9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 2 - October 2014

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • November
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
Includes the 2014 Blue Pages Member Directory


BLUE PAGES 2014/15platform to showcase the talents of young pianistsfrom around the world and to provide themwith exceptional performance opportunitiesthat will inspire audiences of all nationalitiesand cultures.The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto(CCC) is a registered charitable and non-profitorganization – a hub for communities of diverseethnicities and a centre to help enrich the people’scultural and artistic lives and experiences.With its grand opening in 1998, the 80,000square-foot Chinese Cultural Centre of GreaterToronto (CCC) is now the largest Chinese CulturalCentre and one of the most technologicallyadvancedcentres in North America. It includes amain building, resource library, an 8,500-squarefoot multi-purpose hall, a 626-seat state-ofthe-arttheatre, reception hall, art gallery andother facilities.Joshua;●Toronto ● Masque TheatreFounded in 2003 by artistic director Larry Beckwith,Toronto Masque Theatre is one of the onlycompanies in the world devoted to the performanceof masque, an art form that integrates elementsof music, dance and theatre into a singlepresentation. Inspired by the rich courtly traditionof the late renaissance, we seek to reinventthe art form for today’s audiences, speaking tocontemporary Toronto.We have produced over 40 critically-acclaimedproductions, ranging in repertoire from thelate renaissance to the present day, includingeight commissions of original work from Canadianartists.Our 11th season will feature three timelessstories: Stravinsky’s The Soldier’s Tale, a soldier’sdeal with the Devil told through music,dance and drama; Handel’s pastoral opera Acisand Galatea, presented in the warmth of a candle-litEnoch Turner Schoolhouse; and Les IndesMécaniques, an innovative choreographed adaptationof Jean-Philippe Rameau’s opera-ballet LesIndes Galantes. We will also present during theseason three salons that will explore the historyand future of the masque art form.Andrew●Toronto ● Mendelssohn ChoirGrand symphonic sound has been the trademarkof the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Canada’sworld-renowned large vocal ensemble, forover 100 years. TMC concerts feature choralmasterworks, music expressing hope, joy, desolationand faith – the drama of the human conditiontold through music and word. The 130-voicechoir includes a professional core, auditioned volunteersand apprentices. The TMC has a five-concertsubscription season and performs regularlywith the TSO, including Handel’s Messiah.TMC’s 2014/15 concerts include: Mozart’sRequiem and Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass onOctober 15 at Koerner Hall, a concert celebratingthe Choir’s 120th anniversary; “Festival ofCarols” on December 10 with special guests,the acclaimed Canadian Staff Band; Arvo Pärt’sPassio on March 10 and 11 at Church of the HolyTrinity; and a rare performance of Thomas Tallis’40-part Spem in alium at St. Paul’s Basilica onGood Friday.The TMC’s education and outreach programsinclude the annual Conductors’ Symposium foremerging conductors, the Apprentice Programto support young singers and Singsation Saturdaychoral workshops for anyone who loves to sing.Noel Edison, artistic directorand conductorCynthia Hawkins, executive directorBox Office: 416-598-0422●Toronto ● Operetta TheatreToronto Operetta Theatre celebrates its 30thAnniversary during the 2014/15 season, a historicmilestone for Canada’s premier exponentof operetta, Spanish zarzuela, music comedy andlight opera. The vision encompasses attractiveand diverse programming featuring establishedand new generation artists.The 30th Anniversary Season opens onNovember 2, 2014 with the Canadian premiere ofFederico Chueca’s zarzuela La Gran Via starringMargie Bernal, Fabian Arciniegas, Pablo Benitez,Diego Catala and José Hernández as music director.Our Holiday Production will be England’s mostpopular work for the stage, The Mikado by Gilbert& Sullivan featuring Lucia Cesaroni, Mia Lennox,David Ludwig, Giles Tomkins and Derek Bate asconductor from December 27, 2014 to January 4,2015. Earnest, the Importance of Being by VictorDavies and Eugene Benson – a Canadian operettabased on Oscar Wilde’s play – is our season finale,featuring Charlotte Knight, Christopher Enns andJean Stilwell with Larry Beckwith as conductoron April 29 and May 1 to 3, 2015.Guillermo Silva-Marin, general director416-922-2912Box Office: 416-366-7723; 1-800-708-6754Yuki●Toronto ● Singing StudioWelcome to a new season of singing! The TorontoSinging Studio offers many ways to improve anddevelop your voice and singing skills.Interested in private singing lessons? Discoverthe unique sound that is your singing voice. Are youmore comfortable in a group class? The very popular“Singers’ Repertoire Class” for experiencedsingers (ages 18 and over) may be a perfect fit.The Toronto Singing Studio has four amateuradult choirs: Vocal Mosaic (60 voices, no audition),Celebration Choir (60 voices, no audition,for singers over age 55), Vivace Vox (chamberchoir, by audition only) and Summer Singers (65voices, no audition, meets June and July).The Toronto Singing Studio has locations downtownand midtown. For more information, visitour website.Linda Eyman,●Toronto ● Symphony OrchestraFounded in 1922, the Toronto Symphony Orchestrais one of Canada’s leading cultural institutions.Today, more than 225,000 patrons andover 50,000 students visit the orchestra at RoyThomson Hall each year, and an additional fivemillion Canadians tune in to concert broadcastson CBC Radio. Under the leadership of musicdirector Peter Oundjian, the orchestra hasexpanded recording projects to include a selfproducedrecord label, and increased touringthroughout the US, Canada, and a recent tour toEurope in August 2014. The orchestra continuesto develop its international presence by being anactive commissioning body for new Canadian andinternational works, as well as attracting distinguishedguest artists and conductors to performancesat Roy Thomson Hall.Highlights from the TSO’s 2014/15 season willinclude: an exciting Opening Night performanceby violin sensation Joshua Bell, the inauguralPiano Extravaganza Festival curated by EmanuelAx, a series of concerts celebrating the 150thbirthday of Carl August Nielsen, a dazzling pianoperformance by Lang Lang at the annual ChineseNew Year concert and a special performance inthe spring by international superstar Yo-Yo●TorQ ● Percussion QuartetHailed as “outstanding – no, make that astonishing”by the Ottawa Citizen, TorQ PercussionQuartet has performed to standing ovations andcritical acclaim across the country and aroundthe world, and is recognized for its engaging performancesand captivating programming. Consistingof Richard Burrows, Adam Campbell,Jamie Drake and Daniel Morphy, TorQ has premieredcompositions by today’s most respectedcomposers, including Christos Hatzis, AndrewStaniland, Peter Hatch, Eric Robertson and PaulFrehner. In concert, they have performed at theOttawa Chamber Music Festival, the Indian RiverFestival, with the Stuttgart Chamber Choir in Canadaand Germany, for Prairie Debut, JeunessesB24 | theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES

Musicales Canada, Atlantic Debut and SoundstreamsCanada amongst many others. Theyhave released two recordings on the independentlabel Bedoint Records; their first self-titledrecording was given 3.5/4 stars by Toronto musicwriter John Terauds, and their most recent albumtwo + two was lauded as a “landmark recording[...demonstrating] an artistry that puts TorQsquarely on par with the best percussion ensemblesin the world” by former NEXUS member andJUNO nominee Robin Engelman.Richard●Toyich ● International ProjectsToyich International Projects (TIP) is a non-profitcharitable organization devoted to developing theskills, professional training and musical educationof music students, performers, mature amateurmusicians and music teachers by providingthem with opportunities to develop and presenttheir talents nationally and internationally.Our acclaimed Monster Concerts (pianoorchestras) have showcased many talented performersover the years and have been featuredon radio, television and print media in Canadaand Europe.TIP’s mandate is inclusive and we provide andsupport professional training on an ongoingbasis to musicians of all ages, in the form ofcoaching, masterclasses and performancepractice (contact Boyanna Toyich for informationabout participation).TIP, in collaboration with the University ofToronto’s Faculty of Music, is proud to presentRomeSMARTS (Rome Summer Musical Arts) inRome, Italy, each summer, offering performanceprograms, masterclasses with Canadian and Italianteachers, lectures, seminars, public performancesand University of Toronto credit coursesfor eligible students. The dates for next year’s programin Rome are July 13 to 24, 2015.Boyanna Toyich, artisticdirector, president and●Trio ● ArkelTrio Arkel is Canada’s foremost classical stringtrio. Our three-concert series, entitled Trio ArkelPresents, is a celebration of the beautiful stringtrio repertoire as well as that of larger chambermusic ensembles, for which we invite leadingmusicians from across North America tojoin us as guest artists. Come join us – MarieBérard, Concertmaster of the COC orchestra,Teng Li, Principal Violist of the TSO, and WinonaZelenka, Assistant Principal Cellist of the TSO – atthe Church of the Holy Trinity next to the EatonTORQ PERCUSSION QUARTETCentre, three exciting Sundays at 4:30pm. Datesare November 16, March 15 and May 17.Winona●●Ukrainian Art Song ProjectUkrainian Art Song Project (UASP) is a groundbreakinginitiative that aims to record and publisha veritable anthology of over 1,000 art songsby 26 of Ukraine’s greatest composers for distributionto the music world. Over its ten-year history,UASP has launched boxed CD sets of the artsongs of Kyrylo Stetsenko, Yakiv Stepovyi (sponsoredby the Ukrainian Music Society of Alberta)and Mykola Lysenko. Released to critical acclaim,many of these art songs have been recently discoveredand never previously recorded.Internationally renowned bass-baritone PavloHunka, artistic director, along with Roman Hurko,producer, have assembled a stellar cast of Canadianoperatic performers for both recordingsand performances. The principal piano accompanistfor the project is Albert Krywolt. Musicalscores for Ukrainian art songs are publishedon the UASP website and are available free ofcharge for download in Sibelius or as PDFs.The 2014/15 season celebrates the newlyreleased GALICIANS I: Four Composers fromthe western province of Ukraine: Barvinsky, Liudkevych,Sichynsky, Turkewich with a launch concerton November 2, 2014 at Koerner Hall.Daria●●University of TorontoFaculty of MusicThe Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto isregarded as a top destination for the professionaland scholarly study of music in North America.As part of one of the world’s top universities, theFaculty of Music is home to a diverse and dynamiccommunity of scholars, performers, composersand educators. With superb educators in everyarea of music study and dozens of areas of specializationin our degree and diploma programs,we offer an education that is both broad anddeep. Our students and alumni have garneredsuch awards as Prix Italia, the Peabody, JUNOand National Jazz Awards, and occupy prominentpositions with such ensembles as the TorontoSymphony, Cleveland Orchestra, Boston Symphonyand the Berlin Philharmonic.The Faculty of Music’s annual concert seasonfeatures students, faculty and guests in over 100public concerts, lectures and masterclasses. Thisyear’s featured guests include such distinguishedartists as Ben Heppner, Barbara Hannigan, PaulGriffiths, Hans Abrahamsen, Catherine Wyn-Rogers,Suzie LeBlanc, Atar Arad, Jerry Bergonzi andDavid Liebman, among others.Dr. Don McLean, dean416-408-0208●●Univox ChoirsUnivox Choirs of Toronto is a family of choirs foryoung adults in their 20s and 30s. The organizationis comprised of Univox (SATB, Dallas Bergen,conductor) and Florivox (SA, Frances Farrell, conductor).Univox Choirs holds relationship building,social responsibility and musical excellence astheir core principles. Most new choristers haveprevious choral experience or have some musicalproficiency. Selected repertoire spans five centuries,including choral classics, contemporaryworks and popular music, ranging from WilliamtheWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES | B25

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)