9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 9 - June/July/August 2014

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  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • August
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Array Space, 155 Walnut

Array Space, 155 Walnut Ave. 647-456-7597./(adv); /(st/sr/arts).premieres IIIconcert + CLC sponsoredcomposer meet + greetfriday, june 13th 20148 pm array space, toronto[155 walnut ave]tickets regular students/seniors/arts workersthethinedgenewmusiccollective.com8:00: Aurora Cultural Centre. Sultansof String. Spanish flamenco, Arabic folk,Cuban rhythms and Gypsy jazz. 22 Church St.,Aurora. 905-713-1818. ; (adv).Friday, June 13, 8pmauroraculturalcentre.ca905 713-1818A. Concerts in the GTAThe Sultansof String8:00: Harbourfront Centre. NagataShachu and Jeng Yi. Japanese Taiko drumswith Korean drum and dance. Enwave Theatre,Harbourfront Centre, 231 Queens QuayW. 416-973-4000x1. –30; (sr/st).Saturday June 142:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheGlorious Ones. See Jun 4.2:00: Paskke String Quartet. In Concert.Mozart: Works for clarinet and string quartet;Schubert: String Quartets; and otherworks. Aurora Cultural Centre, 22 Church St.,Aurora. 416-720-9041. ; (sr/st); free(5and under).3:00: Canadian Music Centre. It’s Complicated.Canadian works by Denburg, Heardand Sherman. Blythwood Winds (Tim Crouch,flute; Gwen Buttemer, oboe; Anthony Thompson,clarinet; Michael Macaulay, bassoon;Curtis Vander Hyden, horn). 20 St. Joseph St.416-961-6601x201. /(adv).7:30: Castle Frank House of Melody. Songsfor a Summer Moon. Works by Chausson,Donizetti, Schumann and others. HeliconianHall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-966-2685. Bydonation.7:30: Luminato Festival. If I Loved You:Gentlemen Prefer Broadway – An Eveningof Love Duets. Love songs from Broadwaymusicals, performed by men and to men.Rufus Wainwright; David Byrne; Boy George;Josh Groban; Brennan Hall; Ezra Koenig; StevenPage; Andrew Rannells; Stephen Oremus,music director. Sony Centre, 1 Front St. E. 416-368-6161. -0.7:30: Tapestry/Edmonton Opera. Shelter.See Jun 12; Also Jun 15(mat).7:30: TCDSB Staff Arts. My Fair Lady. SeeJune 6.8:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheGlorious Ones. See June 4.8:00: Luminato Festival. Stones In HerMouth. See Jun 12.8:00: Rezonance Baroque Ensemble.Birds, Beasts, and Rustic Revelry. Worksby Matteis, Schmelzer, Veracini, Biber andCouperin. Rezan Onen-Lapointe, baroqueviolin; David Podgorski, harpsichord; BenjaminStein, theorbo; Kerri McGonigle, baroquecello. Artscape Youngplace, Studio 202,180 Shaw St. 647-779-5696. Suggested donation.10:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. LateNight: Shostakovich Symphony No.5. Shostakovich:Symphony No.5; Bates: Garages of theValley (Canadian premiere). Peter Oundjian,conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-598-3375. - . 8:00: Annual TSOTailgate Party before the concert.Sunday June 152:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheGlorious Ones. See June 4 .2:00: Tapestry/Edmonton Opera. Shelter.See Jun 12.7:00: Attila Glatz Concert Productions.Daniel O’Donnell: Irish Singing Sensation.Melodic country music, inspirational ballads,pop hits and Irish standards. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. -.7:00: Luminato Festival. Salute to theAmericas. Lavallée: O Canada; John Estacio:Frenergy; Weinzweig: “Barndance” fromRed Ear of Corn; Copland: “Hoe-Down” fromRodeo; Bernstein: “Mambo” from West SideStory; and other works. Toronto SymphonyOrchestra; Simone Osborne, soprano; PeterOundjian and Shalom Bard, conductors.David Pecaut Square, 55 John St. 416-368-3100. Free.8:00: Evergreen Club ContemporaryGamelan. Canadian Gamelan Music Turns30. Works by Ziporyn, Stevenson, Intson,Thibault, Siddall, and Timar. Array Space,155 Walnut Ave. 450-807-1179. ; (st).Also Jun 22. Includes one free CD.Monday June 168:00: Andrea Menard, singer/songwriter.CD Release Concert for LIFT. Musideum,Suite 133 (main floor), 401 Richmond St. W.416-599-7323. .Tuesday June 17YoungArtistSeries6-8pm NO COVERStudents from Humber,U of T, York and Mohawkperform on Tuesdays, Thursdays,Fridays and Saturdays251 Victoria Street, TorontoDinner reservations: 416-363-52996:00: Jazz Bistro. Young Artist Series.Mark Kazakevich, piano. 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. Free.“ol’ blue eyes”June 17, 2014showtime 8 pmCover Adi BraunAndrew TeesDavid Restivo ~ pianoRoss MacIntyre ~ bassDaniel Barnes ~ drums8:00: Ol’ Blue Eyes: Adi Braun and AndrewTees Salute Frank Sinatra. David Restivo,piano; Ross MacIntyre, bass; Daniel Barnes,drums. 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. .8:00: Resa’s Pieces Singers. First GalaConcert. Mama Mia! Highlights from theMovie Soundtrack (arr. Mac Huff); Charles:Hallelujah I Love Her So (arr. Billingsley);Anderson/Rice/Ulvaeus: “Anthem” fromChess (arr. Purifoy); Let’s Dance - The Songsof Irving Berlin (arr. Brymer); and otherworks. Robert Graham, conductor. BethEmeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue, 100 Elder St.416 -765-1818. .Wednesday June 1812:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Noonhour Recitals. Nicholas Schmelter,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.12:35: Church of St. Stephen in-the-Fields. Concerts at Midday. Pei-Chen Chen,piano. Church of St. Stephen-in-the-Fields,103 Bellevue Avenue. 647-769-2527. Free;donations welcome.7:30: Nordic Singers. In Recital. Songsfrom opera, operetta, Broadway musicals andmovies; and Nordic songs. Randi Gislason andCecilia Lindwall, sopranos; Magnus Gislason,tenor; Hans Lawaetz, baritone; Knud Rasmussen,piano. Danish Lutheran Church, 72 FinchAve. W. 416-222-2494 or 416-709-3139. .Thursday June 1912:10: Nine Sparrows/Christ Church DeerPark. Lunchtime Chamber Music. Ben Smith,piano. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 YongeSt. 416-241-1298. Free. Donations welcome.12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon atMet. Marina Tchepel, soprano. MetropolitanUnited Church, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331x26. Free.4:30: Downtown Vocal Music Academyof Toronto. Finding Your Voice: A Musical.Selections from 2013-2014 concert seasonand others. Ryerson Community SchoolAuditorium, 96 Denison Ave. 416-393-1340.Free. Donations welcome. Proceeds to Academy’spiano.7:30: Brott Music Festival. MozartRequiem–The Genius of Amadeus. Mozart:Requiem; “Jupiter” Symphony; Beckett:An Offering of Songs. Arcady Singers withorchestra. Burlington Performing Arts Centre,440 Locust St., Burlington. 905-525-7664. ; (sr); (st).7:30: Melanie Conly. Summer Nights: Languorand Longing. Barber: Knoxville - Summer1915; Berlioz: Les Nuits d’Été; works byPurcell, Gershwin and Weill. Melanie Conly,50 | June 4, 2014 – Sept 7, 2014

soprano; Kathryn Tremills, piano. HeliconianHall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-712-5863. ;(st).8:00: TD Toronto Jazz Festival. ChakaKhan (Shemekia Copeland opening). ChakaKhan; Shemekia Copeland. Kool Haus,132 Queens Quay E. 855-872-7669. -9.Friday June 207:30: Organix Concerts. Shawn Potter,organ. Works by Buxtehude, Scheidemann,Sweelinck, Karg-Elert, Messiaen andWidor. All Saints Kingsway Anglican Church,2850 Bloor St. W. 416-769-3893. ; (sr);(st); free(18 and under/RCCO/RSCM/AGO).7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks: Gershwin Highlights. Gershwin:Selections from Porgy & Bess. MarquitaLister, soprano; Jermaine Smith, tenor; AlfredWalker, baritone; Toronto MendelssohnChoir; Bramwell Tovey, conductor. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375. .75- 9. Also Jun 21(8:00).8:00: Kindred Spirits Orchestra. LaMusique de Guillaume Connesson. Alexa Ball,Rodney Gray, flute; Carmen Gassi, DanielPaquin, clarinet; Melissa Scott, oboe; CrystalYe, Marie-André Gray, violin; Vesna Vukusic,viola; Jun Kyu Park, cello; Jesse Dietschi,contrabass; Elida Cota, Cole Higgins, Antoniade Wolfe, Dong Xu, piano. Recital Hall, CornellCommunity Centre, 3201 Bur Oak Ave., Markham.905-604-8339. .8:00: St. Vincent de Paul Church. Musicfor St. John’s Eve. Tallis: Missa Puer natus estnobis; Harwood: Benedictus in A–flat; Naylor:“Vox Dicentis: Clama”; Vaughan Williams:Mass in g. Adelphi Vocal Ensemble; AndrewAdair, organ; Peter Bishop, conductor. Churchof St. Vincent de Paul, 263 Roncesvalles Ave.416-535-5119. .Saturday June 213:00: North Lakeshore Mass Chorus. ‘Tillthe Boys Come Home. Choral and band tributeto Canadians who served in the GreatWar. Debbie Fingas, Ian Judy and Judy Scott-Jacobs, music directors; Clare Gordon, piano.Guests: Band of The Royal Regiment of Canada(Bill Mighton, conductor). St. JamesCathedral, 65 Church St. 416-282-0427. ;(under 12). Also Jun 7 (Kingston) andJun 14 (Cobourg, mat & eve).8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks: Gershwin Highlights. Gershwin:Selections from Porgy & Bess. MarquitaLister, soprano; Jermaine Smith, tenor;Alfred Walker, baritone; Toronto MendelssohnChoir; Bramwell Tovey, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375or 416-593-0688(Chinese hotline). .75 -9. Also Jun 20(7:30).8:00: Vocem Resurgentis. Pilgrims andTravellers. Music of the medieval pilgrim:Codex Calixtinus; Llibre Vermell and Cantigasde Santa Maria. Linda Falvy, soprano; MaryEnid Haines, soprano; Catherine McCormack,alto. Church of St. Mary Magdalene,477 Manning Ave. 416-890-1710. By donation.Sunday June 224:00: St. Philip’s Anglican Church. JazzVespers. Mike Murley Quartet: Mike Murley,saxophone; Mark Eisenman, piano; Pat Collins,bass; Barry Elmes, drums. 25 St. PhillipsRd., Etobicoke. 416-247-5181. Freewilloffering.4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. Jazz Vespers.Brian Barlow Big Band. 1570 Yonge St.416-920-5211x22. Freewill offering.8:00: Evergreen Club ContemporaryGamelan. Canadian Gamelan Music Turns30. Works by Gotham, Wyre, Timar, Kucharzykand Siddall. Array Space, 155 WalnutAve. 450-807-1179. ; (st). Also Jun 15.Includes one free CD.8:00: Gallery 345. Art of the Piano: ManuelValera. Jazz. 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781.; (st/artists).Monday June 238:00: Alma Records. Michael Kolk. Worksmichael kolkguitar recitalBach, Debussy, Barrios, HétuMONDAY JUNE 23, 2014, 8pmHELICONIAN HALL35 HAZELTON AVE., TORONTO at the doormichaelkolkguitar.comby Bach, Debussy, Barrios, Hetu and others.Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-949-3710. .Tuesday June 244:30: Artists’ Garden Cooperative. PleinAir Annual Launch Party. Sample performancesby Plein Air concert musicians.345 Balliol St. 416-487-0705. Free. Lightrefreshments will be served. Series runsWednesdays July 2 to August 27.7:30: Brampton Chamber Music ConcertSeries. Piano Recital. Koichi Inoue, piano. St.Paul’s United Church (Brampton), 30 Main St.S., Brampton. 905-450-9220. PWYC.8:00: TD Toronto Jazz Festival. Earth,Wind & Fire. Earth, Wind & Fire. Sony Centre,1 Front St. E. 1-855-872-7669. .50-0.8:00: TD Toronto Jazz Festival. Hiromi: TheTrio Project. Hiromi Uehara, piano; AnthonyJackson, bass; Simon Phillips, drums.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208.-.50.Wednesday June 2512:35: Church of St. Stephen in-the-Fields. Concerts at Midday. Simon Walker,organ. Church of St. Stephen-in-the-Fields,103 Bellevue Avenue. 647-769-2527. Free;donations welcome.7:30: Reverb Brass. In Concert. Works byRindfleisch, Bach, Hovhaness, Bartok, andHesford. Array Space, 155 Walnut Ave. 437-889-2943. ; (sr/st); (st).8:00: Beth Anne Cole presents. I Love aGershwin. Gershwin: Foggy Day; They Can’tTake That Away from Me; Porgy and Bessmedley; and other works. Beth Anne Cole,vocals; Richard Whiteman, piano. ErnestBalmer Studio (315), Distillery District,9 Trinity St. 416-603-0625. .8:00: TD Toronto Jazz Festival. Buika.Buika. Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -.50.8:00: TD Toronto Jazz Festival. Keith Jarrett- Solo Piano. Keith Jarrett, piano. June 4,2014 – Sept 7, 2014 | 51

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