BLUE PAGES 2014/15and quality recordings, the choir has establisheda widespread reputation for musical excellence.Now under the direction of Dr. Roger Bergs, thechoir is quickly becoming known for its energeticperformances of diverse repertoire, includingworks by emerging composers and music withan international flavour.Composer, conductor, organist and teacherDr. Roger Bergs is an outstanding musician witha wide range of musical interests, awards andexperience. A graduate of the Juilliard School ofMusic and the University of Toronto, Dr. Bergsalso has 20 years of experience as a churchorganist and music director, currently servingin that capacity at Toronto’s Knox PresbyterianChurch.Our 2014/15 concert series features The Sunneof Grace by Leonard Enns using harp, flute andpercussion, The Romancero Gitano, poetry ofLorca set by Mario Castelnuova-Tedesco withclassical guitar and choir, and The Sunrise Massof Ola Gjeilo including music of Pergolesi, Holman,Raminsh and Chatman.Janice Courtemanche,president of JLS●Jubilate ● SingersWe are a small, mixed-voice chamber choir of35 or so amateur singers. We sing choral worksfrom all periods and genres, often involving languagesother than English. Our artistic directoris Isabel Bernaus. This year’s concerts are titled“World Jubilate” (November 29, 2014) “RhythmFusions” (March 7, 2015) and “Soundscapes”(June 6, 2015).We are a friendly and welcoming group,expected to work hard towards the goal of makingbeautiful music. We rehearse on Tuesdays,7:30pm to 9:45pm, at St. Leonard’s AnglicanChurch, 25 Wanless Ave., just north of Lawrenceoff Yonge. Auditions are held upon request. Weinvite singers who want to find out more aboutus to sit in on a rehearsal.David Reddin, membership●●Kawartha ConcertsKawartha Concerts is the primary presenter ofclassical chamber music within the Kawarthas.Kawartha Concerts is a division of Lindsay ConcertFoundation, a registered charitable not-forprofitorganization celebrating its 37th season.Join us for an exciting concert season presentingprofessional Canadian and internationalartists, both established and emerging,in performances of musical excellence at venuesthroughout the Kawarthas, in the chamber musicseries “Ovation” (Kawartha Lakes) and “Bravo”(Peterborough).Kawartha Concerts is committed to the educationof the next generation of audiences andperformers through audience developmentand outreach programs, including: “Encore,” afamily-friendly performing arts series with aneducational component, the Artist ConnectionSeries linking audiences and artists throughpre-concert chats, school concerts, workshopsand masterclasses, and the CommunityConnections programs providing local musiciansperformance opportunities and collaborationexperiences.Kawartha Concerts is dedicated to creatingmemorable musical experiences for the benefit ofthe youth and citizens of all ages in the Kawarthas.Kawartha Concerts is where … “Great MusicComes to Life!”Janice Silverthorne, artistic directorJulie●●Ken Page Memorial TrustThe Ken Page Memorial Trust is a non-profit charitablefund created to support jazz and the musicianswho create the music.The aims of the Trust are to encourage emergingtalent, foster an understanding of the evolutionof the music, promote jazz education throughworkshops, masterclasses and outreach programsconducted by established professionalsand provide financial aid to jazz musicians on anemergency basis.The KPMT holds annual fundraising galas featuringsome of the world’s leading jazz artistsand honours jazz professionals with its LifetimeAchievement Award. In 2013 the Trust providedgrants to the Faculty of Music at the Universityof Toronto, Humber College Community MusicSchool, the Ron Collier Memorial Scholarship andthe TD Toronto Jazz Festival’s jazz tuition projects.Donations are our lifeline. Board members areunpaid and every dollar goes to further the aimsof the Trust. Contributions are gratefully receivedand if you are currently a donor we extend oursincere appreciation. If you would like to donateplease visit our website.Anne●●Kindred Spirits OrchestraThe Kindred Spirits Orchestra has performed togreat acclaim, sold-out audiences and standingovations at the renowned CBC Glenn Gould Studioin downtown Toronto. As of the 2011/12 season,the KSO has established a full subscription seriesat the Flato Markham Theatre and has developedseveral community-outreach and educationalprograms. Led by the charismatic maestro KristianAlexander, the KSO is enjoying an enormouspopularity among York Region’s residents andcontinues to attract avid audiences across theGreater Toronto Area.The orchestra performs a wide range of compositionsby Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Handel,Tchaikovsky, Haydn, Brahms, Mendelssohn,Chopin and many others. An ardent supporterof contemporary music, the orchestra createdMarkham Contemporary Music Festival, anannual event that has brought to life great piecesof the 20th century by Lutosławski, Stravinsky,Philip Glass and Honegger, as well as by illustriousCanadian composers such as Gary Kulesha,Brian Current, Larysa Kuzmenko, Kevin Lau andConstantine Caravassilis.The 2014/15 concert season features internationally-renownedsoloists: pianists ChristinaQuilico and Younggun Kim and violinistRuben Kosemyan, among others. The repertoireincludes masterworks by Beethoven, Brahms,Mendelssohn, Schumann, Strauss, Ravel, Wagnerand Liszt, as well as contemporary pieces byCanadian and American composers.Kristian Alexander, music directorMichael Berec and MatthewPoon, assistant conductorsJobert Sevilleno, president and CEO905-604-8339Box Office:●●K-W Chamber Music SocietyK-W Chamber Music Society (KWCMS) is perhapsthe most active chamber music presentingorganization in Canada, with some 75 concertsper calendar year. We offer concerts in a true“chamber” – a very large living room seating just85, with a superb Steinway for concerts requiringpiano. Located in central Waterloo, overlookingWaterloo Park, there are ample good restaurantsand two fine hotels within easy walking distance.We have world-class, nationally known, andsometimes locally important artists. We haveconcerts with solo piano, guitar, and all chambermusic combinations – especially string quartets.See our website for information on forthcomingconcerts, subscriptions and more. Our currentseason includes a special concert celebratingour 40th anniversary of concert presenting onDecember 1, featuring the Lafayette and PendereckiQuartets (together playing Mendelssohn’sString Octet), and Robert Silverman, piano,playing the Brahms Quintet with the LSQ. Emailus at the email address listed below. Our websiteincludes an easy tab for getting on our email list,keeping you informed on all near-future events.Jan Narveson519-886-1673kwcms@yahoo.cak-wcms.comB12 | theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES
●●Lawrence ParkCommunity ChurchLawrence Park Community Church has a longtradition of fine music, both in worship and inconcert. Sunday services are held at 10:30amin the recently renovated and air-conditionedSanctuary. Musical groups include the AdultChoir (volunteer and professional singers) andthe Lawrence Park Handbell Ringers. There isa weekly choral program for school-age childrenand monthly music sessions for youth withsaxophonist and percussionist Kenny Kirkwood.New members are warmly welcomed in all of thegroups. On Friday, November 14 at 8pm, Fridays @8 and the Toronto Centre of the Royal CanadianCollege of Organists present organ virtuosoIsabelle Demers in recital on the Lawrence ParkCasavant organ. On December 21 at 10:30am, theChoir leads in a Service of Lessons and Carols.Mark Toews416-489-1551●●Li Delun Music FoundationThe Li Delun Music Foundation was establishedin 2002 in Toronto as a non-profit organizationdedicated to the promotion of cultural exchangebetween the east and the west through musicalevents. Named after the renowned Chinese conductorLi Delun, who founded the first symphonyorchestra in the People’s Republic of China, thefoundation is now well known in the communityas a presenter of high-quality musical eventssuch as the annual “East Meets West New YearsConcert” at the Toronto Centre for the Arts eachyear. Aside from forming the Toronto FestivalOrchestra, which gives talented young aspiringmusicians a chance to work alongside seasonedprofessionals, the foundation also provides a platformfor young up-and-coming soloists to playon the concert hall stage accompanied by a professionalorchestra, in front of a live, appreciativeaudience.The Li Delun Music Foundation also holdsmasterclasses and workshops given by internationallyacclaimed artists such as Lang Langand Chen Sa and consults other communitygroups such as the Confucius Institute onmusical events.Rosalind●●Linda Litwack PublicityHaving begun her career as a summer reporteron the Winnipeg Tribune, arts publicist Linda Litwackis a long-practised matchmaker betweenartists and the media. Her services includeLI DELUN MUSIC FOUNDATIONvarious forms of writing and editing – from mediareleases and bios to radio spots and CD booklets– working with designers, photographers andother professionals, and, above all, liaising withthe media. In addition to media, music and othercontact lists, she maintains a list of Friends, whoreceive notices of special events, often with a discountoffer. Since leaving CBC Publicity (20 yearsin Radio and three in TV), she has collaboratedwith a host of creative people on challenging projects,mostly in classical music but also in theatre,books, TV documentaries and visual arts. Amongher longtime clients have been Mooredale Concerts,the Musicians In Ordinary, Show One Productions,One Little Goat Theatre Company andpianist Christina Petrowska Quilico. Linda ran theToronto Jewish Folk Choir for several years, andis a board member of the International ResourceCentre for Performing Artists.Linda●●Living Arts Centre MississaugaServing as an important resource for the arts,education and business, the Living Arts Centrefeatures over 225,000 square feet of multipleperformance venues, studio spaces and exhibitiondisplay areas. The two main performing artsvenues – Hammerson Hall and the RBC Theatre –are the site for a range of arts, cultural and entertainmentevents presented by both the Living ArtsCentre and community partners. The Centre’sseven craft/arts studios are the home of professionalresident artists and also feature dozensof recreational classes for all ages. Laidlaw Hallfeatures constantly changing art exhibitions. Themeeting and conference rooms are utilized bycommunity organizations and businesses for avariety of events, from church services to luncheonmeetings or international video-conferencebusiness meetings. The Living Arts Centre wasbuilt with generous contributions from hundredsof corporations, community organizations andindividuals, as well as support from the City ofMississauga and the federal government.General Inquiries:●●Lula Music and Arts CentreLula Music and Arts Centre is a non-profitorganization with the mandate to supportCanadian world music through presentations,festivals, education, artist support and audiencedevelopment.Lula Music and Arts Centre is dedicated tomaintaining diversity at the board, committeeand programming levels. We strive to make programminginclusive and accessible to diverse culturalcommunities and to foster an environmentof mutual respect in all partnerships.Tracy●●Luminato FestivalLuminato Festival is Toronto’s international multiartsfestival for people open to having art changetheir outlook on the world. For ten days each June,Luminato transforms Toronto’s theatres, parksand public spaces with hundreds of events celebratingtheatre, dance, music, literature, food, visualarts, magic, film and more.Luminato Festival is a charitable, not-for-profit,cultural organization whose vision is to commissionand present significant local, national andinternational programming that reflects Torontoas a crossroads of ideas, cultures and traditions.Now in its ninth year, Luminato has become one ofNorth America’s leading arts festivals. The LuminatoFestival runs June 19 to 28, 2015.416-368-3100luminatofestival.comtheWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES | B13
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