9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 2 - October 2014

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • November
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
Includes the 2014 Blue Pages Member Directory


BLUE PAGES 2014/15across Canada and Europe, commissioned over150 works, recorded CDs, generated interdisciplinaryprojects, and created an invaluable archive ofperformance videos on YouTube.In 2014/15, Continuum celebrates its 30th anniversarywith three unique programs: “Souvenir,” afilm and live music project featuring several of Canada’smost touted composers (October 19 and 20,Betty Oliphant Theatre); a 30th anniversary concertfeaturing works for our core ensemble andguests, including a premiere from Jason Doell,winner of the 2014 Toronto Emerging Composeraward (March 8, Music Gallery); and “Collide,” acollaboration with Subtle Technologies bringingtogether scientists, media artists and composers(May 28, Theatre Centre). Additional activityincludes an education collaboration with the TDSB;New Music 101; and our smash-hit fundraising eventContinuum Karaoke.Josh Grossman, operations●●Counterpoint CommunityOrchestraCounterpoint Community Orchestra was formedin 1984 by gay and lesbian musicians. Togetherwe provide fine music and create a deeper senseof community and diversity in downtown Toronto.People from all walks of life play with us and wewelcome any person with a positive outlooktoward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered andtwo-spirited people. Our 30th season includesthree concert dates: December 6, 2014, March 7,2015 and May 30, 2015.Rehearsals are held Mondays at 8pm at the519 Church Street Community Centre. Concertperformances are at Saint Luke’s United Church,Sherbourne St. at Carlton, in Toronto. We welcomeplayers, committee volunteers and volunteersfor our board of directors. Player levelsrange from beginner to professional. We will helpyou grow musically. Come and join a fun group ofpeople and make great music! Our programs forthis year will feature symphonies by Tchaikovskyand Beethoven, plus Mozart’s Coronation Massand many other works.As a registered charity for tax purposes wewelcome donations.Holly●●DaCapo Chamber ChoirThe 24-voice DaCapo Chamber Choir wasfounded in 1998 in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario,under the direction of Leonard Enns. The missionof the choir is to identify, study, rehearse andpresent outstanding choral chamber works ofthe recent past and to champion the music ofCanadian and local composers.The 2014/15 season includes: “There Will beRest” (November 8 and 9), “O Earth, Return”(March 7 and 8, featuring pianist Catherine Robertson)and “In the Beginning” (May 9 and 10,featuring mezzo-soprano Jennifer Enns Modolo).The choir’s sixth annual NewWorks nationalchoral composition competition will open inOctober, with the 2014 winning entry by composerMatthew Emery being premiered at theMarch 2015 concert.In 2010, DaCapo received the ACCC nationalchoral recording of the year award for Shadow-Land; in 2011 it received first and second prizesin the National Competition for Canadian AmateurChoirs.For more information about the choir, its currentseason, NewWorks, or to purchase ticketsonline, please visit the choir’s website. Follow thechoir on Facebook and Twitter @DaCapoChoir!Leonard Enns, directorSara Martin,●●Eglinton St. George’sUnited ChurchFor 50 years, excellence, eclecticism and EglintonSt. George’s have been synonymous. Fortyfivesingers, including eight professionals, gathertwice weekly to build a music team for Sundayworship or concerts. This year’s music includesa Christmas concert with brass ensemble forDecember and a Lenten concert with smallorchestra for March 2015. In 2015, Sunday worshipwill be enhanced by a variety of ensembles,including an instrumental jazz quartet, amale chorus and a female chorus. May 2015also brings a night of jazz music for our annualfundraiser. Our ministry is characterized byhard work, regular attendance, joyful attitudesand social friendships within the group. A warmwelcome is always extended to new singers, fromyouth to seniors.Shawn Grenke, director of music416-481-1141●●Elmer Iseler SingersThe illustrious 20-voice Elmer Iseler Singers, ledby artistic director and conductor Lydia Adams,enters its 36th Anniversary Season in 2014/15.This fully-professional choral ensemble has builtan enviable reputation through concerts, broadcastsand recordings throughout Canada, theUnited States and internationally, performingrepertoire that spans 500 years with a specialfocus on Canadian composers.Touring is a major component of the ElmerIseler Singers’ activities. In addition, they selfpresenta five-concert series in Toronto andare featured frequently at various concerts,workshops, symposiums and festivals.Annual auditions are held each April or May.The innovative GET MUSIC! Educational Outreachand Leadership Initiative for secondary schoolstudents, community choirs and conductors providesworkshops and audio/video recording mentorshipculminating in shared performances.Lydia Adams is the Artist Recipient of the 2013Ontario Premier’s Award for Excellence in theArts and the 2012 winner of the Roy ThomsonHall Award of Recognition from the Toronto ArtsFoundation Arts Awards.The Elmer Iseler Singers’ Greatest Hits CDwas launched in December 2013 to great criticalacclaim and is available from our website.Lydia Adams, conductorand artistic directorJessie Iseler, general●●Elora Festival & SingersNow in its 35th year of operation, the Elora Festivalcontinues to attract capacity crowds to theVillage of Elora during the month of July. Patronsenjoy three weeks of international-calibre music,from large-scale classical works for choir andorchestra to intimate evenings of jazz, worldmusic and pop.The Elora Festival Singers, an all-professionalGrammy- and JUNO-nominated chamber choir,was founded in 1980 by Noel Edison as principalchoral ensemble of the Elora Festival. Since 1997,the choir has been the core of the Toronto MendelssohnChoir and the Toronto MendelssohnSingers and is the choral ensemble-in-residenceof the Elora Festival for three weeks each summer.Through regular concert series, recordings,broadcasts and touring, EFS has established areputation as one of the finest chamber choirsin Canada and beyond. With nine releases onthe NAXOS label, the EFS is known for its rich,warm sound and clarity of texture. The choir isrenowned for its diverse styles, commitment toCanadian repertoire and collaborations withother Canadian artists.Jared●●Ensemble VivantEnsemble Vivant, “Canada’s Chamber MusicTreasure,” receives accolades internationally fortheir concerts and recordings, and is a favouritewherever they perform. For over 25 yearsthey have been a pioneer in the piano chambermusic world, championing innovative programmingranging from classical to Latin. Their 12classic recordings are heard on radio aroundthe world. The distinguished musicians includeCatherine Wilson, piano; Stephen Sitarski, violin;B8 | theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES

Sybil Shanahan, cello; Norman Hathaway, viola;Don Thompson, OC, vibes; Dave Young, OC, bass.Jazz great Rick Wilkins, C.M. commented, “Thisis the highest-level chamber music-making. Nomatter the genre, there is magic in EnsembleVivant’s music-making.”- “To my heart, your rendition of Oblivion is themost touching I have ever heard. Bravo!”—François Paré, Radio Classique, Montréal- “…this wonderful group of musicians havetotally captured the romance and passion ofAstor Piazzolla’s music...truly beautiful...”—Don Thompson, O.C.- “Beautiful, poised performances reveal the deepmusicianship and light interpretive touch of theseToronto-based musicians…”—John Terauds, Toronto Star- “...thoroughly enjoyable...” —Boston Herald, U.S.A.Ian●●Esprit OrchestraFor 30 years, Esprit Orchestra has been at theforefront of presenting contemporary classicalmusic, educational programs and collaborativearts events. Commissioning, performing and promotingfine Canadian compositions, along withimportant music from around the world, constituteEsprit’s core activities. Concerts offer audiencesmusic otherwise unavailable in Canada andare performed with the highest standards to befound, under music director and conductor AlexPauk. Concert series are presented in Torontoat the acoustically acclaimed Koerner Hall at theRoyal Conservatory of Music.In addition to concert series, Esprit reaches outto the community through various outreach andeducation programs such as Pre-concert Chats,the Creative Sparks Mentoring and LeadershipProgram, the Toward a Living Art Education Program,the New Wave Composers Festival andnational and international touring. Esprit hasbeen the recipient of three Lieutenant Governor’sArts Awards, the Jean A. Chalmers NationalMusic Award, the Vida Peene Award and theSOCAN Award for Imaginative Orchestral Programming.Esprit’s annual New Wave ComposersFestival celebrates young Canadian artists,providing a platform to connect composers andperformers with new audiences.Gloria●●Etobicoke Centennial ChoirThe Etobicoke Centennial Choir (ECC) is an SATBcommunity choir with a long history of choralexcellence. Now entering its 48th season, theECC is dedicated to enriching the cultural life ofour community through the presentation of fineETOBICOKE PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRAchoral music. Our three-concert season includesa varied repertoire of both classical and contemporarymusic.ECC choristers enjoy the opportunity toenhance their vocal skills, expand their choralrepertoire and experience the camaraderie thatcomes with uniting voices in song.The concert season begins on December 6 with“Sacred Traditions,” featuring part one of Handel’sMessiah and selections of seasonal musicto ignite the holiday spirit.On April 11, “Heavenward” will feature the sublimeFauré Requiem and Rossini’s lyrical Stabat Mater.On June 6, “Songs of Hope, Songs of Inspiration”will cap off the season with a selection ofsongs to inspire, move and uplift the spirit.Weekly rehearsals are held Tuesdays from7:15pm to 10pm at Humber Valley United Churchin Etobicoke. The choir always welcomes newsingers and associate members. Interested singersare invited to attend a rehearsal.Henry Renglich, music directorShari Ellis, choir president416-622-6923info@etobicokecentennialchoir.caetobicokecentennialchoir@EtobicokeChoir●●Etobicoke CommunityConcert BandNow in its 20th season, the Etobicoke CommunityConcert Band’s mission is to enliven the spirit ofthe community with high-quality musical entertainment.Beyond our four-part series of concerthall performances, we extend our resources toa multitude of community performances, charitableevents and worthwhile causes in our neighbourhoodand in our city. ECCB kicks off itsexciting 2014/15 concert series on November 7,2014 with “Swingin’ to the Future,” with specialguests the Toronto All-Star Big Band as webring back the music of the Big Band Era. OnDecember 19, “Ye Merry Olde Christmas Tyme”promotes community through seasonal worksand special guest Donna Cansfield, who leads theaudience through ’Twas the Night Before Christmas.On March 27, ECCB presents our 20th AnniversaryGala with our guest Jake Koffman, whowill play a tribute to his grandfather, a CanadianMusic Legend Moe Koffman of “Swinging ShepherdBlues” fame! Finally, on May 29, ECCB presentsmore great music featuring local Etobicokemusicians to end a great Anniversary Season.Rob Hunter, presidentJohn Edward Liddle, music●●Etobicoke PhilharmonicOrchestraOur programming this year features brilliantyoung stars, world-class soloists, a regimentalband and our superb 60-piece orchestra. For theyoung and young at heart, enjoy our new FamilyConcert with the EPO and talented young musiciansfrom the community.Advanced orchestral musicians of all agesinterested in joining us are welcome to apply formembership by contacting our personnel manager.Rehearsals begin Wednesday September 3,2014 at Martingrove Collegiate.The EPO is inviting submissions of originalworks scored for orchestra for our secondYoung Composers Competition. Three winnerswill receive cash prizes and the Grand Prizecomposition will be performed by the EPO duringits 2014/15 season. Details are available onour website.Please join us this year in the audience or onthe stage. See you at the symphony!416-239-5665info@eporchestra.caRob Pittman, personnel managerepopersonnel@gmail.comEtobicoke Youth Strings:theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES | B9

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)