BLUE PAGES 2014/15Byrd to Daft Punk. Potential choristers are invitedto observe a rehearsal after initial contact. Univoxrehearsals take place Tuesdays; Florivox onMondays – both from 5:45pm to 8pm, at New Horizons/DovercourtBaptist, 1140 Bloor St. W. Thechoirs run from September to June.Tara●●Upper Canada ChoristersThe Upper Canada Choristers is a mixed-voicecommunity choir in Toronto committed to musicexcellence, community service and with a historyof collaboration with both local and internationalchoirs. The choir’s diversity is reflectedin its wide range of repertoire and the variety ofits guest artists. Cantemos is the auditioned Latinchamber ensemble of the Choristers. Foundingartistic director and conductor Laurie Evan Fraserand accompanist Natasha Fransblow providethe professional musical leadership for thisvibrant organization.The choir performs three programs annuallyin a variety of community venues. Our 2014/15season opens with “Winter Fanfare,” a concerton December 5 at Grace Church on-the-Hill with guest soloist Mark Ruhnke, baritone.On February 13, Cantemos will be featured in acabaret-style fundraiser: “Music of the Americas,”in the Parish Hall of Grace Church. The Choristersand Cantemos perform a concert of musicdrama, “Life’s Sweet Enchantment,” with chorusesfrom opera and musical theatre on May 8,2015 at Grace Church.Laurie Evan Fraser, conductor/artistic●Vesnivka ● ChoirFounding director Halyna Kvitka Kondracki establishedVesnivka Choir in 1965. This award-winning40-member women’s ensemble has delightedaudiences around the world with its rich repertoireof Ukrainian classical, sacred, contemporaryand traditional folk music. Vesnivka, togetherwith the Toronto Ukrainian Male Chamber Choir,begins its concert season on November 8, 2014,with “Remembrance,” music and poetry commemoratingthe 100th anniversary of WorldWar I. The program will include works by UkrainianCanadian composer Zenoby Lawryshyn, andwill feature guest artists, baritones Serhiy Dankoand Alex Tyssiak, and Toronto’s Ukrainian YouthEnsembles. Vesnivka brings in the New Yearwith its ever-popular annual Ukrainian Christmasconcert on January 11, 2015. The choirwill end its 2014/15 Season of Song on April 26,2015, with “Spring Celebration,” featuring a programof music drawn from the choir’s extensiverepertoire of folk songs celebrating spring,rebirth and love. Guest artists will include sopranoNatalya Matyusheva and tenor Eric Stoltz.Vesnivka also sings Christmas and Easter Liturgieson January 7 and April 12, 2015, at St. NicholasUkrainian Catholic Church in Toronto.Halyna Kvitka Kondracki,artistic directorNykola Parzei,●Victoria ● Scholars Men’sChoral EnsembleThe namesake of the Victoria Scholars, TomásLuis de Victoria, was an outstanding renaissancecomposer whose music is renowned forits spirituality and emotional expressiveness. TheVictoria Scholars bring the clarity and balanceof sound so characteristic of renaissance musicto all their repertoire, encompassing medievalplainchant, works from the baroque, classical,romantic and contemporary eras and newlycommissionedworks.Past winners of the Healey Willan Grand Prizein the CBC Radio National Competition for AmateurChoirs, the Victoria Scholars have performedwith many exceptional arts organizations (includingthe Toronto Symphony Orchestra and theKiev Chamber Choir) and vocal soloists (includingSondra Radvanovsky, Michael Schade, RussellBraun and Norine Burgess). They have tourednationally and internationally and are heard regularlyon CBC Radio 2 and Classical 96.3 FM. Theirfour recordings are widely acclaimed and theirmost recent release, O Night Divine, reached #6on the 96.3 FM Classical Charts in 2012 and reenteredthe charts for Christmas 2013.The 2014/15 concert series includes “Yuletideon the Cool Canadian Side” (December 19 and21), “Songs of Love” (March 1), and “Simple Gifts”(May 31).Choir auditions take place every October andJanuary and new singers are always welcome,as are volunteers to join the Board of Directors.Please contact us for more information on joiningthe Victoria Scholars organization.Jerzy Cichocki, music●Village ● VoicesVillage Voices is a non-profit, adult mixed-voicecommunity choir of over 70 voices that has justcelebrated an exciting 25th season. Under thedirection of Joan Andrews, the choir providesfellowship for its members and performs alltypes and eras of choral music: classical, sacredand secular. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdaynights at the Cornell Community Centrein Markham.Village Voices raises its artistic level andexpands its repertoire through vocal workshopsand by including professional guest soloists andinstrumentalists. The choir performs at variousvenues in Markham and the surrounding area. Itcontinues to honour its commitment to the communityby entertaining at local retirement andgroup homes.On December 6, Village Voices will performChristmas Joy, featuring a suite of carols forchoir and brass, by Canadian composer StephenChatman. The choir will be joined by membersof the Markham Concert Band Brass section.Other seasonal music and a sing-along will beincluded. On May 2, 2015, the spring concert willfeature the lyrical Schubert Mass in G, followedby a selection of music to celebrate the upcomingPanAm Games.Joan Andrews, conductorand artistic●Visual ● and PerformingArts NewmarketVisual and Performing Arts Newmarket wasorganized in 1988 with the aim of bringingtogether arts lovers and campaigning for a performingarts facility. In 1997, VPAN was able totake advantage of a new state-of-the-art theatrein Newmarket and created “Three For The Show,”a three-concert series of classical music on Sundayafternoons during the winter months. Pastartists in the series include Mauro Bertoli, WallisGiunta, Janina Fialkowska, the Gryphon Trio,Andre Laplante, Quartetto Gelato, Toronto Children’sChorus, Elmer Iseler Singers, Bach Children’sChorus, Mary Lou Fallis, Penderecki StringQuartet, Grand Philharmonic Choir and TorQ PercussionQuartet.Fifteen years ago, VPAN added a popular fourthconcert, “Young Artists’ Showcase.” In 2014/15VPAN celebrates its 18th season by presentingTrillium Brass Quintet on November 2, 2014,L’Accordeoniste on March 8, 2015 and violinistMartin Beaver on May 3, 2015.All concerts take place Sundays at 2pm at thefully-accessible Newmarket Theatre, 505 PickeringCres. with ample free parking. Subscriptiontickets are (adults), (seniors) and (students). Single tickets can be purchasedby calling the theatre box office or visiting the boxoffice website.Judy Craig905-895-8713art_judycraig@rogers.comBox Office: 905-953-5122;●VIVA! ● Youth Singers of TorontoCelebrating its 15th season, VIVA! Youth Singersof Toronto is a vibrant, innovative choral organizationfor singers ages four to young adults.B26 | theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES
VIVA! offers youth the opportunity to achieveartistic excellence in a singer-centred, inclusivecommunity. Support is provided for youthwith disabilities.VIVA!’s diverse programming features ageappropriatechoral training through instructionin vocal technique, private vocal instruction andcomprehensive theory. VIVA! has five choirs –Preparatory Chorus, Junior Choir, Main Chorus,ECS (Everyone Can Sing) Chorus and the SATBChamber Youth Choir. This season includes Mondayrehearsals; appearances in The Nutcrackerwith The National Ballet of Canada orchestra; aJanuary 17 “Songs of Innocence” concert at TrinitySt. Paul’s; a March 11 noon-hour concert as partof the Roy Thomson Hall Choir and Organ Series;the annual Gala Dinner on April 29; and a June 6concert, “Sumer is Icumen.” The Chamber YouthChoir’s season includes a “Bach Cantatas” Concertwith orchestra on April 3 and The Play ofDaniel with the Toronto Consort in May.Send us an email for information and to bookan audition (in January, April, September or June).Susan Suchard, general●VOCA ● Chorus of TorontoThe VOCA Chorus of Toronto, founded (as TheEast York Choir) in 1986, is a mixed-voice, auditionedensemble performing eclectic repertoire,including several premiers of arrangements byour artistic director, Jenny Crober, in collaborationwith other artists. Our very talented, versatileaccompanist is Elizabeth Acker. Our seasonconsists of two concerts, performances at benefitsand community events, workshops, retreatsand a cabaret.Guest artists have included some of Canada’sfinest performers: the Talisker Playerschamber orchestra; guitarists Michael Occhipintiand Charlie Roby; bassists Rob Clutton andLouis Simão; singers Jennie Such and AlexanderDobson; Latin band Cassava; percussionistsRay Dillard, Nick Coulter and Andy Morris;storyteller/dancer Adwoa Badoe; and Celticmusicians Loretto Reid and Sharlene Wallace.We were broadcast on CBC Radio’s Vinyl Café inJanuary 2009.Our concert on Saturday, December 6, 7:30pmat Eastminster United Church will feature ConradSusa’s gorgeous “Carols and Lullabies: Christmas inthe Southwest,” along with selections by Lauridsen,Gjeilo, Letourneau, Loomer, Henderson and others.Guests: Lori Gemmell, harp; William Beauvais,guitar; Les Allt, flute; Ray Dillard, percussion.Rehearsals: Monday evenings at EastminsterUnited (Chester subway).Jenny Crober, artistic ARKEL●●Voicebox: Opera in ConcertVoicebox: Opera in Concert is Canada’s only companydedicated exclusively to the presentation ofrare opera programming. Our performances relyonly on the power and beauty of the human voice,the dramatic inflection of text and poetry accompaniedby orchestra or piano.The 2014/15 season opens with internationaloperatic star Isabel Bayrakdarian, tenor ErnestoRamirez and music director José Hernándezleading our roster of emerging Canadian artistsin La Vida Breve by Manuel de Falla on Sunday,November 30, 2014 – a passionate and bold storyin turn-of-the-century Spain. Street Scene by KurtWeill featuring Colin Ainsworth, Allison Angeloand Jennifer Taverner is next on February 1,conducted by Robert Cooper. The season closesMarch 29 with Louise by Gustave Charpentier,featuring Leslie Ann Bradley, Michèle Bogdanowicz,Adam Luther and Dion Mazerolle, along withPeter Tiefenbach as music director and pianist.Robert Cooper leads OIC’s renowned chorus.Performances are held at the St. Lawrence Centrefor the Arts.Guillermo Silva-Marin, general director416-922-2147Box Office: 416-366-7723; 1-800-708-6754guillermo@operainconcert.comYuki●Windermere ●String QuartetThe Windermere String Quartet was formed inthe spring of 2005 to perform the music of Mozart,Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert and their contemporarieson period instruments. The quartetis known for its dynamic performances and distinctiveapproach to well-known and rarely-heardrepertoire as well as its regular commissions ofnew works. The Windermere String Quartet’sconcert series takes place in the warm acousticand intimate atmosphere of St. Olave’s AnglicanChurch in Toronto’s west end. Concerts fromthe series have been recorded for broadcast byCBC Radio.The quartet’s first CD, The Golden Age of StringQuartets, was released in the 2011/12 season tocritical acclaim. In addition to its own concertseries, the quartet has also performed at theToronto Music Garden, Nuit Blanche, MusicallySpeaking, Stratford Chamber Music, the LakeMacDonald Music Centre, Music at Port Milfordand New Hamburg Live!, and is regularlyappointed as the quartet-in-residence at summerfestivals.Anthony●Women’s ● Musical Club of TorontoThrough its Music in the Afternoon concert series,the 117-year-old Women’s Musical Club ofToronto presents chamber music concerts featuringmusicians on the threshold of internationalrecognition, as well as established artists andensembles. Concerts are held Thursday afternoonsat 1:30pm at Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park, Toronto.Artists for the 117th (2014/15) season includeTrio Wanderer (Thursday October 2); DoverQuartet (Thursday November 13); Jens Lindemann,trumpet (Thursday March 16); ChristianneStotijn, soprano and Julius Drake, piano(Thursday April 16); Ensemble Made In Canada,presenting the premiere of a new work by ChristopherMayo, commissioned by WMCT (ThursdayMay 7).A special date for the WMCT this season is Sunday,April 26, when we will welcome the threefinalists for our Career Development Award whowill compete live for the award. Tickets for thelive competition are available for purchase at thetheWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES | B27
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●●4:30: Christ Church Deer Park
●●2:00: Toronto Symphony Orches
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