D. The ETCeterasClassified Advertising | classad@thewholenote.comJun 1–Jun 14, various times. Pearl Company.Dave Gould’s Audiorium Sound/ArtShow. Collection of musical instruments/sound sculptures constructed from unconventionalobjects by David Gould. 16 StevenSt., Hamilton. 905-524-0606. Viewing byappointment.Jun 7, 8, various times: Mateca Arts Festival.Community Multi-Arts Celebration withmusicians, dancers and visual artists. LauraFernández, Eliana Cuevas, Rita di Ghenta andLuanda Jones; concert featuring Beatriz PichiMalen; and others. Burwash Quad Park, VictoriaCollege, 73 Queens Park. 416-596-0792.Free. For details: mateca.com.Jun 12, 7:00: Espresso Manifesto. Salonedi Cultura: Arts Now. Music, art, food and discussionwith contemporary Italian-Canadianartists. Featuring music by Daniela Nardi,food by chef Massimo Bruno and photographyby Rino Noto. Rino Noto PhotographyStudio, Suite 21, 1444 Dupont St. 416-922-3620. . For details:espressomanifesto.com.Jun 17–21, various times: NXNE. Interactive.Mick Ebeling of Not Impossible presents ProjectDaniel; Scott Lamb of Buzzfeed discussesthe source of ideas; filmmaker Brian Knappenbergerand managing director VanessaThomas of Songza share stories; talk by GolrizLucina of Soulpancake; and others. HyattNew Instruments and AdditionsTunings and MaintenanceRestorations and RepairsMetal Pipes2393 Gareth Rd., Mississauga, L5B 1Z4www.moellerorgans.comTel/Fax(905) 277-2631Sight-Singing with SheilaSheila McCoy416 574 5250smccoy@rogers.comwww.sightsingingwithsheila.com(near Woodbine subway)Regency, 370 King St. W. 416-533-7710 x221.For full festival details and tickets: nxne.com.Jun 24–Jul 13, various times: DriftwoodTheatre Group. Theatre Training Intensivefor Young Actors. Summer program forexperienced performers ages 14 to 19, providingtraining in a cappella singing, movement-basedtheatre, masks and puppetry.Peter van Gestel, program director. TodmordenMills, 67 Pottery Rd. 416-703-2773. Forregistration and cost: driftwoodtheatre.com.Jul 7–Aug 22, 9am–3pm: Carousel Players.Carousel Players Summer Theatre School.Various week-long programs for childrenages 5 to 13. 101 King St., St. Catharines. 905-682-8326 x23. 0.Jul 10–Aug 17, various times: DriftwoodTheatre Group. The Bard’s Bus Tour: TheTempest. Shakespeare. Theatre blendingmovement, song, puppetry and storytelling.Jeremy Smith, director; Richard Alan Campbell,Prospero. Various times and locationsacross Ontario; see website. 416-703-2773x201. For details: driftwoodtheatre.com.Aug 5–15, 9am–3pm: Carousel Players/Shaw Festival. Shaw Acting Intensive forYouth For children ages 10 to 13; workshopsand scene study with Monica Dufault andShaw Festival actors. 101 King St., St. Catharines.905-682-8326 x23. 5.MarketPlace and MarketSquare ads are for services and products.Imagine giving a business card to 30,000 musically engaged people, for less than a pennyeach! See our current round of MarketPlace and MarketSquare ads below.Available only in runs of 3, 5 or 10 insertions, starting as economically as /issue.Now booking for September. 416-323-2232- x25AUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIESAVAILABLE PRO BONO POSITIONSFOR MUSICIANS AT THE KINDREDSPIRITS ORCHESTRA: PrincipalBassoonist, Sectional Hornist,Principal Trumpeter, Associate (or2nd) Trumpeter, Associate (or 2nd)Trombonist and 3rd (bass) Trombonist,as well as sectional Violinists,Violists, Cellists and Contrabassists.The KSO is an auditioned-basedcommunity orchestra that rehearsesonce a week (Tuesday evenings) at thestate-of-the-art Cornell Recital Hall inMarkham (407 ETR and 9th Ln). Ledby the charismatic Maestro KristianAlexander, the Orchestra is enjoyingan enormous popularity among YorkRegion’s residents and continues toattract avid audiences across theGTA. Interested musicians are invitedto e-mail General Manager JobertSevilleno at GM@KSOrchestra.ca andvisit www.KSOrchestra.ca for moreinformation.BEL CANTO SINGERS ARE LOOKINGFOR NEW MEMBERS! We are a 40voice SATB choir, under the directionof Linda Meyer. Repertoire includesclassical, music theatre, folk, jazz andpop tunes. Rehearsals are Tuesdaysat St. Nicholas Anglican Church.Website: www.belcantosingers.ca.Contact Elaine Joly at 416-699-4585.CHOPS FLOPPY? SIGHT READINGGONE? Why not come down to the 48thHighlanders of Canada Brass & ReedBand, and get back in shape? We needclarinets and saxophones and the oddtrombone. Tubas more than welcome.There is minimal military hassles andwe have fun doing what we all love todo – PLAY. Call Mike at 905 898-3438 orbuskers.jazz@rogers .com. Moss ParkArmouries, Tuesday nights from 8-10.Piano Friendly, approachable– and Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal andbusiness tax returns including prioryears and adjustmentsHORIZON TAX SERVICES INC.1 -866-268-1319 • npulker@rogers.comwww.horizontax.ca• free consultation • accurate work • pickup & deliveryA WholeNote CLASSIFIED delivers!Sing the right tune, reach the right audience.Only for the first 20 words, and .20 for each additional word.Discounts for multiple insertions.Deadline for the September 2014 edition isMonday August 25.classad@thewholenote.comCOUNTERPOINT COMMUNITYORCHESTRA (www.ccorchestra.org) welcomes volunteer musiciansfor Monday evening rehearsals,downtown Toronto. We’re especiallylooking for trombones and strings.Email info@ccorchestra.org.DIRECTOR SEARCH: Durham ShoresChorus, Oshawa, of Sweet AdelinesInternational is looking for a director.For details please visit www.facebook.com/pages/Durham-Shores-Chorus/371173862899697DO YOU DRIVE? DO YOU LOVE THEWHOLENOTE? You can share the loveand earn a little money at the sametime. The WholeNote occasionallyadds new drivers with vehicles to ourlist of stalwart wonderful people whoreliably deliver our magazines, 9 timesa year, rain or shine (or snow!) tolocations in the GTA and well beyond.If you’d like to be on the list pleasecontact circulation@thewholenote.com.MUSIC THEORY TEACHER WANTED(Harmony, Music History, Counterpointand Analysis) for positionavailable starting September 2014.Bayview/Sheppard. Please contact416-953-9430.SUMMER MUSIC READING in Toronto.Any singers, instrumentalists interestedin sight reading new music, any kind?Contact: Cristina 416-925-8570cris@cez.comTHE WYCHWOOD CLARINET CHOIR(www.wychwoodclarinetchoir.com)welcomes enthusiastic clarinet playersto audition for a place in our group. Allages welcome. Tuesdays 7:30-10 PMThe FluteDe-mystifiedAllan withstudent,Mimi Tran70 | June 4, 2014 – Sept 7, 2014 thewholenote.com
Classified Advertising | classad@thewholenote.comFOR SALE / WANTEDFOR SALE - CONCERT BAND MUSICSCORES AND PARTS: a wide selectionis available in a variety of genres(opera, marches, show tunes,anthems, Italian repertoire). For list oftitles and prices, please contact Emily905- 547-4390, e-mail: emilydeben@sympatico.caFRENCH HORN FOR SALE: it’s the oneon the cover! One-of-a-kind (Reynoldsprototype for Selmer), one owner since1978, excellent condition. Suitable foradvanced student or working musician.jack@thewholenote.comSHOWPLACE PERFORMANCECENTRE in Peterborough is lookingto purchase a 20+ year old Steinwayor Yamaha Grand Piano in stellarcondition. If you have such an instrumentand are looking to make somespace in your house, please contactShowplace at (705) 742-SHOW oremail showplacegm@cogeco.caWHILE YOUR GUITAR GENTLYWEEPS: Teenaged band days just amemory? Your lovely old guitar / violin/ clarinet is crying out to be played!There’s someone out there who’d loveto love it, and give it new life. Sell yourunused instruments with a WholeNoteclassified ad: contact classad@thewholenote.com.INSTRUCTIONCELLO LESSONS FOR ALL AGES ANDLEVELS offered by enthusiastic andexperienced teacher. Amber Walton-Amar, M.Mus. Classes begin early July!Visit www.amberamar.com for furtherinformation.CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS: beginnerto advanced from one of Toronto’sfinest classical guitar instructors andnationally renowned author of manyguitar publications. Located in midtownToronto. classicalguitartoronto.com, orhowardwallach@hotmail.com.EAST YORK HOUSE OF THE ARTS: Flute,piano, guitar, theory lessons, RCM andaudition preparation. Contact 647-801-3456, music.eastyork@gmail.com,www.alhelipimienta.wix/eastyorkmusic.comFLAMENCO GUITAR LESSONS withaward winning professional SpanishCanadian Flamenco guitarist. Roncesvalles/HighPark area. Contact jorge@jorgemiguel.comFLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS,RCM EXAM PREPARATION: SamanthaChang, Royal Academy of Music PGDip,LRAM, ARCT. 416-293-1302, samantha.studio@gmail.com.www.samanthaflute.com.NOW ACCEPTING PRIVATE STUDENTS:international concert pianist with 30years’ experience (Royal Conservatoryof Music, University of Toronto).All ages and levels welcome, centrallocation. helena.music.studio@gmail.com 416-546-6664 www.about.me/helena_bowkunPIANO LESSONS: personalizedinstruction by experienced teacher,concert pianist EVE EGOYAN (M. Mus.,L.R.A.M., F.R.S.C.). All ages and levels.Downtown location. eve.egoyan@bell.net or 416- 603-4640.SENSIBLE VOCAL TRAINING: DO YOU LOVETO SING? NEVER TOOK THAT LEAP INTOFORMAL TRAINING? Now’s the time for asummer of adventure and fun. Come to Pattie’sVocal Gym for “SummerSing”: a sensible andsensationally fun intensive program aimed atthe newcomer . Discover and build your voice,learn how to use it, and get your adrenalinegoing. Experienced singers are also welcome:take this opportunity to tone and tune up yourinstrument for the coming season. For sessionsthrough July and August at special rates callPattie now! 905-271-6896 vocalsense.caMUSICIANS AVAILABLEARE YOU A PARTY ANIMAL? TheWholeNote gets inquiries fromreaders seeking musicians to providelive music for all kinds of occasions.We can’t recommend your ensemble,but YOU can! Contact classad@thewholenote.com by Aug 25 andbook your ad for the Sept edition!THE CUTABOVE TRIO - serve up thissurprisingly cool and refreshing trio toyour guests for any occasion. Pleasecontact Bruce: tatemichibruce@hotmail.com 416-259-6072.TRUMPET PLAYER AND SINGER seeksensemble (standards/jazz/soul/blues/pop). Phone Mark at 416-803-5531.E-mail: mark@ markwalkermw.comSERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAXSERVICE for small business and individuals,to save you time and money,customized to meet your needs. NormPulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-251-0309or 905-830-2985.DO YOU HAVE PRECIOUS MEMORIESLOST ON OLD RECORDS, TAPES, PHO-TOS etc.? Recitals-gigs-auditions-airchecks-family stuff. 78’s-cassettesreels-35mmslides-etc. ArtsMediaProjectswill restore them on CD’s orDVD’s. Call George @ 416-910-1091.VENUES AVAILABLE / WANTEDARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERTOR RECITAL? Looking for a venue?Consider Bloor Street United Church.Phone: 416-924-7439 x22. Email: tina@bloorstreetunited.org.PERFORMANCE / REHEARSAL /STUDIO / OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE:great acoustics, reasonable rates,close to Green P Parking, cafés &restaurants. Historic church at College& Bellevue, near Spadina. PhoneBARD – EARLY MUSIC DUO playingrecorder and virginal available to providebackground atmosphere for teas,receptions or other functions – greaterToronto area. For rates and info call905-722-5618 or email us at mhpape@ 416-921-6350. E-mailinterhop.net.Eglinton St. George’s United Church ststepheninthefields@gmail.comVenue Rental• in the heart of Yorkville• historical heritage building• Steinway Grand Piano• recital and special events• lighting and sound systems• accomodates caterers• reasonable rates35 Hazelton Avenue, Heliconian Hall416-922-3618 rentals@heliconianclub.orgChoir/Orchestra/TeachStudio Venue Rental• Event/Rehearsal/Studio teachingrentals in North Toronto• Flexible seating (600 maximum),strong ambient acoustics• Thrust stage/semi-circular platform• Four manual stop Casavant Freres organ(moveable console), Steinway Grand piano• Audio/Recording console/Sound BoothContact 416-481-1141 x210 or esgoffice@esgunited.orgSummer YouthIntenSIveFOr YOuth In gradeS 9 tO 12two SeSSIonS:JulY 7 – 12 and14 – 19, 20149:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.InCludeS Opera SCeneStudY and vOICe, drama,Stage COmbat and deSIgnmaSterClaSSeSnO audItIOn requIredCanadianOpera.ca/SYI 416-306-2307thewholenote.com June 4, 2014 – Sept 7, 2014 | 71
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