BLUE PAGES 2014/1515th ANNUAL DIRECTORY OF MUSIC MAKERSWelcome to the Blue Pages, TheWholeNote’s 15th annual directoryof concert presenters. The 149unique profiles that follow, whilenot encompassing the entirety ofour region’s live music scene, arenevertheless truly representative ofthe remarkable diversity of musicalactivity in Toronto and SouthernOntario, and of the organizationswhose support of The WholeNotekeeps us alive and able to fulfill ourmission.From amateur choirs to professionalorchestras, chamber ensembles toopera companies, we hope you’llenjoy perusing these pages for a tasteof what’s to come this season.We’re looking forward to the2014/15 concert season – and whetheryou are in the audience or onstage, wewish you all the best!— Karen Agesmembers@thewholenote.com416-323-2232 x26Presenters who missed the magazinestill have the opportunity to be part ofthis directory, which lives year-round onour website at more information on this and thebenefits of WholeNote membership,please contact me at the e-mailaddress above.BLUE PAGES TEAM 2014/15PROJECT MANAGER Karen AgesPROJECT EDITOR Sara ConstantLAYOUT & DESIGN Susan SinclairWEBSITE Bryson WinchesterCOVER PHOTO Stephen Chung●Academy ● Concert SeriesEstablished in 1991, the Academy Concert Seriesoffers high quality, authentic and intimate chambermusic concerts on period instruments spanningthe baroque, classical and romantic eras.The three-concert music series brings to audiencesthe musical riches and spirit of improvisationof the 17th and 18th centuries, highlightinghistorically informed performance practices andinterpretations, with detailed program notes thatgive the music historical context. The programsare thematic and deliberately crafted to highlighta specific time, place and/or composer, featuringboth accomplished and emerging artists.The 2014/15 season: November 15, 2014, “CelebratingMusical Triumphs from the First World War,”commemorates the music of WWI; January 17, 2015,“Prelude to a Fantasia,” where each musician willperform a solo prelude (by Bach or Telemann) demonstratingthe baroque practice of “improvising” ashort piece of music (guests include Marco Cera,oboe and Anna Marsh, bassoon); April 18, 2015,“Musical Jousting in the Courts of Haydn and Boccherini,”featuring guests Christina Mahler, celloand Jeanne Lamon, violin.Concerts are Saturdays at 8pm, at EastminsterUnited Church (310 Danforth Ave.).Christine●All ● Saints’ KingswayAnglican ChurchAll Saints’ Choir provides musical leadership atweekly Sunday morning Eucharists, Festival Evensongs,community outreach projects and concertsyear-round. The choir has toured notableUK cathedrals, recorded two CDs and performedthroughout Toronto. Recent performancesinclude Howard Goodall’s Requiem: Eternal Light,a concert with the Amadeus Choir and a thrillingChristmas presentation, “Never a Brighter Star,”with chamber orchestra.This fall, All Saints’ Kingsway welcomes a newmusical team: Dr. Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, directorof music and Jenny Vincent, organist and collaborativemusician. New members are always welcometo the Music at All Saints’ Kingsway family.Come and be a part of a fantastic choral, instrumentaland creative community.Brainerd Blyden-Taylor,director of music416-233-1125music@allsaintskingsway.caallsaintskingsway.caTHAT CHOIRB2 | theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES
●Amadeus ● Choir ofGreater TorontoFounded in 1975, the Amadeus Choir, under thedirection of conductor and artistic director LydiaAdams, is celebrating its 40th anniversary.Our 40th anniversary concert season, “Joy ofSinging: The Magic of Song!” begins on SundayOctober 19 at 4pm, at Eglinton-St. George’s UnitedChurch. Revel in the joy of the season on Saturday,December 13 at 7:30pm at YorkminsterPark Baptist Church, with host Mary Lou Fallisand guests, Bach Children’s Chorus, and enjoythe winning compositions from the AmadeusChoir 28th Annual Seasonal Song-Writing Competition– children and youth category.On Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 7:30pm (Trinity-St.Paul’s Centre, Jeanne Lamon Hall), we present amulti-media event with world premiere Of Heartand Tide by Sid Robinovitch with special guestDr. Roberta Bondar. On Sunday, May 24 at 4pm(George Weston Recital Hall/TCA), a magnificentand dramatic Gala program celebrates theAmadeus Choir’s 40th anniversary season withsome of our most wonderful musical friendsthrough the years! This season at the CelticCelebration Gala on Saturday, February 28 at7pm at Eglinton-St. George’s, we are joined byspecial guest, iconic singer from Nova Scotia,Laura Smith.Olena●Annex ● Singers of TorontoThe Annex Singers of Toronto is a vibrant communitychoir delivering an eclectic repertoirewith spirit and sophistication. Celebrating its35th year of singing, the 60-voice choir performsclassical and contemporary repertoire, includingpremieres of Canadian works. The AnnexChamber Choir is a 20-voice ensemble drawnfrom the larger choir, presenting works fromthe chamber repertoire. Director Maria Case’sdynamic leadership and programming continueto invigorate the choir, attracting new membersand wider audiences. This year the choir willpresent two full concerts: a newly-created choraldrama, The Ice Storm, on December 13, 2014 atBloor St. United, and a performance of Haydn’smagnificent Lord Nelson Mass on April 13, 2015at Grace Church on-the-Hill. We’ll end the seasonwith our traditional cabaret on May 30, 2015.Experienced singers are welcome to contact ourmembership coordinator through our website toarrange an audition.Richard Partington416-968-7747rparting88@gmail.comannexsingers.comATTILA GLATZ CONCERT PRODUCTIONS●●Aradia EnsembleThe JUNO-nominated Aradia Ensemble led bymaestro Kevin Mallon presents an innovativeseries incorporating old-world artistry and modern-dayrelevance, performing an eclectic blendof orchestral and chamber music on baroqueinstruments. They have recorded over 50 CDsfor Naxos.Fresh from its summer residency at the HalifaxSummer Opera Festival, Aradia is delightedto launch the season with a concert celebratingthe 250th anniversary of the death of Jean-PhilippeRameau: “Le Rameau” at the Music Gallery,7:30pm on October 26. Now a Toronto traditionis our “Dublin Messiah,” at 8pm on December 20at the beautiful St. Anne’s Anglican Church, 270Gladstone Ave. In the spring on April 19 at 7:30pmwe present “Nosferatu,” featuring the originalmovie by F.W. Murnau and in partnership with oureducational and outreach program with the KingswayConservatory Strings. We finish our seasonwith “The Thunderbird” on June 27 at 7:30pm featuringnative Canadian dancing, drumming andthemes paired with baroque music at the GlennGould Studio, 250 Front St. W.Stay tuned for the launch of two new CDs thisyear on the Naxos label.Samantha Little, executive●Arraymusic●Arraymusic is passionate about contemporaryart music – the creative music of Canadiancomposers in particular. To this end, Array hasfostered, performed, commissioned, toured, promoted,recorded and taught Canadian contemporaryclassical music within an internationalcontext for over four decades. Arraymusic presentsits premiere collective, the Array Ensemble,in an annual season of contemporary music concertsbased in Toronto. Array supports young andemerging composers, fosters innovation in musicand provides a space and a platform for creativemusic artists to call home. The Array Space isaffordable and well-equipped and gives musicalartists across the genres a place to rehearse, recordand present their music. Array welcomesemerging composers to impact upon its processesand techniques and is constantly adaptingto – and itself impacting – new technologies,instrumentations, distribution means and perceptionsin society of music creation.Array believes that it is important to invest inthe future of new music and works to build deeplyengaged communities around its work.Sandra Bell, general●Art ● of Time EnsembleThe Art of Time Ensemble transforms the way youexperience music by navigating the intersectionof high art and popular culture.Under the bold artistic direction of AndrewBurashko, the company has created such landmarkperformance events as the widely-acclaimedstage productions of War of the Worlds and I SendYou This Cadmium Red, sold-out concerts including“Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” and“Songbook 7: Madeleine Peyroux” and wide-rangingmusic events including “The Big Band Show”and “Branford Marsalis & Andrew Burashko.”“No one can put together music and musiciansin a more dazzling, brilliant, and moving way thanAndrew Burashko and the Art of Time Ensemble.Every concert is thrilling, inspiring, and leaves youlonging for the next one. Surprise and accomplishmentonly begin to describe the Art of TimeEnsemble’s achievements.”—The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson“An Art of Time performance is a chance totheWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES | B3
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