9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 9 - June/July/August 2014

  • Text
  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • August
  • Festival
  • Quartet
  • Musical
  • Concerts
  • Sept
  • Theatre
  • Arts

B. Concerts Beyond the

B. Concerts Beyond the GTA Summer FestivalsPassacaglia; Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel’s MerryPranks; Mahler: Symphony No. 1 in D Major“Titan”. National Youth Orchestra of Canada.Centre in the Square, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener.1-888-532-4470. TBA.Friday July 258:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Marie Bérard, violin; Rachel Mercer,cello; Alexander Tselyakov, piano. Dvořák:Dumky Trio; other works by Kuhlau, Defontaine,Peterson and Schumann. Les Allt, flute;Wallace Halladay, saxophone. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Tuesday July 298:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Lafayette String Quartet. Haydn:Quartet in E-flat Op.20 No.1; Shostakovich:Quartet No.10 Op.118; Britten: Divertimenti;Beethoven: Quartet in f Op.95. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Thursday July 317:30: Brott Music Festival. Opera Hits!Selections from La Traviata, Madama Butterfly,Magic Flute, Il Trovatore, Rigoletto andother works. Aline Kutan, soprano; JamesWestman, baritone; Arcady Singers; OperaHamilton Chorus; with orchestra. MohawkCollege’s McIntyre Performing Arts Centre,135 Fennell Avenue W, Hamilton. 905-525-7664. ; (sr); (st).Saturday August 28:00: WeeAlec Productions. An EveningWith... Joy Dunlop. Contemporary ScottishGaelic song and stepdancing. Joy Dunlop,vocals and dance; Sorren Maclean, guitar;Andrew Dunlop, piano and harp; Lorne Mac-Dougall, pipes and whistles. Fergus GrandTheatre, 244 St. Andrew St. W., Fergus. 519-787-1981. .Tuesday August 58:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Till Fellner, piano. Mozart: Rondo in aK511; Bach: Prelude and Fugue Nos.5-8 Bk.II;Haydn: Sonata No.50 in D Hob.XVI:37; Schumann:Davidsbündlertänze Op.6. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Thursday August 77:30: Brott Music Festival. Russian Rousers.Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.2;Paganini: Variations on a Theme; Ravel: Picturesat an Exhibition, Angelova: FestivalOverture. Ian Parker, piano with orchestra.Mohawk College’s McIntyre Performing ArtsCentre, 135 Fennell Avenue W, Hamilton. 905-525-7664. ; (sr); (st).Friday August 88:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. David Sinclair, Flamenco guitar.Works by Sinclair. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); (st).Saturday August 97:30: Brott Music Festival. Polkas andPierogis! Walter Ostanek, Canada’s PolkaKing. White Eagle Banquet Hall(Polish Hall),1015 Barton St. E, Hamilton. 905-525-7664.; (sr); (st).Sunday August 103:00: Brott Music Festival. High Tea–Musicfor a Sunday Afternoon. Goulet: “A FishingStory”; Mozart: Clarinet Quintet in A; Rossini:Introduction and Variations; Benny GoodmanMedley. Kornel Wola, clarinet; ShoshanaTelner, piano; with members of the orchestra.St. John’s Anglican (Ancaster), 272 WilsonSt E., Ancaster. 905-525-7664. ; (sr);(st).Tuesday August 128:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Alessandra Ammara and RobertoProsseda, pianists. Chopin: 24 PreludesOp.28; Caetani: Ballade Op.9; Caetani: Variationson Chopin’s Prelude No.20 Op.7; Chopin:Variations on a theme by Moore for fourhands. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St.W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);(st).Wednesday August 138:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Alessandra Ammara and RobertoProsseda, pianists. Mendelssohn: Andantecon moto in e MWV U179(world premiere);Variations sérieuses Op.54; Schubert: FantaisieD940 in f for four hands; Beethoven:Sonata Op.111. KWCMS Music Room, 57 YoungSt. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);(st).Thursday August 143:00: Brott Music Festival. Rite of Spring.Stravinsky: 1919 Firebird Suite; Pal: Burn;Weber: Spectre de la Rose; Chopin: LesSylphides. Jillian Vanstone and Patrick Lavoie,dancers with orchestra. Mohawk College’sMcIntyre Performing Arts Centre, 135 FennellAvenue W, Hamilton. 905-525-7664. ;(sr); (st).Monday August 187:30: OperaMuskoka. Die Fledermaus. TrioDesiree and Friends. Rene M. Caisse MemorialTheatre, 100 Clearbrook Trail, Bracebridge.705-765-1048. .Tuesday August 197:30: OperaMuskoka. Jennifer Tung andGuests in Concert. Rene M. Caisse MemorialTheatre, 100 Clearbrook Trail, Bracebridge.705-765-1048. .Wednesday August 207:30: OperaMuskoka. Stars of TomorrowConcert. Rene M. Caisse Memorial Theatre,100 Clearbrook Trail, Bracebridge. 705-765-1048. .Thursday August 217:30: OperaMuskoka. From Opera toBroadway. Highland Opera Studio. Rene M.Caisse Memorial Theatre, 100 ClearbrookTrail, Bracebridge. 705-765-1048. .Sunday September 78:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Doug Stewart, flute; ConstanceMadelina, piano. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); (st) or by donation.AfrofestJuly 5 and July 6Woodbine Park, Toronto, ON416-469-5336afrofest.caAGC/Plein Air SalonGarden Concert Series ‘14Wednesday evenings, July 2 to August 27Toronto, ON416-487-0705artistsgardencoop.comJune 24 4:30: Launch Party. All others:Wednesdays 7:30. See Section A for dailydetails.All-Canadian Jazz FestivalSeptember 5 to September 7Port Hope, ON1-855-713-9310allcanadianjazz.caAll performances held at Memorial Parkand Capitol Theatre. Performers include:Fathead; Redhot Ramble; Griffith Hiltz Trio;Susie Arioli; Manteca Group; Kellylee Evans;Mike Francis Quartet: and others.Ashkenaz FestivalAugust 26 to September 1Toronto, ON416-979-9901,ashkenazfestival.comBeaches International Jazz FestivalJuly 18 to July 27Toronto, ON416-698-2152beachesjazz.comBlue Bridge FestivalJune 6 and June 7Newmarket, ON289-366-0823ardeleanamusic.comBravo Niagara! Festival of the ArtsSeptember 5Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON289-868-9177, bravoniagaraimf.comCanadian premiere performance of theEhnes Quartet: James Ehnes and AmySchwartz Moretti, violins; Richard O’Neil,viola; Robert DeMaine, cello.Brott Music FestivalJune 19 to August 14Greater Hamilton Area, ON905-525-7664brottmusic.comFor detailed daily listings see Section A orSection B.Venues: Burlington Performing ArtsCentre, Netkin Auditorium – Adas IsraelSynagogue, Redeemer College, MohawkCollege’s McIntyre Performing Arts Centre,Theatre Aquarius, Fieldcote Memorial Park& Museum, White Eagle Banquet Hall (PolishHall), and St. John’s Anglican.Performances include: June 19 7:30:Mozart Requiem–The Genius of Amadeus.June 27 7:30: Eroica and the Emperor. July3 7:30: Klezmania. July 4 7:30: CelebrateBeethoven. July 6 7:30: Strings of MyHeart. July 10 7:30: Fly Me to the Moon–TheSinatra Show. July 14 7:30: From Broadwaywith Love. July 17 7:30: Love, Actually! OrThe Eternal Love Story–Romeo and Juliet.July 20 7:00: Music at Fieldcote. July 247:30: Valerie and Boris–A Special Year.July 31 7:30: Opera Hits! August 7 7:30:Russian Rousers. August 9 8:00: Polkas andPierogis!: Walter Ostanek, Canada’s PolkaKing. August 10 3:00: High Tea–Music fora Sunday Afternoon. August 14 3:00: Riteof Spring.Canadian Open Old Time FiddleChampionshipAugust 6 to August 10Shelburne, ON519-925-8620shelburnefiddlecontest.comVenues: All performances held at TheArena, The Legion, Fiddle Park Campgroundand Entertainment Gardens, Fairgrounds.Performers include: Ballagh Bunch, BeckettFamily, Hotel California Eagles Tribute Bandand others.Chautauqua InstitutionJune 21 to August 24Chautauqua, NY, USA716-357-6250, ciweb.orgPerformers include: Chautauqua SymphonyOrchestra and Chautauqua Opera Company.See Green Pages, page 35 for furtherinformation.City of Toronto Historic SitesJune 1 to June 22Toronto, ONCall 311 or visit Spadina Museum, Fort York andMontogomery’s Inn.Performers and events include: KyeMarshall, VentElation and Ton Beau StringQuartet; Indigenous Arts Festival, GatsbyGarden Party and Solfeggio Music Series(throughout the summer).Clear Lake Chamber Music FestivalJuly 31 to August 4Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba204-571-6547 or 204-727-9631clearlakefestival.caVenues include: Erickson Lutheran Church,Erickson; Lorne Watson Recital Hall,Brandon; “The Martise” at the Marina, MainBeach, Wasagaming (Clear Lake), RidingMountain National ParkPerformances:•July 31 7:30: Alexander Tselyakov, piano.Works by Debussy, Liszt, Tchaikovsky,Scriabin, Rachmaninoff.•August 1 7:30: Extravaganza. Works byMarcello, Massenet, Defontaine, Sarasate,Glazunov, Shostakovich and Peterson. KerryDuWors, violin; Marc Djokic, violin; HeatherWilson, viola; Rafael Hoekman, cello; NancyHennen, flute; Allen Harrington, saxophone;Alexander Tselyakov and Daniel Tselyakov,piano.•August 2 10:30am: Coffee Concert–Serious Fun! Chelsea Chimilar, mezzo;Marc Djokic, violin; Rafael Hoekman, cello;Daniel Tselyakov, Ben Bertin and AlexanderTselyakov, piano; 3:00: Concert 4: Jazz.Shannon Chapman, voice and saxophone;Greg Gatien, saxophone; Eric Platz,percussion; Mahechver Shunmugan, piano.•August 3 3:00: Romantic Afternoon. Worksby Fauré, Kuhlau, Schumann, Dvořák. Kerry58 | June 4, 2014 – Sept 7, 2014

DuWors, violin; Rafael Hoekman, cello; NancyHennen, flute; Alexander Tselyakov, piano.8:30: Jazz Cruise Concert.•August 4 3:00: Festival Grand Finale–Triplethe Fun! K. Nichols: The River Merchant’sWife: A Letter (world premiere); works byMozart, Sullivan, Barry and Shostakovich.Colours of MusicSeptember 26 to October 5Barrie, ON705-726-1181coloursofmusic.caVenues: churches throughout Barrie,performances at 12:00 noon, 2:30 and7:30pm.Performers include: That Choir; Choir of St.James Cathedral, Charron Brothers withSarah Robinson, Cecilia String Quartet andothers. Detailed listings in September issue.Domaine ForgetJune 21 to August 24Saint-Irénée, QC418-452-8111domaineforget.comElora FestivalJuly 11 to July 27Elora,•July 11 7:30: Opening Night Gala–Haydn’sCreation. Performers include FestivalSingers, Trinity College Choir, Afiara StringQuartet with James Campbell, TorontoConsort and Gryphon Trio.Festival de LanaudièreJuly 8 to August 10Joliette, QC1-800-561-4343lanaudiere.orgVenues: Amphithéâtre Fernand-Lindsay.Performers include: Cirque Éloize;Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal,Orchestre Métropolitain; Julian Kuerti,conductor, Stewart Goodyear, piano, andothers.Festival of the SoundJuly 18 to August 10Parry Sound, ON1-866-364-0061 / 705-746-2410festivalofthesound.caVenue: All performances held at CharlesW. Stockey Centre for Performing Arts.Performers include: RBC Stockey YoungArtists: Silvie Cheng, piano, and BryanCheng, cello; Lori Gemmel, violin; JamesMason, oboe; and Bryce Kulak, piano/voiceand many others. Consult festival websitefor details.Forest FestivalAugust 12 to August 17Haliburton, ON705-754-2198theforestfestival.comVenue: at Bone Lake Amphitheatre;performances at 11:00am, 2:00 and 8:00.Performers include: Bruce Cockburn,Shuffle Demons, Canadian Brass, Jim Cuddy,Greg Keelor and Measha Brueggergosman.Glimmerglass FestivalJuly 11 to August 24Cooperstown, NY, USA(607) 547-2255, glimmerglass.orgVenue: Alice Busch Opera Theatre.Works include: Puccini: Madame Butterfly;Rodgers and Hammerstein: Carousel; vonHofmannsthal: Ariadne in Naxos; Picker andScheer: An American Tragedy.Goderich Celtic Roots FestivalAugust 8 to August 10Goderich, ON519-524-8221celticfestival.caHighlands Opera StudioJuly 31 to August 28Haliburton, ON905-640-5235highlandsoperastudio.comVenues: Highlands Opera Studio; NorthernLights Performing Arts Pavilion.Works include: Puccini: Tosca; Donizetti:Rita; Walton: The Bear.Highlands Summer FestivalJune 30 to August 7Haliburton, ON705-457-9933highlandssummerfestival.on.caVenue: Northern Lights Performing ArtsPavilion. Works include: Great Expectations,Back in ‘59, The Last Resort, Billy BishopGoes to War, and I Hate Hamlet .Home County Music & Art FestivalJuly 18 to July 20Victoria Park, London, ON519-432-4310homecounty.caJuly 18: 6:00 pm–11:00; July 19: 12:00pm–11:00; July 20: 12:00pm–9:00.Performers include: Whitehorse, AshleyMacIsaac, Nathan Rogers, Jenn Grant andJames Keelaghan.Huntsville Festival of the ArtsJuly 3 to August 3Huntsville, ON705-789-4975huntsvillefestival.on.caVenues: Algonquin Theatre (mainstage);July 12: Nuit Blanche North, various.Performers include: MeashaBrueggergosman, Jesse Cook, Holly Cole,Colin James and Alan Doyle.Indian River FestivalJune 22 to September 19Indian River, PE1-866-856-3733indianriverfestival.comVenue: St. Mary’s Church.Works: Maritime, classical, jazz, world andcontemporary music.Jazz On The Mountain At BlueJuly 4 to July 6Blue Mountain Village, ON416-960-1568bluemountainjazzfest.comVenues: Mainstage, North Mountain; EventsPlaza, Blue Mountain Village; Copper Blues;Firehall Pizza Co; C&A Steak Co; Tholos.Performers include:•July 4 Top Pocket; Quincy Bullen Band;Vibrosis; Gino Vanelli; Chris Smith; AlexPangman; Rob Tardik; Alex Goodman Duo.•July 5 Gone Fission; Rob Tardik; GabrielMark Hasselbach; Commodores; ChrisSmith; Alex Pangman; Sam Samole; AlexGoodman Duo.•July 6 Countermeasure; Ault Sisters;Yellowjackets.Kincardine Summer Music FestivalAugust 3 to August 16Kincardine, ON519-396-9716, ksmf.caVenues: Evening performances, St. Mary’sChurch; “4 O’Clock in the Park” series,Victoria Park.Performers include: Mike Rud, guitar; MikeDownes, bass; Earl MacDonald, piano; SiennaDahlen, vocalist; Drew Jureka, jazz violin.Luminato FestivalJune 6 to June 15Toronto, ON416-368-3100luminatofestival.comVenues include: Festival Stage, DavidPecaut Square; Luminato Lounge Stage,David Pecaut Square; Edward Day Gallery;TIFF Bell Lightbox Cinema 1; Air CanadaCentre; Winter Garden Theatre; Massey Hall;MacMillan Theatre; Roy Thomson Hall.For full line-up consult Luminato website.Performance listed in Listings Section Ainclude:•June 7,8,9 7:30: Kid Koala’s Nufonia MustFall;•June 8 2:00: Music Mob with members ofToronto Symphony Orchestra;•June 10 7:30: Premiere Series: Sleeping inthe Devil’s Bed: The Music of Daniel Lanois;•June 11 9:00: Keys on the Street–A Recitalof Urban Dance and Piano;•June 12, 13, 14 8:00: Stones in Her Mouth;•June 14 7:30: If I Loved You: GentlemenPrefer Broadway–An Evening of Love Duets;10:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra GoesLate Night;•June 15 7:00 Strings are the Thing:Toronto Symphony Orchestra–Salute to theAmericas.Markham Jazz FestivalAugust 14 to August 17Main Street Unionville, Markham, ON905-471-5299markhamjazzfestival.comVenues: variousPerformers include: Bruce Cockburn,Jenny Sheinman, Rene Marie, Barbara Lica,Mark McLean, Mike Rud, Sienna Dahlen andMelissa Lauren.Mateca Arts FestivalJune 7 to June 8Victoria College, U of TToronto, ON416-596-0729mateca.comVenue: Burwash Quadrangle, VictoriaCollege Performers include: Rita Di Ghent,Luanda Jones and Eliana Cuevas. SeeSection A for daily details.Midland’s Summer SerenadeJuly 3 to August 28Midland, ON705-528-0521brooksidemusic.comVenues: Midland Cultural Centre; BoathouseEatery; St. Paul’s United ChurchPerformers include:•July 3 Gryphon Trio.•July 4 Lui Mario Ochoa Cuban Quintet.•July 10 Beatriz Boizan, piano.•July 17Quartetto Gelato.•July 18 Brenda Lewis and Margaret Stowe.Vocal and guitar jazz duo.•July 24 Buzz: Music for brass, piano, harp.•July 31 Brodsky String Quartet with JamesCampbell.•August 2 Rant Maggie Rant.•August 7 Paul Marleyn and Mauro Bertoli:Slavic Soundscapes.•August 15 Valdy.•August 21 Toronto All-Star Big Band.•August 23 Ontario Youth Choir. MartaMcCarthy, conductor.•August 28 8:00: Lemon Bucket Orkestra.Montreal Baroque FestivalJune 19 to June 22Montreal, QC514-845-7171montrealbaroque.comVenues: various, indoor and outWorks include Vivaldi: Four Seasons;Beethoven: Pastoral Symphony and SpringSonata; various Bach cantatas.Montreal Jazz FestivalJune 26 to July 6Montreal, QC514-871-1881montrealjazzfest.comMuhtadi International Drumming FestivalJune 7 and June 8Woodbine Park, Toronto, ON416-848-3838muhtadidrumfest.comMusic & BeyondJuly 5 to July 17Ottawa, ON613-241-0777musicandbeyond.caVenues include: Dominion Chalmers UnitedChurch; First Baptist Church; St. Andrew’sChurch; Tabaret Hall.Performances include:•July 5 Opening Gala: An Event withBranford Marsalis.•July 6 New Orford Quartet.•July 7,8,9 Auryn String Quartet.•July 7 Chanticleer.•July 9,10 Igudesman and Joo.•July 10,11,12 Vienna Piano Trio.•July 12 Tango Soiree. Tango Boreal; NepeanHigh School Jazz Ensemble.•July 15 7:30: Three Sides of Oliver Jones.Oliver Jones, piano; Nepean High SchoolJazz Ensemble; Oliver Jones Jazz Trio. .Music MondaysMondays at noon, June 2 to August 25Downtown Toronto, ON416-598-4521 x223musicmondays.caVenue: Church of the Holy Trinity (beside theEaton Centre)Performers include: Ji Soo Choi, violin;Bryan Chen, cello; Koichi Inoue, piano andothers.See Mondays, Section A for daily details.Music at Port MilfordJuly 13 to August 10Milford, June 4,2014 – Sept 7, 2014 | 59

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)