Guest soloistsfor the 2013.2014 concert season includepianists André Laplante and James Parker,violinists Jacques Israelievitch and NicoleLi. The repertoire features symphoniesby Brahms, Schumann and Shostakovichas well as masterworks by Wagner,Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky and Saint-Saëns. Interested musicians are invited toe-mail General Manager Jobert Sevillenoat and visit for more information.BARITONE CHOIR SECTION-LEAD wantedfor Cummer Avenue United Church (53Cummer Ave - near Finch and Yonge)Thursday evening rehearsals and Sundaymorning services. Please contact TaylorSullivan ( or416-222-5417) for more information.COUNTERPOINT COMMUNITYORCHESTRA ( volunteer musicians forMonday evening rehearsals, downtownToronto. We’re especially looking fortrombones and strings. Email DIRECTOR WANTED FORROSEWOOD CONSORT beginning January2015. We meet in Hamilton Mondayafternoons. Contact Nan Coolsma: STRINGS THEATRE seeks a MusicDirector for its summer music theatreintensive, July 2-August 10, 2014, andproduction of Little Women (August7-10) with possible extension into the full2014-15 season: Please forward resumesto Moreinformation www.nostringstheatre.comWANTED: JUNIOR CHOIR DIRECTOR ANDMEZZO-SOPRANO SOLOIST/CHORAL LEAD- a combined position.www.royalyorkroadunited.caClassified Advertising | classad@thewholenote.comFOR SALE / WANTEDFOR SALE - CONCERT BAND MUSIC SCORESAND PARTS: a wide selection is available ina variety of genres (opera, marches, showtunes, anthems, Italian repertoire). For list oftitles and prices, please contact Emily 905-547-4390, e-mail: emilydeben@sympatico.caSHOWPLACE PERFORMANCE CENTREin Peterborough is looking to purchase a20+ year old Steinway or Yamaha GrandPiano in stellar condition. If you have suchan instrument and are looking to makesome space in your house, please contactShowplace at (705) 742-SHOW or emailshowplacegm@cogeco.caWHILE YOUR GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS:Teenaged band days just a memory? Oboelove affair over? Your lovely old guitar /violin / clarinet is crying out to be played!There’s someone out there who’d love to loveit, and give it new life. To sell your unusedinstruments: LESSONS FOR ALL AGES AND LEVELSoffered by enthusiastic and experiencedteacher. Amber Walton-Amar, M.Mus. Classesbegin early July! Visit www.amberamar.comfor further information.CHOPS FLOPPY? SIGHT READING GONE?Why not come down to the 48th Highlandersof Canada Brass & Reed Band, and get backin shape? We need clarinets and saxophonesand the odd trombone. Tubas more thanwelcome. There is minimal military hasslesand we have fun doing what we all love to do –PLAY. Call Mike at 905 898-3438 or buskers.jazz@rogers .com. Moss Park Armouries,Tuesday nights from 8-10.CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS: beginnerto advanced from one of Toronto’sfinest classical guitar instructors andnationally renowned author of manyguitar publications. Located in midtownToronto., YORK HOUSE OF THE ARTS: Flute,piano, guitar, theory lessons, RCM andaudition preparation. Contact 647-801-3456,,www.alhelipimienta.wix/eastyorkmusic.comNEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal andbusiness tax returns including prioryears and adjustmentsHORIZON TAX SERVICES INC.1 -866-268-1319 •• free consultation • accurate work • pickup & deliveryPiano Friendly, approachable– and Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@FLAMENCO GUITAR LESSONS with awardwinning professional Spanish CanadianFlamenco guitarist. Roncesvalles/High Parkarea. Contact jorge@jorgemiguel.comFLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS, RCMEXAM PREPARATION: Samantha Chang,Royal Academy of Music PGDip, LRAM, ARCT.416-293-1302, LESSONS: personalized instructionby experienced teacher, concert pianist EVEEGOYAN (M. Mus., L.R.A.M., F.R.S.C.). All agesand levels. Downtown or 416- 603-4640.MUSICIANS AVAILABLEARE YOU A PARTY ANIMAL? TheWholeNote gets inquiries from readersseeking musicians to provide live music forall kinds of occasions. We can’t recommendyour ensemble, but YOU can! by April 24 andbook your ad for the May edition!BARD – EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorderand virginal available to provide backgroundatmosphere for teas, receptions or otherfunctions – greater Toronto area. For ratesand info call 905-722-5618 or email us AND INCOME TAX SERVICEfor small business and individuals, to saveyou time and money, customized to meetyour needs. Norm Pulker, B. Math. CMA.905-251-0309 or 905-830-2985.DO YOU HAVE PRECIOUS MEMORIES LOSTON OLD RECORDS, TAPES, PHOTOS etc.?Recitals-gigs-auditions-air checks-familystuff. 78’s-cassettes-reels-35mm slides-etc.ArtsMediaProjects will restore them on CD’sor DVD’s. Call George @ 416-910-1091.VENUES AVAILABLE / WANTEDARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT ORRECITAL? Looking for a venue? ConsiderBloor Street United Church. Phone: 416-924-7439 x22. Email: / REHEARSAL / STUDIO/ OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE. Greatacoustics, reasonable rates. College /Spadina. Phone 416-921-6350. E-mailststepheninthefields@gmail.comSing out and reach the rightaudience.Classifieds start at just ,with discounts for multipleinsertions.Book for the SUMMER issueby May 21:classad@thewholenote.comSight-Singing with SheilaSheila McCoy416 574 Woodbine subway) May 1, 2014 – June 7, 2014 | 73
Early? Opera? Yes indeed, and conse
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is a legend of salsa percussion.”
Beat by Beat | Early MusicThe Sound
Beat by Beat | On OperaFrom Nowhere