9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 2 - October 2014

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • November
  • Concerts
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  • Musical
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
Includes the 2014 Blue Pages Member Directory

C. In the Clubs (Mostly

C. In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)Seven44(Formerly Chick n’ Deli/The People’s Chicken)744 Mount Pleasant Rd. (full schedule)Every Sat 4-7pm Climax Jazz Band . October6 7:30pm Advocats Big Band No cover.October 13 7:30pm Bob Cary Big Band Nocover. October 20 7:30pm George Lake BigBand No cover. October 27 7:30pm Mega CitySwing Big Band No cover.Toni Bulloni156 Cumberland St. 416-967-7676tonibulloni.comNo cover. Saturday shows: 9pm. food/drink minimum. Sunday shows: 6pm. minimum.October 4 Ori Dagan & Mark Kieswetter.October 5 Julie Michels & Ted Quinlan. October11 Ilana Waldston, Donovan LeNabat, &Ross MacIntyre. October 18 Genevieve Marentette& Robert Scott. October 25 SamBroverman & Mark Kieswetter.Galas and Fundraisers●●Oct 4 7:30: Peterborough SymphonyOrchestra. Bows & Birchbark - Come as youare Party. Casual event with finger foods,cash bar, silent auction, live music by membersof PSO. Canadian Canoe Museum,910 Monaghan Rd., Peterborough. 705-742-1992. .●●Oct 16 9:00: Canadian Opera Company.Operanation: Light Up the Night. Gala fundraiserfeaturing music, dancing, fashion,culinary arts and visual arts with a Spanishtheme. Performance by the COC EnsembleStudio and a guest contemporary musician.Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231.●●Oct 22 7:00: Coalition for Music Education.Casa Musica, An Evening of Music andMeaning. Inaugural fundraising gala hostedby JUNO-winning jazz vocalist Kellylee Evans;special guest speaker and musician ColonelChris Hadfield; performers include theGryphon Trio; singer/songwriter Marc Jordan;singer/songwriter Amanda Martinez.Pre-event VIP reception features an ensembleof young musicians from The NationalYouth Orchestra of Canada. Casa Loma,1 Austin Terrace. 0. Funds raised from theevening will support Youth for Music, a newD. The ETCeterasTranzac292 Brunswick Ave. (full schedule)3-4 shows daily, various styles. Mostly PWYC.Every Mon 10pm Open Mic Mondays. EveryThurs 7:30pm Bluegrass Thursdays: Houndstooth.Every Fri 5pm The Foolish Things(folk). This month’s shows include: October1 12am Drumheller. October 3 7:30 GeorgeMeanwell & Eric St Laurent. October 5 8pmThe Shoeless CD Release: Eli Bender (cello),Frank Evans (banjo), Emilyn Stam (fiddle),plus opening set by Soozi Schlanger .October 5, 19 5pm Monk’s Music. October7 10pm Peripheral Vision. October 12 10pmThe Lina Allemano Four. October 14 7:30pmAurochs. October 15 12am Stop Time. October17 7:30pm Dust: The Quietest Big Bandin the Known World. October 21 10pm TheKen McDonald Quartet. October 22 7:30pmTrevor Giancola. October 31 10pm The RyanDriver Sextet.program of the Coalition for Music Education.●●Oct 30 5:30: Ken Page Memorial Trust.Annual Jazz Fundraiser saluting the SwingWizards.Cocktail reception, gala dinner,grand raffle prizes. Lifetime AchievementAward to Bob Ross. Old Mill Toronto, 21 OldMill Rd. 416-515-0200. 0 ( tax receipt).●●Oct 30 9:00pm: Tafelmusik. Baroque +Beer: Hallowe’en Madness Edition. A TafelmusikQuartet performs, accompanied bya pairing of beer samples from McAuslanBrewery. TRANZAC, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-964-6337. $20(adv); (door). Open to audiencemembers ages 18-35 (must show validID for beer samples).Competitions●●Oct 20 11:00am: Canadian Chopin Festival.Fourth Canadian Chopin Piano Competition- Senior Competition: First Round. John PaulII Polish Cultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra Rd.,Mississauga. 416-231-7709. Free.●●Oct 21 11:00am: Canadian Chopin Festival.Fourth Canadian Chopin Piano Competition -Senior Competition: Second Round. John PaulII Polish Cultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra Rd.,Mississauga. 416-231-7709. Free.●●Oct 22 10:30am: Canadian Chopin Festival.Fourth Canadian Chopin Piano Competition- Junior Competition: PreliminaryRound, Day One. John Paul II Polish CulturalCentre, 4300 Cawthra Rd., Mississauga.416-231-7709. Free.●●Oct 23 10:30am: Canadian Chopin Festival.Fourth Canadian Chopin Piano Competition- Junior Competition: Preliminary Round,Day Two. John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre,4300 Cawthra Rd., Mississauga. 416-231-7709. Free.●●Oct 23 7:00: Canadian Chopin Festival.Fourth Canadian Chopin Piano Competition -Junior Competition: Finals. John Paul II PolishCultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra Rd., Mississauga.416-231-7709. Free.●●Oct 24 1:00: Canadian Chopin Festival.Fourth Canadian Chopin Piano Competition -Senior Competition: Finals. John Paul II PolishCultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra Rd., Mississauga.416-231-7709. Free.●●Nov 1 (deadline to apply): Etobicoke PhilharmonicOrchestra. Young ComposersCompetition 2014. Canadian composers ages32 and under. Winning composition will beperformed by the ETO; cash prizes presented.416-239-5665. For;●●Nov 28 (deadline to apply): Toronto Sinfonietta.Ninth annual concerto competitionfor the best performance of a solo workwith orchestra. Gala concert of competitionwinners is Sat Feb 21, 2015. Age categories:under 16, 16-19. Rules and application formsat and Tours●●Oct 5, 12, 19 and 26 10:30am: CanadianOpera Company. Tour the Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts. 90 minute toursincluding backstage access to wig rooms,dressing rooms, orchestra pit and more.Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416 -306-2329. $20;(sr/st).●●Oct 18: University of Toronto. Fall CampusDay. Explore the Faculty of Music andthe Edward Johnson Building. Talk to studentsand professors, learn about coursesand programs and attend a rehearsal or concert.Edward Johnson Bldg., Faculty of Music,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.Festivals, Fairs, Festivities●●To Oct 5, various: Small World Music Festival.Various concerts and events around thecity highlighting music from Serbia, Trinidad,Iran, Germany, Pakistan and more. For individualconcert listings, see listings Section●●Oct 17 6:30: Trillio. 6th Annual Baroquetoberfest.Festival of Oktoberfest foods, tothe accompaniment of baroque music by Germancomposers including Bach, Telemannand Handel, played on period instruments(recorders, viola da gambas, baroque oboe,and harpsichord). St. Andrew’s PresbyterianChurch, 130 Clergy St. E., Kingston. Informationand reservations:, 613-634-9312. (includes concert and food).Lectures, Salons, Symposia●●Oct 5 2:00: Toronto Opera Club. Falstaff- everyone loves a fat man. Guest speaker:John Rutherford, speaker of the COC President’sCouncil. Room 330, Edward JohnsonBldg. Faculty of Music, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-924-3940. .●●Oct 6 7:00: Toronto New Music Alliance.New Music 101: Arraymusic with Martha Baillie,and Music in the Barns. Arraymusic andauthor Martha Baillie demonstrate complementarymusical and literary narratives, performingcompositions by Nic Gotham writtenfor Baillie’s The Search For Heinrich Schlögel.Music in the Barns demonstrates performancesmixing acoustic instruments and liveelectronic processing. Hosted by The WholeNote’sDavid Perlman. Hinton Learning Theatre,Toronto Reference Library, 789 YongeSt. 416-961-6601 x207. Free. Also Oct 7 atPalmerston Library.●●Oct 7 7:00: Toronto New Music Alliance.New Music 101: Arraymusic with Martha Baillie,and Music in the Barns. Arraymusic andauthor Martha Baillie demonstrate complementarymusical and literary narratives, performingcompositions by Nic Gotham writtenfor Baillie’s The Search For Heinrich Schlögel.Music in the Barns demonstrates performancesmixing acoustic instruments and liveelectronic processing.Hosted by The WholeNote’sDavid Perlman. Palmerston Library,560 Palmerston Ave. 416-961-6601 x207. Free.Also Oct 6 at Toronto Reference Library.●●Oct 11 3:00: Musideum. Indian Music Seminar.With celebrated sarod player, composer,conductor, arranger, educator, writer andmusic critic, Goutam Ghosh. 401 RichmondSt. W., Suite. 133. 416-599-7323. .●●Oct 14 1:30: Oakville Opera Guild. Tea withOpera: Today’s Young Singers and the Futureof Opera. Guest: Michael Albano, U of T OperaDivision resident stage director. Oakville CentralLibrary auditorium, Navy St., Oakville.905-337-0477. (minimum donation). Proceedsto scholarship awarded annually toa young Canadian singer studying at U of TOpera Division.●●Oct 17 7:00: Soundstreams Salon 21.Squeezebox featuring Michael Bridge. Joinus as accordion wunderkind Michael Bridgetakes us on a musical journey of the accordionfrom Bayan to the Roland digital accordion.Gardiner Museum, 111 Queen’s Park.416-504-1282. Free, PWYC reserved seatingavailable.●●Oct 18 3:00: Arraymusic. Allison CameronLectures on the Arctic Circle & Performs.Composer(former Arraymusic artisticdirector) Allison Cameron presents a talk,videos and performance focusing on herrecent travels to the Arctic. The Array Space,155 Walnut St. (2nd floor). 416-532-3019.PWYC.●●Oct 20 7:30: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Geiger-Torel Lecture. Given byGerman-born conductor Johannes Debus,music director of the Canadian Opera Company.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg.,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.●●Oct 21 7:00: Canadian Chopin Festival. Chopin’sThird Piano Sonata, Op. 58: Late Styleand Performance Considerations. Lecture /Recital by Dr. Adam Zukiewicz. John Paul IIPolish Cultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra Rd.,Mississauga. 416-231-7709. $20.●●Oct 22 7:00: Canadian Chopin Festival.Liszt and the Keyboard. Lecture by Dr. AlanWalker. John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre,4300 Cawthra Rd., Mississauga. 416-231-7709. $20.●●Oct 24 8:00: Oakville Opera Guild. Tea withOpera: Tempest and Tranquillity, The Symbolismof Weather in Opera. Guest: Muriel Smith,Canadian Opera Company. Call for location.905-337-0477. (minimum donation). Proceedsto scholarship awarded annually toa young Canadian singer studying at U of T58 | October 1 - November 7, 2014

Opera Division.●●Nov 1 and 2: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. In Memoriam: Edward Laufer.Acelebration of the musical and intellectuallegacy of Professor Emeritus Edward C. Laufer(1938-2014) by his friends and colleagues,featuring rare performances of his compositionsand presentations about his analyticalwork. Details to follow. 416-408-0208.●●Nov 01 8:00: Royal Conservatory/SongwritersAssociation of Canada. Music Mix:Bluebird North. Canadian songwriters discussthe songwriting process and the storiesbehind the songs. Blair Packham, host. ConservatoryTheatre, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. .●●Nov 2 2:00: Toronto Opera Club. CanadianOpera Stars at Covent Garden. Visual presentationby guest speaker Wayne Gooding,editor of Opera Canada. Room 330, EdwardJohnson Bldg., Faculty of Music, 80 Queen’sPark. 416-924-3940. .Masterclasses●●Oct 18 3:00: Canadian Chopin Festival.James Anagnoson Masterclass. John Paul IIPolish Cultural Centre, 4300 Cawthra RoadMississauga. 416-231-7709. Free.●●Nov 3 7:00: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Opera Masterclass with CatherineWyn-Rogers, John R. Stratton visitor inmusic. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg.,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.●●Nov 4 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Art Song Masterclass with CatherineWyn-Rogers, John R. Stratton visitorin music. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg.,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.Screenings●●Oct 8 7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra/ZoeticTheatre. HPO Movie Night at TheZoetic: Ray (2004). Biographical film focusingon 30 years of the life of rhythm andblues musician Ray Charles. Starring JamieFoxx and Kerry Washington. Zoetic Theatre,526 Concession St. (at Upper Wentworth)Hamilton. 905-526-7756. Pre-Film Feature:Exclusive interview with HPO horn playerNeil Spaulding about what it was like to playwith Ray Charles in a series of concerts inthe 1990s.Singalongs, Jams, Circles●●Oct 18 10:30am-1:00: Toronto MendelssohnChoir. Singsation Saturday: Haydn’sLord Nelson Mass. Join TMC associate conductorCaron Daley for a choral sing-alongof selections from Haydn’s Lord Nelson Massand The Creation. All voices and levels ofexperience welcome. Sheet music will be provided.Cameron Hall, Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch, 1585 Yonge St. 416-598-0422x223. (includes refreshments).●●Nov 1 8:00: Arraymusic. Evening of Improvisation.With artistic director Rick Sacks,some of Toronto’s finest musicians, friendsand out-of-town guests, heralding a return tothe Columbia U Radio jams or the great traditionof CCMC Music Gallery evenings. TheArray Space, 155 Walnut St. (2nd floor). 416-532-3019. PWYC.Spoken Word, Performance Art●●Oct 4 7:00pm-7:00am: Scotiabank NuitBlanche/UofT Faculty of Music. Songs of theNight. Enriched contemporary interaction ofpoetic and musical language in the classicalart song genre. Produced by the StudentChapter, National Association of Teachers ofSinging at the University of Toronto (SNATSU of T); features students from Voice Studiesand Collaborative Piano Studies. Main lobby,Edward Johnson Bldg., Faculty of Music,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.●●Oct 4 - Nov 3: New Adventures in SoundArt. 13th Annual SOUNDplay series. Includesmulti-media performances, installations andscreenings; opens with a Scotiabank NuitBlanche presentation of Hive 2.0 by HopkinsDuffield and features performances byJaap Blonk, Mugbait, Ian Jarvis, Eric Boivin,fourthousandblackbirds and more, as well asa special edition of SoundScary for the annualBoo! at the Barns family hallowe’en party.NAISA Space, 601 Christie St. #252.●●Oct 9 12:10: University of Toronto/JackmanHumanities Institute. Thursdays atNoon: Humour, Play and Games. The CeciliaString Quartet and Gryphon Trio explorehumour, play and games through the lensof instrumental chamber music, featuringHaydn’s String Quartet Op. 20 No. 4 and selectionsfrom Haydn’s piano trios, as well as arecent work by Canadian composer MichaelOesterle. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg.,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.●●Oct 10 8:00: New Adventures in SoundArt. Polyphtong by Jaap Blonk. Worldrenowned Dutch sound artist Jaap Blonk presentshis multichannel performance work,realized at CCRMA at Stanford University in2012. Spatial placement and movement areextended by electronic means. The phoneticconcepts of diphthong and approximant arean important focus in the more meditativesections of the work. It also uses the techniquesof Blonk’s cheek synthesizer: manykinds of stereo mouth sounds driven by sheerair, ranging from very low to extremely highpressures. NAISA Space, 601 Christie St.#252. .●●Oct 18 8:00: New Adventures in SoundArt. Life Revisited. Through video musicscreenings, interactive mobile performancesand live electronic improvisations,Life Revisited contemplates the relentlesscycles of life: the spontaneity of invention andre-birth, as well as its impermanence. FeaturesCrowdscoring an interactive performanceof by Elliott Fienberg, untitled/revisitedperformed by Eric Boivin and fourthousandblackbirds,and screenings by Rick Sacks andDominic F Marceau/Eric Boivin. NAISA Space,601 Christie St. #252. .●●Oct 21 8:00: Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival.Young Drunk Punk. Written and performedby Bruce McCulloch. To launchMcCulloch’s new book Let’s Start a Riot: aSeries of Bravery and Stupidity, with standup,live music and assorted autobiographicalinsights. Isabel Bader Theatre, 93 CharlesSt. West. Includes book signing and post-showreception.●●Oct 23 - Nov 9 8:00: Red One Theatre Collective.The Skriker. Play by Caryl Churchill,incorporating physical theatre, mask,dance and a world premiere score composedby Andy Trithardt; a completely immersiveexperience in a dark and twisted world.The Storefront Theatre, 955 Bloor St. $20(Oct 23-26);(Oct 29-Nov 2) ; (Nov 5-9).●●Oct 25 5:00 - 10:00pm: New Adventures inSound Art. Boo! at the Barns Event. Sound-Scary events include a chance for adults andchildren to turn their voices into somethingdevilishly scary. The Covered Street, ArtscapeWychwood Barns, 601 Christie St. (lookfor the NAISA Soundscary table). 416-652-5115. Free.●●Oct 25 8:00: New Adventures in SoundArt. Sound Visions. Abstract sound materialsevoke for the sound artists visual sensationswhile works with video on the programsuggest symbiotic connections betweentheir visual and auditory elements. FeaturesThe Inevitability of Objects performed by IanJarvis, sound art works by Sarah Peebles,Linda Antas and Joao Pedro Oliveira, as wellas screenings of works by VTR (Wiktor Podgorski)and John Kamevaar. NAISA Space,601 Christie St. #252. .●●Oct 28 8:00: Rose Theatre Brampton. 360ALLSTARS. A radical urban circus boastinga stellar cast, including world championathletes, world-class dancers and worldrenownedmusicians. Reinventing the traditionalcircus by presenting contemporaryperformance styles instead of conventionalcircus art forms. 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton.905-874-2800. ; .●●Nov 1 8:00: New Adventures in SoundArt. Terminal Noise. A program of soundart works considers the links between thedeceased and the living in this All Saint’s Dayconcert followed by a noise art performanceby the live electronics duo Mugbait. Featuredis Gelded Eyes performed by Mugbait, andworks by Norah Lorway, Dan Tramte, VanessaSorce-Lévesque and Nick Storring. NAISASpace, 601 Christie St. #252. .●●Nov 3 7:00: New Adventures in Sound Art.New Music 101: Reference Library MobilePerformance. Works from past NAISA performanceswill be the basis for exploring theacoustics of the Toronto Reference Librarywith a mobile performance walk using AudioSpotlight directional speakers. Toronto ReferenceLibrary, 789 Yonge St. www.soundplay.caFree.Workshops●●Oct 3 7:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Renaissance and Baroque Workshopfor recorders and other early instruments.Refreshments included. Mount Pleasant RoadBaptist Church, 527 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-480-1853. ; members free.●●Oct 7 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Performance Class for Singers.Third and fourth-year undergraduate studentsperform. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBldg., 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.●●Oct 13 12:15 to 1:00: Harbourfront Centre.Making a Song with Sophia Perlman. Jointhe Perl half of PERLHAZE, singer/songwriterSophia Perlman, for a song-making workshopthat the whole family can do together. We willwrite, arrange and perform a theme song forHarbourKIDS Fall 4 U. And later on, we’ll singit for the whole crowd at the Redpath Stage.Lakeside Terrace, 235 Queens Quay West.416-973-4600.●●Oct 13 3:30 to 4:15. Harbourfront Centre.Musical Instrument “Petting Zoo” withSistema Toronto. Watch Sistema ensemblemembers demonstrate different musicalinstruments, and then you can try holding October 1 - November 7, 2014 | 59

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