9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 9 - June/July/August 2014

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  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • August
  • Festival
  • Quartet
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  • Concerts
  • Sept
  • Theatre
  • Arts

The WholeNote listings

The WholeNote listings are arranged in four sections:(GREATER TORONTO AREA) covers all of Torontoplus Halton, Peel, York and Durham regions.A.GTATHE GTA covers many areas of Southern Ontariooutside Toronto and the GTA. In the current issue, thereB.BEYONDare listings for events in Ancaster, Barrie, Bracebridge,Brantford, Cambridge, Campbellford, Cobourg, Dundas, Fergus,Guelph, Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, London, Waterloo. Startson page 56.SUMMER FESTIVALS is organized alphabetically byfestival name, including festivals in the GTA and beyond:Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. Starts on page 58THE CLUBS (MOSTLY JAZZ)is organized alphabetically by club.C.INStarts on page 64.ETCETERAS is for galas, fundraisers, competitions,screenings, lectures, symposia, masterclasses, workshops,singalongs and other music-related events (exceptD.THEperformances) which may be of interest to our readers.Starts on page 67.A GENERAL WORD OF CAUTION. A phone number is providedwith every listing in The WholeNote — in fact, we won’t publisha listing without one. Concerts are sometimes cancelled or postponed;artists or venues may change after listings are published.Please check before you go out to a concert.HOW TO LIST. Listings in The WholeNote in the four sections aboveare a free service available, at our discretion, to eligible presenters.If you have an event, send us your information no later than the8th of the month prior to the issue or issues in which your listing iseligible to appear.LISTINGS DEADLINE. The next issue covers the period fromSeptember 1, 2014 - October 7, 2014. All listings must be receivedby 6pm Friday August 8.LISTINGS can be sent by e-mail to orby fax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6.We do not receive listings by phone, but you can call 416-323-2232x27 for further information.LISTINGS ZONE MAP. Visit our website to see a detailed versionof this map: 15Lake Erie3 48City of TorontoLISTINGSLake OntarioA. Concerts in the GTAIN THIS ISSUE: Brampton, Burlington, Etobicoke, Leaskdale,Markham, Mississauga, Thornhill, Toronto, Unionville,Wednesday June 412:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: Brass Blowout.Works by Gabrieli, Britten, Dukas and others.COC Orchestra’s brass section. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre forthe Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Noonhour Recitals. John Palmer, organ.1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.12:35: Church of St. Stephen in-the-Fields. Concerts at Midday. Richard Herriott,piano. Church of St. Stephen-in-the-Fields,103 Bellevue Avenue. 647-769-2527. Free;donations welcome.7:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheGlorious Ones. Backstage story of an earlycomedy troupe with ragtime music. Musicby Stephen Flaherty; book and lyrics by LynnAhrens. Joe Cascone (Flaminio Scala) anddirector; Joanne Kennedy (Columbina); DavidHaines (Dottore); Jordan Quinn (Francesco);Michael Leach, music director. Zion CulturalCentre, 1650 Finch E. 416-755-1717. . Also5- 7 and beyond.7:00: Toronto Summer Opera Workshop.Mozart’s Così fan tutte. Concert versionwith English subtitles; culmination of12-day young singer workshop. Luke Housner,director. St. Simon-the-Apostle AnglicanChurch, 525 Bloor St. E. 416 923-8714. Pwyc.Also Jun 5 and 6.7:30: Penthelia Singers. A Tribute to CanadianFolk. Harvest Moon, Farewell to NovaScotia and other selections. Alice Malach,conductor. Rosedale Presbyterian Church,129 Mt. Pleasant Rd. . 647-248-5079.8:00: Lula Music and Arts Centre/Music Gallery. Lulaworld: David Virelleswith Eric McPherson. Rich Brown Trio. LulaLounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. 416-588-0307./(adv). For Lula Lounge listings at aglance, visit section C.8:00: Soundstreams. Airline Icarus. BrianCurrent, composer; Krisztina Szabó, mezzo;Alexander Dobson, baritone; Tim Albery, director;and others. Ada Slaight Hall, DanielsSpectrum, 585 Dundas St. E. 416-408-0208.-. Also June 5, 6, 7 and 8.8:00: Yann Tiersen. In Concert. Multiinstrumentalist(guitar, synthesizer, violin,melodica, xylophone, toy piano, harpsichord,accordion and typewriter). The Opera House,735 Queen St E. 416-466-0313. .Thursday June 512:00 noon: Roy Thomson Hall. A Kaleidoscopeof Song. Oakville Children’s Choir;Simon Walker, organ; Cheryl Duvall, piano;Sarah Morrison, conductor. 60 Simcoe St.416-872-4255. Free.12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon at Met.Wilbert Ward, baritone. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26.Follow The FrogFor detailed overviews of listings for the following festivals andsummer series see section on page 58.AfrofestAGC/Plein Air SalonGarden Concert Series ‘14Ashkenaz FestivalBeaches InternationalJazz FestivalBrott Music FestivalCity of Toronto Historic SitesLuminato FestivalMarkham Jazz FestivalMateca Arts FestivalMuhtadi InternationalDrumming FestivalMusic MondaysNational Youth Orchestraof CanadaNewmarket jazz+ FestivalNo Strings TheatreScarborough TownJazz FestivalSummer Music in the GardenSummer Opera Lyric TheatreTafelmusik BaroqueSummer FestivalTD Toronto Jazz FestivalThursday Night Concert SeriesToronto SummerMusic FestivalUnionville Presents ThursdayNights at the BandstandWaterfront Blues46 | June 4, 2014 – Sept 7, 2014

Free.12:10: Nine Sparrows/Christ Church DeerPark. Lunchtime Chamber Music. Agnes Zsigovics,soprano. Christ Church Deer Park,1570 Yonge St. 416-241-1298. Free. Donationswelcome.1:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra andChamber Choir. Summer Festival: The TBSIOrchestras and Choirs. Jeanne Lamon andIvars Taurins, conductors. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-964-6337. Free.7:00: Toronto Summer Opera Workshop.Mozart’s Così fan tutte. Concert version withEnglish subtitles; culmination of the 12-dayyoung singer workshop. Luke Housner, director.St. Simon-the-Apostle Anglican Church,525 Bloor St. E. 416 923-8714. Pwyc. Also Jun 4and 6.8:00: Array Music. Array Session #26.Improvisation by Toronto musicians withfriends and guests from out of town. ArraySpace, 155 Walnut Ave. 416-532-3019. Free/PWYC.8:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheGlorious Ones. See June 4. Also June 6, 7 andbeyond; start times vary.8:00: Lula Music and Arts Centre.Lulaworld: Samantha Martin’s Roots N RollRevue. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. 416-588-0307. /(adv). For Lula Lounge listingsat a glance, visit section C.8:00: Soundstreams. Airline Icarus. BrianCurrent, composer. See June 4. Also June6, 7 and 8.8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Songs for Soprano. Mozart: Overture toDon Giovanni; R. Strauss: Four Last Songs;Ravel: Daphnis et Chloé Suites Nos.1 & 2.Peter Oundjian, Shalom Bard, conductors;Sondra Radvanovsky, soprano. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375. -5. 7:15pm pre-concert chat in the lobby.Also June 7.Friday June 67:00: Toronto Summer Opera Workshop.Mozart’s Così fan tutte. Concert versionwith English subtitles. Luke Housner, director.St. Simon-the-Apostle Anglican Church,525 Bloor St. E. 416 923-8714. Pwyc. AlsoJun 4 and 5.7:30: Etobicoke Centennial Choir. TheMikado. By Gilbert and Sullivan. Jim Griffin(Mikado); Roy Schatz (Ko-Ko); Kathleen Wells(Yum-Yum); Zack Martin (Nanki-Poo); MarcPotvin (Pooh-Bah); Jay Lambie (Pish-Tush)and others; Henry Renglich, conductor; CarlSteinhauser, piano. Humber Valley UnitedChurch, 76 Anglesey Blvd., Etobicoke. 416-769-9271. . Also Jun 7.7:30: NARIA. Melodies of Summer. Originalcrossover compositions and other classicalselections. Katya Tchoubar; Anna Bateman;Michelle Danese; Annaliese Jelilian; guests:Oleksandra Fedyshyn, violin; Sunny Kim,piano. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-727-2143. ; (sr/st/child).7:30: TCDSB Staff Arts. My Fair Lady. Musicby Shaiman; lyrics by Wittman and Shaiman;book by O’Donnell and Meehan. Musicby Loewe; book and lyrics by Lerner; adaptedfrom Shaw’s play Pygmalion. Rosanna Mitchell,director. Cardinal Carter Academy for theArts, 36 Greenfield Ave. 416-222-8282 x2787.. Also Jun 7, 8(mat), 12, 13, 14.7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. WhatMakes it Great? Appalachian Spring. Copland:Appalachian Spring. Rob Kapilow,conductor and host. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. -.8:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheGlorious Ones. See June 4. Also June 7 andbeyond; start times vary.8:00: Gallery 345. Redraw the Map. Poemsand writings by Szymborska, Brautigan, cummings,Hoban, Hafiz, Cutler and others. BillGilliam, piano; Ambrose Pottie, percussion.345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. ; (st).8:00: Music Gallery/Studiofeed. PopAvant Series: Unbearable Lightness of Bass:Prince Nifty, Sunclef and Bile Sister. Featuringthe new SubPac, a device that transmitsbass frequencies directly into the body.Steve Reaume, improvised visuals. Music Gallery,197 John St. 416-204-1080. /(adv);(member).8:00: Organix Concerts. James DavidChristie, Organ. French masterworks byPiroye, Jullien, Langlais, Christie, Alain andothers. St. Basil’s Church, 50 St. Joseph St.416-769-3893. ; (sr); (st/RCCO,RSCM and AGO members); free(under 19).8:00: Soundstreams. Airline Icarus. SeeJune 4. Also June 8.10:00: Lula Music and Arts Centre. Lulaworld:Jimmy Bosch and Ralph Irizarry. LulaLounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. 416-588-0307.INDEX OF ADVERTISERSAdelphi Vocal Ensemble 51Adi Braun and Andrew Tees 50Allan Pulker 52, 70Alma Records 51Amadeus Choir 69Artists Garden Cooperative (PleinAir Concerts) 18ATMA 5Aurora Cultural Centre 50Brookside Music Midland’sSummer Festival 19Brott Music Festival 37Canadian Opera Company 71Cathedral Bluffs SymphonyOrchestra 20Chautauqua Institution 39Choirs Ontario 68Christ Church Deer Park JazzVespers 14City of Toronto Historic Museums16Civic Light Opera Company 30Eglinton St. George’s UnitedChurch 71Esprit Orchestra 87Etobicoke Centennial Choir 47Evergreen Gamelan Ensemble 27Gary Relyea 48Grace Church-on-the-Hill 69Heliconian Hall 71I FURIOSI Baroque Ensmble 28Japan Foundation 69Kindred Spirits Orchestra 51, 53Liz Parker 70Long & McQuade 67Mateca Arts Festival 27Melanie Conly 50Mississauga Symphony 47Moeller Organs 70Mooredale Concerts 25Music at Metropolitan 29, 46Music at Port Milford 33Music Toronto 11Nagata Shachu 50National Youth Orchestra ofCanada 9New Horizons Band 69Newmarket Jazz + Festival 41Norm Pulker 70Open Ears Festival 43ORGANIX 13Ori Dagan 48Orpheus Choir 67Ottawa International ChamberMusic Festival 17Pasquale Bros 70Penthelia Singers 68Peter Mahon 30Prince Edward County JazzFestival 41Remenyi House of Music 22Resa’s Pieces 68Roy Thomson Hall 21Royal Conservatory 23Scarborough Philharmonic 20Schmidt Piano and Organ 28Sheila McCoy 70St. James’ Cathedral 54St. Olave’s Church 48St. Philips’ Jazz Vespers 13Steinway Piano Gallery 7Stratford Summer Music 3Summer Opera Lyric Theatre 45Sunfest London 36Swinging Strings 52Tafelmusik 2 47Tapestry New Music 49The Jazz Bistro 49, 50, 53, 55, 65The Sound Post 27Thin Edge New Music 50Toronto Consort 29Toronto International Film Festival15Toronto Jazz Festival 4, 51, 52Toronto Summer Music 33, 85, 88Trio Arkel 53Univox Choir 49Westben Arts Summer FestivalTheatre 45Women’s Musical Club 24Young Voices Toronto June 4,2014 – Sept 7, 2014 | 47

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)