9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 2 - October 2014

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • November
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
Includes the 2014 Blue Pages Member Directory


BLUE PAGES 2014/15has partnered this year with Les AMIS Concertsto put on three “Wine and Cheese Concerts” at theHeliconian Hall featuring various musicians fromthe Canadian Sinfonietta and Les●●Cantemus SingersThe Cantemus Singers, conducted by MichaelErdman, perform mainly renaissance and earlybaroque repertoire. Our 16-voice group givesequal time to religious and secular compositionsin a variety of languages and highlights the rich,complex five- to eight-part repertoire. Our choristersare a mix of well-trained amateurs and semiprofessionals,all sharing a common interest inearly music. Membership is by audition.Our 2014/15 season begins November 29and 30 as we perform Pachelbel’s Magnificat inD, Flecha’s ensalada “El Jubilate” and seasonalmadrigals and motets. On March 21 and 22, wepresent “The Glories of Venice,” with sacredand secular works by Monteverdi, Willaert andthe Gabrielis. Our final program of the seasonon May 30 and 31, “Nymphs & Shepherds,” willfeature madrigals and more by the Elizabethangreats – Byrd, Morley, Tallis and others.Performances take place at the Church of theHoly Trinity (10 Trinity Square, Eaton Centre) andin November, at St. Aidan’s Anglican Church (70Silver Birch Ave. at Queen St. E.). Check our websitefor times/programs.Michael Erdman,●●Cathedral BluffsSymphony OrchestraCathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra (CBSO)has been one of Toronto’s premier communityorchestras since 1985. CBSO concerts take placein the state-of-the-art P.C. Ho Theatre in the ChineseCultural Centre of Greater Toronto, 5183Sheppard Ave. E.Under the baton of maestro NormanReintamm, the CBSO will present a thrilling andunique nine-concert season including five subscriptionseries concerts. This season, the CBSOis pleased to present collaborations with TrioEstonia, Canadian Children’s Opera Company,Tryptych Concert & Opera, University of TorontoCampus Concert Choir and the Estonian NationalMale Choir and Toronto Estonian Male Choir. Visitour website for details about our season.The Orchestra is noted for facilitating performanceopportunities for young musicians,and always welcomes new members. If you’reinterested in joining the CBSO, please contact usby email.Norman Reintamm, artisticdirector/principal conductorInes Pagliari, concertmasterPeggy Wong, orchestra managerBox Office:●●Cathedral Church of St. JamesThe Cathedral Church of St. James has two choirs,which enhance worship every week. The ParishChoir, a group of volunteers assisted by four sectionleaders, sings weekly at the 9am Sung Eucharist.Its repertoire consists of a wide range oflighter music that is accessible to the volunteerchoir and complements the modern liturgy. TheParish Choir rehearses on Thursdays and beforethe service on Sundays. Singers interested in volunteeringtheir time are invited to contact VickiSt. Pierre.The Cathedral Choir is a fully professionalensemble that sings the 11am Choral Eucharistand the 4:30pm Choral Evensong every Sundaythroughout the year. Its repertoire mainly consistsof music from the core of the Anglican traditionas well as a wide range of other Europeanand North American music.Half-hour organ recitals can be heard everyTuesday at 1pm and Sunday at 4pm throughoutthe year. The internationally renowned concertorganist David Briggs continues to contributeto the music program as the artist-in-residence.Vicki St. Pierre, director of musicDavid Briggs,●●Cellar SingersThe Cellar Singers is an auditioned, amateurchoral group of about 60 singers, mostly fromSimcoe-Muskoka, under the artistic direction ofMitchell Pady. It performs traditional and contemporaryrepertoire, and supports Canadianmusic by commissioning and performing newworks. In 2014, the Cellar Singers will also includea Chamber Choir. The 2014/15 season includes“The Road Home” with a capella jazz ensemblethe Hampton Avenue 4 on October 19 in Orillia;Handel’s Messiah on December 12 and 14 inBracebridge and Orillia; Requiem mass settingsby Gabriel Fauré and Eleanor Daley in March 2015in Orillia; and Gilbert & Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzancein May 2015 in Orillia.The choir was founded in 1968 in Dr. WilliamMonk’s basement in Bracebridge, hence thename, the Cellar Singers. The choir performsregularly in Orillia and Muskoka, has performedat festivals across Ontario, most recently at Midland’sBrookside Music Festival, has toured internationallyand was a finalist in the CBC choralcompetition. All rehearsals are open to prospectivechoristers with ability to read music. To knowmore, visit our website.Mitchell Pady1-705-817-7664 (SONG)●●Chamber Music Societyof MississaugaSince 1997, the Chamber Music Society of Mississauga(CMSM) has created, produced, performedand recorded professional programsfor family audiences. Every year CMSM presents“A Saturday Evening Great Hall ConcertSeries,” “Out and About” community free performancesin public spaces, and as funding permits,curriculum-based performances of “Talesand Tunes for Toonies” for young families andelementary school audiences. The CMSM rosterof over 40 musicians, actors, dancers, visualartists and composers have provided thehighest quality curriculum-based, professionalperforming arts presentations to children andyouth ages two to 19, regardless of their economicsituation. Our goal is to empower kids forlife through the arts and to inspire the audiencesfor the next generation.Peggy●●Chorus NiagaraChorus Niagara, the Power of 100, is a passionategroup of singers of diverse ages and walks oflife. As the Niagara region’s premier symphonicchorus, CN performs classic choral masterpiecesas well as new, modern and seldom-heard works,provides a showcase for emerging Canadian talentand attracts singers of all ages through itsChorus Niagara Children’s Choir (CNCC), Side bySide High School Chorale (SXS), and new RobertCooper Choral Scholars program (RCCS).The spectacular 2014/15 season features adiverse program including “The World Remembers,”a First World War Centennial; “Messiah,” aNiagara Holiday Tradition for over 50 years; “LifeEternal,” the Requiems of Mozart and Rutter; andcloses with “Rhythm & Light,” Choral Delightswith a Twist. Please join us this season!Diana McAdorey, managing●●Christ Church Deer ParkMusic plays a very important part at this busyAnglican parish church. Music for services is ledby the organist and choir director. The Choir ofChrist Church Deer Park is an auditioned, mixedvoicechoir that rehearses Thursday eveningsand sings Sunday mornings and on special occasionsfrom September to June.B6 | theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES

Christ Church has hosted its “Jazz Vespers”for over 15 years. At 4:30pm every second Sundayfrom September to June, this service offersa chance for reflection, prayers for our communityand music by Toronto’s finest jazz musicians.With its Yonge St. location (at Heath St. nearthe St. Clair TTC station), fine acoustics, full modernfacilities, flexible staging, Steinway grandpiano, three manual tracker organ and seatingfor 450, Christ Church is an increasingly popularvenue for concert presenters during the year.Paul Marritt416-520-9211●●Church of St. Mary MagdaleneSteeped in musical heritage and assisted by generousacoustics, St. Mary Magdalene’s offers a musicprogram strongly rooted in the tradition establishedby Healey Willan. Every Sunday at the 11amSolemn Mass the Gallery Choir sings a mass andmotet from the west gallery while the Ritual Choirsings the Gregorian propers from the east end.At the 9:30am Sung Mass the SMM Singerssing a motet and lead congregational singing.Membership is informal.One Sunday per month at 4:30pm the meditativeSolemn Evensong and Benediction is sung,preceded by an organ recital at 4pm. Pleasecheck listings for details.For information, please contact Andrew Adair.Andrew Adair, director of●●Church of the AscensionThe Ascension Choir is a medium-size choirthat sings at the 10:30am Sunday service fromthe end of September through the end of June.Repertoire spans from Gregorian chant to the20th century. Special services include a FamilyRemembrance in November featuring the FauréRequiem as the music for the service, two Lessonsand Carols services (first and last Sundaysof Advent), our Christmas Pageant, a family-styleAsh Wednesday and all of Holy Week. The AscensionChoir rehearses on Tuesdays and Thursdaysat 7:30pm.The Contemporary Choir is a small group ofthe congregation that participates in the Sundayservice by performing some of the modernchurch music and sings in some of the other serviceswith the Ascension Choir. The ContemporaryChoir rehearses on Mondays at 7:30pm.Anyone wishing to join either choir please contactthe church by phone or by email.Lawrence Green, director of music416-444-8881ascension@ca.inter.netascensiontoronto.caCONTINUUM CONTEMPORARY MUSIC●●City of Toronto Historic SitesAll year long, enjoy a wide variety of musicalexperiences at the City of Toronto Historic Sites,located throughout the city. There’s always greatentertainment at Montgomery’s Inn’s Fall CornRoast, and don’t miss the Inn’s Early Music Fairin late September.Fort York National Historic Site features a largeroster of live entertainment during the annualOn Common Ground Festival held in September.In 2014 the festival highlights the opening of thenew Visitor Centre at the fort.The holiday season abounds with musicalpleasures and family-oriented events. From ColborneLodge to Todmorden Mills, enjoy workshopsand events that highlight the traditions ofChristmas. Spadina Museum provides lots of funand laughter re-enacting a 1930-style radio show.Take part in Scottish New Year traditions at bothMackenzie House and Gibson House, where youwill enjoy Victorian-era music and festivities.Sundays in June, Spadina Museum offers theMusic in the Orchard live concert series and atthe Gatsby Garden Party enjoy live 1920s-era jazzmusic and other period activities and entertainments.For information visit our●●Civic Light OperaFounded in 1979, our much-heralded musical theatrecompany – now in its 35th season – is makingits new home at the intimate Zion Cultural Centre,a Toronto heritage landmark in North York, andstill offering unique and professional productionsat affordable prices.Our 100+ shows range from well-loved Broadwayclassics to more obscure shows also deservingrecognition. We have presented the Canadianpremieres of Titanic: The Musical, Rodgers andHammerstein’s lost masterpiece Allegro, IrvingBerlin’s As Thousands Cheer, Kander and Ebb’sThe Rink and Cole Porter’s High Society, to namea few. Our world-premiere new musical adaptationof The Wizard of Oz was staged in 2000,2002 and 2010 to incredible popular receptionand repeated demands for return engagements.Joe Cascone, artistic●●Contact Contemporary MusicContact Contemporary Music is dedicated to interdisciplinarycollaborations, nurturing and promotingthe work of both established and emergingartists in alternative spaces, and creating outreachopportunities with Canada’s diverse communities.In addition to its concert productions,Contact Contemporary Music presents INTERsectionfestival of music and arts and “Music FromScratch,” a summer workshop for youth.Praised by The Globe and Mail for its “thoughtprovoking”and “highly entertaining” programming,Contact has firmly established itself as oneof Canada’s leading interpreters of the music ofour time. Contact has performed at some of theworld’s most prestigious venues and new musicfestivals, including the Museum of Modern Art(New York), Huddersfield Contemporary MusicFestival (UK), Bang on a Can Marathon (New York),the Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto) and OpenEars Festival of Sound (Kitchener)●●Continuum Contemporary MusicContinuum presents contemporary chamber musicby established and emerging composers from Canadaand around the world. Led by artistic directorand ensemble percussionist Ryan Scott, the organizationis widely acclaimed for its inspired and innovativeprogramming. Continuum has performedKEN STRAITONtheWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES | B7

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)