BLUE PAGES 2014/15make precious contact with what music truly is –a source of revelation and wonder.”—Sarah Slean,●Associates ●of the TSOMembers of the Associates of the Toronto SymphonyOrchestra (ATSO), a registered charitableorganization, share a love of classical music andorganize musical events featuring members ofthe Toronto Symphony Orchestra and the TorontoSymphony Youth Orchestra. Our Five Small Concertsseries presents world-class yet affordablechamber music. We also fund two Feldbrill Scholarshipseach year for members of the TorontoSymphony Youth Orchestra.ATSO volunteers work on engaging musicians,publicizing concerts, ensuring that concerts runsmoothly and raising funds to make concertspossible. Dates for the 2015 Five Small Concertsseries, all at Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre on Mondaysat 7:30pm, are January 26, February 23, March 2,April 13 and June 1.If you would enjoy working with people whoappreciate and promote an interest in classicalmusic, please join the ATSO. Please phone thetelephone number for ticket and membershipinquiries below, or visit our●Attila ● Glatz Concert ProductionsParty like it’s 1899 in the City of Dreams! “Salute toVienna” returns to Roy Thomson Hall (January 1)and Hamilton Place (January 4) for a spectacular20th anniversary. A beloved New Year’s tradition,Salute to Vienna’s stellar cast of European singers,dancers and full orchestra showcase upliftingmelodies from world-famous operettas, suchas Die Fledermaus and The Merry Widow, andirresistible Strauss waltzes, polkas and othermusical confections. Don’t miss the magnificentBlue Danube waltz! In Toronto, VIP tickets areavailable for an exclusive Viennese dessert receptionfollowing the performance. In Hamilton, theconcert is followed by a complimentary Vienneseapple strudel reception.Also co-produced with Roy Thomson Hall:“Bravissimo! Opera’s Greatest Hits” (New Year’sEve, 7pm). Celebrate with excerpts from La Traviata,Rigoletto, Aida, Carmen, Tosca and more,including works by Puccini, Verdi, Rossini andOffenbach. The spectacular cast of internationalopera superstars includes Italian conductorFrancesco Lanzillotta, Russian soprano NataliaUskakova, Hungarian mezzo soprano ViktoriaVizin, German tenor Andreas Schager, Canadianbaritone Brett Polegato and the Opera CanadaSymphony and Chorus.For tickets: Warren416-323-1403●Aurora ● Cultural CentreThe Aurora Cultural Centre welcomes you to ourbeautifully converted 1886 schoolhouse locatedin the heart of the town, just one block east ofYonge St. Established as a centre for arts, cultureand heritage, the centre is home to the beautifulBrevik Hall performance venue and its residentYamaha C7 piano. With a performance hall,art gallery spaces and multi-purpose rooms, thecentre hosts concerts, arts classes, workshops,heritage lectures and displays, gallery exhibitions,art sales and more. Fully accessible throughout,the facility was recognized as part of the Princeof Wales Heritage Prize awarded to the Town ofAurora in 2008. Contact us today to inquire aboutrental space, and to discover our vibrant calendarof events!Jane●●Bach Chamber Youth ChoirThe Bach Chamber Youth Choir (BCYC) is the seniorlevel of the Bach Children’s Chorus organization,formed in 1996. It is for boys with changedvoices and girls aged 16 years and up, andincludes singers in both high school and university.BCYC rehearses Sunday evenings at St. BarnabasAnglican Church, Danforth Ave. at Chester.Music sung by the choir ranges from classical topop, jazz and Broadway. Interested singers arewelcome to sit in on a rehearsal.Under artistic director Linda Beaupré, BCYChas earned first place awards at the local, provincialand national levels of the Canadian Federationof Music Festivals, and has earned theElmer Iseler Award for Best Choir at the TorontoKiwanis Festival.Performances this season will include majorconcerts at the Toronto Centre for the Arts onDecember 20, 2014 and May 9, 2015, a coffeehouse at St. Barnabas Anglican Church on Sunday,October 26, 2014 and a lively performanceof contemporary, popular and folk repertoire onFebruary 20, 2015.Linda Beaupré, artistic directorEleanor Daley, accompanistJane Greenwood,●●Bach Children’s ChorusBCC is known widely and highly respected as anorganization for its innovative programming foryoung singers, its education system, and the clear,lovely sound of its singers. The awards that theorganization has received in both the TorontoKiwanis Festival and the Canadian Federationof Music Festivals have given it a high profile.Through its education practices, BCC is settinga standard of musical literacy and education forcommunity choirs.Bach Children’s Chorus is an auditioned choirof 200 singers, founded in 1987 by artistic directorLinda Beaupré, an award-winning Torontoconductor and clinician. BCC has four choirs –three treble choirs for ages six to 16 and an SATBchoir for boys with changed voices and girls aged16 and up. All treble choirs rehearse weekly ineast Scarborough, perform as a Company-in-Residence at the Toronto Centre for the Arts,and appear regularly at Toronto events. Eachchoir participates in weekend festivals, workshopsand concerts with other youth choirs andworld-renowned clinicians. BCC has released sixCDs and has won provincial and national awards.Linda Beaupré, artistic directorEleanor Daley, accompanistJane Greenwood,●●Bel Canto SingersThe Bel Canto Singers are a dynamic 40-voicecommunity-based SATB choir that provides goodmusic, fun and fellowship. Audition, to determinevoice range, is required. We perform two concertsper year. This season’s concerts are onDecember 7, 2014 and May 3, 2015. We also singfor senior residences and in fundraisers forother organizations. Our repertoire is varied, andincludes folk, movies, swing, spirituals, Broadwayand classical selections. Rehearsals are 7:30pm to10 pm, Tuesdays at St. Nicholas Anglican Church,1512 Kingston Rd., Toronto, ON, M1N 1R7.Linda Meyer, director416-691-0449Elaine,●●Brott Music FestivalNow in its 28th season, the Brott Music Festival isthe largest non-profit orchestral music festival inCanada, the only festival with a full-time, professionalorchestra-in-residence.Founded by conductor Boris Brott in 1988, theBMF features classical, jazz, recital, pops and educationconcerts in the greater Hamilton area. Ithas been lauded throughout music circles for itsinnovative approaches to music-making.B4 | theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES
Its orchestra-in-residence is the NationalAcademy Orchestra, Canada’s only professionaltraining orchestra, made up of young musicgraduates who are paired with professionals,both on and off stage. The Brott Music Festivalis renowned for its extremely high artisticstandard, world-class soloists and exuberantyoung orchestra.905-525-SONG;●●Canadian Children’sOpera CompanyThe Canadian Children’s Opera Company is oneof only a few in the world in its category. It commissions,produces, records and tours newoperas and choral music, with children as boththe principal performers and main audience. Thecompany also regularly collaborates with otherleading arts organizations and prominent individualperformers, conductors and directors. Thecompany comprises five divisions plus an outreacharm, involving 300 children and youth agesthree to 21.The 2014/15 main opera production is a newcommission. Alice in Wonderland, by Errol Gayand Michael Patrick Albano, is a new adaptationof the classic Lewis Carroll novel (May 7 to10, 2015). Other highlights of this season includetheir “Winter Celebrations” on November 29,plans to release their sixth commercial recording,Lullabies, in spring 2015, and a European tour inJuly 2015. If you are interested in auditioning forthe CCOC, call or download an application formfrom their website.Ann Cooper Gay, artisticand executive●●Canadian Chopin SocietyThe Canadian Chopin Society (CCS) is a not-forprofit organization dedicated to celebratingthe legacy of Fryderyk Chopin and promotinghis music.The CCS was formed in 2012, after the successof the Canadian Chopin Festival 2010 celebratingthe 200th anniversary of the birth of Chopin.Led by artistic director Dr. Janet Lopinski, the festivalpresented a series of workshops, lectures,concerts, masterclasses and the Third CanadianChopin Piano Competition, culminating in a soldoutWinners Concert in the Royal Conservatory’sspectacular Koerner Hall. Prizes included theopportunity for top winners to travel to Poland tocompete in the prestigious International F. ChopinPiano Competition.The CCS is supported by a Founder’s Circleof over 100 members. In March of 2013, theCCS recognized distinguished musicologist Dr.Alan Walker as its first “Honorary Fellow” andCANADIAN SINFONIETTApresented the “Artist Recognition Award” to pianistJan Lisiecki.The Canadian Chopin Society will present theCanadian Chopin Festival 2014 at the John PaulII Polish Cultural Centre in Mississauga, fromOctober 17 to●●Canadian Music CentreThe Canadian Music Centre holds Canada’s largestcollection of Canadian concert music. The CMCexists to promote the works of its Associate Composersin Canada and around the world. The Centremakes available on loan over 22,000 scoresand works of Canadian contemporary composersthrough its public lending library. The CMC has itsown label, Centrediscs, and sells more than 1500CD titles featuring music of its over 800 AssociateComposers and other Canadian independentrecording producers. The Centre is an on-demandpublisher of its Associate Composers’ music andprovides professional repertoire consultations.Our national office in Toronto includes an intimatevenue perfect for meetings, workshops, rehearsalsand chamber performances. Come visit thishub for Canadian music!Caroline Hughey416-961-6601●●Canadian Opera CompanyBased in Toronto, the Canadian Opera Company(COC) is the largest producer of opera in Canadaand one of the largest in North America, andmaintains an international reputation for artisticexcellence and creative innovation.The COC’s 2014/15 mainstage season is: Falstaff,Madama Butterfly, Don Giovanni, Die Walküre,The Barber of Seville and Bluebeard’s Castle/Erwartung.The COC performs in its own opera house, theFour Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,hailed internationally as one of the finest in theworld. The company enjoys a loyal audience support-baseand one of the highest attendance andsubscription rates in North America.The COC is an active participant in the culturalcommunity by presenting an annual seriesof free concerts and a wide array of educationand outreach events, encouraging the creationof operatic works and fostering the training anddevelopment of young Canadian artists throughits renowned Ensemble Studio program.A not-for-profit organization since 1950, theCOC is considered one of the best opera companiesin the world.Alexander Neef, general directorAdministration: 416-363-6671Box Office:●●Canadian SinfoniettaThe Canadian Sinfonietta is a professional chamberorchestra led by father-daughter duo, artisticdirector and founder, Tak-Ng Lai, and concertmaster,Joyce Lai. The orchestra’s mission isto build a new generation of concertgoers bypresenting concerts that focus on innovativeprogramming and interdisciplinary artisticpresentations and that highlight diverse Canadianartists. The orchestra is devoted to producingconcerts that appeal to audiences outsideof the usual classical concertgoing sphere andreaching a more culturally diverse audience, bothin Toronto and in the growing communities outsidethe GTA.The Canadian Sinfonietta is passionate aboutpromoting youth outreach and invites young musiciansto participate in concerts through the YouthMentorship Program and in the Canadian SinfoniettaYouth Orchestra. In addition to four seasonconcerts at the Glenn Gould Studio, the orchestratheWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES | B5
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