9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 9 - June/July/August 2014

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  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • August
  • Festival
  • Quartet
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  • Concerts
  • Sept
  • Theatre
  • Arts


July 27 4:00: Finale. TorQ; PercussionSeminar Participants. SAC. ; (3shows). Also Jul 20, 25.•July 30 8:00: Special Event. World FamousGlenn Miller Orchestra. RCL. /(adv).•July 31 12:30: BargeMusic. TraditionalQuebec. Les Poules à Colin. MB. Free.•August 1 12:30: BargeMusic. TraditionalQuebec. Les Poules à Colin. MB. Free.•August 1 7:30: Special Event. Hilary Hahn,violin; and Jan Lisiecki, piano. Guests:Annex String Quartet. Brahms: ViolinSonata No.1; Chausson: Concerto for Violinand Piano with String Quartet Op.21. SAC./(adv).•August 2 11:00am: Musical Brunchat Rundles: Toronto’s Clubs and Cafés.Anna Atkinson. RU. 519-271-6442. .Reservation required. Also Aug 3.•August 2 12:30: BargeMusic. TraditionalQuebec. Les Poules à Colin. MB. Free.•August 2 3:00: BargeMusic. TraditionalQuebec. Les Poules à Colin. MB. Free.•August 2 9:00: Latin Jazz Cabaret. JaneBunnett and Maqueque Empowered byFemale Energy. TC. ; 8(4 shows).Reservations required for dinner package.Also Jul 19(Oliver Jones Jazz Trio),26(Broadsway), Aug 16(Mark DownesQuartet).•August 3 11:00am: Musical Brunchat Rundles: Toronto’s Clubs and Cafés.Anna Atkinson. RU. 519-271-6442. .Reservation required. Also Aug 2.•August 3 12:30: BargeMusic. TraditionalQuebec. Les Poules à Colin. MB. Free.•August 3 3:00: BargeMusic. TraditionalQuebec. Les Poules à Colin. MB. Free.•August 4 8:00: Tribute to Stompin’ TomConnors. Guest: Sean Cullen. Whiskey Jack.RCL. /(adv).•August 6 2:00: The Grand Piano Series:Daniel Clarke Bouchard. Debussy: DoctorGradus ad Parnassum; Mozart: Sonata No.12for Piano in F K332; Schumann: Scenes fromChildhood Op.15 No.1 – Of Foreign Lands &Peoples. SAC. ; (3 shows). Also Aug13, 20.•August 7 12:30: BargeMusic.Resolutionaries Marimba Band. MB. Free.•August 8 12:30: BargeMusic.Resolutionaries Marimba Band. MB. Free.•August 8 7:00: Bizet’s Carmen on Tap. JulieNesrallah, mezzo; Richard Troxell, tenor;Maghan McPhee, soprano; Pierre-EtienneBergeron, baritone; and others; Brent Krysa,stage director. TC. 0. Dinner and opera.Opening night. Also Aug 9, 10(12:00 noon).•August 9 11:00am: Musical Brunch atRundles: Our Family Porch. Anna Atkinson.RU. 519-271-6442. . Reservationrequired. Also Aug 10.•August 9 3:00: BargeMusic.Resolutionaries Marimba Band. MB. Free.•August 9 7:00: Bizet’s Carmen on Tap. JulieNesrallah, mezzo; Richard Troxell, tenor;Maghan McPhee, soprano; Pierre-EtienneBergeron, baritone; and others; Brent Krysa,stage director. TC. 0. Dinner and opera.Opening night. Also Aug 8, 10(12:00 noon).•August 10 11:00am: Musical Brunch atRundles: Our Family Porch. Anna Atkinson.RU. 519-271-6442. . Reservationrequired. Also Aug 9.•August 10 12:00 noon: Bizet’s Carmen onTap. Julie Nesrallah, mezzo; Richard Troxell,tenor; Maghan McPhee, soprano; Pierre-Summer FestivalsEtienne Bergeron, baritone; and others;Brent Krysa, stage director. TC. 0. Dinnerand opera. Opening night. Also Aug 8 and9(7:00).•August 10 12:30: BargeMusic.Resolutionaries Marimba Band. MB. Free.•August 10 3:00: BargeMusic.Resolutionaries Marimba Band. MB. Free.•August 13 2:00: The Grand Piano Series:Pavel Kolesnikov. Mozart: Fantasy in c K475;Schumann: Fantasy in C Op.17; Nachtstücke;Scriabin: Vers la flamme Op.72; Sonata No.4in F–sharp Op.30. SAC. ; (3 shows).Also Aug 6, 20.•August 14 11:15am: Organ Week: Breakfastat Tiffany’s and other Movie Tunes aboutNew York. Moon River; Arthur’s Theme; ItMight Be You (from Tootsie 1982); People(from Funny Girl 1968); West Side Story andother selections. George Wesner. KC. ;(3 shows). Also Aug 15, 16.•August 14 12:30: BargeMusic. Bluegrass.Grain Report. MB. Free.•August 15 11:15am: Organ Week: A Saluteto Radio City Music Hall. George Wesner. KC.; (3 shows). Also Aug 14, 16.•August 15 12:30: BargeMusic. Bluegrass.Grain Report. MB. Free.•August 15 7:00: Finale. School of Rawk.RCL. Free.•August 16 11:00am: Musical Brunch atRundles: Riding the Rails. Anna Atkinson. RU.519-271-6442. . Reservation required.Also Aug 17.•August 16 11:15am: Organ Week: MyRegards to Broadway! Works by Rodgersand Hammerstein; Phantom of the Opera(excerpts). George Wesner. KC. ; (3shows). Also Aug 14, 16.•August 16 12:30: BargeMusic. Bluegrass.Grain Report. MB. Free.•August 16 3:00: BargeMusic. Bluegrass.Grain Report. MB. Free.•August 16 9:00: Juno Jazz Cabaret:Mike Downes Quartet. Mike Downes,bass; Ted Quinlan, guitar; Ethan Ardelli,drums; Dave Restivo, piano. TC. ; 8(4shows). Reservations required for dinnerpackage. Also Jul 19(Oliver Jones JazzTrio), 26(Broadsway), Aug 2(Jane Bunnett/Maqueque).•August 17 11:00am: Musical Brunch atRundles: Riding the Rails. Anna Atkinson. RU.519-271-6442. . Reservation required.Also Aug 16.•August 17 12:30: BargeMusic. Bluegrass.Grain Report. MB. Free.•August 17 3:00: BargeMusic. Bluegrass.Grain Report. MB. Free.•August 17 7:30: Stars. Torquil Campbelland Amy Millan, vocals. KC. 519-271-6442./(adv).•August 20 2:00: The Grand Piano Series:Wesley Shen. Maresz: Cascades for DonnaLee; Cage: Suite for Toy Piano; Murphy-King:Ophiology; Donatoni: Françoise Variationen,Ristic: Prélude et Fugue; and other works.; (3 shows). SAC. Also Aug 6, 13.•August 21 12:30: BargeMusic. Irish, folkand celtic. COMAS. MB. Free.•August 21 7:30: Haitian Orphanage Choir.SAC. .•August 22 12:30: BargeMusic. Irish, folkand celtic. COMAS. MB. Free.•August 22 7:00: Bach at the Coffee House.Vivaldi: Concerto for Strings; Telemann:Sonata for flute, oboe and continuo; Bach:Sonata for violin and continuo in e; CantataBWV211 “O holder tag” (Coffee Cantata).Tafelmusik and guests: Nathalie Paulin,soprano; Phillip Addis, baritone; ZacharieFogal, tenor. SAC. ; (2 shows). AlsoAug 23.•August 23 11:00am: Musical Brunchat Rundles: Today and Tomorrow.Anna Atkinson. RU. 519-271-6442. .Reservation required. Also Aug 24.•August 23 12:30: BargeMusic. Irish, folkand celtic. COMAS. MB. Free.•August 23 7:00: Bach at the Wedding.Vivaldi: Concerto for bassoon; Bach: Sonatafor 2 violins and continuo after BWV529;Bach: Cantata BWV210 “Schweigt stille”(Wedding Cantata No.2). Tafelmusik andguest: Nathalie Paulin, soprano. SAC. ;(2 shows). Also Aug 22.•August 23 3:00: BargeMusic. Irish, folk andceltic. COMAS. MB. Free.•August 23 9:00: Saturday Night Cabaret:Micah Barnes and Six Pals Celebratethe Music of New York. Daniel Barnes,drums; Russ Boswell, bass; Michael Shand,keyboard; Billy Newton Davis, Gavin Hopeand Tyrone Gabriel, vocals. TC. ; 8(4shows). Reservations required for dinnerpackage. Also Jul 19(Oliver Jones JazzTrio), 26(Broadsway), Aug 2(Jane Bunnett/Maqueque), 16(Mike Downes Quartet).•August 24 11:00am: Musical Brunchat Rundles: Today and Tomorrow.Anna Atkinson. RU. 519-271-6442. .Reservation required. Also Aug 23.•August 23 12:30: BargeMusic. Irish, folkand celtic. Celtic Blue Highlanders PipeBand. MB. Free.Summer Music in the GardenMost Thursdays and Sundays, June toSeptember 14Toronto Music Garden, Toronto, ON(416) include Akwesasne WomenSingers, Barbara Croall, Lan Tung, JonathanBernard and Cecilia String Quartet. Originalworks and works by Beethoven, Haydn,Clarke, Bach, Weill and others. Free.See Thursdays and Sundays, Section A forindividual concert details.Summer Opera Lyric TheatreAugust 1 to August 11Robert Gill Theatre, Toronto, ON416-922-2912solt.caFor individual performance details seeSection A - Concerts in the GTA.Magic Flute KV620: August 1 and 9 at 8:00;August 3 and 6 2:00; August 6 at 2:00Madame Butterfly: August 2 and 9 at 2:00;August 5 8:00Vanessa August 2, 6 and 8 at 8:00; August10 at 2:00Sun Life Financial UpTown Waterloo JazzFestivalJuly 18 to July 20Waterloo, ON226-220-3036uptownwaterloojazz.caVenues: All performances are free and heldat Main Stage, Waterloo City Hall Parking Lot,or Satellite Stage, Waterloo Public Square.Performers include: PresHall Brass, MarcusRoberts Trio, Ivana Santilli, Dee Dee and theDirty Martinis, Alexander Brown, Soul Stew,Stealing Dan and Joni Nehrita.SweetWater Music FestivalJune 27 to June 29, September 19 toSeptember 21Owen Sound and Leith,•June 27 to 29: Brass Festival. Performersinclude True North Brass, Reverb Brass,student and community brass quintets.Works by J. Bach, Rindfleisch, Hesford,Irvine, McGrath, Gabrielli, Ellington; MorleyCalvert; Calixa Lavallée. Harmony Centre,Owen Sound, ON.•September 19 to 21: Main Festival.Elizabeth Wallfisch, Hank Knox, David Braidand the St. Lawrence String Quartet helppresent SweetWater’s 11th festival, whereinternationally-known musicians cometogether in unique, innovative classical andjazz combinations. Works by J.S. Bach, Biber,Schmelzer, Vivaldi, Haydn, Beethoven; twonew compositions. Historic Leith Church,Leith; St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church andHistoric Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound, ON.Tafelmusik Baroque Summer FestivalMay 29 to June 8Toronto, ON416-964-6337tafelmusik.orgAll performances are held at Walter hallor Grace Church-on-the-Hill. Performersinclude members of Tafelmusik BaroqueSummer Institute faculty, orchestras andchoirs. Free. See Section A for details.TD Sunfest ’14July 3 to July 6London, ON519-672-1522sunfest.on.caVenue: Victoria Park. 5 stages.Performers include: Los Van Van, 4Square,Comas, Kongero, and many others.TD Toronto Jazz FestivalJune 19 to June 28Toronto, ON1-855-985-5000torontojazz.comConcerts highlighted in red below arealso listed in detail in Listings SectionA - Concerts in the GTA. See also ListingsSection C - In the Clubs for additionaldetailFor the TD Toronto Downtown JazzFestival detailed listings see A. Concertsin the GTAMain Venues: Sony Centre; Roy ThomsonHall; Jane Mallet Theatre: St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts; Koerner Hall; JazzBistro; Lula Lounge; Nathan Phillips Square;Home Smith Bar; Shops at Don Mills; MusicGallery; KAMA; Horseshoe Tavern; HardRock Cafe.Performances: June 19 8:00: Chaka Khan;8:00: Mark McLean; 8:00: Memo Acevedoand Building Bridges Band; June 20 7:30:Luis Mario Ochoa Sextet; 7:30: June Garberand Friends; 8:00: Melissa Etheridge; 8:00:Gregory Porter; 8:00: Mark McLean; June21 12:30: Lighthouse; 2:00: Wagner PetrilliSextet; 2:30: Rehan Dalal; 5:00: Our OldSchool; 7:30: June Garber and Friends; 8:00:David Clayton-Thomas; 8:00: Mark McLean;62 | June 4, 2014 – Sept 7, 2014

June 22 12:00 noon: Odessa/Havana;12:30: Toronto Mass Choir; 2:30: Organic;3:00: Lorraine Klaasen Group; 8:00: DarcyJames Argue’s Secret Society; 8:00: KennyWayne Shepherd/Robert Randolf andFamily Band; 8:00: Billy Mays; June 23 12:00noon: Elizabeth Shepherd Quartet; 1:00:Drumhand; 5:00: Viva Mexico Mariachi;5:00: Joy Lapps Trio; 5:00: Canadian JazzQuartet; 8:00: Galactic/Big Sam’s FunkyNation; 8:00: Gerald Clayton, piano; 10:00:Snarky Puppy; June 24 12:00 noon: PatriciaCano; 1:00: Happy Pals; 5:00: Mike MurleyTrio; 5:00: Canadian Jazz Quartet; 5:30:Rhythm and Truth; 8:00: Earth, Wind andFire; 8:00: Dianne Reeves; 8:00: Hiromi: TheTrio Project; 8:00: Jon Ballantyne, piano;10:00: Nels Cline/Julian Lage Duo; June25 12:00 noon: Laila Biali Trio; 12:00 noonWoodshed Orchestra; 5:00: Denis KeldieTrio; Canadian Jazz Quartet; 7:00 SlocanRamblers; 8:00: Keith Jarrett, piano; 8:00:Lettuce/Dirty Dozen Brass Band; 8:00:Buika; 8:00: Ian Shaw, voice; 10:00: JoeyDeFrancesco Trio; June 26 12:00 noon: SuzieVinnick Quartet; 5:00: Rosemary GallowayTrio; 5:00: Canadian Jazz Quartet; 5:30:Slocan Ramblers; 7:00: Maylee Todd; 8:00:John Scofield Uberjam Band/Dave Holland,Kevin Eubanks, Craig Taborn, Eric Harland:PRISM; 8:00: Measha Brueggergosman;8:00: Norma Winstone Trio; 10:00: JoeyDeFrancesco Trio; June 27 12:00 noon:Bennie Meets Artie; 5:00: Harkness-HerriottDuo; 7:00: Cyndi Cain; 7:30: June Garber andFriends; 8:00: Bobby McFerrin–spirityouall;8:00: Roy Hargrove Quintet; 8:00: OliverJones Trio; 10:00: Broadsway; 10:30: OliverJones Trio; June 28 11:00am: Youth JazzShowcase: JAZZ.FM91 Youth Big Band/Yoshihiro Murakawa Quartet; 2:00: JimGalloway Quartet; 5:00: Autorickshaw; 5:00:Tara Davidson Trio; 7:30: June Garber andFriends; 8:00: Stanley Clarke Trio/Mehliana;8:00: Bill Frisell–Guitar in the Space Age;8:00: Oliver Jones Trio; 10:00: Kelly andKellygirls; 10:30: Oliver Jones Trio.Thursday Night Concert SeriesJune 5 to August 28Brampton, ON905-874-2936bramptondowntown.comAll performances at 7:00 in Gage Park orVivian Lane. Free.Toronto Summer Music FestivalJuly 22 to August 12Toronto, ON416-408-0208torontosummermusic.comFor concert details for the performancesbelow, see Listings Section A Concerts inthe GTAVenues: Koerner Hall; Walter HallPerformances:•July 22 7:30: Opening Night featuring theEmerson String Quartet;•July 23 7:30: Beatrice Rana;•July 24 7:30: Orion String Quartet withPeter Serkin;•July 25 7:30: Romanticism to Modernity;•July 26 4:00; 7:30: TSM Mentors andFellows;•July 29 7:30: Soledad;•July 30 7:30: Modigliani String Quartet;•July 31 7:30: Sondra Radvanovsky, soprano;•August 1 7:30: Russia After Revolution;•August 2 4:00; 7:30: TSM Mentors andFellows;•August 6 7:30: Soldier: From Severn toSomme;•August 7 7:30: Spotlight on the TSO;•August 8 12:00; 4:00: TSM Academy Art ofSong Recitals;•August 8 7:30: Milos Karadaglic, classicalguitar;•August 9 4:00; 7:30: TSM Mentors andFellows;•August 12 7:00: Toronto SymphonyOrchestra.Tottenham Bluegrass FestivalJune 20-22, 2014New Tecumseth, ON1-888-886-4566tottenhambluegrass.caAll performances held at TottenhamConservation Area. Performers includeSpinney Brothers, Bluegrass Mountaineers,Crowe Brothers, Feller & Hill and BluegrassBuckaroos. –.Unionville Presents Thursday Nights at theBandstandJune 12 to August 28Unionville, ON647-300-4891unionvillepresents.comVancouver Folk Music FestivalJuly 18 to July 20Jericho Beach Park, Vancouver, BCthefestival.bc.caPerformers include Joan Baez, Andrew Bird,Ozomatli, Frank Yamma and Hands of Glory.Wasaga Beach BluesSeptember 13 and September 14Wasaga Beach, ON905-866-4052wasagabeachblues.comAll performances held at StonebridgeTown Centre Performers include Mad Dogsand Englishmen, Carlos Del Junco, SteveStrongman and the Legendary DownchildBlues Band, Steve Hill, Texassippi, Soul ManDanny Brooks, and Weber Brothers. Worksinclude “The Music of Joe Cocker”.Waterfront BluesJuly 11 to July 13Toronto, ON416-698-2152waterfrontblues.caJuly 11 begins at 7:00; July 12 begins at1:00; July 13 begins at 2:00. Performersinclude Irene Torres and SugarDevils; Jackde Keyzer; Erin McCallum, Brant ParkerBlues Band; Terry Gillespie, Lynn Drury,Blackburn, Otis Clay and Johnny Rawls, GregNagy, Harrison Kennedy, Sugar Ray and TheBlueTones. Free.Westben Arts Festival TheatreJune 6 to August 3, September 20, 21Campbellford,•June 6 7:00: Jesus Christ Superstar–InConcert. ; (sr); (st); (youth).•June 7 7:00: Jesus Christ Superstar–InConcert. ; (sr); (st); (youth).•June 8 3:00: Jesus Christ Superstar–InConcert. ; (sr); (st); (youth).Sing Along.•June 14 3:00: Campbellford District HighSchool Music Night. Dave Noble, conductor.; (st/youth)•June 15 7:00: Sounds of a Better World.Westben Youth and Teen Choruses;Donna Bennett, conductor; Westben WindEnsemble; Nancy Elmhirst, conductor. ;(st/youth).•June 21 2:00: Gala Fundraiser–Here Comesthe Sun!–A Garden of Music. . In supportof Westben Arts Festival Theatre.•June 22 3:00: Young Pianists’ Summit. ;(st/youth).•July 4 7:00: Opera in the Countryside–Dido and Aeneas. Purcell. Lauren Segal,mezzo soprano (Dido); Alexander Dobson,baritone (Aeneas); Marion Newman, mezzosoprano; Teri Dunn, soprano; VirginiaHatfield, soprano; and others; TorontoMasque Theatre Chamber Orchestra; LarryBeckwith, conductor.; (sr); (st); (youth). Preview.6:00: Pre-show chat.•July 5 7:00: Opera in the Countryside–Dido and Aeneas. Purcell. Lauren Segal,mezzo soprano (Dido); Alexander Dobson,baritone (Aeneas); Marion Newman, mezzosoprano; Teri Dunn, soprano; VirginiaHatfield, soprano; and others; TorontoMasque Theatre Chamber Orchestra; LarryBeckwith, conductor. ; (sr); (st);(youth). 6:00: Pre-show chat.•July 6 2:00: Opera in the Countryside–Dido and Aeneas. Purcell. Lauren Segal,mezzo soprano (Dido); Alexander Dobson,baritone (Aeneas); Marion Newman, mezzosoprano; Teri Dunn, soprano; VirginiaHatfield, soprano; and others; TorontoMasque Theatre Chamber Orchestra; LarryBeckwith, conductor. ; (sr); (st);(youth). 1:00: Pre-show chat.•July 10 7:00: Donna and Brian–MusicalMuses. Donna Bennett, soprano; and BrianFinley, piano. Original works; works byMozart, Strauss, R. Schumann, C. Schumann,and others. ; (sr); (st); (youth).Complimentary champagne and horsd’oeuvres at intermission.•July 11 7:00: A Comedy. By Melody A.Johnson. Rick Roberts and Aaron Willis,stage directors;Alison Porter, music director/fiddle. ;(sr); (st); (youth).•July 12 2:00: Cecilia String Quartet.Beethoven: String Quartet Op.18 No.4;Janáček: String Quartet No.1, “KreutzerSonata”; Mendelssohn: String QuartetOp.44 No.2. Min-Jeong Koh, violin; SarahNematallah, violin; Caitlin Boyle, viola;Rachel Desoer, cello. ; (sr); (st);(youth). 1:00: Pre-performance chat.•July 13 2:00: Avan Yu, piano. Beethoven:Sonata in f Op.57 “Appassionata”; Debussy:Suite Bergamasque and L’Isle Joyeuse;Schumann: Carnaval Op.9. 1:00: Preperformancechat. ; (sr); (st);(youth).•July 17 7:00: Shannon Graham, saxophone,and The Storytellers. Jazz. ; (sr);(st); (youth).•July 18 7:00: TGIFolk!: An Acoustic Eveningwith The Skydiggers. Roots-rock. AndyMaize, Josh Finlayson, Jessy Bell Smith, RonMacey and others. ; (sr); (st);(youth).•July 19 7:00: Choir of Trinity CollegeCambridge. Works by Pärt, Byrd, Tallis,Parsons, Bach and others.Stephen Layton, conductor. ; (sr);(st); (youth).•July 20 2:00: Sunday Afternoon with BenHeppner, tenor; and Brian Finley, piano. ;(sr); (st); (youth).•July 23 2:00: Broadway at The Barn:Phantom of the Opera in Concert. MarkDuBois (The Phantom); Donna Bennett(Christine Daaé); Gabrielle Prata (LaCarlotta); Robert Longo (Raoul, Viscount ofChagny); Samantha Marineau (Meg); andothers; Brian Finley, piano. ; (sr);(st); (youth).•July 24 2:00: Broadway at The Barn:Phantom of the Opera in Concert. MarkDuBois (The Phantom); Donna Bennett(Christine Daaé); Gabrielle Prata (LaCarlotta); Robert Longo (Raoul, Viscount ofChagny); Samantha Marineau (Meg); andothers; Brian Finley, piano. ; (sr);(st); (youth).•July 25 2:00: Broadway at The Barn:Phantom of the Opera in Concert. MarkDuBois (The Phantom); Donna Bennett(Christine Daaé); Gabrielle Prata (LaCarlotta); Robert Longo (Raoul, Viscount ofChagny); Samantha Marineau (Meg); andothers; Brian Finley, piano. ; (sr);(st); (youth).•July 26 2:00: Broadway at The Barn:Phantom of the Opera in Concert. MarkDuBois (The Phantom); Donna Bennett(Christine Daaé); Gabrielle Prata (LaCarlotta); Robert Longo (Raoul, Viscount ofChagny); Samantha Marineau (Meg); andothers; Brian Finley, piano. ; (sr);(st); (youth).•July 25 7:00: TGIFilm!: Phantom of theOpera Silent Movie. William O’Meara, piano.; (sr); (st); (youth).•July 27 2:00: 3-Divas. Virginia Hatfieldand Joni Henson, sopranos; Megan Latham,mezzo; Brian Finley, piano. Arias and duetsfrom The Tales of Hoffmann, MadamaButterfly, Carmen, Gypsy and Lloyd Webber.; (sr); (st); (youth).•July 31 7:00: Anahtar–Sketches of Istanbul.Andrew Downing, bass/cello; Güç BaşarGülle, ūd; Brenna MacCrimmon, voice; PeterLutek, clarinet; Ben Grossman, percussion.; (sr); (st); (youth).•August 1 7:00: TGIFiddle!: Doug Leahy andFriends. Celtic-based. Leahy Family: Jennifer;Adele, fiddle/piano/cello/voice/dance;Gregory, fiddle/accordion/piano/dance/singing; Angus, fiddle/piano/voice/dance;Cecilia, fiddle/piano/voice/dance; Joseph,fiddle/voice/dance; Evelyn, voice/dance. ;(sr); (st); (youth).•August 2 2:00: Jazz and World. OliverJones, piano. Guest: James Hill, piano; Trio:Jim Doxas, drums; Eric Lagacé, bass. ;(sr); (st); (youth).•August 3 2:00: Jazz and World. H’Sao.Guest: James Hill, piano; Trio: Jim Doxas,drums; Eric Lagacé, bass. ; (sr);(st); (youth).Xerox Rochester International JazzFestivalJune 20 to June 28Rochester, NY, USA585-454-2060rochesterjazz.comPerformers include Gregory Porter, LouisArmstrong Society Jazz Band, GretchenParlato, Ravi Coltrane and Dr. Lonnie June 4,2014 – Sept 7, 2014 | 63

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)