College. 251 Victoria St. 416-363-5299. Free.Wednesday August 277:30: Artists’ Garden Cooperative. PleinAir Salon Concerts: Whiskey Jack. Bluegrassroots. 345 Balliol St. 416-487-0705. .Thursday August 287:00: Summer Music in the Garden. Bachto the Future. Bach: Suite No.4 in E-flat; worksby Piatti, Britten and Oesterle (world premiere).Kate Bennett Haynes, cello. TorontoMusic Garden, 475 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. Free.Friday August 291:10: Gordon Murray Presents. Piano Potpourri.Classics, opera, operetta, musicals,ragtime, pop, international and other genres.Gordon Murray, piano. Trinity-St. Paul’sUnited Church, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-631-4300. PWYC. Lunch and snack friendly. AlsoB. Concerts Beyond the GTAIN THIS ISSUE: Ancaster, Barrie, Bracebridge, Brantford,Cambridge, Campbellford, Cobourg, Dundas, Fergus, Guelph,Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, London, WaterlooWednesday June 412:00 noon: Midday Music with Shigeru.Julie Choi, Piano. Chopin and Liszt. Hi-WayPentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie.705-726-1181. ; free(st).8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Gallery Trio. Beethoven: Trioin c Op.1 No.3; Schubert: Trio in E-flat Op.100D929. Julie Baumgartel, violin; MargaretGay, cello; David Louie, piano. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).8:00: St. George’s Cathedral. Three Cantorsin Concert. 270 King St. E., Kingston. 613-548-4617 or 613-544-1013. . Proceeds goto the Primate’s World Relief and DevelopmentFund of the Anglican Church of Canada.Thursday June 53:00 and 7:00: Conrad Grebel UniversityCollege. Sound in the Land: Music and theEnvironment: Mennofolk Concert. Diversestyles of folk music, created and performedby Mennonite musicians. Buffleheads; EliseEpp; Second Wind; Brett-Hartman JazzDuo; Quiet in the Land; The Land; Dan Kruger;Bryan Moyer Suderman. Patio andGreat Hall, Conrad Grebel University College,140 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24245. . Also at 7:00pm.8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. QuartetFest Young Artists ConcertNo. 1. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).8:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Grex: Opening Night. Meredith Monkto Arvo Pärt, Murray Schafer to GeorgianFolk Singing to Geographical Fugues. VictoriaA. Concerts in the GTA9:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andAug 1, 8, 15, 22.Saturday August 308:00: Gordon Murray Presents. PianoSoirée. Lehár: Vilja; Love Unspoken; Yes, theStudy of Women Is Difficult; and other selections(from The Merry Widow); Herbert: Ah!Sweet Mystery of Life (from Naughty Marietta);Chopin: Nocturne in E-flat Op.9 No.2;and other works. Gordon Murray, piano. Trinity-St.Paul’s United Church, 427 Bloor St. W.416-631-4300. ; (st).Thursday September 47:00: Summer Music in the Garden. JewishMusic from the Carpathian Bow. Jewishmelodies from Ukraine, Carpathian Ruthenia,Bessarabia and Rumania. Veretski Pass Trio.Toronto Music Garden, 475 Queens Quay W.416-973-4000. Free.Sunday September 74:00: Summer Music in the Garden.Soundscapades: An exploration of a city fullof sound. TorQ Percussion Quartet: RichardBurrows, Adam Campbell, Jamie Drakeand Daniel Morphy. Toronto Music Garden,475 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. Free.Park Pavillion, 80 Schneider Ave., Kitchener.519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO).Friday June 612:30: Conrad Grebel University College.Sound in the Land: Music and the Environment:Noon Concert. Music for string quartet,and art songs for bass and piano. Worksby S. Martin and others. Skyros String Quartet;Dennis Bender, bass. Chapel, ConradGrebel University College, 140 Westmount Rd.N., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24245. .7:00: Westben Arts Festival. 15th AnniversaryCelebration: Jesus Christ Superstar.The Barn, 6698 County Rd. 30, Campbellford.705-653-5508 or 1-877-883-5777.; (sr); (st); (youth). Also Jun 7,8(mat).8:00: Conrad Grebel University College.Sound in the Land: Music and the Environment:Sonic Convergences. Cecilia Kim: EarthSongs; orchestral works by Warkentin, Peachey,Weaver and Bordignon. Korean TraditionalPlayers; Waterloo Chamber Players;Ben Bolt-Martin, conductor. Humanities Theatre,University of Waterloo, 200 UniversityAve. W., Waterloo. 519-888-4908. -.8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Chiara Quartet. Haydn: Op.20 No.2;Bartók: No.4; Brahms: Op.51 No.2. CanadianClay and Glass Gallery, 25 Caroline St N, Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).8:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Rethink Keyboard: JunctQín. Worksby E. Denburg, A. Gervais, T. De Mey, M. Hindsonand T. Perich. St. Andrew’s PresbyterianChurch (Kitchener), 54 Queen St. N.,Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st);(eyeGO).Sound. Shary Boyle and Christine Fellows.Boyle accompanies the stories that Fellowsdistills into each one of her songs. St.Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Kitchener),54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-579-8564.; (sr/st); (eyeGO).Saturday June 71:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound/DaCapo Chamber Choir. DaCapoComposers Reading Session. St. John theEvangelist Church, 23 Water St. N., Kitchener.519-579-8564. Free.3:00: North Lakeshore Mass Chorus. ‘Tillthe Boys Come Home. Choral and band tributeto Canadians who served in the GreatWar. Ian Judy and Judy Scott-Jacobs, musicdirectors; Clare Gordon, piano. Guests: Communicationsand Electronics Vimy Band (SylvainGagnon, conductor). Sydenham StreetUnited Church, 82 Sydenham St., Kingston.613-389-7465. ; (under 12). Also Jun 14(Cobourg, mat & eve) and Jun 21 (Toronto).4:00: Conrad Grebel University College.Sound in the Land: Music and the Environment:Chamber Music Concert. Works byJ. Enns, Harley, Corlis, Bender, Morris andothers. Chapel, Conrad Grebel University College,140 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24245. (all three matinéeconcerts).5:00: Conrad Grebel University College.Sound in the Land: Music and the Environment:Soundscape Concert. Works byLeonardson, Cline, Meyer-König, Harley,Doolittle and others. Atrium, Conrad GrebelUniversity College, 140 Westmount Rd. N.,Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24245. (allthree matinée concerts).6:00: Conrad Grebel University College.Sound in the Land: Music and the Environment:Gamelan Concert. Grebel Gamelan;Maisie Sum, conductor. Patio, Conrad GrebelUniversity College, 140 Westmount Rd. N.,Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24245. (allthree matinée concerts).7:00: Westben Arts Festival. 15th AnniversaryCelebration: Jesus Christ Superstar.See June 6. Also Jun 8(mat).7:30: Barrie Concert Band. Tribute to theBeatles. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50 AnneSt. N., Barrie. 705-481-1607. ; (sr/st/over 5); free(5 and under).7:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Christian Bök. K. Schwitters: Ursonate.St. John the Evangelist Church, 23 WaterSt. N., Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO).8:00: Conrad Grebel University College.Sound in the Land: Music and the Environment:Kalahari Journey. Music, Soundsand Visuals from Africa. Rebecca Campbell,vocals; Carol Ann Weaver, piano; FestivalChoir; University Choir; Mark Vourinen andGerard Yun, conductors. Great Hall, ConradGrebel University College, 140 Westmount Rd.N., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24245. .8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Skyros Quartet. Schubert: QuartetNo.12 “Quartettsatz” D703; Beethoven:Op.18 No.1 in F; Sibelius: String Quartet in d“Voces Intimae” Op.56. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); (st).9:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. White Rabbit, Red Rabbit. A play byNassim Soleimanpour about being forbiddento leave Iran for refusing military duty.St. John the Evangelist Church, 23 Water St.N., Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO). Also Jun 9, 12, 14(mat) all atFollow The FrogFor detailed overviews of listings for the following festivals andsummer series see section on page 58.All-Canadian Jazz FestivalBlue Bridge FestivalBravo Niagara! Festival of the ArtsBrott Music FestivalCanadian Open Old Time FiddleChampionshipChautauqua InstitutionClear Lake Chamber Music FestivalColours of MusicDomaine ForgetElora FestivalFestival de LanaudièreFestival of the SoundForest FestivalGlimmerglass FestivalGoderich Celtic Roots FestivalHighlands Opera StudioHighlands Summer FestivalHome County Music & Art FestivalHuntsville Festival of the ArtsIndian River FestivalJazz On The Mountain At BlueKincardine Summer Music FestivalLeith Summer FestivalLive from the Rock Folk FestivalMidland’s Summer SerenadeMontreal Baroque FestivalMontreal Jazz FestivalMusic & BeyondMusic at Port MilfordMusique RoyaleNational Youth Orchestra of CanadaNiagara Jazz FestivalNorthern Lights Festival BoréalOpen Ears Festival of Music & SoundOrangeville Blues and Jazz FestivalOrford FestivalOttawa International ChamberMusic FestivalPeterborough Folk FestivalPeterborough MusicfestPrince Edward County Jazz FestivalPrince Edward County Music FestivalSCENE Music FestivalSound SymposiumStewart Park Music FestivalStratford Summer MusicSun Life Financial UpTown WaterlooJazz FestivalSweetWater Music FestivalTD Sunfest ’14Tottenham Bluegrass FestivalVancouver Folk Music FestivalWasaga Beach BluesWestben Arts Festival TheatreXerox Rochester International Jazz Festival56 | June 4, 2014 – Sept 7, 2014
Registry Theatre.10:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Friendly Rush: A Farewell to Kings.Friendly Rich and his alt-vaudeville 10-pieceensemble The Lollipop People. St. Johnthe Evangelist Church, 23 Water St. N.,Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st);(eyeGO).Sunday June 87:00am: Conrad Grebel University College.Sound in the Land: Music and the Environment:Dawn Concert. Music performed onand around a lake, harmonizing with the naturalsoundscape. Works by Schafer, Doolittle,Butler. Peg Evans, soprano; Mary Wing, flute;Karen Ages, oboe, Tilly Kooyman, clarinet;Debra Lacoste, trumpet; Mino Ode KwewakN’gamowak; and others. Columbia Lake (parknear Brubacher House), 248 Columbia St. W.,Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24245. Free.1:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Avant Garde Poetry Tea. Chris Tonellifrom ICASP; guest: Christian Bök. WalperHotel Gallery, 20 Queen St. S., Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO).3:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. QuartetFest Young Artists ConcertNo. 1. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).3:00: Kokoro Singers. Celebration of CanadianComposers. Raminsh: O Ignis Spiritus;other works by Sirett, Patriquin, Chatman,Smallman and Emery. Brenda Uchimaru, conductor.Duff’s Presbyterian Church, 319 BrockRd. S., Guelph. 289-439-9447. ; (sr/st).Also Jun 14(eve; Dundas).3:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Song is Spirit Heard. Choral musicwritten within the past decade by veteranand emerging Canadian composers. DaCapoChamber Choir. St. John the EvangelistChurch, 23 Water St. N., Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO).3:00: Westben Arts Festival. 15th AnniversaryCelebration: Jesus Christ SuperstarSing-Along. See June 6.7:00: Conrad Grebel University College.Sound in the Land: Music and the Environment:Choral Concert. Waterloo Inter-MennoniteChildren’s Choir; Rockway CollegiateConcert Combo; Tactus Choral Ensemble;Grebel Gamelan; Festival Choir; Carolyn NeumannVanderBurgh, Marlys Neufeldt, CatherineRobertson, Maisie Sum and MarkVuorinen, conductors. Knox PresbyterianChurch, 50 Erb St. W., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24245. .7:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Silents: Andrew Downing Orchestra.Live music for a series of silent films. PrincessTwin Cinemas, 46 King Street N., Waterloo.519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO).8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. QuartetFest Young Artists ConcertNo. 1. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).9:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Veda Hille. Members of Grex. JazzRoom, 59 King St N., Waterloo. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO).Monday June 97:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Rethink Viola da Gamba and HurdyGurdy: Pierre Yves-Martel and Ben Grossman.Two eclectic performers, two eclecticinstruments, a myriad of sounds andways of making sound. Registry Theatre,122 Frederick St., Kitchener. 519-579-8564.; (sr/st); (eyeGO).9:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. White Rabbit, Red Rabbit. A play byNassim Soleimanpour about being forbiddento leave Iran for refusing military duty. RegistryTheatre, 122 Frederick St., Kitchener.519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO).Also Jun 7(St. John the Evangelist Church),12, 14(mat).Tuesday June 108:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Four Quartets: Penderecki StringQuartet with Leslie Fagan. Inspired by T.S.Eliot’s collection of poems entitled “FourQuartets”. Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery,25 Caroline St N, Waterloo. 519-579-8564.; (sr/st); (eyeGO).Wednesday June 116:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound/Inter Arts Matrix. Mirror. Multimediachamber opera for soprano and visualartist (premiere). Registry Theatre,122 Frederick St., Kitchener. 519-579-8564.; (sr/st); (eyeGO). Also Jun 12(7:30).7:30: Hamilton Children’s Choir. TogetherAs One. Zimfira Poloz, conductor. TheatreAquarius, 190 King William St., Hamilton.905-522-7529. ; (sr); (st/child). Insupport of choir’s tour to Korea.8:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound/Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Blair McMillen, piano. Ives: “Alcotts”from Concord Sonata; Feldman: Extensions3; Mellits: Two Etudes; Rzewski: WinnsboroCottonmill Blues; Cage: In a Landscape; andother works. KWCMS Music Room, 57 YoungSt. W., Waterloo. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO).Thursday June 125:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Fawn Opera: L’homme et le ciel. Fromthe 2nd century Christian literary text “Shepherdof Hermas.” St. John the EvangelistChurch, 23 Water St. N., Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO).7:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound/Inter Arts Matrix. Mirror. Multimediachamber opera for soprano and visualartist (premiere). Registry Theatre,122 Frederick St., Kitchener. 519-579-8564.; (sr/st); (eyeGO). Also Jun 11(6:00).9:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. White Rabbit, Red Rabbit. See June 9.Friday June 137:30: Arcady. Voices of Summer: NewMusic by Ronald Beckett. Ronald Beckett,conductor. Central Presbyterian Church(Brantford), 97 Wellington St., Brantford.519-428-3185. ; (st).7:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Nexus Percussion with SepidehRaissadat. Persian vocal and instrumentalmusic. Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St.,Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st);(eyeGO).10:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Rethink electroacoustic: CharlotteMundy. Music for solo voice and electronics.Feldman: Three Voices. Registry Theatre,122 Frederick St., Kitchener. 519-579-8564.; (sr/st); (eyeGO).Saturday June 141:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Polka Dogs. John Millard, banjo andvocals; Tiina Kiik, accordion; Tom Walsh,trombone; Colin Couch, tuba; Ambrose Pottie,drums. Registry Theatre, 122 FrederickSt., Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st);(eyeGO).3:00 and 7:00: North Lakeshore MassChorus. ‘Till the Boys Come Home. Choral andband tribute to Canadians who served in theGreat War. Ian Judy and Judy Scott-Jacobs,music directors; Clare Gordon, piano. Guests:Concert Band of Cobourg (Paul Storms, conductor).Trinity United Church, 284 DivisionSt., Cobourg. 905-372-2210 or 1-855-372-2210. ; (under 12). Also 7:00. AlsoJun 7 (Kingston) and Jun 21 (Toronto).3:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. White Rabbit, Red Rabbit. See June 9.Also June 12.7:30: Kokoro Singers. Celebration of CanadianComposers. Raminsh: O Ignis Spiritus;other works by Sirett, Patriquin, Chatman,Smallman and Emery. Brenda Uchimaru,conductor. St. James Anglican Church,137 Melville St., Dundas. 289-439-9447. ;(sr/st). Also Jun 8(mat; Guelph).8:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Steve Reich: Drumming. Twelve performersincluding three original members ofSteve Reich and Musicians. Registry Theatre,122 Frederick St., Kitchener. 519-579-8564.; (sr/st); (eyeGO).10:00: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Radio Wonderland plus Weird Canada.DJ meets mashup meets sonic art witha sound that ranges from Negativland toTechno. Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St.,Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st);(eyeGO).Sunday June 151:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Ana Sokolovic: Love Songs featuringKristin Hoff. Registry Theatre, 122 FrederickSt., Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st); (eyeGO).3:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Bicycle Opera Project. An operacompany that tours Canada on bicycles,and presents scenes from new Canadianoperas. Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St.,Kitchener. 519-579-8564. ; (sr/st);(eyeGO).4:00: Hamilton Philharmonic YouthOrchestra/Hamilton Phiharmonic YouthOrchestra Alumni. 50th Anniversary CelebrationConcert. Works by Rossini, Marquez,Handel, Saint-Saëns and Elgar. Colin Clarke,conductor. Hamilton Place, 10 Macnab St.S., Hamilton. 905-869-4796. ; (sr/st/child).7:30: Open Ears Festival of Music andSound. Triple Bill: Essential Opera. Threenew one-act operas. Registry Theatre,122 Frederick St., Kitchener. 519-579-8564.; (sr/st); (eyeGO).Wednesday June 188:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Andrea Tyniec, violin; Su Jeon,piano. Mozart: Violin Sonata No.21 in e, K304;Sonatas by Poulenc and Franck. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Tuesday June 2412:15: St. Peter’s Anglican Church. StephanieBurgoyne and William Vandertuin. Organsolo and organ four hands. St. Paul’s AnglicanCathedral, 472 Richmond St., London. 519-752-0965. Free.Thursday July 37:30: Brott Music Festival. Klezmania. ANakht in Gan Eydn; Oy Tate S’iz Gut; Hora;Geamparale; Violin Doina in C; and Zol ZaynGelebt. Kleztory. Netkin Auditorium – AdasIsrael Synagogue, 125 Cline Ave S., Hamilton.905-525-7664. ; (sr); (st).Friday July 47:30: Brott Music Festival. CelebrateBeethoven. Poulenc: Double Piano Concerto;Beethoven: Choral Fantasy; Fifth Symphony;new works by Berg. Redeemer UniversityChoir; Valerie Tryon and Paul Thorlakson,pianos: with orchestra. Redeemer College,777 Garner Rd E, Ancaster. 905-525-7664.; (sr); (st).Tuesday July 87:30: City of Cambridge. National YouthOrchestra of Canada. A chamber music concertfeaturing members of the NYOC. BowmanAtrium, Cambridge City Hall, 50 DicksonSt., Cambridge. 519-623-1340. Free.Thursday July 107:30: Brott Music Festival. Fly Me to theMoon–The Sinatra Show. New York New York,My Way, Summer Winds, I’ve Got You UnderMy Skin, Chicago and other selections. ChrisJason, voice. Mohawk College’s McIntyrePerforming Arts Centre, 135 Fennell AvenueW, Hamilton. 905-525-7664. ; (sr);(st).8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Chamber Music by members ofOrchestra@uwaterloo. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); (st).Monday July 147:30: Brott Music Festival. From Broadwaywith Love. A tribute to the memory of PaulineZamprogna. West Side Story, Carousel,Chess, Man of La Mancha and other selections.Host: Dominic Zaprogna; Nick Settimiand Kristen Peace, voices. Theatre Aquarius,190 King William St., Hamilton. 905-525-7664. ; (sr); (st).Wednesday July 168:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Daniel Lichti, baritone; Ephraim Laor,piano. Schubert: Die Winterreise; ImpromptuOp.90 No.1. KWCMS Music Room, 57 YoungSt. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);(st). Also Heliconian Hall (Toronto) July20.Sunday July 207:00: Brott Music Festival. Music at Fieldcote.Beethoven: Wellington Victory; Tchaikovsky:1812 Overture. Fieldcote MemorialPark and Museum, 64 Sulphur Springs,Ancaster. 905-525-7664. Free.Thursday July 247:30: Brott Music Festival. Valerie andBoris–A Special Year. Grieg: Piano Concerto;Elgar: Enigma Variations; Glick: Psalm. ValerieTryon, piano with orchestra. MohawkCollege’s McIntyre Performing Arts Centre,135 Fennell Avenue W, Hamilton. 905-525-7664. ; (sr); (st).7:30: National Youth Orchestra of Canada.National Youth Orchestra of Canada. June 4,2014 – Sept 7, 2014 | 57
TorQ Percussion QuartetThe World Fa