Music Society. Janina Fialkowska, piano.Grieg: Six Lyric Pieces; Schubert: Sonata inE-flat Op.Posth.122, D.568; Ravel: Noctuelles;Oiseaux Tristes; Chopin: Impromptu in Gb,op. 51; 3 Mazurkas; Ballade No. 4 in f, Op.52.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Saturday November 1● ● 7:30: Guelph Chamber Choir. War andPeace: Remembering The Great War 1914-1918. Haydn: Mass in Time of War; Beethoven:Choral Fantasy; Daley: For the Fallen; Tilley:In Flanders Fields; Sirett (arr.): Where haveall the flowers gone; R. Lang: Earth TeachMe. Musica Viva Orchestra; Stéphan Sylvestre,piano; Sheila Dietrich, soprano; CarolynneDavy Godin, mezzo; Chris Fischer, tenor;Neil McLaren, bass; Gerald Neufeld, conductor.River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St.,Guelph. 519-763-3000. 0(group of 4);; (st); (youth with eyeGO). 6:30:Podiumtalk! World War I Centenary, DavidMurray, historian.Sunday November 2● ● 2:30: Kawartha Concerts. Encore Children’sProduction. Stravinsky: Petrouchka.Motus O Dance Theatre Company. GlennCrombie Theatre, Fleming College, 200 AlbertStreet S., Lindsay. 705-878-5625. ; (st/youth). 1:30: Pre-concert event.● ● 2:30: Kingston Symphony. Major MitchellSalutes Melody. Evan Mitchell, conductor.Grand Theatre, 218 Princess St., Kingston.613-530-2050. ; (st); (child).● ● 7:30: Arcady. Ruth – An opera by RonaldBeckett. Ronald Beckett, conductor. LighthouseFestival Theatre, 247 Main Street, PortDover. 519-583-2221. ; (st).● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Olena Klyucharova, piano;Marcus Scholtes, violin. Medtner: “Sonatareminiscenza”in a, Op.38; Prokofiev: PianoSonata No.3; Prokofiev and Medtner: Fairytails;Prokofiev: Violin Sonata No.2 p.94a;Medtner: 2 Canzonas with Dances op.43.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; $20(sr); (st).B. Concerts Beyond the GTATuesday November 4● ● 11:45am: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Student Recital. Maureen ForresterRecital Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University,75 University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x4439. Free.Wednesday November 5● ● 12:00 noon: Barrie Concerts. MiddayMusic with Shigeru. Bear Creek High SchoolStudents; Daniel Johnston, conductor. Hi-WayPentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie.705-726-1181. ; free(st).● ● 12:30: University of Waterloo Departmentof Music. Noon Hour Concerts: Glenn Buhr.Solo jazz piano music. Conrad Grebel UniversityCollege, 140 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo.519-885-0220 x24226. Free.● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Marc Toth, piano: Beethoven’sSonata Revolution. Beethoven: Sonatinaop 49/1 in g; No.8 in c, op.13 (“Pathétique”);No.24 in f-sharp op. 78; No.29 in B-flat, op. 106(“Hammerklavier”). KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); $20(st).Thursday November 6● ● 12:00 noon: University of Guelph Collegeof Arts. Thursday at Noon Concert Series: ASanctuary in Song. Daniel Cabena, countertenor;Stephen Runge, piano. MacKinnonRoom 107, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Rd.,Guelph. 519-824-4120 x5299. Free.● ● 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier UniversityFaculty of Music. Music at Noon. KatherineRobertson, horn; Larry Larson, trumpet; LoriGemmell, harp. Maureen Forrester RecitalHall, Wilfrid Laurier University, 75 UniversityAve. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x4439. Free.Friday November 7● ● 7:30: Jeunesses Musicales Ontario. EmergingArtists Concerts on Tour: White Night inRussia. Marina Thibeault, viola; Michel-AlexandreBroekaert, piano. St. Andrew’s PresbyterianChurch (Prescott), 425 CentreSt., Prescott. 613-925-5805. ; (st);free(under 12). Also Nov 4 (mat, Toronto).OCTOBER 2, 3, 4. FROM NYC:JOHNNY O’NEALwith DAVE YOUNG andTERRY CLARKEBook Your Table Today!416-363-5299251 Victoria Streetwww.jazzbistro.caBeat by Beat | In the ClubsTHE HOGTOWN SYNCOPATORS’ DREW JURECKAcontinued from page 15While most of the time Jurecka performs on the violin, in theHogtown Syncopators he stretches out on his other instrumentsand sings in a heart-melting Louis Armstronginfluencedmanner. It’s not that he growls like Satchmo, but ratherrespects the melody while improvising ever so subtly in a hornlikeway, all the while swinging you to good health.As a sideman he has played, written or arranged on more than 150records, including several JUNO-winning and Grammy-nominatedalbums, film and television soundtracks. What about his ownrecording?“I’ve long been pressured by lots of friends and supporters to putout a solo disc. I’ve never had a strong drive to record “my own”project. I love playing music, arranging, producing and doing all ofthe things that I’m fortunate enough to do, and I feel pretty artisticallysatisfied.However, I do have a couple of days booked at CanterburyStudios in October with Mark Kieswetter and Clark Johnston. I’mexcited to finally record a record as a leader.” Cheers to this news! Itwill be very interesting to hear the choices Jurecka makes as a leader.For a sneak preview, see him along with Kieswetter on piano and DaveYoung on bass at the Home Smith Bar on Saturday October 11 from7:30 to 10:30pm.THE UNSINKABLE TERRY WILKINSAnother musician who can easily be described as versatile is bassistTerry Wilkins. The veteran Toronto-based musician, composer, bandleader,arranger, producer and teacher is a native of Sydney, Australia.He has been working here for over 40 years, but has kept a trace ofan accent.“I moved to Toronto on March 14, 1971. I arrived with a band – wewere called Flying Circus and we came to Toronto to wait out thenegotiations for a record deal with Capitol U.S. We stayed here for afew months and played bars and high school dances. We decided weliked Toronto, so after returning to Australia for one more nine-weeknational tour, we returned to Toronto, got our Capitol deal and I amstill here.”Since the days of that country-rock band, he has worked with animpressively diverse group of artists including Lighthouse, Big Sugar,Rough Trade and David Wilcox, as well as backing up visiting artistssuch as Dr. John, Eddie (Cleanhead) Vinson, Maria Muldaur andJohn Hammond.These days Wilkins is very excited about his recently formed band,The Sinners Choir (there is no apostrophe, I checked) which is a funnyname for a powerhouse trio. Halfway between roots and rock ‘n’ roll,this unique cross-generational formation of three sideman who singin harmony, in addition to playing bass, guitar and drums, rocks inevery sense of the word.“Four years ago, I got the call from Brian Cober of The Nationals togo play a Sunday night at Grossmans. I had done many of these overthe years since their dear bassist, Paul, passed away.“In this case, Brian informed me that he would be in Israel but hewas sending in a young guitarist-singer named Adam Beer-Colacino.I had not heard of him. He was about 20 years old. We talked aboutwhat we were going to start with. From the literal first note weplayed together we had an innate understanding of how to intersect.Last November we added Adam Warner on drums after havinghad many gigs over those years with various drummers. Adam’swriting and singing made him an invaluable addition. As a bonus, thevery first time we ventured to sing a three-part, we made the soundwe currently make. No strenuous rehearsal or detailed planning. Itjust worked.”These days you can see and hear The Sinners Choir on most Tuesdaynights at 10pm at The Cameron House, a venue which is very dearto Wilkins.“I have played there right back in time and over the intervening 33years I have nearly always had one connection or another that kept me54 | October 1 - November 7, 2014
playing there, whether it was seminal Queen Street band V featuringMojah, Lorraine Segato and Billy Bryans and myself, through to theearly days of Big Sugar and its early associations with Molly Johnson,and on to standing on the bar with Jake and the Blue Midnights –right up to now with my work there with The Sinners Choir. I loveThe Cameron and I am so delighted that Anne Marie’s son Cosmo andMike McKeown had taken the spirit of The Cameron and pulled it intothe 21st century keeping all the best and adding in their take. May itlast another 100 years.”Ori Dagan is a Toronto-based jazz musician andeducator who can best be reached at oridagan.com80 Gladstone80 Gladstone Ave. (full schedule)Alleycatz2409 Yonge St. 416-481-6865alleycatz.caAll shows: 9pm unless otherwise indicated.Call for cover charge info.Every Mon 8pm Salsa Night w/ Frank Bischunand free lessons. Every Tue 8:30pm BachataNight w/ DJ Frank Bischun and free lessons.Every Wed 8:30pm Carlo BerardinucciBand. No Cover. October 2 Dead Penny. October3, 4, 10, 17, 18, 24, 25 Lady Kane. October9 Toney Wild “T” Springer Jam. October11 Soular. October 16 Miss Behavin’. October23 Carlos Morgan. October 30 Liane’s Touchof Jazz. October 31 Taxi.Annette Studios566 Annette St. 647-880-8378annettestudios.comEvery Mon 9:30pm Jazz Jam w/ Nick MorganQuartet. Suggested donation /(st).Artword Artbar15 Colbourne St., Hamilton. 905-543-8512C. In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)The Sinners (full schedule)October 2 9pm Brenda Earle Stokes (voice,piano), Pat Collins (bass) / (st). October3 9pm Shari Vandermolen (voice), SteveMcCrae (piano), TBA (bass) / (st).October 8 8pm Vocal Jazz Jam hosted byJohn Imre (piano) /PWYC. October 15 8pmHamilton Dixieland All-Stars: Frank Musico(trumpet), Don Templeton (trombone), DonHall (clarinet), Matt Kennedy (piano), JimmyHoward (bass), Steve Wilson (drums) .October 16 8pm Jazz Guitar Styles, featuringChris Platt & Bob Shields, The JasonJones Unit, Jason Jones & Scott Taplay, JillMcKenna, and more / (st). October 178pm New Jazz Compositions by The AaronZukewich Trio with Aaron Zukewich (piano),Joel Banks (bass), Joel Haynes (drums), andThe Sean Dowhaniuk Group: Sean Dowhaniuk(guitar), Riley Keller (saxophone), Mike Rajna(drums), Josh Smiley (piano), Ethan Tilbury(bass) / (st). October 18 8pm A Night ofLatin Jazz featuring Rob Fekete (piano), MikeFilice (flute and tenor sax), Carlos Rodriguez(drums), Fhanor Molina (bass), and specialguest Ashley St. Pierre (voice). October 197:30pm Adrean Farrugia (piano), and SophiaPerlman (voice) / (st).Axis Gallery and Grill3048 Dundas St. W (full schedule)All shows: No cover/PWYCBloom2315 Bloor St. W. 416-767-1315bloomrestaurant.comAll shows: 19+. Call for reservations.October 9 7pm Bill McBirnie Trio with DanielStone and Louis Simao (with dinner).October 30 7pm Anne Lederman & Ian (with dinner).Castro’s Lounge2116e Queen St. E (full schedule)All shows: No cover/PWYCEvery Sun 10pm Watch This Sound.C’est What67 Front St. E (416) (full schedule)October 4, 18 3pm The Hot Five JazzmakersNo cover/PWYC. October 11, 25 3pm The BoxcarBoys No cover/PWYC.Chalkers Pub, Billiards & Bistro247 Marlee Ave. 416-789-2531chalkerspub.comEvery Wed 8pm Girls Night Out Jazz Jamw/ host Lisa Particelli. PWYC. October 2, 38pm Fingerstyle Guitar w/ Loren Barrigarand Mark Mazengarb /.50 for subscribers/$20for members. October 4 6pmThe Robi Botos Trio . October 18 6pm TheDavid Buchbinder Trio: David Buchbinder(trumpet), Hilario Duran (piano), Jon Maharaj(bass) . October 25 6pm Reg Schwagger(guitar) & Don Thompson (piano).Classico Pizza & Pasta2457 Bloor St. W (full schedule)DeSotos1079 St. Clair Ave. W (full schedule)Every Sun 11am-2pm Sunday Live JazzBrunch hosted by Anthony Abbatangeli NoCover.Dominion on Queen500 Queen St. E (full schedule)Call for cover charge info.Emmet Ray, The924 College St. (full schedule)All shows: No Cover/PWYCOctober 1 9pm Kevin Butler & Darlin. October2 9pm John-Wayne Swingtet AlexanderTikhonov (clarinet), Wayne Nakamura(guitar), Abbey Sholzberg (bass), John Farrell(guitar). October 3 10pm Cosmonauts:Exploration into Hip Hop, Electronic, Indie,Soul & Reggae. October 4 10pm DJ Sawtay:Hip Hop & Soul.Flying Beaver Pubaret, The488 Parliament St. (full schedule)Free Times Cafe320 College St. 416-967-1078freetimescafe.comGate 403403 Roncesvalles Ave. All shows: PWYC.October 1 5pm Howard Willett; 9pm JulianFauth Blues Duo. October 2 5pm RobertaHunt Jazz & Blues Band; 9pm MélanieBrûlée’s Band. October 3 9pm Tevlin SwingBand. October 4 5pm Bill Heffernan and HisFriends. October 6 5pm Mike Daley JazzTrio. October 7 5pm Jazzforia featuringClaire Riley; 8pm Danny Marks and Alec FraserDuo. October 8 9pm Julian Fauth BluesNight. October 9 9pm Kevin Laliberté Jazz& Flamenco Trio. October 10 5pm Kyla BroxBlues Band from England; 9pm Denielle BasselsJazz Band. October 11 5pm Bill Heffernanand His Friends; 9pm Sweet DerrickBlues Band. October 12 9pm David BuchbinderJazz Band. October 14 8pm DannyMarks and Alec Fraser Duo. October 15 9pmJulian Fauth Blues Night. October 17 5pmWhitney Ross Barris Jazz Band; 9pm FraserMelvin Blues Band. October 18 5pm BillHeffernan and His Friends; 9pm BrownmanAkoustic Trio. October 21 8pm Danny Marksand Alec Fraser Duo. October 22 9pm JulianFauth Blues Night. October 24 5pm Doc. BarristerJazz Band. October 25 5pm Bill Heffernanand His Friends. October 27 7pm CherylWhite Rhythm & Blues Band. October 28 8pmDanny Marks and Alec Fraser Duo. October29 9pm Julian Fauth Blues Night. October 315pm Mike Field.Grossman’s Tavern379 Spadina Ave. (full schedule)All shows: No cover (unless otherwise noted.)October 1 9:30pm Bruce Domoney.Habits Gastropub928 College St. (full schedule)October 3 9pm Mark Ucci Jazz Trio .October 10 9pm Chelsea McBride Group .Venue Rental• in the heart of Yorkville• historical heritage building• Steinway Grand Piano• recital and special events• lighting and sound systems• accomodates caterers• reasonable rates35 Hazelton Avenue, Heliconian Hall416-922-3618 October 1 - November 7, 2014 | 55