D. The ETCeterasSing OntarioA choral festival & workshop series forchoirs and conductorsNovember 15 – 16, 2014Toronto, Ontariowith Mark Sirett, Robert Cooper, Brenda Uchimaru,Darryl Edwards, Elise Bradley, Anne Longmore,James Pinhorn, Jennifer Swanchoirsontario.orgPark. 416-504-1282. Free, PWYC reservedseating available.MASTERCLASSESJun 8, 2:00: Singing Studio of DeborahStaiman. Masterclass. Musical theatre/auditionpreparation, using textualanalysis and other interpretative tools forthe sung monologue. Yonge and Eglintonarea, call for exact location. 416-483-9532.(participant)/(auditor).singingstudio.ca.Jul 4, 11:00am: Jazz On The Mountain AtBlue. Masterclass Series: Stan Samole andDamien Erskine, Jazz guitar; 1:00pm: StanSamole. Blue Mountain Inn, 110 Jozo WeiderBlvd, Blue Mountains. 905-530-2110. donation; free (weekend pass holders).Jul 5, 11:00am: Jazz On The MountainAt Blue. Masterclass Series: Bob Mintzer;1:00pm: Russ Ferrante. Blue Mountain Inn,110 Jozo Weider Blvd, Blue Mountains. 905-530-2110. donation; free (weekend passholders).Jul 6, 11:00am: Jazz On The Mountain AtBlue. Masterclass Series: Will Kennedy/VitoRezza. Drum Clinic; 1:00pm: Felix Pastorius.Blue Mountain Inn, 110 Jozo Weider Blvd, BlueMountains. 905-530-2110. donation; free(weekend pass holders).WORKSHOPSJun 1, various times: SING! Toronto VocalArts Festival. Workshops. 11:00am: DavidSereda: A Desperate Road to Freedom.12:30pm: Workshop: Cadence: Instrumentsare for Surgeons. 2:15: Songwriters Associationof Canada Presents: Keys for EffectiveSongwriting with Alan Frew, Dan Hill andLorraine Segato. 5:30: Singing with the Boysand Girls Choir of Harlem Alumni Ensemble.Dancemakers, 9 Trinity St., Distillery District.416-866-8666. Included with festival pass( single day/ two days).Jun 1, 5:30: SING! Toronto Vocal Arts Festival.Protect Your Product: Copyright andTrademarks. Burns Classroom, Young Centrefor the Performing Arts, 50 Tank House Lane,Distillery District. 416-866-8666. Includedwith festival pass ( single day/ twodays).Jul 22–24, 10:00am: Julia Tchernik. PianoPedagogy Workshop Series. Overview of fundamentalscombined with personal insighton developing technique across the levels,teaching without method books, improvisationand creativity and more. For new orexperienced teachers. North York location.416-638-8226. 0(full series); (singleday). For details: juliatchernik@live.com.SCREENINGSJun 1, 4:00 and 7:30: Toronto Jewish FilmSociety/Toronto Silent Film Festival. BreakingHome Ties. Silent film from 1922 tacklingpoverty, guilt and family ties, made to protestto rise of racism and the Ku Klux Klan. Livemusical accompaniment by Jordan Klapman,“ … the motivation and camaraderie of thesingers is something I have not seen before.”— Erica Goodman Internationally acclaimed Canadian harpistZimfira Poloz Artistic DirectorCALL US TODAY! 416-762-0657www.youngvoicestoronto.com68 | June 4, 2014 – Sept 7, 2014 thewholenote.com
piano, and Drew Jurecka, violin. Miles NadalJCC, 750 Spadina Ave. ; (ages 18-35).Jun 17, 8;00: Wandering Eye/Music in theBarns. The Shift. Site-specific experienceintegrating film, music, movement and politics.Joseph Johnson-Camí and Ayelen Liberona,media; Margie Gillis, dance; Music in theBarn Chamber Ensemble; LAL, electronicmusic. The Drake Underground, 1150 QueenSt. W. 416-807-7771. ; (sr/st/artsworker). For details: ushift.net.OPEN REHEARSALS/SINGALONGSJun 1, 2:30: SING! The Toronto Vocal ArtsFestival. Tender Lovin’ Karaoke with Retrocity.Take the stage and sing your favorite hitswith Retrocity. Lyrics provided. Garland Theatre,Young Centre for the Performing Arts,50 Tank House Lane, Distillery District. 416-866-8666. Included with festival pass (single day/ two days).Jun 10, 7:00: Canada Sings!/ChantonsCanada! Toronto-Riverdale. NeighbourhoodSingalong. Canadian folk songs, rock, Broadwayand ballads. Mark Bell, song leader; MarjorieWiens, piano. Riverdale PresbyterianChurch, 662 Pape Ave. 416-778-0796. Free;donations accepted.ANNOUNCEMENTSRegistration is now open for the MilesNadal JCC’s Suzuki Music Camp. Open to allviolin, viola, cello and piano students studyingthrough the Suzuki method. All levels offered.July 7 to 11, 9am–4pm. For details: 416-924-6211 x0.Call for Auditions: Theatre Unlimited.Sound of Music. Auditions for productionrunning January and early February 2015.Audition dates: Jun 22: 10am–5pm; Jun 26:6:30–10pm (no von Trapp children); Jun 276:30–10pm (no Liesl/Rolf); Jun 28: 12 noon–6pm; callbacks: Jun 29. Performers shouldprepare an appropriate song and providesheet music. Robinson Adamson Garage,1921 Dundas St. W., Mississauga. To bookaudition: theatreunlimited@bell.net.EXHIBITIONSSeiji Ozawa in Toronto: A PhotographyExhibition of a Young MaestroMusic Director 1965-1969The Toronto Symphony OrchestraJun 1–Jul 31: various times: Toronto SymphonyOrchestra/City of Toronto Archives/Japan Foundation. Seiji Ozawa in Toronto:A Photography Exhibition of a Young Maestro.Images capturing the cooperative supportfor the growth of an artist and the cityof Toronto. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday:11:30am–4:30pm; Monday and Thursday:11:30am–7pm; Saturday (Jun 14, 15; Jul 12, 26only): 12:00 noon–5pm. The Japan Foundation,2nd Floor, the Colonnade, 131 Bloor St. W.416-966-1600 x229. Free. For details:jftor.org.ETCETERA: MISCELLANEOUSMay 31–Jun 1, various times: SING! TorontoVocal Arts Festival. Concerts and workshopsfeaturing a cappella vocal groups andmore. For complete concert listings, see SectionA, Jun 1; for workshops, see Section D,Workshops. Distillery District, various locations.416-866-8666. Festival pass singleday/ two days. For details:singtoronto.com.To arrange an audition please contact Olena Jatsyshyn at 416-446-0188or by email at amachoir@idirect.com.The Amadeus Choir’ s 2014-2015 40th Anniversary Season –“Choral Connections, 40 Years of Song” – will include 2 worldpremieres ; Mozart performances with the TSO & Peter Oundjian;a 40th Anniversary Gala Concert ; and , of course , our annual CelticCelebration.Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings (7:30-10 pm) atChurch of the Ascension (Don Mills area, near Lawrence Ave . E.)LYDIA ADAMS, Conductor & Artistic DirectorThe Amadeus Choir ofGreater Toronto, LydiaAdams , conductor, willbe holding May/Juneauditions for newmembers.Looking for ALL voices!For more information, viewwww.amadeuschoir.comSummerChoir CampAugust 25th-29th,9am-5pmfor Girls and Boys withunchanged voices, ages 8-16“Singing, Music Theory,Games, Sports, and Excursions“Nominal Registration FeeFor details and registrationinformation please email music@gracechurchonthehill.cathewholenote.com June 4, 2014 – Sept 7, 2014 | 69
TorQ Percussion QuartetThe World Fa
BY TERRY ROBBINSIn mid-February, Da
On The Road with ... Peter Oundjian
In the Sound(Always the Producer) B
3:30pm at the Rex.3) Here’s hopin
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