even playing them yourself. Lakeside Terrace,235 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4600.●●Oct 14 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Performance Class for Singers.Second-year undergraduate studentsperform. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg.,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.●●Oct 18 1:00: Canadian Chopin Festival. Discoveringthe Dances: Workshop and Demonstrationwith Polish Dance Ensemble. JohnPaul II Polish Cultural Centre, 4300 CawthraRd., Mississauga. 416-231-7709. $20.●●Oct 19 1:00-4:00: Arraymusic/EvergreenClub Contemporary Gamelan. Array/EvergreenCommunity Gamelan Meetup #2. Playbeautiful Indonesian instruments, alongwith a huge collection of percussion instruments(gongs, bowls, vibes, marimba, drums,djembe, congas, bells, chimes, shells andmore). The Array Space 155 Walnut St. (2ndfloor). 416-532-3019. .●●Oct 19 2:00: CAMMAC Toronto Region.Reading for Singers and Instrumentalists.Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony.Simon Capet, conductor. Christ Church DeerPark, 1570 Yonge St. 416-386-0258. ;(members).●●Oct 21 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Performance Class forSingers: “Rock” Musicians. Jane Leibel, soprano,Vernon Regehr, cello, Maureen Volk,D. The ETCeteraspiano. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg.,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.●●Oct 24 11:00am-1:00: University of T Facultyof Music. Morten Lauridsen ChoralComposition Workshop. Room 330, EdwardJohnson Bldg., 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free (limited seating)●●Oct 24 7:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Renaissance and Baroque Workshopfor recorders and other early instruments.Scott Paterson, coach. Refreshmentsincluded. Mount Pleasant Road BaptistChurch, 527 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-480-1853. $20; (members).●●Oct 28 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Performance Class for Singers:“Mélodies en Duo.” Singers of the FrenchMélodie classes with Nathalie Paulin and MiaBach, pianist. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBldg., 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.●●Nov 1 2:00 CAMMAC Toronto Region. CelloWorkshop led by Sybil Shanahan. Focusing onexcerpts from orchestral repertoire. NorthernDistrict Library, 40 Orchard View Blvd.416-386-0258.; (members).Musical LifeBeat by Beat: BandStandcontinued from page 37New Horizons Periodically, when their regular rehearsal space isunavailable, the Downtown Toronto New Horizons bands rehearse atthe nearby Salvation Army Temple. As a token of appreciation, artisticdirector Dan Kapp will take the groups back for a special remembranceconcert. Saturday, November 1 at 7:30 will be “A Night toRemember” at 789 Dovercourt Road in Toronto.The Toronto Concert Band Last month I noted that the new TorontoConcert Band was scheduled to begin rehearsals for the fall. I ampleased to report that the band is now rehearsing regularly everyTuesday evening; they had over 20 members with all major sectionscovered. However, they are a bit short of trombones. If that is yourinstrument and you live in Toronto’s west end, they would love to hearfrom you. Check their website, torontoconcertband.com.An instrument orphanageIn recent months I have been contacted by two different organizationsthat have band instruments, surplus to their requirements, andare looking for homes for them. These aren’t necessarily top of the lineinstruments, but are still in good playing condition. Their owners areeither looking for a nominal sum or simply want to find homes wherethe instruments will be played and appreciated.During a discussion with publisher David Perlman the idea arosefor an “instrument orphanage” or some other way of linking thoseneeding instruments with those who have instruments to offer. If youhave any ideas for such an enterprise (or know of people already doingthis facilitating work), please contact us.ChildrenʼsPiano LessonsFriendly, approachable– and strict!Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@rogers.comQueen/BathurstThe WholeNote Marketplace!A MarketPlace ad is like handingout your business card to over30,000 music lovers.adart@thewholenote.comWholeNote CLASSIFIEDSreally deliver!Sing out and reachthe right audience.Starting at just .Discounts for multiple insertions.Deadline for our November issue: October24. classad@thewholenote.comNEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal andbusiness tax returns including prioryears and adjustmentsHORIZON TAX SERVICES INC.1 -866-268-1319 • npulker@rogers.comwww.horizontax.ca• free consultation • accurate work • pickup & deliveryThe FluteDe-mystifiedWith over thirty years of teaching the flute,including nineteen at the KingswayConservatory of Music, I can guide youto the next level.Allan withstudent,Mimi TranAllan Pulker: 416-778-7535allanpulker@gmail.com“Yesterday’s lesson was awesome - thank you so much.” (Student)Sight-Singing with SheilaSheila McCoy416 574 5250smccoy@rogers.comwww.sightsingingwithsheila.com(near Woodbine subway)MoellerPipe Organs Inc.New Instruments and AdditionsTunings and MaintenanceRestorations and RepairsMetal Pipes2393 Gareth Rd., Mississauga, L5B 1Z4www.moellerorgans.comMarjorie SparksVoice StudioWell established private voice studio offers high qualityinstruction for singers at all levels; voice lessons, masterclasses, recitals, and summer voice programs.Ms. Sparks is an experienced teacher with a great range of teachingmethods. She offers a free consultation for the first appointment.The hourly rate is very reasonable. Her studio is located atBloor and Royal York with excellent access for TTC and parking.Call at 416 893 8648 or email mheitshu@sympatico.ca.to book appointment. Only a few spaces available. Call now.Tel/Fax(905) 277-263160 | October 1 - November 7, 2014 thewholenote.com
More on music and aging from BaycrestYou may recollect that I have written in this column from time totime about participating in ground-breaking studies at The BaycrestCentre. For the most part, the experiments in which I have beeninvolved have focussed on cognitive function and aging, in particularon differences in cognitive function between subjects active in musicand those with little or no musical experience. These have all indicatedsignificantly better cognitive function amongst older people whoare musically active.It was no surprise to me, therefore, to receive an update on onecomponent of their research which indicates much broader benefitsat all stages of life for musically active individuals. The update camefrom Stefanie Hutka who is a Ph.D. Student in the Rotman ResearchInstitute at Baycrest. In addition to her work in this field, Ms. Hutka isan accomplished violinist with an ARCT. Rather than paraphrase thetext of her message it is worth repeating verbatim here:“Everyone can benefit from music training. A wealth of empirical,neuroscientific evidence supports the positive influence ofmusic training on numerous non-musical brain functions, suchas language, reading, and attention. Such benefits are seen in childrenand continue across the lifespan into older adulthood. Despitethis evidence, music education is still often seen as a supplementaland expensive subject in schools, and often is the target of budgetcuts. Increasing awareness of the real-world benefits associated withlearning music, as well as making music training more accessible,AUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIESSOPRANO AND ALTO AND WANTED for thesemi-professional choir of St. George’s onthe Hill Anglican Church. High church liturgywith innovative repertoire. Remunerationto be negotiated. Contact Karen Rymal,organist/choir director at arabesque1@sympatico.caAVAILABLE POSITIONS FORMUSICIANS AT THE KINDRED SPIRITSORCHESTRA: Principal Cellist, PrincipalTrumpeter, Associate (or 2nd) Trumpeter,Associate (or 2nd) Trombonist and3rd (bass) Trombonist, as well assectional Violinists, Violists, Cellists andContrabassists. The KSO is an auditionedbasedcommunity orchestra thatrehearses once a week (Tuesday evenings)at the state-of-the-art Cornell Recital Hall inMarkham (407 ETR and 9th Ln). Led by thecharismatic Maestro Kristian Alexander,the Orchestra is enjoying an enormouspopularity among York Region’s residentsand continues to attract avid audiencesacross the GTA. Interested musicians areinvited to email General Manager JobertSevilleno at GM@KSOrchestra.ca andvisit www.KSOrchestra.ca for moreinformation.CHOPS FLOPPY? SIGHT READING GONE?Why not come down to the 48th Highlandersof Canada Brass & Reed Band, and get backin shape? We need clarinets and saxophonesand the odd trombone. Tubas more thanwelcome. There is minimal military hasslesand we have fun doing what we all love to do –PLAY. Call Mike at 905-898-3438 or buskers.jazz@rogers .com. Moss Park Armouries,Tuesday nights from 8-10.COUNTERPOINT COMMUNITYORCHESTRA (www.ccorchestra.org)welcomes volunteer musicians forMonday evening rehearsals, downtownToronto. We’re especially looking fortrombones and strings. Email info@ccorchestra.org.Classified Advertising | classad@thewholenote.comDO YOU DRIVE? DO YOU LOVE THEWHOLENOTE? You can share the love andearn a little money at the same time. TheWholeNote occasionally adds new driverswith vehicles to our list of stalwarts whoreliably deliver our magazines, 9 times ayear, rain or shine (or snow!) to locationsin the GTA and well beyond. Contactcirculation@thewholenote.com.THE DON MILLS CHOIR needs bass/baritone & tenor voices. We are an SATBchoir of friends who sing all kinds ofmusic, from classical to Broadway underthe direction of Larry Green, currentlythe director of music at the Church of theAscension (Don Mills) where we meet onWednesday evenings. Larry has a Master’sdegree from the Yale School of Music, hasconducted touring musicals such as LesMis, The Secret Garden and Jesus ChristSuperstar. He’s a total musician and fun towork with. If you’re interested, can readmusic and sing your part, contact BrianMetcalfe at 416-486-7333.NORTH YORK CONCERT ORCHESTRA isinterested in welcoming new players forthe 2014-15 season. We are a communityorchestra which rehearses throughoutthe year on Weds. nights, York MillsCollegiate in Don Mills. There are foursubscription concerts and several outreachopportunities. Especially interested inhearing from violinists and string bassplayers. Please contactpersonnel@nyco.on.ca for furtherinformation.ORGANIST/MUSIC FACILITATOR (PART-TIME CONTRACT POSITION): DONWAYCOVENANT UNITED is a welcomingcongregation with a strong musical traditionserving a mature and increasingly diversecommunity in the Don Mills area of Toronto.We are searching for a skilled organist,pianist and choir leader who can helptransition our senior choir and congregationto a more contemporary musical stylewithout abandoning our history. Goodare critical steps towards supporting the inclusion of this importantsubject in curricula.“Our NeuroEducation Across the Lifespan laboratory is directlytargeting an increase in awareness and accessibility of music training.On the awareness side, we are heavily involved in public outreachsuch as the Brain Power conference, which presents accessible informationabout neuroscience findings on music to scientists, educatorsand parents. On the accessibility side, we have studies supportingthe benefits of music, including via short-term training on software... In one 2011 study, school-aged children used music training softwarecalled Smarter Kids, developed by our Lead Scientist, Dr. SylvainMoreno. After only 20 days of training, improvements on measuresof verbal intelligence were observed. We are currently extending thistheme of accessibility, creating software using music to train the agingbrain, with very positive preliminary data.”As I said, it’s no surprise! We’ll keep you updated.Definition department: This month’s lesser-known musical termis espressivo: Used to indicate permission to take a coffee break. Weinvite submissions from readers. Let’s hear your daffynitions.Jack MacQuarrie plays several brass instruments andhas performed in many community ensembles. He canbe contacted at bandstand@thewholenote.com.communication skills are required, alongwith experience in both contemporary andtraditional music - knowledge of additionalmusical instruments an asset. We have awell maintained electric Allen organ, a 6 footKawai grand piano and a Yamaha Clavinova.Applicants should email a resume andcovering letter to Ingrid Smith, smiingrid@gmail.com, cc’d to donwaycovenant@msn.com, not later than Nov. 28 2014. For furtherinformation visit www.donwaycovenant.comTHE WYCHWOOD CLARINET CHOIR (www.wychwoodclarinetchoir.com) welcomesenthusiastic clarinet players to auditionfor a place in our group. All ages welcome.Tuesdays 7:30-10 PMINSTRUCTION & COURSESFLAMENCO GUITAR LESSONS with awardwinning professional Spanish CanadianFlamenco guitarist. Roncesvalles/High Parkarea. Contact jorge@jorgemiguel.comFLUTE LESSONS with experienced and highlytrained teacher. Contact Dr. Izabella Budaiat 416-881-7972 or www.izabellabudai.com. Alllevels and ages welcome.FLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS, RCMEXAM PREPARATION: Samantha Chang,Royal Academy of Music PGDip, LRAM, ARCT.416-293-1302, samantha.studio@gmail.com.www.samanthaflute.com.KEVIN COURRIER SPINS THE BEATLES:Mondays, Oct 20 - Dec 8, 7-9pm. Examine howthe Beatles’ music created both dreams andnightmares in their pursuit of an artificialparadise, ‘Nowhere Land’, built on theprinciples of pleasure and fulfillment. Thiscourse and the film clips used during theprogram are based on Artificial Paradise:The Dark Side of The Beatles’ Utopian Dream(Greenwood-Praeger, 2009), by lecturerKevin Courrier. Cost: /8 lectures / Dropin: ; for students. Miles Nadal JCC |750 Spadina Ave. at Bloor St. |www.mnjcc.org Info: esthera@mnjcc.org | (416) 924-6211x 606.NOW ACCEPTING PRIVATE STUDENTS:international concert pianist with 30 years’experience (Royal Conservatory of Music,University of Toronto). All ages and levelswelcome, central location. helena.music.studio@gmail.com, 416-546-6664. www.about.me/helena_bowkunPIANO LESSONS: personalized instructionby experienced teacher, concert pianistEVE EGOYAN (M. Mus., L.R.A.M., F.R.S.C.).All ages and levels. Downtown location. eve.egoyan@bell.net or 416- 603-4640.PIANO PEDAGOGY WORKSHOP SERIES- JULIA TCHERNIK on Oct 9, 16 and 23,10:00am. Overview of fundamentalscombined with personal insight on developingtechnique across the levels, teachingwithout method books, improvisation andcreativity and more. For new or experiencedteachers. North York location. 416-638-8226.0(full series); (single day).For details:juliatchernik@live.com.PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LEVELS OFRUDIMENTS, THEORY AND PIANO incentral Burlington. Please contact Natalie at888-359-5670.SENSIBLE VOCAL TRAINING Build.Restore. Refurbish your Voice. Whetheryou just want to tone and tune up, or have aburning desire to raise the bar and advanceyour vocal abilities, this training is ideal!Call for an introductory session. If you’rea beginner, no worries; we build fromscratch!! Phone Pattie Kelly (905)271-6896vocalsense.caSINGING STUDIO OF DEBORAH STAIMAN– try an introductory masterclass onOctober 19, at 2pm or Nov 2 at 2pm. Musicaltheatre/audition preparation, using textualanalysis and other interpretative tools forthe sung monologue. Yonge and Eglintonarea, call for exact location. 416-483-9532.(participant)/(auditor).www.singingstudio.caClassifieds continue on next pagethewholenote.com October 1 - November 7, 2014 | 61
Waving the Musical FlagWILLIAM LITT