9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 9 - June/July/August 2014

  • Text
  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • August
  • Festival
  • Quartet
  • Musical
  • Concerts
  • Sept
  • Theatre
  • Arts


GREEN PAGESSUMMER MUSIC GUIDEWelcome to The WholeNote’s tenth annual over the course of the summer, and whereGreen Pages, an overview of summer an interactive map of festivals will befestivals across the musical map – maintained for your viewing pleasure.classical, jazz, opera, folk, world musicand much more – in unique and beautiful We wish you a summer to remember!locations across the country!THE 2014 GREEN PAGES TEAMHere you’ll find profiles of 45 widely PROJECT EDITOR: Sara Constantdiverse summer festivals, provided by LAYOUT & DESIGN: Susan Sinclairthe festivals themselves. Detailed festival MEMBER SERVICES: Karen Ageslistings can be found within our regular PROOFREADING: Adam Weinmannlistings sections and our special summer WEBSITE: Bryson Winchesterlistings section following Listings SectionB: Beyond The GTA. Visit our online version For more information contactof the guide at editorial@thewholenote.comwhere festival information will be updated or phone Sara at 416-323-2232 x27.AGC/PLEIN AIR SALON GARDEN CONCERT SERIES ‘14➤ July 2 to August 27Toronto, ONFor over a decade the Artists’ Garden Cooperative (AGC) has been offering avenue to acoustic musicians and spoken word performers. In a relaxing, naturalatmosphere, small audiences enjoy a wide variety of music styles, from jazz toclassical, roots to blues. Plein Air garden concerts run each Wednesday eveningin July and August, from 7:30pm to 9pm. Light refreshments are available. Thecommunity is invited to experience the garden and hear sample performances byPlein Air performers at the AGC Annual Launch Party, a free event, on Tuesday,June 24, from 4:30pm to 8pm. Concert tickets, at , are available at the door,on or on our website.416-487-0705artistsgardencoop.comALL-CANADIAN JAZZ FESTIVAL➤ September 5 to September 7Port Hope, ONThis uniquely Canadian annual jazz festival occurs in the picturesque small townof Port Hope, just one hour east of Toronto. While in Port Hope, enjoy exquisiteshops and eclectic restaurants on the “best-preserved main street in southernOntario.” Go fishing on the Ganaraska River or zip-lining in the NorthumberlandForest. Friday night’s concert in the park featuring Fathead is free. Saturdayand Sunday afternoon passes to see five diverse, award-winning jazz performances,including Redhot Ramble, Griffith Hiltz Trio, Susie Arioli and the recentlyreunited Manteca group, are just each. Saturday night at the Capitol featuresKellylee Evans and the Mike Francis Quartet for just . Weekend passes are .1-855-713-9310allcanadianjazz.caCanada’s Premier Celebration of World CulturesJuly 3 - 6, 201 20th Anniversary EditionVictoria Park, London, OntarioMusic, Dance, Food & Crafts from Around the WorldFREE ADMISSION!More than 275 Unique ExhibitorsGeomungo Factory(South Korea)Los Van Van (Cuba)Mokoomba (Zimbabwe)Over 35 Top Professional World Music & Jazz EnsemblesCelebrate TD Canada Trust’s 150th Anniversary with Cuba’s Los Van Van!The Sunfest Jazz Stage & Le village québécois return& NEW this year … Salsa in the Sun 519-672-1522 www.sunfest.on.caBRAVO NIAGARA! FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS➤ September 5Niagara-on-the-Lake, ONBravo Niagara!’s vision is to define the Niagara Region as a destination for innovativeand inspired musical performances of the highest calibre. Bravo Niagara! isa celebration of the arts – music, wine, visual and culinary experiences – creatinga “Symphony of the Senses.” Set amidst Niagara’s natural beauty and historicriches, the wineries are transformed into exquisite concert venues for unforgettableperformances. On September 5, 2014, Bravo Niagara! presents the Ontariodebut of the Ehnes Quartet: “Falling for Music at Château des Charmes.” TheEhnes Quartet comprises a “dream-team lineup” – violinists James Ehnes andAmy Schwartz Moretti, violist Richard O’Neil and cellist Robert deMaine. Staytuned for “Spring into Music @ Stratus” in April 2015.289-868-9177bravoniagaraimf.comBROTT MUSIC FESTIVAL➤ June 19 to August 14Greater Hamilton Area, ONNow entering its 27th season, the Brott Music Festival (est. 1988) is the largest nonprofitorchestral music festival in Canada, and the only festival with a full-time, professionalorchestra-in-residence. The Brott Music Festival is renowned for its extremelyhigh artistic standard, world-class soloists, exuberant young orchestra and eclecticmix of orchestral, chamber, jazz, pops and education concerts at various venues36 | June 4 – September 7, 2014

across Southern Ontario. We have attracted world-class soloists and other artists/personalities to Hamilton, including James Ehnes, Anton Kuerti, Pinchas Zukerman,Marc Garneau, Karen Kain, Valerie Tryon, former Prime Minister Kim Campbell,Mordecai Richler, Roberta Bondar and Michael Ondaatje, to name only a few.905-525-7664brottmusic.comCANADIAN OPEN OLD TIME FIDDLE CHAMPIONSHIP➤ August 6 to August 10Shelburne, ONThe 64th Canadian Open Old Time Fiddle Championship takes place August 6to August 10 in Shelburne, Ontario. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Shelburne,the event features Canada’s top fiddlers in competition for thousands of dollars inprizes! Community events in conjunction with the Championship include camping,a giant fiddle parade, an open air market, Ballagh Bunch fiddle and stepdance show,fiddle jam sessions, a concert by the Beckett Family featuring Linsey and TylerBeckett, a beer garden, Hotel California Eagles Tribute Band, a non-denominationalchurch service, 24-hour meals and entertainment at the Legion, and a communitypork BBQ. New this year is a barn dance and jamboree on August 6. Proceedsto support the charitable work of the Rotary Club and other community groups.519-925-8620selburneddlecontest.comCHAUTAUQUA INSTITUTION➤ June 21 to August 24Chautauqua, NY, USAChautauqua Institution is a unique learning community in western New York,located just three hours from Toronto. Every summer it comes alive with aunique mix of fine and performing arts, lectures, concerts, interfaith worship andprograms and recreational activities for the entire family. Join more than 100,000visitors that come to this beautiful historic lakeside village. Attend a chambermusic concert, the theater or visit one of the two gallery spaces. See performancesby the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra, Chautauqua Opera Company, ChautauquaDance program, or a popular concert in the outdoor amphitheater. Witha history deeply rooted in lifelong learning, Chautauqua offers more than 300Special Studies classes during the summer, covering such topics as photography,yoga, culinary arts and foreign language. For more information visit our website.716-357-6250ciweb.orgCITY OF TORONTO HISTORIC SITES➤ Various datesToronto, ONJune is a musical month at the City of Toronto Historic Sites! Spadina Museum’sMusic in the Orchard series features eclectic cellist and composer Kye Marshall onJune 1. Classical wind instrumentalists, VentElation, play from their rich musicalrepertoire on June 8. On June 15, the popular Ton Beau String Quartet performs.From June 20 to June 22, Fort York hosts the Indigenous Arts Festival, which featuresa great roster of new and traditional music, dance and theatrical performances. Arrivein 1920s style for Spadina Museum’s Gatsby Garden Party on June 22. Enjoy livejazz music, dancing and croquet on the lawns, period refreshments and more. Montgomery’sInn continues to host the Solfeggio Music Series throughout the June 4 – September 7, 2014 | 37

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Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)