9 years ago

Volume 2 Issue 7 - April 1997

  • Text
  • April
  • Toronto
  • Symphony
  • Bloor
  • Theatre
  • Orchestra
  • Arts
  • Yonge
  • Thomson
  • Classical

8 ' Listings:Aprii/May

8 ' Listings:Aprii/May 15,17-19. Jane Mallett, 366- . MUSICTHEATRE 7 1~~-era in Conce;t. Dvorak: ~ A,lexander Singers. Rusalka. April 6, Jane Ruddigore. May 1,3,4,7, Mallett, 366-7723. 8,10: Leah Posluns, 784- ~ Massey Hall. Ute Lemper. 4185. . Apr 4, 872-4255. ~ Canadian Children's Opera ~ RCM Opera Ensemble, Chorus. H.M.S. Pinafore. Hansel und Gretel. April May 3,4. Hart House, 978- 19.20. 408-2824 x 321. 8668. ~ Scarborough Choral ~Canadian Opera Company .. Society. Kismet. April 11- Puccini: Manon Lescaut. April 13,17-19. Cedarbrae 8,11, 16, 19, 24,27. Verdi: Collegiate, 293-3981. -Luisa Miller. April ~ Scarborough G. & S. 12, 15,17 ,20,23,25. 363- Society. The Yeoman of the 8231. Guard. Apr 11-13, 18-20. ~ Centuries Opera Assoc. David and Mary Thomson Opera Magic '97. Verdi, Collegiate, 905-839-3411. Rossini, et al. April ,22, George Weston. 872-2222. ~ Stage Centre. Man of La Mancha. May 1-4,8-1>1, 14- ~ Curtain Call Players. 17. Fairview Library, 299- · Oliver! April 17-20,24-26: 5557. . Fairview Library, 462~3903. ~ Toronto Operetta Theatre, ~ Canadian Stage Company. Continental Varie'ties: an Sondheim: Passion. Apr 7- opere'tta cabaret. April 13, May 10. Jane Mallett. 366-7723. ~ Etobicoke Musical ~ Toronto Operetta Theatre. ProdJctions. The Best Little Millocker: The Beggar Whorehouse in Texas. April Student (in English). April 30, 11 -13,18-20,25,26. Scarlett Jane Mallett, 366-7723. Hts. Coli. 248-0410. ~ U. ofT. Faculty of Music ~ Follows Latimer. RSVP Opera .Division. Donizetti: II · Broadway. To April 20. Giovedi Grasso, April 9 & 11; Winter Garden, 872-5555. In the 20th Cenlury, April 23. ~ Hungarian Music & Stage. Spring Concert, May 2,3. J. Strauss: A Denever 978-3744. (Fiedermaus). Apr 13. Har- ~ York Weston Players. bord Collegiate, 497-5918. Oklahoma. Apr.3-5, 11, 12. ~ Livent. rvlcNally, Flaherty Weston Coli. 763-9090. &. Ahrens: Ragtime, Tues.- ~ Yorkminstrels. S/ngin' in Sun. Ford Centre, 872-2222. the Rain. April 12, ~3, , ~ Opera Atelier. Handel: A cis 16,17, 19,20; Leah Posluns, and Galatea. April 622-1971. april '97 wholenot~ THE BAND STAND,' APRH.l991 Some of you will remember that last issue we mused on the place of concert bands in 'our nusicallives, and wondered out loud if there was enough interest out there for us to make. a ''concert band page" a pennanent niche in this p~blication. wen here's a sf4rt. . Eight flute-players in sea.rch of a band. The new Festival Winq Orchestra is up and running, members wrote, with an adequate and still growing Complement of musicians. The band rehearses Tuesday nights at 7:30 at Newtonbrooke Secondary School and could still lise some new · members. Since the initiators of the project were eight fluteplayers and a conductor, it sounds as if "flutists/flautists ne·ed . not apply". Interested? Phone Shelley at 416-491-1683 . April 20 at Etobicoke Collegiate the Etobicoke Community Concert Band joins forces with an interesting group, the G.T.A Teachers Wind Ensemble, whose players are or have all been instrumental music teachers! The great thing about this group is that it is a wind ensemble, not a band -- only one instrument to a part, which translates, in miniature, into the clean, crisp sound. you get ·only with the· very best bands. · · The conductor is Bobby Herriott, well known conductor · · and trumpet player. Among his players are John Liddle, conductor of the Etobicoke Co~munity Concert Band, Gino Falconi, conductor of th~ Royal Regiment Band and music co-ordinator of the Toronto Board of Education and Paul Miner, president of the Canadian Band Association, Ontario Chapter. Come and hear new and exciting band repertoire at its best! Scarborough Chpral Society presents April 11, 12, 13, 17, l8, 19 Book and Lyrics by Robert Wright and. George Forrest · Music adapted from the themes of Alexander Borodin CHOREOGRAPHER Susan Croft John Grabb Theatre , · (Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute) 550 Markham Road, Scarborough MUSIC DIRECTOR Judy Scott ART DIRECTOR David Adolphus Adults I Seniors I Students Tickets & information: 293-3981 -I DoD Sales Toronto Oshawa North York Scarborough Rentals (416) 588-7886 (905) 4'34-1612 (416) 663-8612 (416) 439-8001 Repair ·,Financing l .._..._,_,.,~,~"""'"" Musical Instruments

Tuesday 1 APRIL CCMC: Can't Cause Major Coronary Wednesday 2 . Pianos, Percussion and Harp Thursday 3 Saturday 5 Sunday 6 Monday 7 Tuesday 8 Howard Rees Jazz Workshop Andrew Timar: Suling Novca Timar Ronald.Satok: EAR; KNOWS; VOCAL CORDS DOMU.SIC Workshop Wednesday 9. Continuum Friday 11 Saturday 12 Monday 14 Tuesday 15 Saturday 19 Sunday 20 CCMC: Can't Cause Major Coronary Wibijazz'n' 40 fingers: Spring Fingers A PULSE By Any Other Name CCMC: Can;t Cause Major Coronary Howard Rees Jazz Workshop featuring Barry Harris Tuesday 22 CCMC: • Can't Cause Major Coro~ary mUSIC mATRIX. affordable admini$trative services for composers, performers, and presenters of music Grant Preparation Financial Management Promotional Materials free Musicians' Information Services at · · . http:l/www .interlog.coml-mumatrixl including_ MUSIC f:UNDING CALENDAR and . . CALENDAR OF 20TH-CENTURY CONCERT MUSIC . PERFORMANCES IN TORONTO by appointment: Lauren Pratt at 416-785-7075 416-785-8849 fax mumatrix@ A not-for-profit corporation. Financial assistance for these services Is provided by The Municipality of MetropoiHan Toronto and The Toronto Arts Council. Wednesday 23 The Mike Allen Quartet

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)